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温室效应下的气候状态是当前的研究热点.地史中的温室气候尤其是白垩纪气候究竟是均一还是非均一的问题曾引起了广泛的讨论.通过对中国鄂尔多斯盆地白垩纪沙漠的旋回性、古风向转换和水循环变化的分析,认为白垩纪气候具有极强的周期性,不仅具有中长周期的变化,而且还有极强的季节变化,甚至还有瞬间的变化.研究表明,白垩纪气候并非均一.  相似文献   

众所周知,静校正问题是沙漠地区地震资料处理的关键问题之一.只有针对不同盆地不同表层结构类型采用相应的静校正方法,才能解决好工区的静校正问题.本文就模型法静校正、扩展广义互换法折射静校正、沙丘曲线法静校正三种静校正方法从理论上、计算方法上进行阐述和探讨,并针对位于沙漠地区的ZGE三维工区的表层结构加以系统研究,同时使用上述三种方法进行对比试验处理,通过分析其静校正和叠加的效果,提出解决本工区静校正问题的方法.经试验对比,我们认为,沙丘曲线法静校正比较适合解决ZGE三维工区的静校正问题.  相似文献   

中国数字地震台网(CDSN)经过第3期升级改造后,硬件系统性能有了质的飞跃,设备的可维护性及数据稳定性全面提升,系统的复杂程度也逐渐攀升。本文详细介绍CDSN技术系统的构成及升级过程,阐述技术规范和实施细节及对CDSN技术改造发挥的作用。  相似文献   

多聚焦(MF)成像技术综述   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
MF(多聚焦)技术是一组以巨模型——独立成像为特征的地震成像方法,在该方法中,大的地震道的叠合道集进行叠加,而每一个叠合道集都横越许多共中心点道集,它用聚焦参数的最优化过程代替了传统偏移方法中的速度模型修正,极大避免了“速度难题”,MF技术可以广泛应用于地震数据处理和反演的各个方面(处理复杂的近地表难题、多次波的等),在解决复杂地质问题时更是有着独到的效果。因此,MF成像技术在地震勘探中将有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Jane盆地是一个边缘海盆地,紧邻韦德尔海西北部的South Orkney海底高原东部。在盆地所得的35个热流测量值分布于67.5±4.3和92.1±3.0mW/m~2之间。除去由侧倾更正值或盆地边缘的测得值,余下的28个热流值在75.0±8.0和84.6±9.1mW/m~2之间。对在海洋钻井计划中697号钻孔于Jane盆地钻到322m深度采出的岩心进行磁性地层学研究,可回算到4.5Ma前的沉积速率。从Rss Shackleton单道地震反射数据对Jane盆地的总沉积厚度作了估计,我们推算热流测值仅仅是沉积作用时的实际热流的86—89%。沉积层的热生成量为总热流提供了1.5—1.9mW/m~2。通过年代-热流对比校正热流值给出了Jane盆地的年龄为25到32Ma之间,这与由基底深度确定的年龄相似。Seot达海位于Jane盆地和South Orkney海底高原的北部,始于异常10(30 Ma)或更年轻些。我们推算的Jane盆地的年龄表明或许它的产生先于Scotia海早期的海底扩张。重要的板块运动的证据显示出南极大陆约于65 Ma前开始顺时针旋转而离开南美板块。这种运动也许引发TJane海岸东南部的沉降和作为弧后盆地的Jane盆地的张开。Jane海岸的沉降止于异常6A时(22 Ma),根据紧靠Jane海岸东部的南极板块上的证据,我们推断,Jane盆地先于scotia海张开,而产生Jane盆地的扩张中心已转移到了scotia海,又在那里产生了海底扩张。  相似文献   

介绍了专门设计用于CDSN三期台站自动获取地震数据的地震分析系统数据处理平台(SAW),解释了SAW的工作原理,并详细说明了其提供的各类子程序ASPseed、Xmax、MS绘图、LISS服务器的配置等。  相似文献   

我国典型沙漠(地)流动风沙土的深层渗漏量及动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤水分是干旱生态系统的重要制约因素,一直是干旱区研究和生态建设的热点和难点问题,对降雨的深层土壤渗漏水量仍缺少定量观测研究.本文采用作者自主研发的YWB-01型土壤深层水分渗漏计量仪对毛乌素沙地等4大沙漠(地)的流动沙地测试记录了降雨入渗到150 cm以下深层土壤的渗漏水量,连续2年的资料表明:(1)降雨的深层渗漏水量自东向西由半干旱区向干旱区递减,其中:乌审旗流动沙地渗漏水总量高达508.4 mm,占同期降雨量58.4%,磴口的渗漏水量为23.8 mm,占降雨量13.9%,而阿拉善左旗和右旗未测试到渗漏水量,但≥25 mm的强降水对干旱和半干旱区流沙地深层土壤水分的渗漏补给具有重要作用;(2)渗漏水量的季节变化与降水的变化趋于一致,但有一定滞后,在降雨量较大地区,二者变化的相似性更强;(3)单次较强降雨在降雨开始的40~55 h后出现一个渗漏水量峰值,渗漏速率增加较快但其减少相对缓慢,持续渗漏过程长达150 h左右,降雨量越大,渗漏水量峰值就越高,渗漏水量所占降雨量的比例也越高;受降雨强度、雨量和历时的共同作用,就低强度、长历时和单次降雨量大的降雨事件更有利于降雨对沙地深层土壤的渗漏补给;(4)受土壤冻融作用的影响,在快速消融期3月份出现一个小的渗漏补给峰值.研究结果对我国干旱和半干旱区沙地水资源的准确评估和合理利用及生态建设具有现实指导意义.  相似文献   

