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目的: 观察 5α 还原酶抑制剂与十一酸睾酮合用对雄性大鼠的生殖功能影响,从而探讨双氢睾酮是否参与生精及精子成熟的激素调节过程。 方法: 设立对照组后,给雄性大鼠经食道喂饲选择性 5α 还原酶抑制剂非那甾胺,并肌肉注射十一酸睾酮。观察大鼠生殖腺重量与组织学变化,血清睾酮、双氢睾酮水平,附睾精子计数和配对雌性大鼠妊娠胎仔数等变化情况。 结果: 与正常对照组相比,①非那甾胺减轻雄性大鼠的前列腺、睾丸和附睾的重量。合用外源性长效睾酮可以拮抗非那甾胺对大鼠前列腺重量的抑制作用。②非那甾胺使大鼠血清睾酮水平上升,而双氢睾酮显著下降。加用十一酸睾酮后的FT组血清睾酮和双氢睾酮水平均明显高于F组。③较大剂量的非那甾胺对大鼠的附睾精子计数,精子活率均有抑制作用,而且使精子畸形率明显升高和配对雌鼠的妊娠胎仔数减少。④非那甾胺与十一酸睾酮合用对大鼠的附睾精子计数与活率的抑制作用并没有得到进一步加强,虽然精子畸形率进一步升高,但配对雌鼠的妊娠胎仔数比T组却显著增加。 结论: 5α 还原酶抑制剂非那甾胺可以通过减少双氢睾酮的生成对大鼠的生殖器官和功能产生抑制作用。非那甾胺加用大剂量外源性雄激素并没有出现更强的抑制效应,反而部分抵消外源性雄激素的抑制生殖效应。  相似文献   

恐惧应激对大鼠睾丸中Annexin5表达的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察大鼠应激条件下睾丸组织中Annexin5表达的变化。方法建立SD大鼠的恐惧应激模型,分别取急性应激、急性对照、慢性应激、慢性对照SD大鼠睾丸,免疫组织化学和Western blotting分析Annexin5免疫定位和蛋白表达。结果急性应激组与对照组相比,免疫组化显示Annexin5都定位在间质细胞、支持细胞和成熟的精子头部,Western blotting分析发现Annexin5的表达降低了10.8%;慢性应激组与对照组相比,免疫组化结果显示Annexin5在精子头部的定位逐渐减少,应激1w和2w组,未见到Annexin5定位于精子头部,到了应激的3w和4w,发现Annexin5重新定位于精子的头部,而在间质细胞和支持细胞上的定位模式没有显著变化。Western blotting分析发现Annexin5的表达降低了17.4%。结论大鼠睾丸Annexin5参与了应激过程,急性应激条件下Annexin5表达降低。随着应激时间的延长,在慢性应激条件下,Annexin5的表达由减少之后而开始有缓慢增加。  相似文献   

卵泡抑制蛋白对大鼠睾丸间质细胞分泌睾酮的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :探讨卵泡抑制蛋白 ( follistatin,FS)对离体大鼠睾丸间质细胞 ( L eydigcell)分泌睾酮的影响。方法 :用 Percoll梯度分离法分离和培养 Wistar雄鼠 ( 2 2 0~ 2 50 g)睾丸的 L eydig细胞。分别观察 FS( rh FS-2 88)、Ca2 +以及 FS加 Ca2 +在基础状态 (不加h CG)和刺激状态 ( h CG 1 .0 IU/ L )对 Leydig细胞分泌睾酮的影响。结果 :FS抑制基础和刺激状态的睾酮分泌 ,并与剂量相关。 Ca2 +亦有抑制作用 ,但在 1 0 0 mmol/ L时出现逸脱现象。FS加 Ca2 +表现为与剂量相关的抑制作用。结果 :FS呈剂量依赖性抑制睾酮分泌 ,Ca2 +可能是 FS的第二信使 ,单独高浓度 Ca2 +出现抑制逸脱的机制未明。  相似文献   

