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当ESD事件发生时,栅极接地NMOS晶体管是很容易被静电所击穿的。NMOS器件的ESD保护机理主要是利用该晶体管的骤回特性。文章对NMOS管的骤回特性进行了详细研究,利用特殊设计的GGNMOS管实现ESD保护器件。文章基于0.13μm硅化物CMOS工艺,设计并制作了各种具有不同版图参数和不同版图布局的栅极接地NMOS晶体管,通过TLP测试获得了实验结果,并对结果进行了。分析比较,详细讨论了栅极接地NMOS晶体管器件的版图参数和版图布局对其骤回特性的影响。通过这些试验结果,设计者可以预先估计GGNMOS在大ESD电流情况下的行为特性。  相似文献   

陈天  谷健  郑娥 《半导体技术》2015,40(2):106-111
目前低压瞬间电压抑制(TVS)二极管工艺参数的研究还不够深入.从深p型(DP)基区杂质浓度、杂质注入能量及基区尺寸控制三个方面探究了工艺条件对低击穿电压的影响.当DP注入剂量小于6.0×1014cm-2时,pn结以雪崩击穿为主,耐压大于6V.DP注入能量在50 keY以下与高浓度n+区复合形成的pn结雪崩击穿耐压大于6V;当控制基区尺寸使n+集电区与DP基区的间距大于1.2 μm时击穿电压保持为7V,但是随着n+与DP基区的间距增加,电流导通路径受到挤压变窄,在相同的反向测试电流下,器件耐压略有提升.通过对单向TVS工艺仿真优化,选择了关键工艺参数,并进行了工程实验,制备了兼具低电容和高抗ESD能力的TVS器件,保证了对主器件实施可靠的保护.  相似文献   

刘畅  黄鲁  张峰 《半导体技术》2017,42(3):205-209
基于华润上华0.5 μm双极-CMOS-DMOS (BCD)工艺设计制备了不同保护环分布情况下的叉指型内嵌可控硅整流器的横向扩散金属氧化物半导体(LDMOS-SCR)结构器件,并利用传输线脉冲(TLP)测试比较静电放电(ESD)防护器件的耐压能力.以LDMOS-SCR结构为基础,按照16指、8指、4指和2指设置保护环,形成4种不同类型的版图结构.通过器件的直流仿真分析多指器件的开启情况,利用传输线脉冲测试对比不同保护环版图结构的耐压能力.仿真和测试结果表明,改进后的3类版图结构相对于普遍通用的第一类版图结构,二次击穿电流都有所提升,其中每8指设置一个保护环的版图结构二次击穿电流提升了76.36%,其单位面积的鲁棒性能也最好,为相应工艺设计最高耐压值的ESD防护器件提供了参考结构和方法.  相似文献   

基于高压CMOS工艺,对高压栅极接地N型金属氧化物半导体(Highvoltagegrounded-gate N-metal-oxide-semiconductor, HV-GGNMOS)的静电放电(Electrostatic discharge, ESD)防护性能进行研究。由于强折回特性以及失效电流低,HV-GGNMOS在实际应用中受到限制。本文通过计算机辅助设计技术仿真及传输线脉冲实验研究了工艺参数及版图结构对器件ESD防护性能的影响。结果表明,增加漂移区掺杂浓度可以有效提高器件失效电流;加强体接触和增加漂移区长度可以提高器件的维持电压,但失效电流会有所下降,占用版图面积也会更大。  相似文献   

高纯氧化铝陶瓷基材广泛应用于精密电阻、微波集成电路等高端领域。为了获得具有超高平整度、纳米级表面质量的高纯氧化铝陶瓷基材,采用机械抛光(精研)与化学机械抛光(CMP)(精抛)相结合的工艺路线,系统研究了精研过程中的压力、转速、磨料的粒径、抛光液流速及CMP过程中的抛光压力、转速等工艺参数对抛光效果的影响。结果表明,精研压力为588 N,上、下研磨盘转速分别为45和50 r/min,多晶金刚石研磨液的粒径为1μm,磨料添加速率为1.5 mL/min,精研时长达到2.5 h时,陶瓷基材即可达到抛光工序的表面质量要求。抛光压力为588 N,上、下研磨盘转速分别为20和25 r/min,硅溶胶抛光液粒径为80 nm,抛光2 h时,高纯氧化铝陶瓷基材的表面粗糙度可达到纳米级别。  相似文献   

r of the GGNMOS devices under high ESD current stress, and design area-efficient ESD protection circuits to sustain the required ESD level.Optimized layout rules for ESD protection in 0.13-μm silicide CMOS technology are also presented.  相似文献   

Gate-grounded NMOS (GGNMOS) devices with different device dimensions and layout floorplans have been designed and fabricated in 0.13-μm silicide CMOS technology. The snapback characteristics of these GGN-MOS devices are measured using the transmission line pulsing (TLP) measurement technique. The relationships between snapback parameters and layout parameters are shown and analyzed. A TCAD device simulator is used to explain these relationships. From these results, the circuit designer can predict the behavior of the GGNMOS devices under high ESD current stress, and design area-efficient ESD protection circuits to sustain the required ESD level. Optimized layout rules for ESD protection in 0.13-μm silicide CMOS technology are also presented.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel technique for modeling the electrostatic discharge (ESD) characteristic of the enclosed-gate layout transistors (ELTs). The model consists of an ELT, a parasitic bipolar transistor, and a substrate resistor. The ELF is decomposed into edge and comer transistors by solving the electrostatic field problem through the conformal mapping method, and these transistors are separately modeled by BSIM (Berkeley Short- channel IGFET Model). Fast simulation speed and easy implementation is obtained as the model can be incorporated into standard SPICE simulation. The model parameters are extracted from the critical point of the snapback curve, and simulation results are presented and compared to experimental data for verification.  相似文献   

