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This article presents an overview of the characteristics of the market for higher density residential property (flats, units and town houses) in the three largest Australian cities: Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. The article then discusses some of the implications of current planning proposals for further higher density housing in Australian cities under urban consolidation or compact city policies and reviews a range of issues that may well arise. In particular, issues concerning the role of the rental investment market and Strata Title framework in determining the outcomes of current metropolitan compact city policies and the implications of higher density housing for social stability are discussed.  相似文献   

Compact city policies such as Melbourne 2030 have been established in Australia for a range of reasons including climate change. It is now clear that the Melbourne 2030 policy has not been effective—with new development mostly on the urban fringe. This policy failure has often been sheeted home to resident and local government resistance to densification. This article suggests this narrative is insufficient to explain this failure at a metropolitan-wide scale and is clearly mistaken in one suburb, where aspects of the planning system appear to thwart the aims of strategic policy by encouraging speculation and producing vacant sites. Brunswick is an inner-city suburb with good opportunities for intensification adjacent to transit lines and on former industrial sites. In spite of resident resistance, 80 per cent of new dwellings proposed between 2002 and 2007 were approved for construction, and would have increased housing stock by 13 per cent. However, by 2009 just under half of all approved dwellings had been completed or commenced on site, while construction of the taller and higher density projects tended to stall, the sites having been on-sold and permits extended. We suggest developers anticipate that the planning system will ultimately approve significant increases in height and density, using Melbourne 2030 to over-ride local policy via appeals to the Planning Tribunal. Such permits produce significant capital gains that can be cashed without construction. We argue that elements of the Victorian planning system encourage ambit claims, contestation, cynicism and speculation, thwarting negotiations between residents, councils and developers towards a more compact city. The focus on the idea that resident resistance is the problem obscures the role the planning system itself plays in frustrating the goals of compact city policy.  相似文献   

上海青清区的发展反映了一种大城市周边典型的城市现象:“边缘城市”。随着密集的中心城区的分散,有质量的建设和自发的沿路条带式的城市扩张并存,雄心勃勃的规划和不确定的前景相随。文章以青浦为例。针对其形成可持续城市形态的可能,提出紧凑+多心模式的新的网络结构,希望这种由大规模公共交通为导向的横式可以引导青浦,上海乃至于长江三角洲形成相对紧凑高效、以水乡绿色地景为特色的、具有全球竞争力的“超级城市”。  相似文献   

王静文 《华中建筑》2011,29(12):131-133
紧凑城市是最具可持续性的城市形态,是城市经济、社会和环境三者高效、高质的协调发展,其中生态环境是紧凑城市发展的重要内容,故而绿地系统规划受到广泛关注.该文简要阐述紧凑城市内涵及其核心理念,并对中西传统城市绿地规划理论与模式进行梳理,之后分析了城市绿地规划中存在的阻碍,在此基础上分别从宏观用地控制、中观环城绿带设置以及微...  相似文献   

This article examines the response of planning to the challenges highlighted by current governance and sustainability discourses. To this end, an archaeology of the contested and shifting aims and objects of planning is employed to inform the analytic interrogation of five Australian metropolitan planning strategies. Analysis of the conceptual heritage of planning along with the emergent preoccupations with the planning governance and urban sustainability yields five key themes: policy, space, planning governance, finance and democracy. We deploy these in a critical review of contemporary Australian metropolitan strategies. The resulting empirical analysis suggests that an integrated planning paradigm, centrally concerned with urban sustainability, is coalescing within contemporary strategic planning systems. We argue that this strategic reorientation of growth management around broad sustainability and democratic concerns has the potential to reanimate planning and resecure its socio-political footings.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the challenges facing the strata sector in Sydney in the context of current Australian metropolitan planning strategies promoting increased urban consolidation. It argues that the current focus on higher density development is vulnerable to challenges of regulation, representation and termination in strata developments. Furthermore, the increasing size and complexity of strata schemes as well as the existence of ageing strata stock are placing pressure on the strata title system in NSW and these problems are likely to escalate as an increasing proportion of the population move into strata. Therefore, it is essential to comprehend the issues facing strata developments if they are to be effectively tackled. The concept of ‘governance’ provides one mechanism for improving this understanding.  相似文献   

本文从一种新的视角阐述了紧凑城市理论提出的背景、定义及相关争论。借鉴荷兰的案例,笔者认为紧凑城市作为一种城市发展政策,应当以一种渐进的方式来实现。最后文章从城市开发、产业发展、社会可接受性、社会公平等社会和经济因素探讨我国背景下紧凑城市应该关注的问题。  相似文献   