目的 通过骨形态计量方法观察雄激素替代疗法对去睾丸致骨质疏松大鼠不同部位松质骨的影响。方法30只4月龄SD雄性火鼠,随机分成基础对照组(A组、实验开始时处死),年龄对照组(B组)、去睾丸组(C组)和去睾丸加睾丸酮组(D组),B组和C组每日生理盐水5ml/kg,D组每日甲基睾丸酮片1.8mg/kg,灌胃90d。实验结束,处死全部大鼠,取胫骨上段和第5腰椎进行不脱钙骨制片,用计算机全自动图象分析系统进行骨组织形态计量学分析。结果 大鼠去睾丸后胫骨上段骨量下降,骨形成和骨吸收都增加;腰椎骨量也下降,骨吸收也增加,但骨形成表现为降低。睾酮能阻止去睾丸后胫骨上段的骨量丢失(%Tb.Ar+44.8%,P〈0.05),降低骨高转换;但不能完全阻止腰椎的骨量丢失,只能抑制骨吸收,对骨形成影响不大。结论 雄激素替代治疗能阻止雄激素水平下降造成的大鼠松质骨的骨量丢失,胫骨上段对雄激素的敏感性比腰椎部位的高。  相似文献   

用组织块培养法对取自4例健康猝死青年男子的睾丸组织进行了14天的培养,并测定了睾酮水平。结果发现4例睾丸组织睾酮分泌量在第3~第4天降至最低点,此后逐浙恢复,在第9~10天恢复至第1天的水平,并维持至培养结束,其中2例睾酮分泌量明显升高。提示体外培养的睾丸组织有3~4天的适应期,其活力可维持14天。  相似文献   

目的通过c-jun反义寡脱氧核苷酸(ASODNs)观察c-jun在调节人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)诱导的睾丸间质细胞(LC)睾酮(T)分泌的作用。方法采用c-jun ASODNs拮抗c-jun,维拉帕米阻断钙通道,hCG诱导体外培养大鼠LC的T分泌,放射免疫方法检测T水平。结果c-jun ASODNs(0~2μmol/L)呈剂量依赖性抑制hCG诱导的离体LC的T分泌(P<0.01)。维拉帕米(10-5mol/L)可加强c-jun ASODNs抑制T分泌。结论c-jun促进hCG诱导大鼠LC的T分泌,c-jun表达可能与钙离子相关。  相似文献   

目的 观察不伺时间段慢性疼痛应激后,SD大鼠生殖相关参数的变化.方法 建立坐骨神经分支选择性损伤模型.经不同时间疼痛应激后,于14 d、21 d和28 d处死大鼠,取睾丸、附睾称重,并对附睾尾精子计数,HE染色显示睾丸结构变化,western blot检测3 β-HSD蛋白表达的改变.结果 14 d和21 d手术组大鼠体重均略低于对照组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).不同时间段各组大鼠睾丸和附睾系数均无明显变化.28 d后手术组附睾尾精子相对计数显著低于对照组(P<0.05).HE染色显示,坐骨神经分支选择性损伤诱导疼痛应激28 d后睾丸生精上皮中生精细胞减少,生精小管腔内精子数量减少.Western blot结果显示28 d手术组3 β-HSD表达显著低于正常照组和假手术组(P<0.05).结论 慢性疼痛应激如其他方式应激一样,能引起大鼠附睾尾精子相对计数减少,睾丸生精上皮中生精细胞减少,睾丸内3 β-HSD含量降低,慢性疼痛应激降低了大鼠的生精功能.  相似文献   

酒精对雄性大鼠生殖内分泌的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴在雄性生殖方面起着重要作用,我们采用酒精灌胃法观察酒精对雄性大鼠体内黄体生成素(LH)、卵泡刺激素(FSH)、睾酮(T)的影响,探讨酒精对雄性大鼠生殖内分泌的作用.  相似文献   

大豆黄酮对小鼠精子质量、睾丸重量及睾酮水平的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
目的 :探讨大豆黄酮对小鼠精子质量、睾丸生长和睾酮水平的影响。 方法 :给雄性小鼠饲喂 3个不同剂量的大豆黄酮 ( 5、10 0、10 0 0mg/kg日粮 ) ,2 1d后宰杀 ,睾丸称重 ,伊红丫染色确定精子存活率 ,顶体染色采用姬姆萨染色法 ,睾酮浓度采用放射免疫法测定。 结果 :5mg/kg日粮大豆黄酮能显著提高睾酮分泌水平 (P <0 .0 1) ,睾丸明显增重 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,提高了精液质量 ;10 0 0mg/kg日粮大豆黄酮抑制睾酮的分泌 (P <0 .0 1) ,精液质量变化不明显 ;10 0mg/kg日粮的大豆黄酮对精子质量等指标均无显著影响。 结论 :大豆黄酮能影响小鼠精子质量、睾丸生长及睾酮水平 ,并与剂量有关  相似文献   

