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Biodiversity relationships in urban and suburban parks in Flanders   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Urban and suburban parks can play an important role in the conservation of biodiversity, especially in a strongly urbanised region like Flanders (Belgium). A previously developed method for monitoring biodiversity was applied to 15 parks in Flanders. This method took both habitat and species diversity into account and resulted in 13 biodiversity indicators. The results show that urban and suburban parks can have a high species richness, especially if they consist of different more or less semi-natural habitats. The relationships between the biodiversity indicators and the ecological factors affecting the biodiversity were examined using multivariate analyses and correlation techniques. Park area was the main factor explaining the variation in biodiversity indicators, so larger parks could contribute more to the conservation of biodiversity than small ones. A biodiversity score based on habitat diversity and species richness was proposed to summarise and evaluate the biodiversity. This score is not correlated with the park area and is therefore considered as a reliable indicator for comparing biodiversity in parks of different area.  相似文献   

Large urban parks can support a diverse bird community. However, the effects of variability among habitats and of park management on bird assemblages are poorly understood. We studied bird communities within the Yarkon Park, Tel Aviv, the largest urban park in Israel. We examined species richness, abundance and community composition across 20 locations that differ in levels of park management to identify habitat variables responsible for variation in bird richness and composition. Of 91 recorded bird species, 13 were aliens (14%), 4 were urban exploiters (4%), 54 were urban adapters (60%) and 20 were migrants (22%). Management had a significant effect on native bird richness and bird community structure varied among areas with different management regimes. Species richness of all the above species’ groups was lowest in intensively managed areas. Areas with intermediate levels of management had higher or equal richness compared to unmanaged areas. The majority of urban exploiters were found at all locations within the park reaching their highest abundances in intensively managed areas. Species richness of alien birds did not vary across levels of management. Bird species richness was negatively associated with lawn cover and with distance from nearest water source and was positively associated with the number of woody plant species. We suggest that urban parks should be designed such that the heterogeneity of native vegetation is preserved, if we aim to maintain native bird species diversity and minimize urban exploiter and alien species. When lightly managed or unmanaged, urban parks can retain large remnants of sub-natural habitats and can serve as important contributors to the conservation of native biodiversity within a large urban metropolis.  相似文献   

王敏  宋岩 《风景园林》2014,(1):47-52
面对城市生物多样性逐步丧失和城市生态危机的加重,在物种多样性保护的同时强化生物多样性的载体——生境多样性的规划营建是实现城市生物多样性再生的关键技术之一。梳理城市公园生境要素单元分类的基础上,文章阐述基于生境单元的城市公园生物多样性评估方法,分析游憩活动对于公园生境的干扰与分区管理策略,并通过后湾沼泽地、布鲁克林大桥公园、米勒生态公园和圣路易斯森林公园4个典型案例解读,探讨城市咸水沼泽生境、城市浅水(淡水沼泽)生境、城市草原生境、城市森林生境这4种主要城市公园异质性生境设计、建造与管理要点,最后从一般设计流程和核心设计控制指标两方面提出基于生境单元分类体系的城市公园生物多样性设计框架。  相似文献   

张颖  黄婷婷  胡骞  朱建宁 《中国园林》2022,38(3):106-111
社区公园是利用率最高的城市绿地类型之一,其生物多样性水平与居民的健康福祉息息相关.作为生物迁移的踏脚石和城市生态网络的重要节点,其生物多样性水平的提升对整体城市生态环境改善十分重要.以北京市4个小型社区公园为研究区域,以鸟类作为生物多样性指示类群,从公园生境结构和干扰控制两方面入手,探究基于鸟类多样性提升的社区公园空间...  相似文献   

张颖  朱建宁 《风景园林》2021,28(2):96-102
生境单元制图是一种能够有效表征生境质量分布、景观单元类型等信息的图示化方法,广泛应用于物种生境保护、土地利用和景观规划等领域.但在城市绿地尺度下的应用实例较少,且缺乏从风景园林师角度来构建的分类、制图体系.以北京市3个中小型公园为研究对象,以鸟类作为目标类群,构建融入风景园林因子的生境单元制图方法.对3个公园的微生境组...  相似文献   