Young people have much to offer urban planning, yet are not often included in such processes. A unique partnership in Boulder, Colorado, provides a venue for young people’s participation in city planning. Boulder is in many ways a learning laboratory with progressive ideals and sustainability thinking. As the city began planning for its Comprehensive Housing Strategy, tensions about the future of density within the city emerged. Participatory planning can have significant impacts on children and can also contribute new ideas to planning processes. In this study, young people demonstrated attitudinal changes toward government, increased recognition of diverse needs within a city, and integration of social and environmental sustainability into their recommendations for neighborhood planning.  相似文献   

Analyses of planning documents and a recent survey of practicing planners in NSW reveal that most planners treat 'the community' as a place or as place based. This usage is widespread and underpins most urban design principles and practice. The place-based approach is associated with a focus on what happens within a place, what it contains, and on built or physical infrastructure. The language is of connectivity, legibility, permeability, access, the public domain and so on. However, sociological research does not support this interpretation of community as place. Recent neighbourhood studies, for example, consistently find that social and economic networks are not primarily place based except for a small number of identifiable population groups. Meanwhile, other strands of social research have been reporting for years that what matters in terms of the health and social wellbeing of a society or a city is relativities—the comparative status between neighbourhoods, the effects of relative deprivation, the impacts of relative inequality. Treating community as place and social wellbeing as primarily place based obscures the importance of these critical factors in social wellbeing and social sustainability. Recent planning initiatives for Green Square, including the Green Square Town Centre Masterplan provide current examples. The article concludes by demonstrating that if planning were to proceed on the basis that communities of interest and attachment are more important than communities of place and that relative equality is the key to health and social wellbeing, some current planning shibboleths would need to change. But the role for planners in social sustainability would also become clearer.  相似文献   

国际寒地城市运动回顾及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
寒地城市是主要分布在北半球高伟度地区有着特殊的地理位置和寒冷气候条件的城市群体。为了推动北方寒地城市的发展,1980年在北美、北欧、东亚等地域兴起了国际寒地城市运动,并且得到迅速发展。在对寒地城市的概念进行界定的基础上,对寒地城市运动兴起的背景、发展以及作出的贡献进行总结回顾,并提出对未来的展望。  相似文献   

In the context of the discourse around shrinking cities, the aim of the paper was to try and better understand and differentiate the various types and causes of urban housing vacancy and to ask whether policy responses including planning policies appropriately reflect this variety. The paper briefly discusses the issue of shrinking cities, before considering theoretical explanations for housing vacancy and examining the relationships between population change, housing vacancy and policy responses in the Liverpool conurbation. Conclusions are then drawn about the nature of housing vacancy and the effectiveness of policy responses.  相似文献   

随着新型城镇化和产业转型期的到来,中部地区以粗放型工业为主导的城市,产业发展与城市功能结构矛盾突出。该文引入西方"紧凑城市"的理念,探讨其在本土的适用性,并提出一种全新的转型发展模式,即"结合新型城镇化的绿色紧凑城市"。基于以上理念,探讨中部典型工业城市——武穴市的现状问题,并从功能、生态、开发、配置转型四大视角提出绿色紧凑导向下的转型发展措施,为中部地区工业城市的可持续发展提供指导。  相似文献   

解读全球化:全球评价及地方对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在回顾了西方发达国家近年来关于全球化的研究,讨论了对全球化的评价和对策后,提出:全球化是一个客观事实,其后果是多面的、复杂的,对不同国家、不同城市、不同利益集团、不同社会阶层造成不同的影响.应该把全球化问题分成两部分:全球化带来的机遇和挑战,以及政府的公共政策对全球化在本地影响的干预和修正.全球化对一个国家、一个城市的正负影响、以及影响的大小,主要取决于这个国家、这个城市的公共政策.城市规划作为公共政策,必须从本国、本地的特点出发,同时发挥基于效率的"分配"和基于公平的"再分配"功能,减少全球化的负面作用而充分利用其带来的机遇.在空间规划上,应该处理好为全球化服务的"经济空间"和为广大市民服务的"生活空间"的关系.  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: There are more than 400 U.S. metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) overseeing multiple transportation projects totaling billions of dollars, yet these crucial organizations and their history and current role are generally unknown or confusing to many planning practitioners and scholars. MPOs face major challenges in developing meaningful long-range regional transportation plans, challenges rooted in their history that planners should understand as they grapple with metropolitan planning efforts. MPOs may approve projects and their funding, but disparate agencies and often competitive local governments control budgets and actually build projects. MPOs, moreover, do not fully represent all regional interests and have no control over the local land use decisions that would support less autocentric communities and human-powered modes. I provide a metareview of the history of regional transportation planning and the MPOs responsible for it, describing U.S. metropolitan transportation planning from the early 20th century. Federal legislation in the 1960s first suggested a regional forum for conversations about metropolitan transportation. Federal legislation in subsequent decades made incremental if incomplete progress toward creating a meaningful regional forum, adapting institutions and practices to increase stakeholder involvement as well as the scope of transport planning, yet MPOs have multiple limitations that planners can address.