目的 观察急性疼痛应激状态下,睾丸中annexin 5表达变化.方法 福尔马林注射建立急性疼痛模型,分别在注射后1 h,6 h,24 h,72 h取睾丸,免疫组织化学和western b10t分析annexin 5免疫定位和蛋向表达,荧光定量PCR方法检测annexin 5 mRNA水平变化.结果 免疫组化显示,annexin 5在急性应激组和对照组中定位在间质细胞、支持细胞,应激组与对照组相比定位无明显的变化.Westem b1ot分析发现疼痛应激1 h和6 h后,annexin 5的表达分别降低16.9%和12.8%,而在疼痛应激24 h和72 h后,annexin 5的表达分别升高33.7%和25%.组间比较发现,在l h和24 h时annexjn 5表达较对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).荧光定量方法检测annexin 5 mRNA水平变化,发现疼痛应激1h和6 h annexin 5 mRNA相对含量降低,随后在24 h和72 h升高,但各组间差异均无统计学意义.结论 急性疼痛应激主要影响annexin 5蛋白的表达,而不影响annexin 5的转录.Annexin 5作为睾丸应激因子之一可能介导了应激对生殖功能的抑制作用.  相似文献   

Hypoxis hemerocallidea is used in traditional medicine in South Africa, for the treatment of male reproductive ailments and various chronic illnesses. Despite chronic use, its effects on male reproductive system are unknown. Male Wistar rats were treated orally daily for 28 (n = 18) and 56 days (n = 18). Treatment groups (n = 6/group) per treatment period were as follows: untreated control, 150 mg/kg and 300 mg/kg 70% ethanolic extract of H. hemerocallidea. Sexual behaviour observations were performed on days 17 and 42 of the study. Sperm, biochemical and testicular histopathological studies were carried out. Arousal and libido and serum testosterone increased after 56 days of treatment. There was an increase in epididymal sperm count at both treatment doses, with the 300 mg/kg dose showing a higher sperm count (p < .05) compared to the 150 mg/kg treatment group. The higher 300 mg/kg dose also showed an increase (p < .05) in sperm motility after 56 days of treatment. Histology showed an increase in germinal layer thickness, consistent with the observed increase in sperm count. Testicular oxidative status improved after 56 days of treatment. Results suggest that chronic treatment with H. hemerocallidea may improve male sexual function and fertility parameters and may protect testes from oxidative damage.  相似文献   

A single oral dose (300 mg kg-1) of ketoconazole induced reversible immobilization of rat epididymal spermatozoa at 8-24 h after dosing. This occurred when the drug concentrations in cauda epididymal fluid and seminal plasma were at their peak (18.0 +/- 7.3 and 13.5 +/- 3.0 micrograms ml-1, respectively), and which was preceded by a peak plasma concentration (Cmax) of 64.82 +/- 2.47 micrograms ml-1 at 5.15 +/- 0.68 h (Tmax). In contrast, rete testis fluid collected from the same animals contained only minute amounts of ketoconazole (0.47 +/- 0.34 micrograms ml-1). Plasma testosterone concentration showed a sharp decline within 4 h of dosing, followed by a recovery from suppression, even after administration of a low dose (100 mg kg-1) which did not affect sperm motility. These findings suggest that ketoconazole gains access to the post-testicular sex organs and affects the mature spermatozoa therein much more readily than it affects testicular spermatogenesis. Synthesis and screening of compounds with a related molecular structure but which exhibit more pronounced spermicidal and less pronounced anti-androgenic effects are thus suggested in the hope that rapidly acting and reversible male contraceptives might be identified and developed.  相似文献   

