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<正>日前,酝酿已久的深圳排放权交易所正式开市,此举意味着在全国示范低碳城市的探索中,深圳率先迈出了实质性的步子。作为中国首个启动的碳交易市场,深圳开创了中国碳交易的历史。交易所6月18日开市当日,深圳能源集团股份有限公司2万t 2013年碳排放  相似文献   

近期,碳排放权交易(以下简称碳交易)成为市场人士口中的热词。2013年11—12月.上海、北京、深圳和天津的碳交易市场也相继启动。加之此前正式开启的广州,国内正式的碳交易市场已有5个,但是碳交易的交投依然较为清淡,企业支付意愿不强。  相似文献   

基于发电权与碳排放权交易机制,文章构建了计及碳税的发电权与碳排放权组合交易双层规划模型。在模型中综合考虑了碳税、发电量、发电权交易价格以及碳交易价格等因素,上层模型为政府制定碳税,下层模型为发电企业确定最优的发电量及交易价格。研究表明:征收碳税不仅对发电企业碳减排起到有效的激励作用,还会对发电权交易价格与碳交易价格产生影响,随着碳税的变化,发电权交易价格与碳交易价格波动较大;征收碳税并结合发电权与碳排放权组合交易,能够实现降低碳排放与增加利润的双赢。这说明在科学合理的政府政策配置下,通过市场机制能够实现低碳环保和经济发展的和谐统一。  相似文献   

刘璇 《能源评论》2013,(6):48-49
加州碳交易市场启动之后会给相关企业带来什么影响?在美国普遍反对碳交易的背景下,加州率先尝试了碳交易制度,这对美国的政策具有范本式的影响。 美国加利福尼亚州已于2013年1月1日启动碳交易市场。年排放量超过2.5万吨二氧化碳当量的企业将成为碳交易的主体,涵盖电力、石油炼化炼油、钢铁、造纸、水泥等行业。目前为止,加州已进行了三次配额拍卖,在刚过去的第三次拍卖中,用于拍卖的2013年度配额全部售罄,共计14,522,048份,每份配额价格为14美元,2016年配额售出7,515,000份(78%)。价格为10.71美元。  相似文献   

正2012年伊始,"碳交易"成为舆论的热词。不可否认,"碳交易"之所以成为热词与欧盟试图单方面征收航空碳税有关。但更重要的是,中国政府已经下定决心探索建设国内的碳市场,以此走上低碳可持续发展之路。以下内容可谓铁证。《国民经济与社会发展第"十二五"个五年规划纲要》中提出要在"十二五"期间逐步建立碳排放交易市场。这是政府首次以国家规划的形式,为"碳交易"列出了实施时间表。在此之前,2010年8月10日,国家发展改革委发布了《关于开展低碳省区和低碳城市试点工作的通知》,宣布在  相似文献   

“30·60”双碳背景下,将现有绿色证书交易、碳交易和需求响应机制实现联动,更能反映可再生能源低碳属性,实现系统低碳经济性。该文提出考虑绿证-碳联合交易与需求响应综合能源系统经济运行策略。首先,引入绿色证书交易和碳交易机制,通过绿色证书碳减排机理,联动绿色证书交易与碳交易;其次,引入需求响应机制,优化用户用能行为,促进可再生能源消纳,提高绿色证书和碳交易收益;最后,提出以购能成本、绿色证书交易成本、碳交易成本和需求响应补偿成本之和最小为目标的经济运行策略。算例结果证明:在综合能源系统中引入绿色证书交易、碳交易和需求响应机制具有优越的低碳经济性。  相似文献   

崔晶  王明珠 《节能》2014,(6):4-6
对国际碳交易市场的发展现状进行介绍,并分析和总结国内基于配额的碳市场、温室气体自愿减排项目及清洁发展机制项目的发展现状,对我国企业参与碳交易活动提出建议。  相似文献   

正为应对日益严峻的气候变化形势,保障经济社会可持续发展,我国提出了"十二五"期间单位GDP能耗下降16%、碳强度下降17%的目标。在这一目标的倒逼下,我国开始借鉴国际经验尝试建立国内碳排放交易市场,探索运用市场机制来实现节能减排。2011年10月29日,国家发改委发布《关于开展碳排放权交易试点工作的通知》,同意北京、天津等7个地区开展碳排放权交易试点。各试点地区先后出台了本地区碳交易的管理办法,拉开了我国碳交易区  相似文献   

