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外担子菌属真菌的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张星耀 《林业科学》1998,34(1):113-120
本文对外担子菌属(Exobasidium)真菌的寄主植物及其症状、寄生性及致病机理、形态学、生活史、寄主与病原关系的超显微构造、培养性状、生理学性质及分子生物学,特别是在分类学等方面的研究状况做了综述。外担子菌属的真菌在亚洲、北美、欧洲及大洋洲都有分布,世界记载约有50种,引起5科木本植物的细胞增生性和肥大性病害,其症状类型多,这可能与植物激素含量的变化有关;该菌的生活史还不太清楚;其担孢子和分生孢子萌发后,芽管可以从气孔、伤口侵入或者从表皮直接侵入寄主叶组织,菌丝存在于寄主细胞间隙,产生吸器状构造;本属菌的分类依据因研究者不同而异;近年对本属菌的DNA碱基GC含量以及28SrDNAPCRRFLP的研究结果体现了本属菌的系统分类学的发展趋势。  相似文献   

中国东北地区的立木腐朽菌   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
简要论述了中国东北地区的立木腐朽菌,共报道危害活立木的木腐菌49种,对每个种的寄主、腐朽类型及分布进行了报道,它们中多数造成白色腐朽,少数导致褐色腐朽,其中在我国首次报道为森林病原菌的种类有:白黄小薄孔菌Antrodiella albocinnamomea,奥氏蜜环菌Armillaria astoyae,亚黑管孔菌Bjerkandera fumosa,硬栓孔菌Funalia tragii,小孔异担  相似文献   

杉木立木干基腐朽病是杉木发生普遍而又广泛的一种病害,在成熟林分中发生率在25%左右,造成木材约1.44%的材积损失。该病害可发生于杉木中幼林,且随林龄的增长而加重,并与环境因子相关,林分遭受自然、人为等因素损害导致创伤有利于病原菌的入侵;同一山场下坡比上坡发生严重,阴坡比阳坡发生严重。  相似文献   

介绍了黑龙江省林区常见的两种树木干基腐朽病发生的原因、特征、危害以及防治方法。  相似文献   

中国亚热带地区阔叶树上一种新立木腐朽病   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
报道了我国亚热带地区阔叶树上一种新立木白色腐朽病,其病原菌为平丝硬孔菌Rigidoporus lineatus,根据中国标本对其进行了详细描述。该菌主要危害洋槐、泡酮及其它阔叶树种。对病害的症状,造成的危害及该病的分布进行了讨论。  相似文献   

我国杨树病害的研究现状与防治   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
该文回顾了我国杨树病害研究与防治的现状。主要内容有:病害及病原,寄生专化性及致病性划分,抗病性的机理和测定,流行规律和预测,以及防治技术等。对1980年以来国内主要的杨树病害资料做了简介。  相似文献   

本文着重论述了湖南主要森林病害病原菌的形态特征和危害特征。通过对这些主要病害的病原菌形态特征的描述,方便基层森防工作者认识和鉴别病原种类和危害特征,及时采取针对性较强的森林病害防治措施。  相似文献   

异耦阿扁叶蜂生物学特性及防治试验初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在川东林区首次发现异耦阿扁叶蜂危害马尾松。该虫一年发生一代。7月中旬以老熟幼虫下树入土作室越冬,翌年3月中、下旬化蛹,4月上旬成虫羽化,5月下旬卵孵化。幼虫5至7龄。该虫幼虫期可被蜘蛛、蚂蚁取食和白僵菌感染。经试验多效杀虫灵、森保Ⅰ号、有机磷及拟除虫...  相似文献   

异尾华枝Xiu生物学特性及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
异尾华枝XiuSinophasma mi3rabile Gunther在华东地区是一种新发现的危害壳斗科树木的重要食叶害虫。在浙江泰顺1年发生1代,以卵越冬,若虫和成虫大量取食寄主树叶造成树木生长衰弱甚至枯死。该文介绍了该虫的年生活史、发育过程、生活习性、取食量、天敌种类和防治方法,采用燃放烟剂、树干注药、地南药等措施,防治效果显著。  相似文献   

将莰烯分别与1,2-丙二醇及1,3-丁二醇加成所得产物1-[(1,7,7-三甲基双环[2,2,1]庚-2-基)氧]2-丙醇及4-[(1,7,7-三甲基双环[2,2,1]庚-2-基)氧]-2-丁醇,氧化得到两只新型的可用作香料的萜醚酮,1-[(1,7,7-三甲基双环[2,2,1]庚-2-基)氧]丙酮,与4-[(1,7,7-三甲基双环[2,2,1]庚-2-基)氧]-2-丁酮。  相似文献   

山鸡椒上一种新的干基腐朽病   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道了我国贵州北部山鸡椒上一种新的干基腐朽病害,其病原菌是粗皮灵芝(Ganoderma tsunodae(Yasuda ex Lloyd)Trott.)。基于本研究采集的标本及日本模式产地的标本,对此病原菌进行了详细描述。该菌主要危害贵州北部的山鸡椒,造成干基白色腐朽,最后导致树林死亡。对病害的症状,造成的危害及病原菌的分布进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In an inoculation experiment to test the effect of wood moisture content on infection of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) stumps by basidiospores of Heterobasidion annosum, exposure to high rainfall increased infection in the heartwood and reduced sapwood infection compared to covered stumps. This was associated with a greater moisture content in both wood types. Within-treatment variation in the amount of infection was high and it is suggested that endogenous factors in stumps may have a greater influence on infection than the environment or the availability of spores.  相似文献   