Urban environments are not considered areas with conservation importance. However greenspaces in cities have been previously identified as areas with significant avian biodiversity. We investigated the distribution and diversity of birds in what are increasingly considered as Metropolitan Manila's last greenspaces; the University of the Philippines campus, military cemeteries and two government operated parks. Using species–area analysis, abundance and diversity indices, TWINSPAN ordination and logistic regression to determine important landscape features for species presence, we describe the distribution of bird communities and diversity in Metropolitan Manila. Two major bird community groupings were observed. These are the urban exploiters and the urban adaptable with the former occurring in high abundances and the latter in low abundances in greenspaces. The number of built and natural spatial entities determines abundances. Species area analysis suggests that the greenspaces are distinct habitats that preserve faunal uniqueness whereas urbanization tends to decrease diversity. These observations suggest that greenspaces harbor significant avian biodiversity as well as the presence of endemic and threatened species. As the greenspaces possess remnant wetland and wooded habitat we recommend that they be preserved and maintained by ensuring that these habitats are incorporated in any urban development plan.  相似文献   

郑冰晶  董丽 《风景园林》2019,26(1):53-57
植被覆盖率高的线性公园,可作为鸟类的迁徙途径和栖息之所,并猜测其可作为生态廊道的一部分,适宜的营造植物景观、提升植物种类的多样性对保护鸟类多样性有促进作用。因此,采用标准取样法对北京城市线性公园绿地进行研究,提取可能影响鸟类多样性的植物群落因素、植物生境因素,对提高鸟类多样性提出建设性的意见。研究结果主要表明,在线性公园绿地宽度30~200m内,随着宽度的增加,鸟类的数量有所提高;含有不同类型植物生境的线性公园绿地,对鸟类目标种的吸引力不同,植物生境类型数较多样的线性公园绿地具有较高的鸟类目标种吸引力;不同的鸟类目标种偏好在不同的树种上进行活动。  相似文献   

吕硕  王美仙  李擘  董丽 《风景园林》2019,26(8):106-110
城市公园绿地是城市园林绿地系统的主体,是集中体现城市植物多样性的场所,研究其植物多样性可为城市生物多样性保护提供基础。以山西太原市 17 个综合公园为研究对象,从植物应用的重要值、 Margalef 丰富度、Shannon-Wiener 多样性和 Pielou 均匀度分析其植物多样性,为太原市公园植物多样性保护及公园绿地建设提供参考。研究表明太原市综合公园的植物种类有 78 科 164 属 285 种。植物应用重要值排名前五的种类为大叶黄杨 > 紫叶小檗 > 圆柏 > 国槐 > 金叶女贞。植物丰富度指数为 26.42,乔木层 > 草本层 > 灌木层;多样性指数为 3.13,乔木层 >灌木层;均匀度指数为 0.60,乔木层 >灌木层。木本植物多样性总体评价较高的公园为汾河公园、玉门河公园和晋祠公园;较低的为映山湖公园、长风商务区大平台景观绿化、南海子公园。  相似文献   

We developed a habitat model for Great Tits, Parus major minor, in an urban area of Osaka, Japan. Although Great Tits play an important role in the urban food web, there are few in most of Osaka and downtown Tokyo, areas that have low vegetation cover. We derived a habitat model for Great Tits using a logistic regression model with GIS. A bird survey was conducted twice in 85 urban parks using the line census method in the breeding season, May–July 2000. A GIS base map was created from aerial photographs. The following variables were measured for each park from public records and GIS for predicting the habitat: park properties (age, distance to the nearest mountains, distance to the nearest forest of more than 10 ha), the number of other habitats occupied by the tits within 500 m and 1 km and area of tree cover (within it and surrounding parks). Number of nearby habitats and distance from the nearest mountains and forest of more than 10 ha are variables related to the regional populations of the tits. Area of tree cover was measured for five radii (50, 100, 150, 200, 250 m) from park centers, and a logistic regression model was calculated for each of these radii. Variables were selected by a stepwise method. The best fitting model of the five models was selected using Akaike’s Information Criteria. In the bird survey, the tit was recorded in 12 parks. The areas of parks occupied by the tit were 0.56–136.0 ha (mean: 26.0 ha±42.06 S.D., n=12). Variables selected in the best fitting model were area of tree cover in a radius of 250 m from park center and the number of other habitats within 1 km as positive factors. This model shows that area of tree cover within a certain range and number of nearby populations are the keys to the distribution of Great Tits. From this model obtained, 6.0 ha (31%), 4.0 ha (20%), 2.6 ha (13%) and 1.8 ha (9%) of tree area are needed to achieve probability of 0.5 in a radius of 250 m when numbers of other habitats within 1 km was 0–3, respectively. A realistic target figure is 10% of tree cover throughout urban areas to create an ecologically sustainable city.  相似文献   