正2013年11月26日,上海市碳交易试点在上海环境能源交易所开市,试点时间为2013年至2015年。为保证碳交易市场顺利开展,上海市出台了一系列法规政策,主要有《上海市碳排放管理试行办法》、《上海市人民政府关于本市开展碳排放交易试点工作的实施意见》、《上海市2013-2015年碳排放配额分配和管理办法》,及《上海能源环境交易所碳排放交易规则》等。本文从碳排放的参与主  相似文献   

为推动生态文明建设,去年底,上海人民政府发布了《上海市碳排放管理试行办法》提出了开展碳交易市场的工作及其要求。为此,本刊从本期开始,系列介绍有关碳交易机制、国内外碳市场、管理碳资产等专题文章供大家阅读,敬请贯注。  相似文献   

Emissions trading beyond Europe: Linking schemes in a post-Kyoto world   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Niels Anger   《Energy Economics》2008,30(4):2028-2049
This paper assesses the economic impacts of linking the EU emissions trading scheme (ETS) to emerging schemes beyond Europe in the presence of a post-Kyoto agreement in 2020. Numerical simulations with a multi-country equilibrium model of the global carbon market show that linking the European ETS induces only minor economic benefits. As trading is restricted to energy-intensive companies that are assigned high initial emissions, the major compliance burden is carried by the non-trading industries excluded from the linked ETS. In the presence of parallel government trading under a post-Kyoto Protocol, the burden of the excluded sectors can be substantially alleviated by international permit trade at the country level. However, the parallel carbon markets of linked ETS companies and post-Kyoto governments are still separated here. From an efficiency perspective, the most desirable future climate policy regime is thus represented by a joint trading system facilitating international emissions trading between ETS companies and post-Kyoto governments. While the Clean Development Mechanism is not able to attenuate the inefficiencies within linked ETS, in a parallel or joint trading regime the economy-wide access to project-based abatement options in developing countries induces large additional cost-savings.  相似文献   

Carbon trading: Current schemes and future developments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper looks at the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions trading schemes and examines the prospects of carbon trading. The first part of the paper gives an overview of several mandatory GHG trading schemes around the world. The second part focuses on the future trends in carbon trading. It argues that the emergence of new schemes, a gradual enlargement of the current ones, and willingness to link existing and planned schemes seem to point towards geographical, temporal and sectoral expansion of emissions trading. However, such expansion would need to overcome some considerable technical and non-technical obstacles. Linking of the current and emerging trading schemes requires not only considerable technical fixes and harmonisation of different trading systems, but also necessitates clear regulatory and policy signals, continuing political support and a more stable economic environment. Currently, the latter factors are missing. The global economic turmoil and its repercussions for the carbon market, a lack of the international deal on climate change defining the Post-Kyoto commitments, and unfavourable policy shifts in some countries, cast serious doubts on the expansion of emissions trading and indicate that carbon trading enters an uncertain period.  相似文献   

Can emissions trading assist with the task of placing a limit on coal production and consumption in Australia? This paper outlines a critical political economy perspective on coal and a flagship ‘market mechanism’ for emissions reduction. The prospects for an effective emissions trading scheme in coal-dominated economies are considered in light of its theoretical justifications as well as recent attempts to price carbon in Australia. Emissions trading is a weak instrument that does not address real-world failures of coal governance. At their theoretical best, carbon prices produce marginal changes to the cost structure of production. In practice, the Australian case demonstrates emissions trading is an attempt to displace the emissions reduction task away from coal, through compensation arrangements and offsetting. In light of the urgent need to rapidly reduce global emissions, direct regulation and democratisation of coal production and consumption should be flagship climate policy.  相似文献   

中外碳交易市场发展现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《京都议定书》的生效,标志着国际社会开始以法律手段来限制温室气体排放,其中采取的重要机制之一就是碳排放权交易。清洁发展机制(CDM)、联合实施机制(JI)、国际排放权交易体系(IET)三种灵活机制作为碳金融工具,在关键国家和地区实施并迅速发展。CDM和JI是基于项目的市场,IET是基于配额的市场。目前国际碳交易市场以配额为主体,以项目交易为补充。西方发达国家已建成了全球性的碳交易市场,其中欧盟排放交易体系(EU ETS)是目前全球最大的排放交易体系。近年全球碳交易量及交易额迅速增长,预计2020年有望分别达到440×108t和5799亿美元,国际金融机构也积极参与碳交易市场。我国碳交易市场仍处于起步阶段,目前还只有CDM一种交易机制,国家已批准在7省市成立碳排放权交易试点。截至2013年6月底,我国签发的CDM项目数占到世界总量的61.76%。针对目前国内存在的问题,建议国家应设法扩大碳金融的影响力,建立统一的排放权交易平台,加强金融业对CDM项目的支持,完善碳金融法律框架,加大知识产权保护力度,同时要大力发展中介市场。  相似文献   

