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Helicon wave plasma sources have the well-known advantages of high efficiency and high plasma density, with broad applications in many areas. The crucial mechanism lies with mode transitions, which has been an outstanding issue for years. We have built a fluid simulation model and further developed the Peking University Helicon Discharge code. The mode transitions, also known as density jumps, of a single-loop antenna discharge are reproduced in simulations for the first time. It is found that large-amplitude standing helicon waves (SHWs) are responsible for the mode transitions, similar to those of a resonant cavity for laser generation. This paper intends to give a complete and quantitative SHW resonance theory to explain the relationship of the mode transitions and the SHWs. The SHW resonance theory reasonably explains several key questions in helicon plasmas, such as mode transition and efficient power absorption, and helps to improve future plasma generation methods.  相似文献   

The helicon plasma source, which generates high thrust and high impulse, is of vital importance for magnetoplasma rocket engines. In this work, a multi-component, two-dimensional, axisymmetric fluid model coupled with an electromagnetic field was developed to model the helicon discharge. The simulation results demonstrate that: (i) the discharge mode changes twice—each conversion is accompanied by a plasma density jump and an electron temperature peak in the discharge; (ii) when the input current increases, the plasma density increases, and ionization occurs faster; (iii) the background magnetic field clearly enhances the discharge; (iv) the plasma density may be smaller if the discharge has not entered the wave mode.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the investigation of the power absorption in helicon plasma excited through a half-helix antenna driven at 13.56 MHz. The simulations were carried out by means of a code,HELIC. They were carried out by taking into account different inhomogeneous radial density profiles and for a wide range of plasma densities, from 10~(11) cm~(-3) to 10~(13) cm~(-3). The magnetic field was 200, 400, 600 and 1000 G. A three-parameter function was used for generating various density profiles with different volume gradients, edge gradients and density widths. The density profile had a large effect on the efficient Trivelpiece–Gould(TG) and helicon mode excitation and antenna coupling to the plasma. The fraction of power deposition via the TG mode was extremely dependent on the plasma density near the plasma boundary. Interestingly, the obtained efficient parallel helicon wavelength was close to the anticipated value for Gaussian radial density profile.Power deposition was considerably asymmetric when the n/B_0 ratio was more than a specific value for a determined density width. The longitudinal power absorption was symmetric at approximately n_0 =10~(11) cm~(-3), irrespective of the magnetic field supposed. The asymmetry became more pronounced when the plasma density was 10~(12) cm~(-3). The ratio of density width to the magnetic field was an important parameter in the power coupling. At high magnetic fields, the maximum of the power absorption was reached at higher plasma density widths. There was at least one combination of the plasma density, magnetic field and density width for which the RF power deposition at both side of the tube reached its maximum value.  相似文献   

A helicon wave plasma source in a tube of ring permanent magnets (PMs) has been constructed to study the effect of the configuration of the magnetic field with zero magnetic points on plasma parameters. This device also serves as an exploration platform for a simple, compact helicon wave plasma source adaptable to engineering applications. A small-diameter (26 mm) high-density (∼1018 m−3) blue core plasma is produced in ∼1 Pa argon by helicon RF (radio-frequency) discharge using a Nagoya III antenna under magnetic field (∼2 kG) of compact ring PMs (length ∼204 mm). Operational parameters, i.e. RF power and neutral gas pressure are scanned and plasma density is measured by an RF compensated probe to explore the operating characteristics of the device. Iconic feature of a helicon discharge, such as blue core plasmas and E-H-W mode transitions are well observed in the device, despite the wavelength calculated using the conventional dispersion relation of a bounded whistler waves (Chen 1991 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 33 339) is order of magnitudes longer than the length of the plasma in this device which seems to suggest that such helicon device is impossible. Surprisingly, the wavelength calculated by the unbounded whistle wave dispersion formula in turn suggests the occurrence of a half wavelength resonance.  相似文献   

We present the axial profiles of argon helicon plasma measured by a local optical emission spectroscope (OES) and Langmuir RF-compensated probe. The results show that the emission intensity of the argon atom lines (750 nm, 811 nm) is proportional to the plasma density determined by the Langmuir probe. The axial profile of helicon plasma depends on the discharge mode which changes with the RF power. Excited by helical antenna, the axial distribution of plasma density is similar to that of the external magnetic field in the capacitive coupled mode (E-mode). As the discharge mode changes into the inductively coupled mode (H-mode), the axial distribution of plasma density in the downstream can still be similar to that of the external magnetic field, but becomes more uniform in the upstream. When the discharge entered wave coupled mode (W-mode), the plasma becomes nearly uniform along the axis, showing a completely different profile from the magnetic field. The W-mode is expected to be a mixed pattern of helicon (H) and Trivelpiece-Gould (TG) waves.  相似文献   