都市“再野化”景观的营造,为城市自然栖息地的 存续提供庇护,也为市民近距离观察、欣赏自然全貌提供可 能。以杭州江洋畈生态公园为例,真实还原城市公园的“再野 化”景观设计举措对城市野生动物生存产生的深远影响。基于 园内陆生野生动物的生境分布情况及行为特点,采用样线法和 样方法相结合的方式,对栖息于此的野生动物进行持续观察研 究,发现以下生态设计策略对“引导自然自发秩序”起到至关 重要的作用,有效地促进了当地生态系统的健康演替:1)生境 岛的留存及栈道的设置有利于减少游客对栖息地的干扰;2)降 低灯光亮度、采用LED光源和减少照明时长能有效保护附近鸟 类和昆虫;3)提高果树、蜜源植物和寄主植物的比例能有效 提高鸟类和昆虫的丰富性;4)减少灭虫化学药剂的使用、保 留林间朽木能够显著提升昆虫的多样性,同时为小兽栖息提供 庇护。从园内动物的物种多样性、分布情况及特殊习性的形成 3个方面入手,分析景观设计对野生动物栖息产生的影响,以 及为未来的相关设计提供建议和启发。  相似文献   

匀质化的城市化环境不断威胁着野生生物栖息地,同时也造成城市生物多样性的日益贫乏.而城市公园为城市化环境下生物多样性的提高打开了一扇窗.乡土植被的覆盖、小气候生境的多样、水体的连通性以及绿地牛念系统的网络化连接,将会显著改善城市公园的生物多样性.城市公园的规划设计过程中,应严格遵照生物多样性规划设计原则、遵循相关的生物多样性友好措施,着眼于长远,必将能改善生境,促进城市的可持续发展.  相似文献   

目前国内对海绵生境生物多样性方面的研究还较为欠缺,有蓄水功能的塘类海绵生境可作为鸟类觅食及栖息之地。为了探究塘类海绵生境的鸟类特征,以及生境中的设计与环境因子是如何影响鸟类群落多样性特征的,对重庆悦来会展城的干塘与湿塘进行调查,采集生境中的鸟类、植被、面积特征与环境干扰特征数据。采用聚类分析的方法明确鸟类群落组成特征,通过构建结构方程模型,探究塘类海绵生境特征因子对鸟类群落多样性特征的影响。经过四季监测实地调研,总共观测到64种鸟类,可划分为4种鸟类集团,整体鸟类群落多样性特征受到生境面积、蓄水层面积、乔木多样性、灌木多样性、乔木胸径、乔木盖度、噪声、距林地距离和距非绿地建设用地距离的显著影响。通过合理的设计策略可以提升塘类海绵生境鸟类多样性特征。本研究对于探索城市绿地小微生境的生物多样性效益,促进海绵城市精细化营建具有重要价值。  相似文献   