Takeaway for practice: History suggests that MPOs can be a force for regional change. Planners and policymakers could anchor future reforms to MPOs’ existing legal and administrative frameworks. Planners should revisit the membership and voting structures of MPO boards to ensure better stakeholder representation and permit some MPOs to generate and direct transportation funds at the local level.  相似文献   

The numbers of English public houses or “pubs” have reduced significantly in the last two decades. Politicians have called on the planning system to resist their closure but, at the same time, demand further controls over high-street bars. This paper explores the reasons for the decline and the rationale for supporting the continuation of the “traditional” English pub. Using evidence drawn from a wider study of the relationships between places and youth drinking cultures, the paper discusses young adults' use of pubs. While recognising the adverse effects of heavy drinking, arguments are put forward in support of the traditional pub as a site for restrained and responsible social interaction for young adults. The paper discusses the issues this raises for the UK planning system in the context of responsibilities for social sustainability and public health.  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia has experienced rapid growth inurban development since the 1960s. This urbangrowth is not based on the traditional urbanplanning principles which have been followed inSaudi Arabia for many centuries. Instead,various imported urban forms and planningregulations have been implemented in thecountry. These relate neither to thetraditional built environment and culture norto the local climate of the city. As a result,major cultural and climatic problems haveoccurred. The aim of this paper is to identify andanalyze the types of built environment inRiyadh, as an example of Saudi Arabia's cities,and discuss the cultural conflicts resultingfrom the use of imported planning principlesand regulations. In light of this analysis anddiscussion, the planning regulations will bereviewed and recommendations will be made foramendments.  相似文献   

声景:现状及前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前从单纯降低噪声级到整体声景设计的发展趋势给声环境领域带来了革命性的进展.声景的研究专题出现在声学及噪声控制领域的各大重要国际会议上,针对声景的研究联盟也相继建立.基于已有的研究成果,就声景的理解、收集、标准化、设计、普及五个方面综述了声景的研究及实践现状及前景.  相似文献   

2010年上海世博会汇集了246个国家和地区组织对未来城市的构想,这是一次全球城市智慧的摩擦与交融。尤其是在世界能源危机的背景下,世博场馆建设、场馆展示中都充分体现出对这一问题的解决之道。本文通过对其中1 92个世博场馆的深度挖掘,提取出其运用及展示的未来城市科技,从统计分析中窥视未来城市的建设趋势。  相似文献   

对我国主要的规划类型进行了梳理,理清了城市群规划与其上位规划、同级规划以及下位规划的核心价值和定位,进而明确城市群协同规划的核心内容:一是城市群间平级规划之间的协同,二是城市群内下位规划之间的协同.并进一步对城市群多规协同状态存在的问题及原因进行解析,分别运用综合和专项规划层面的协同状态分析方法,判断矛盾冲突,梳理协同规划的合理与不合理成分,提出未来需要顶层设计予以统一的路径——创新协同规划的体制机制与健全空间规划体系.  相似文献   

在当前城市发展领域的争论中,人们越来越认识到,欧洲的若干城市不得不面临长期萎缩的挑战。然而从国际范围看,在收缩和衰退发生时,规划范式、规划体系、规划战略和规划文化如何是否要有所改变,又该如何应对,都还不甚清晰。文章研究了收缩城市的规划如何转型,基于分析框架,提出了在面临收缩时如何识别规划模式和工具开始改变的起点。 为此,文章简要介绍了两座收缩的德国城市: 凯泽斯劳滕和茨维考。虽然凯泽斯劳滕和茨维考两个城市显示出不同萎缩城市规划模式的异同,但作者很清楚:由于他们的特殊路径和区位,这两个案例只是德国萎缩城市状况的一鳞半爪。文章着重于探讨如何处理衰退和收缩导致的城市规划变化以及不同的规划模式。文中案例展示出产业转型对德国制造业城镇的巨大影响,无论原东德还是西德,都导致失业、住房空置和人口流失的恶性循环。当谈到规划的转变,所有案例都展示出开发和再开发过程中,各种努力及其被接受的过程。被接受是一个过程,从最初的无视或否认,到关注和慢慢接受。增加人口扩大城市规模、维持现有设施和结构以阻止进一步衰退、重建和改造现有的基础设施,不同策略会导致不同的结果。大多数发展都试图挑战产生收缩的原因,设法扭转恶性循环。这些措施既可以作为扩张性规划策略的一部分,也可用于应对衰退策略,而这取决于具体做法。虽然替代性产业在各地各不相同,但它们的重要作用日益清晰:高科技、教育、医疗服务等如今都是新的经济支柱。事实上,在凯泽斯劳滕(茨维考则程度稍次),一所大学已被证明是发展的强大动力。  相似文献   

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