对国际和国内碳排放交易的理论和实践的发展进行了总结,在总结和分析国际碳市场发展规律的基础上对碳市场的结构、主体构成、价格形成机制、激励机制以及发展趋势等进行了分析,提出了发展我国碳排放交易市场的任务,以及建设和发展我国碳交易市场的途径。  相似文献   

Non-utility power plants can competitively participate in open electricity market to reduce operational costs but in the absence of pollution charges or emissions trading such generators are tempted to cause greater pollution for profit maximization. This paper presents a solution that incorporates pollution charges for nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide emissions in line with existing national environmental quality standards and a new carbon dioxide emissions trading mechanism. A novel approach has been used for allocation of allowable emissions that favors efficiently fuelled and environmentally friendly operation for maximizing profit. Impact of proposed carbon trading on economical utilization of enormous indigenous coal reserves has been analyzed and determined to be acceptable. Software developed in this paper, harnessing Sequential Quadratic Programming capabilities of Matlab, is shown to be adequate simulation tool for various emissions trading schemes and an useful operational decision making tool for constrained non-linear optimization problem of a non-utility power plant.  相似文献   

The damage inflicted by global warming is happening far faster than any experts have predicted or anticipated. Since the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997 to fight global warming through reducing global greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission, the world climate pattern has worsened at an accelerated rate beyond expectation. While developed countries sanctioned by the protocol are committed to achieve their GHG emission targets, developing nations play similar roles on a voluntary basis. Since almost all of the GHGs emissions come from energy sector, it is obvious that energy policy and related regulatory frameworks play imperative roles in realizing the Kyoto Protocol objectives. With carbon dioxide (CO2) touted as the main remedy in the GHGs emissions, it is only reasonable that carbon trading becomes the essential element in the Protocol. Recently a milestone is marked in the Kyoto Protocol with the 2009 Climate Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, with all participating countries further committed themselves in fulfilling the protocol's obligations before the commitment period due in 2012. It is worthwhile to review the various energy efficiency efforts and carbon trading potential in Malaysia, a country which although does not bear any obligation, has ratified and lauded the cause of the protocol. Malaysia as a developing nation is seen as a direct beneficiary from carbon trading and in this paper, how the country energy policies have evolved over the years with concerted efforts from the government to minimize its carbon footprint through numerous energy efficiency implementations are discussed in length. The impact from the 2009 Climate Summit on Malaysia is also briefed.  相似文献   

发达国家碳排放贸易政策对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑爽  李瑾 《中国能源》2012,34(2):37-40,46
《京都议定书》第17条规定附件1国家之间可以通过排放贸易帮助其实现温室气体量化减排承诺。欧盟、新西兰、澳大利亚等附件1国家还在区域、国家和地方层面制定和实施了排放贸易政策,通过设定温室气体排放配额,并允许国家、企业和个人交易这些配额来达到成本有效地控制温室气体排放的目的。但各国的排放贸易政策存在很大差别,从政策制定过程、政策的性质、排放目标的设定、排放配额的分配、排放量的测量报告和核查以及市场运行方面都存在明显的国家或区域特征,本文旨在挖掘和分析这些特征,建立对发达国家实施排放贸易这一市场手段的更深入的理解。  相似文献   

Over the last few months in the emerging and lucrative carbon project market, a growing number of organizations have proposed to offset citizens’ greenhouse gas emissions. The target of these carbon-offset initiatives is to satisfy the increasing demand of individuals wishing to take part in the fight against climate change. In this paper, we review and criticize these carbon-offsetting programs in general terms. We then propose an alternative that, in our opinion, should prove to be a better solution for citizens who are willing to pay for protecting the environment. This alternative is to organize citizens’ participation in carbon emissions trading on a large scale in order to purchase and retire (destroy) CO2 permits. To do so, a benevolent Regulator or non-governmental organization must correct certain CO2 emissions market failures; this particularly concerns the high transaction costs, which represent an entry barrier and prevent citizens from purchasing and withholding permits. Based on theoretical findings, we demonstrate that implementing citizens’ participation in emissions trading is an economically efficient and a morally preferable option.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the design of carbon markets in space (i.e., geographically). It is part of a twin set of papers that, starting from first principles, ask what an optimal global carbon market would look like by around 2030. Our focus is on firm-level cap-and-trade systems, although much of what we say would also apply to government-level trading and carbon offset schemes. We examine the “first principles” of spatial design to maximise flexibility and to minimise costs, including key design issues in linking national and regional carbon markets together to create a global carbon market.  相似文献   

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