中国内地与香港公共开放空间游憩规划标准的最主要差异在于游憩设施分类系统及其配置指标,内地《公园设计规范》关于游憩设施分类标准相对较粗,只有人均公园陆地面积、不同陆地面积的公园设施类型用地比例以及停车位3项定量指标,这些指标主要是公园设施大类上的配置要求,缺少对游憩设施类型及人均用地和类型指标等细致、具体的规定,未对不同规模公园的游憩设施类型配置差异进行规定。现有指标主要源自经验的总结,在公园游憩设施类型与居民游憩需求对应关系上缺少具体、科学的配置方法,特别是针对特殊人群的体育运动需求,而香港的公园设计标准在地域性、安全性等方面更加详尽,增加了设计风格和针对特殊人群如残障人士的设计要求。适应需求、分类设置、复合使用、已建公园和新建公园区别对待等是对上海公园体育设施配置的主要启发。  相似文献   

北京不同公园自生植物物种组成特征及群落类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
李晓鹏  董丽 《风景园林》2020,27(4):42-49
可在城市环境中自发生长的植物不仅无须过多养护管理,并且发挥着诸多生态功能。将自生植物群落融入公园规划设计中是近年来欧美国家保护城市自然、提升城市生物多样性的重要理念。采用样方法对北京39个不同类型公园中的自生植物进行调研,深入分析了其物种组成特征以及群落类型。结果表明:1)调研到的自生植物共计242种,隶属于52科166属,其中包含了10个生活型,多年生植物物种数最多,为96种,其次是一年生78种;2)自生植物物种数最多的3个公园为香山公园、圆明园遗址公园和奥林匹克森林公园;3)大型城市公园物种数较其他公园类型多;4)不同季节,自生植物被划分出不同的群落组,不同公园中的优势群落较为相似。在未来对自生植物的保护和应用中,应合理为自生植物的生长和演替预留空间,注重不同公园自生植物特色群落的设计,根据不同环境条件及物种习性营建群落。  相似文献   

Species richness and species diversity are classic concepts in ecology. What is new in the science of biodiversity after the Convention on Biological Diversity is: (1) that the emphasis has moved from the species to the ecosystem; (2) that the functional significance of biodiversity has been stressed. Thus, population and community ecology along with landscape ecology, should offer the best theoretical framework to analyse what can be called ‘biodiversity dynamics’.Some promising pathways and areas are emphasized and the very concept of functional diversity is discussed. Species richness, genetic variability and extinction probability are closely linked with landscape traits such as habitat diversity, structural heterogeneity, patch dynamics and perturbations. Thus, it is suggested that landscape ecology hold a central role, since it will allow the response to biodiversity issues in the framework of environmental heterogeneity and patchiness.  相似文献   

Demands on land use in heavily populated landscapes create mosaic structures where semi-natural habitat patches are generally small and dominated by edges. Small patches are also more exposed and thus more vulnerable to adverse weather and potential effects of climate change. These conditions may be less problematic for generalist species than for specialists. Using insectivorous woodland birds (great tits and blue tits) as an example, we demonstrate that even generalists suffer reduced breeding success (in particular, rearing fewer and poorer-quality young) and increased parental costs (daily energy expenditure) when living in such highly modified secondary habitats (small woods, parks, farmland). Within-habitat heterogeneity (using the example of Monks Wood NNR) is generally associated with greater species diversity, but to benefit from heterogeneity at a landscape scale may require both high mobility and the ability to thrive in small habitat patches. Modern landscapes, dominated by small, modified and scattered habitat patches, may fail to provide specialists, especially sedentary ones, with access to sufficient quantity and quality of resources, while simultaneously increasing the potential for competition from generalists.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between species diversity of pteridophytes and the environmental factors of 39 fragmented forest patches in the Kyoto city area. There was a significant correlation between the number of species and the micro-landform diversity, artificial habitat diversity, and logarithm of the area of the forest patch. When we performed a multiple regression analysis to identify the best-fit model so as to optimize the amount of variation in species diversity explained by using stepwise selection, three species diversity indices (species richness or Shannon’s diversity index, logarithm of inverse Simpson index) had significant positive partial correlations with the logarithm of area of the forest patch, and negative correlations with the logarithm of isolation distance from mountain forest. Therefore, we conclude that pteridophyte species diversity depends on patch size and isolation distance from mountain forests. Comparison of the woody plant species–area curve with the pteridophyte species–area curve showed that the rate of increase of species number (inclination) with area was the same, but the Y-intercept of the pteridophyte species–area curve was lower than that of the woody plant curve. Therefore, the minimum conservation area required for ferns and fern allies is greater than that for woody plant species.  相似文献   