Aim: In order to clarify further the mechanisms underlying the effect of capsulotomy on testicular function, the levels of testosterone, LH and FSH were observed. Methods: Intratesticular testosterone levels and LH, FSH levels in the peripheral blood of normal, sham-operated and capsulotomized rats were detected by RIA. Results: After testicular capsulotomy, there was a progressive reduction in the testosterone level in the testicular venous blood together with a progressive increase in the LH and FSH levels in the peripheral blood from approximately 30 days post-capsulotomy. Morphological changes were observed at 5-10 days after capsulotomy, i.e., far ahead of the hormonal changes.Conclusion: The seminiferous tubular damage after testicular capsulotomy was not caused by the reduction in testosterone, and on the contrary, the hormonal change might be secondary to the morphological alterations. The increase in LH level most likely resulted from a negative feedback influence from the lowered testosterone level, while the increase in FSH secretion may be a feedback signal of the damaged seminiferous tubules. (Asian J Androl 2000 Dec;2:257-261)  相似文献   

Mature male albino Wistar rats (180-210 g) were given aqueous extract of dry seeds of Aframomum melegueta K. Schum (Zingiberaceae) by gastric intubation during periods of 8 and 55 days. This was performed in two doses: 115 and 230 mg kg(-1) during 8 days and 115 mg kg(-1) during 55 days. Control rats received distilled water during the same periods. The animals were sacrificed and their blood, as well as testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle and prostate were collected and analysed. Results showed a significant increase in testosterone in serum and testis, cholesterol in testis, α-glucosidase in epididymis and fructose in seminal vesicle after 8 days of treatment of A. melegueta-treated rats (115 and 230 mg kg(-1) ). Results also showed that levels of cholesterol in testis, α-glucosidase in epididymis and fructose in seminal vesicle increased by 93.34%, 83.44% and 62.78%, respectively, after 55 days of A. melegueta treatment. From these findings, it was concluded that the aqueous extract of A. melegueta increased the secretions of epididymis and seminal vesicle, which are accessory sex organs.  相似文献   

A biphasic pattern of testosterone secretion in response to a single injection of 100 IU hCG has been observed in the rat. Serum testosterone increased from basal levels of 8.7 pL 3.1 ng/ml (mean pL SEM) to 23.0 pL 1.4 ng/ml within 2 h of hCG-stimulation and returned to control levels by 2 days. A second, delayed, but significant increase in serum testosterone occurred, reaching a peak of 24.6 pL 4.0 ng/ml at 3 days and declining to basal values at 5 days. To study this response further, lower doses of hCG were tried. Administration of 10 IU hCG produced a single peak of testosterone, which did not occur until 24 h. Differences in the serum testosterone response were related to the concentration of hCG measured in the serum after injection, as injection of 1 IU, which failed to increase serum hCG levels above detection, was also inadequate to increase serum testosterone. The response after stimulatin with 500 μg ovine-LH or 0.1–10.0 μg LHRH was also evaluated. Injection of 500 μg ovine-LH produced a significant rise in serum testosterone reaching a peak at 2 h of 25.2 pL 2.6 ng/ml and subsequently declining over the next 48 h to control levels where it remained for 5 days. Stimulation with doses of 0.1–10.0 μg LHRH produced rapid and short increases in serum LH concentration which induced peaks of testosterone up to 48.8 pL 14.1 ng/ml 1 h post injection. No secondary peak of testosterone followed. Failure of ovine-LH and LHRH to produce a second testosterone peak suggests that this response may be due to a re-stimulation of the Leydig cell by elevated levels of hCG which persist until the fourth day after injection.  相似文献   

Ciftci O  Ozdemir I  Aydin M  Beytur A 《Andrologia》2012,44(3):181-186
In this study, the beneficial effect of chrysin, a natural flavonoid currently under investigation due to its important biological activities, on reproductive system of rats was investigated. Rats (n = 16) were divided randomly into two equal groups. Rats in control group were given corn oil as carrier. Chrysin was orally administered at the dose of 50 mg kg(-1) per day by gavages, and it was dissolved in corn oil for 60 days. Tissue thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and glutathione (GSH) levels, antioxidant enzyme activity (CAT, SOD and GSH-Px), sperm parameters (motility, concentration and abnormal sperm rate), reproductive organ weight (testes, epididymis, vesicula seminalis, prostate) and serum testosterone levels were determined in the rats. Our results indicated that chrysin significantly increased GSH, CAT, GSH-Px and CuZn-SOD levels, but did not change the formation of TBARS significantly. In addition, sperm motility, sperm concentration and serum testosterone levels significantly increased, whereas abnormal sperm rate significantly decreased with chrysin treatment. In conclusion, it is suggested that treatment with chrysin can positively affect the reproductive system in rats, and it can be used for the treatment of male infertility.  相似文献   