Modification of exposure conditions downstream in the diffusion chamber has been performed in helicon antenna-excited helium plasma by adjusting the magnetic field(intensity and geometry).In the inductively coupled mode(H mode), a reduction in ion and heat fluxes is found with increasing magnetic field intensity, which is further explained by the more highly magnetized ions off-axis around the last magnetic field lines(LMFL). However, in helicon wave mode(W mode), the increase in magnetic field intensity can dramatically increase the ion and heat fluxes.Moreover, the effect of LMFL geometry on exposure conditions is investigated. In H mode with contracting LMFL, off-axis peaks of both plasma density and electron temperature profiles shift radially inwards, bringing about a beam with better radial uniformity and higher ion and heat fluxes. In W mode, although higher ion and heat fluxes can be achieved with suppressed plasma cross-field diffusion under converging LMFL, the poor radial uniformity and a small beam diameter will limit the size of samples suitable for plasma irradiation experiments.  相似文献   

We present in this paper the comparison of an electric double layer (DL) in argon helicon plasma and magnetized direct current (DC) discharge plasma. DL in high-density argon helicon plasma of 13.56 MHz RF discharge was investigated experimentally by a floating electrostatic probe and local optical emission spectroscopy (LOES). The DL characteristics at different operating parameters, including RF power (300–1500 W), tube diameter (8–60 mm), and external magnetic field (0–300 G), were measured. For comparison, DL in magnetized plasma channel of a DC discharge under different conditions was also measured experimentally. The results show that in both cases, DL appears in a divergent magnetic field where the magnetic field gradient is the largest and when the plasma density is sufficiently high. DL strength (or potential drop of DL) increases with the magnetic field in two different structures. It is suggested that the electric DL should be a common phenomenon in dense plasma under a gradient external magnetic field. DL in magnetized plasmas can be controlled properly by magnetic field structure and discharge mode (hence the plasma density).  相似文献   

The characteristics of electrons play a dominant role in determining the ionization and acceleration processes of plasmas. Compared with electrostatic diagnostics, the optical method is independent of the radio frequency(RF) noise, magnetic field, and electric field. In this paper, an optical emission spectroscope was used to determine the plasma emission spectra, electron excitation energy population distributions(EEEPDs), growth rates of low-energy and highenergy electrons, and their intensity jumps with input powers. The 56 emission lines with the highest signal-to-noise ratio and their corresponding electron excitation energy were used for the translation of the spectrum into EEEPD. One discrete EEEPD has two clear different regions,namely the low-energy electron excitation region(neutral lines with threshold energy of13–15 eV) and the high-energy electron excitation region(ionic lines with threshold energy?19 e V). The EEEPD variations with different diameters of discharge tubes(20 mm, 40 mm,and 60 mm) and different input RF powers(200–1800 W) were investigated. By normalized intensity comparison of the ionic and neutral lines, the growth rate of the ionic population was higher than the neutral one, especially when the tube diameter was less than 40 mm and the input power was higher than 1000 W. Moreover, we found that the intensities of low-energy electrons and high-energy electrons jump at different input powers from inductively coupled(H) mode to helicon(W) mode; therefore, the determination of W mode needs to be carefully considered.  相似文献   

In this work we used a passive measurement method based on a high-impedance electrostatic probe and an optical emission spectroscope (OES) to investigate the characteristics of the double layer (DL) in an argon helicon plasma.The DL can be confirmed by a rapid change in the plasma potential along the axis.The axial potential variation of the passive measurement shows that the DL forms near a region of strong magnetic field gradient when the plasma is operated in wavecoupled mode,and the DL strength increases at higher powers in this experiment.The emission intensity of the argon atom line,which is strongly dependent on the metastable atom concentration,shows a similar spatial distribution to the plasma potential along the axis.The emission intensity of the argon atom line and the argon ion line in the DL suggests the existence of an energetic electron population upstream of the DL.The electron density upstream is much higher than that downstream,which is mainly caused by these energetic electrons.  相似文献   

A reactive helicon wave plasma (HWP) sputtering method is used for the deposition of tungsten nitride (WNx) thin films. N2 is introduced downstream in the diffusion chamber. The impacts of N2 on the Ar-HWP parameters, such as ion energy distribution functions (IEDFs), electron energy probability functions (EEPFs), electron temperature (Te) and density (ne), are investigated. With the addition of N2, a decrease in electron density is observed due to the dissociative recombination of electrons with ${{\rm{N}}}_{2}^{+}.$ The similar IEDF curves of Ar+ and N2+ indicate that the majority of ${{\rm{N}}}_{2}^{+}$ stems from the charge transfer in the collision between Ar+ and N2. Moreover, due to the collisions between electrons and N2 ions, EEPFs show a relatively lower Te with a depletion in the high-energy tail. With increasing negative bias from 50 to 200 V, a phase transition from hexagonal WN to fcc-WN0.5 is observed, together with an increase in the deposition rate and roughness  相似文献   