刘俊男  陈航  高凯 《中国园林》2022,38(10):32-37
生物多样性是人类赖以生存和发展的重要基础,城市生物多样性是其重要组成部分。鸟类是城市生物多样性的指示物种和伞护物种,具有重要研究价值。基于城市生物多样性保护的目的,利用MaxEnt模型预测识别滇池沿岸鸟类适宜生境,完成生境制图,并利用最小成本距离模型和电路理论构建及优化鸟类生境网络。结果表明:1)MaxEnt模型识别环滇池湖滨水陆相交区域为鸟类高适宜区生境,距滇池一级保护区距离与植被覆盖度是影响鸟类生境适宜性的主要因子;2)生境制图结果显示,高适宜区生境以湿地与林地为主,两者占比分别为39.34%和28.67%;3)基于最小成本距离模型构建了滇池沿岸及昆明城市范围内的鸟类生境网络;4)基于电路理论识别了生境网络的生态“夹点”和“障碍点”,改进网络的连通性。研究成果形成鸟类生境识别和网络构建的系统方法,为城市生物多样性保护提供科学依据与参考。  相似文献   

Changes in land-use practices have affected the integrity and quality of water resources worldwide. In Patagonia there is a strong concern about the ecological status of surface waters because these changes are rapidly occurring in the region. To test the hypothesis that greater intensity of land-use will have negative effects on water quality, stream habitat and biodiversity we assessed benthic macroinvertebrates, riparian/littoral invertebrates, fish and birds from the riparian corridor and environmental variables of 15 rivers (Patagonia) subjected to a gradient of land-use practices (non-managed native forest, managed native forest, pine plantations, pasture, urbanization). A total of 158 macroinvertebrate taxa, 105 riparian/littoral invertebrate taxa, 5 fish species, 34 bird species, and 15 aquatic plant species, were recorded considering all sites. Urban land-use produced the most significant changes in streams including physical features, conductivity, nutrients, habitat condition, riparian quality and invertebrate metrics. Pasture and managed native forest sites appeared in an intermediate situation. The highest values of fish and bird abundance and diversity were observed at disturbed sites; this might be explained by the opportunistic behavior displayed by these communities which let them take advantage of increased trophic resources in these environments. As expected, non-managed native forest sites showed the highest integrity of ecological conditions and also great biodiversity of benthic communities. Macroinvertebrate metrics that reflected good water quality were positively related to forest land cover and negatively related to urban and pasture land cover. However, by offering stream edge areas, pasture sites still supported rich communities of riparian/littoral invertebrates, increasing overall biodiversity. Macroinvertebrates were good indicators of land-use impact and water quality conditions and resulted useful tools to early alert of disturbances in streams. Fish and birds having a greater ability of dispersion and capacity to move quickly from disturbances would reflect changes at a higher scale.  相似文献   

Wetland park design seeks to protect and restore the wetland ecosystems of sites through scientific approaches. However, in practice, the relevant ecological principles about wetland restoration are often not effectively understood or applied by landscape designers, resulting in compromised ecological benefits after the restoration, especially in biodiversity and habitat benefits. The authors highlighted the main causal factors in wetland—flooding and fertility—and adopted wetland birds as indicator species to simplify the evaluation method. Based on years of practice, the authors summarized a hydrology-based wetland design method for habitat restoration, aiming to translate ecological principles and research findings into design guidelines that can be easily understood and applied by landscape designers to spatial design. This design method includes 7 steps, namely 1) targeted species selection and goal setting; 2) design of habitat types and spatial arrangement; 3) landform design; 4) water level design; 5) plant community building; 6) landscape design with minimal intervention; and 7) spatial design for natural succession. The article then expanded each step using an illustrative design case, the Qinghua Wetland in Baoshan, Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

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