目的:研究膜联蛋白5(Annexin5)对人精子细胞膜及DNA完整性的影响。方法:①精子膜完整性测定:按精子浓度>20×106/ml;活率>60%选取标准收集精液标本53份,分为3组,实验组为47.5μl精液中加入2.5μl10-6mol/L的Annexin5;阴性对照组为47.5μl精液标本中加入2.5μl1mol/L的Tris-HCl(pH8.0,25℃);空白对照组为47.5μl精液标本中加入2.5μl0.01mol/L的PBS(pH7.4),作用20min后,通过精子低渗肿胀试验(HOS)检测精子膜的完整性。②DNA完整性测定:同方法①,3组实验标本作用20min后,每份标本加入2.5μl0.02mol/L的H2O2,作用60min,通过吖啶橙(AO)荧光染色检测精子核DNA的完整性。结果:An-nexin5处理20min后低渗肿胀精子百分率与空白对照组及阴性对照组比较均具有极显著差异[(66.17±12.02)%vs(58.13±13.08)%,P<0.01;(66.17±12.02)%vs(59.94±11.91)%,P<0.01];空白对照组与阴性对照组比较无显著性差异。加入H2O2后,Annexin5组的DNA碎片指数与空白对照组及阴性对照组比较均具有极显著差异[(6.39±1.07)%vs(11.16±1.16)%,P<0.01;(6.39±1.07)%vs(10.86±1.05)%,P<0.01],空白对照组与阴性对照组比较无显著性差异。结论:Annexin5蛋白能在体外提高低渗肿胀精子百分率,对精子膜的完整性具有保护作用,同时对HO作用引起的精子核DNA破坏起保护作用。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of testosterone in recuperation of lead‐induced suppressed reproduction in adult male rats. Lead acetate was administered orally to adult male rats (95 ± 5 days) at dosage level of 0.05 and 0.15% for 55 days through drinking water and injected intraperitoneally with either testoviron depot at a dose of 4.16 mg kg?1 body weight or vehicle alone on days 1, 7 and 14 respectively. At the end of treatment, control and treated males were cohabited with untreated normal‐cycling females. After cohabitation for 5 days, all the male rats were killed and weights of reproductive organs were determined. Significant increase in the indices of testis, epididymis, seminal vesicles, vas deferens and prostate glands was observed in testosterone (T)‐treated rats when compared to those of lead‐exposed rats. Testosterone treatment significantly increased epididymal sperm count, motile spermatozoa, viable spermatozoa and HOS tail‐coiled spermatozoa and also the activity levels of testicular 3β‐ and 17β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases when compared to those of lead‐exposed males. From the results, it can be hypothesised that supplementation of testosterone mitigated lead‐induced suppressed reproduction in male rats.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different doses of Malaysian honey on male reproductive parameters in adult rats. Thirty-two healthy adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups (eight rats per group). Group 1 (control group) was given 0.5 ml of distilled water. Groups 2, 3 and 4 were given 0.2, 1.2 and 2.4 g kg(-1) body weight of honey respectively. The rats were treated orally by gavage once daily for 4 weeks. Honey did not significantly alter body and male reproductive organs weights. The rats in Group 3 which received honey at 1.2 g kg(-1) had significantly higher epididymal sperm count than those in Groups 1, 2 and 4. No significant differences were found for the percentage of abnormal sperm, elongated spermatid count, reproductive hormonal levels as well as the histology of the testis among the groups. In conclusion, Malaysian honey at a dose of 1.2 g kg(-1) daily significantly increased epididymal sperm count without affecting spermatid count and reproductive hormones. These findings might suggest that oral administration of honey at this dose for 4 weeks may enhance spermiogenesis in adult rats.  相似文献   

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