In this work,the reversal of radial glow distribution induced by reversed magnetic field is reported.Based on the Boswell antenna which is symmetric and insensitive to the magnetic field direction,it seems such a phenomenon in theory appears impossible.However,according to the diagnostic of the helicon waves by magnetic probe,it is found that the direction of magnetic field significantly affects the propagation characteristic of helicon waves,i.e.,the interchange of the helicon waves at the upper and the lower half of tube was caused by reversing the direction of magnetic field.It is suggested that the variation of helicon wave against the direction of magnetic field causes the reversed radial glow distribution.The appearance of the traveling wave does not only improve the discharge strength,but also determines the transition of the discharge mode.  相似文献   

In this study, a code, named Peking University Helicon Discharge(PHD), which can simulate helicon discharge processes under both a background magnetic field greater than 500 G and a pressure less than 1 Pa, is developed. In the code, two fluid equations are used. The PHD simulations led to two important findings:(1) the temporal evolution of plasma density with the background magnetic field exhibits a second rapid increase(termed as the second density jump),similar to the transition of modes in helicon plasmas;(2) in the presence of a magnetic field, the peak positions of electron power absorption appeared near the central axis, unlike in the case of no magnetic field. These results may lead to an enhanced understanding of the discharge mechanism.  相似文献   

The electrical and plasma parameters of a low pressure inductively coupled argon plasma are investigated over a wide range of parameters(RF power, flow rate and pressure) by diverse characterizations. The external antenna voltage and current increase with the augment of RF power, whereas decline with the enhancement of gas pressure and flow rate conversely.Compared with gas flow rate and pressure, the power transfer efficiency is significantly improved by RF power, and achieved its maximum value of 0.85 after RF power injected excess125 W. Optical emission spectroscopy(OES) provides the local mean values of electron excited temperature and electron density in inductively coupled plasma(ICP) post regime, which vary in a range of 0.81 eV to 1.15 eV and 3.7×10~(16)m~(-3)to 8.7×10~(17)m~(-3)respectively. Numerical results of the average magnitudes of electron temperature and electron density in twodimensional distribution exhibit similar variation trend with the experimental results under different operating condition by using COMSOL Multiphysics. By comprehensively understanding the characteristics in a low pressure ICP, optimized operating conditions could be anticipated aiming at different academic and industrial applications.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-doped diamond-like carbon (N-DLC) films were synthesized by helicon wave plasma chemical vapor deposition (HWP-CVD). The mechanism of the plasma influence on the N-DLC structure and properties was revealed by the diagnosis of plasma. The effects of nitrogen doping on the mechanical and hydrophobicity properties of DLC films were studied. The change in the ratio of precursor gas flow reduces the concentration of film-forming groups, resulting in a decrease of growth rate with increasing nitrogen flow rate. The morphology and structure of N-DLC films were characterized by scanning probe microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The mechanical properties and wettability of N-DLC were analyzed by an ultra-micro hardness tester and JC2000DM system. The results show that the content ratio of N+ and ${{\rm{N}}}_{2}^{+}$ is positively correlated with the mechanical properties and wettability of N-DLC films. The enhancement hardness and elastic modulus of N-DLC are attributed to the increase in sp3 carbon–nitrogen bond content in the film, reaching 26.5 GPa and 160 GPa respectively. Water contact measurement shows that the increase in the nitrogen-bond structure in N-DLC gives the film excellent hydrophobic properties, and the optimal water contact angle reaches 111.2°. It is shown that HWP technology has unique advantages in the modulation of functional nanomaterials.  相似文献   

In this paper, N-doped diamond-like carbon(DLC) films were deposited on silicon substrates by using helicon wave plasma chemical vapor deposition(HWP-CVD) with the Ar/CH_4/N_2 mixed gas. The surface morphology, structural and mechanical properties of the N-doped DLC films were investigated in detail by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), Raman spectra, and atomic force microscopy(AFM). It can be observed from SEM images that surface morphology of the films become compact and uniform due to the incorporation of N. The maximum of the deposition rate of the films is 143 nm min~(-1), which is related to the high plasma density. The results of XPS show that the N incorporates in the films and the C-C sp~3 bond content increases firstly up to the maximum(20%) at 10 sccm of N_2 flow rate, and then decreases with further increase in the N_2 flow rate. The maximum Young's modulus of the films is obtained by the doping of N and reaches 80 GPa at 10 sccm of N_2 flow rate, which is measured by AFM in the scanning probe microscope mode. Meanwhile, friction characteristic of the N-doped DLC films reaches a minimum value of 0.010.  相似文献   