NMOS-based power-rail ESD clamp circuits with gate-driven mechanism have been widely used to obtain the desired ESD protection capability. All of them are usually based on a similar circuit scheme with multiple-stage inverters to drive the main ESD clamp NMOS transistor with large device dimension. In this work, the designs with 3-stage inverter and 1-stage inverter controlling circuits have been studied to verify the optimal circuit schemes in the NMOS-based power-rail ESD clamp circuits. Besides, the circuit performances among the main ESD clamp NMOS transistors drawn in different layout styles cooperated with the controlling circuit of 3-stage inverters or 1-stage inverter are compared. Among the NMOS-based power-rail ESD clamp circuits, an abnormal latch-on event has been observed under the EFT test and fast power-on condition. The root cause of this latch-on failure mechanism has been clearly explained by the emission microscope with InGaAs FPA detector.  相似文献   

《Microelectronics Reliability》2015,55(11):2229-2235
In these decades, integrated circuits for biomedical electronics applications have been designed and implemented in CMOS technologies. In order to be safely used by human, all microelectronic products must meet the reliability specifications. Therefore, electrostatic discharge (ESD) must be taken into consideration. To protect the biomedical integrated circuits in CMOS technologies from ESD damage, a dual-directional silicon-controlled rectifier (DDSCR) device was presented in this work. Experimental results show that the DDSCR has the advantages of high ESD robustness, low leakage, large swing tolerance, and good latchup immunity. The DDSCR was suitable for ESD protection in biomedical integrated circuits.  相似文献   

何刚  刘继芝  杨凯 《微电子学》2019,49(6):834-837
传统的改进型横向SCR(MLSCR)器件能够在最小的面积下实现最大的静电放电(ESD)鲁棒性,被广泛应用于ESD防护领域。但是,采用55 nm CMOS外延工艺制作的MLSCR器件会出现鲁棒性剧烈下降且回滞即失效的问题。对器件版图结构进行调整,并进行多组实验,验证了器件失效机理。实验结果表明,在55 nm CMOS外延工艺下,阱的方块电阻阻值大大降低,导致主电流泄放通道难以开启,从而出现MLSCR器件不能开启的问题。  相似文献   

The proposed device has a high holding voltage and a high triggering current characteristic. These characteristics enable latch-up immune normal operation as well as superior full chip electro-static-discharge (ESD) protection. The device has a small area in requirement robustness in comparison to gate-grounded NMOS (ggNMOS). The proposed ESD protection device is designed in 0.25 μm CMOS technology. In the experimental result, the proposed ESD clamp has a double trigger characteristic, a high holding voltage of 3.8 V and a high trigger current of greater than 120 mA. The robustness has measured to HBM 8 kV (HBM: human body model) and MM 400 V (MM: machine model). The proposed device has a high-level It2 of 52 mA/μm approximately.  相似文献   

The layout dependence on ESD robustness of NMOS and PMOS devices has been experimentally investigated in details. A lot of CMOS devices with different device dimensions, layout spacings, and clearances have been drawn and fabricated to find the optimized layout rules for electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection. The main layout parameters to affect ESD robustness of CMOS devices are the channel width, the channel length, the clearance from contact to poly-gate edge at drain and source regions, the spacing from the drain diffusion to the guard-ring diffusion, and the finger width of each unit finger. Non-uniform turn-on effects have been clearly investigated in the gate-grounded large-dimension NMOS devices by using EMMI (EMission MIcroscope) observation. The optimized layout parameters have been verified to effectively improve ESD robustness of CMOS devices. The relations between ESD robustness and the layout parameters have been explained by both transmission line pulsing (TLP) measured data and the energy band diagrams.  相似文献   

提出了通过优化馈管间距、馈电点位置和馈管长度三个特征参数,实现对数周期天线驻波比最佳化的方法,并对四个不同频段的天线进行了理论仿真分析和实测验证.实验结果表明:当馈管间距为馈管边长的1.45倍,馈电点位置为最短振子长度与天线间隔常数乘积的2倍,馈管端部到最短振子的长度为馈电点到最短振子长度的1.15倍时,天线的驻波比达到最优状态.这些理论分析与实验结果为对数周期天线的工程应用提供了重要依据,也为最优化设计提供了一种更有效的方法.  相似文献   

The authors report the effect of the remote plasma nitridation (RPN) process on characteristics of ultrathin gate dielectric CMOSFETs with the thickness in the range of 18 Å~22 Å. In addition, the effect of RPN temperature on the nitrogen-profile within the gate dielectric films has been investigated. Experimental results show that the thinner the gate dielectric films, the more significant effect on reducing the gate current and thinning the thickness of gate dielectric films by the RPN process. Furthermore, the minimum dielectric thickness to block the penetration of B and N has been estimated based on the experimental results. The minimum RPN gate dielectric thickness is about 12 Å  相似文献   

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