中国海南台湾相思树干基腐朽病   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海南省台湾相思树(Acacia confusa Merr.)干基腐朽病为中国一种新的林业病害,其病原菌为热带灵芝(Ganoderma tropicum(Jungh.)Bres.)和粗柄假芝(Amauroderma elmerianum Murrill.)本研究根据野外调查对此新病害的症状进行了报道,并根据实地采样对这两种新的病原菌进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

A set of quantitative hierarchical real‐time PCR assays was developed for the detection of Heterobasidion irregulare, H. occidentale, H. annosum sensu stricto and of the entire Heterobasidion annosum complex. These assays enable specific and accurate detection and quantification of the target species from DNA extracted on airborne collected spores. Heterobasidion‐specific TaqMan? real‐time PCR detection assays were designed to function under homogeneous conditions so that they may be used in 96‐ or 384‐well plate format arrays for high‐throughput testing of large numbers of samples against multiple targets. Assays were validated for (i) specificity, (ii) sensitivity and (iii) repeatability. All assays were highly specific when evaluated against a panel of pure cultures of target and phylogenetically closely related species. Sensitivity, evaluated by assessing the limit of detection (with a threshold of 95% of positive samples), was found to be between one and a hundred ITS gene region copies or one conidia count equivalent. Precision or repeatability of each assay revealed a mean coefficient of variation of 5.9%. These molecular tools are now available for rapid and reliable monitoring of one of the most significant pathogen species complex of temperate northern coniferous forest around the world.  相似文献   


The incidence of butt rot in two consecutive rotations of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] in 28 permanent sample plots at four different sites in Denmark was evaluated. Incidence of butt rot was estimated by visual examination of stumps at final felling of the previous rotation and by examination of bore cores taken at the butt from a random sample of trees before first thinning of the subsequent rotation. There was no correlation between the incidence of butt rot at final felling of the previous rotation of Norway spruce and the incidence of butt rot at first thinning of the subsequent rotation of Norway spruce. The incidence of butt rot at final felling was between 19 and 100%, and at first thinning between 0 and 20%. The S-form of Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. was the most commonly found decay-causing organism at all sites. Root systems of 28 trees without decay at stump height in the present rotation were excavated to estimate the incidence of root rot. Heterobasidion annosum was found in only one root. Resinicium bicolor (Alb. & Schw. ex Fr.) Parm. was found in 25% of the excavated root systems. The result of the study shows that the incidence of butt rot at first thinning of Norway spruce is not necessarily higher on sites where the previous rotation was heavily infected than on sites where infection in the previous rotation was low.  相似文献   

The occurrence and symptoms of root and butt rot were examined in a 35 × 30 m plot of 68‐year‐old Todo fir plantation in Hokkaido, Japan. Forty‐seven percent of the cut stumps were decayed and 52% of the decayed stumps showed similar decay characteristics with yellowish orange to light brown colouration and expanded pockets in the heartwood. Morphological characteristics of the pure cultures isolated from the decay were similar to the cultures isolated from basidiocarps of Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato, found on fallen logs outside of the research site. Also DNA analysis based on the combined data set of three gene loci (glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase, heat shock protein 80–1 and elongation factor 1‐alpha genes) showed that the isolates from the decay are included in the same clade with the Japanese H. annosum s.l. isolates. They form a subclade to H. parviporum (the European S group of H. annosum s.l.). This is the first report of molecular determination of H. annosum s.l. isolated from root and butt rot in a plantation in Japan.  相似文献   

The xylem surface of seedlings, stem material and roots of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) were inoculated with strains of Heterobasidion annosum s. str. and H. parviporum s. str. The depth of necrosis in wounded spruce increased at a linear rate for at least seven weeks of incubation, but the rate of necrotic spread was significantly faster in infected wounds. In wounded pine the necrosis was maintained at a more superficial level for several weeks. Both spruce and pine sapwood were initially infected by hyphae of both species. In spruce, the hyphae advanced at a constant rate behind the necrotic front. On the contrary, after 1–2 weeks living H. parviporum hyphae were rare in pine rays. Heterobasidion annosum hyphae survived in pine rays, phloem and tracheids, despite a heavy accumulation of phenolics and resins and were able to penetrate into the sapwood at a linear rate although slower than infections in spruce. Histochemistry and quantitative estimates demonstrated that peroxidase activity was initially higher in spruce sapwood than in pine. Within three days of incubation, the activity in spruce sapwood disappeared concurrently with deepening necrosis. However, in pine, in both control and infected samples, there was a significant increase in peroxidase activity in the area surrounding the superficial necrosis, up to the wound surface and in the cambium and phloem around the wound. After wounding and infection, the content of soluble protein increased significantly in wood of older trees but not in seedlings. Infection resulted in an increased formation of lipophilic extractives in both spruce and pine but to a significantly greater degree in the latter, whereas the amount of hydrophilic compounds decreased in both. High‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses of lipophilic extracts showed that inoculation of pine with the two species of Heterobasidion increased the amounts of pinosylvin, its monomethylether and several other phenolics as also resinous compounds. The results obtained may be relevant in explaining the known higher resistance of Scots pine to H. parviporum.  相似文献   

Two Norway spruce stands with heavy infections of Heterobasidion annosum were clear‐cut in 1957 and 1959 in Sweden. The stumps were extracted, the soil sifted to remove most of the roots, and young Norway spruce were planted. After 25 and 28 years, H. annosum had infected 1 % and 2% of trees on plots where stumps had been removed and 17 % and 12% of the trees on control plots, respectively. Several of the H. annosum clones fruiting on old‐growth stumps were also detected in decayed, standing trees. The same fungal clone was found to be infecting adjacent trees from several old‐growth stumps. In addition to old stumps, stumps from recent thinnings and diseased living trees were traced as infection sources. Their relative importance in spreading disease was estimated. Disease risk predictions based on the distance of a tree from various infection sources correlated well with observed frequencies of rot.  相似文献   

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