A high growth rate fabrication of diamond-like carbon(DLC)films at room temperature was achieved by helicon wave plasma chemical vapor deposition(HWP-CVD)using Ar/CH_4gas mixtures.The microstructure and morphology of the films were characterized by Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy.The diagnosis of plasma excited by a helicon wave was measured by optical emission spectroscopy and a Langmuir probe.The mechanism of high growth rate fabrication for DLC films by HWP-CVD has been discussed.The growth rate of the DLC films reaches a maximum value of 54μm h~(-1)at the CH_4flow rate of 85 sccm,which is attributed to the higher plasma density during the helicon wave plasma discharge.The CH and H_αradicals play an important role in the growth of DLC films.The results show that the H_αradicals are beneficial to the formation and stabilization of C=C bond from sp~2to sp~3.  相似文献   

On the basis of considering electrochemical reactions and collision relations in detail,a direct numerical simulation model of a helicon plasma discharge with three-dimensional two-fluid equations was employed to study the characteristics of the temporal evolution of particle density and electron temperature.With the assumption of weak ionization,the Maxwell equations coupled with the plasma parameters were directly solved in the whole computational domain.All of the partial differential equations were solved by the finite element solver in COMSOL MultiphysicsTM with a fully coupled method.In this work,the numerical cases were calculated with an Ar working medium and a Shoji-type antenna.The numerical results indicate that there exist two distinct modes of temporal evolution of the electron and ground atom density,which can be explained by the ion pumping effect.The evolution of the electron temperature is controlled by two schemes:electromagnetic wave heating and particle collision cooling.The high RF power results in a high peak electron temperature while the high gas pressure leads to a low steady temperature.In addition,an OES experiment using nine Ar I lines was conducted using a modified CR model to verify the validity of the results by simulation,showing that the trends of temporal evolution of electron density and temperature are well consistent with the numerically simulated ones.  相似文献   

The characteristics of an innovative configuration of multiple radiofrequency (RF) coils immersed in a large metallic chamber are presented. Water-cooled copper coils were mounted within the slits of double-walled glass tubes, which were immersed into a stainless-steel chamber. The coils were connected in parallel to a gamma-type matching network, powered by an RF generator operating at industrial frequency. Adjustable leads enabled optimisation of the line impedances and thus uniformly distributed RF power across the four coils. Transitions from E- to H-mode and vice versa were measured for all coils at various oxygen pressures between 5 and 25 Pa. A uniform plasma was sustained in H-mode at the absorbed power threshold, which increased monotonously with increasing pressure in the metallic chamber. All coils exhibit the same E- to H-mode transition hysteresis and need the same amount of power for transitioning from E- to H-mode. The setup enables maintaining uniform plasma in virtually any number of coils at high power without the risk of arcing and without the dead volume typical for a classical configuration with coils mounted outside the metallic chamber.  相似文献   

Experimental results of a direct current enhanced inductively coupled plasma (DCE-ICP) source which consists of a typical cylindrical ICP source and a plate-to-grid DC electrode are reported.With the use of this new source,the plasma characteristic parameters,namely,electron density,electron temperature and plasma uniformity,are measured by Langmuir floating double probe.It is found that DC discharge enhances the electron density and decreases the electron temperature,dramatically.Moreover,the plasma uniformity is obviously improved with the operation of DC and radio frequency (RF) hybrid discharge.Furthermore,the nonlinear enhancement effect of electron density with DC + RF hybrid discharge is confirmed.The presented observation indicates that the DCE-ICP source provides an effective method to obtain high-density uniform plasma,which is desirable for practical industrial applications.  相似文献   

Inductively coupled radio-frequency (RF) plasma neutralizer (RPN) is an insert-free device that can be employed as an electron source in electric propulsion applications.Electron-extraction characteristics of the RPN are related to the bulk plasma parameters and the device's geometry.Therefore,the effects of different electron-extraction apertures and operational parameters upon the electron-extraction characteristics are investigated according to the global nonambipolar flow and sheath model.Moreover,these models can also be used to explain why the electron-extraction characteristics of the RPN strongly depend upon the formation of the anode spot.During the experimental study,two types of anode spots are observed.Each of them has unique characteristics of electron extraction.Moreover,the hysteresis of an anode spot is observed by changing the xenon volume-flow rates or the bias voltages.In addition,the rapid ignited method,gas-utilization factor,electron-extraction cost and other factors that need to be considered in the design of the RPN are also discussed.  相似文献   

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