王庭斌 《中国科学D辑》2004,34(2):117-124
中国有5类含煤盆地, 含煤盆地的形成、发展与历次构造事件密切相关, 其中印支运动对中国含煤盆地构造格局、古地理景观的变革尤为重要. 中国含煤盆地的演化可划分为两大发展阶段、3种结构型式和两类沉积环境. 总结中国含煤-含气(油)盆地的地质条件表明: 只有曾长期深埋地腹的煤系地层才有可能成为含煤-含气(油)盆地, 成为中国天然气的主要勘探对象. 在各类含煤-含气(油)盆地中, 以类前陆型煤成气前景最好; 裂(断)陷型煤成气聚集的丰度最高, 最有利于生成煤成油; 克拉通型煤成气丰度偏低, 演化程度偏高. 由以上3种类型含煤盆地为主在中国形成了3个煤成气主要聚集区: 西部区、中部区、近海海域区. 未来勘探煤成气田的重点盆地: 塔里木、鄂尔多斯、四川、东海及莺琼盆地.  相似文献   

本专题为专家及相关组织之间的交流和接触提供了一个良好机会,旨在提高地震流体观测技术,增强地震短期预测效能. 会议收到27篇论文摘要.内容涵盖了地震过程中流体的作用、孔隙压波的数值分析、地电场与流体主体渗流方向计算、井水位远场短临异常分析、WFSD(汶川地震科学钻探)钻孔气体氢浓度动态与断裂构造及地震关系、地震前后水氡异常、井水温度动态的复杂性及其机制研究、水位动态周期性干扰的小波方法分析和地下水强震映震效应等.参会人数之多,内容覆盖领域之广,堪称国内地震地下流体领域的一次学术盛会.  相似文献   

我国前新生代残留盆地油气资源的巨大潜力已为近年的一些勘探实践所证实,但是仍面临许多技术难题.本文介绍了近年在863计划支持下,针对残留盆地油气勘探难题所研究的一些方法与技术.其中包括针对我国海区残留盆地勘探目标的地震采集技术、基于弯曲射线的复杂构造叠前成像技术和残留盆地残余厚度提取技术等.这些技术已在我国海域进行了试验并取得了一定的成效.  相似文献   

Groundwater extraction is rampant in many developing countries and urban areas whereas the natural recharge is decreasing due to covering of Earth's surface for various developmental activities. This leads to declining levels of groundwater and deterioration in groundwater quality. Artificial recharge with rain water harvesting techniques offers an excellent scope to arrest this degradation. This paper presents a study that analyzes the influence of rain water harvesting (RWH) on groundwater storage and quality. Chennai City, India is selected as study area, as major RWH implementation has taken place during 2002–2003 due to Government legislation. Preliminary analysis of groundwater levels were done spatially and temporally. Groundwater table contours were drawn using the GIS software for pre‐ (1999–2000) and post‐RWH (2009–2010) periods. The groundwater levels follow a decreasing trend before implementation of RWH where as a positive increasing trend takes place after construction of RWH structures. “Groundwater Estimation Committee (GEC)” norms of Government of India were used to estimate the change in storage during pre‐ and post‐RWH periods, which are found to be 1.76 × 106 and 32.77 × 106 m3, respectively. The results show that the implementation of RWH has increased the groundwater storage considerably. Also, the influence of RWH on groundwater quality is found to be encouraging in some parts of the studied area.  相似文献   

By the measurement of the wind directional indicator of the Cretaceous desert in Ordos Basin, the regularity of the paleoprevailing wind directions and pattern of the paleowind belts are revealed. It is considered that the desert was controlled by a planetary wind system. In the early stage, the subtropical high pressure zone drifted south and northwards with short cycles, resulting in the alternation of westerlies and northeast trades; in the late stage, the subtropical high pressure zone drifted southwards with a long cycle, placing the desert under the westerly belt and making the desert completely controlled by the westerly belt. The reconstruction of the paleowind belts has provided the evidence of the general circulation of the atmosphere for the pattern of the circulation before the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地北部黄土沙漠区隐蔽薄气层预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长庆油田公司针对黄土沙漠区低孔、低渗、薄气藏的地震目标处理,经过多年的探索与实践,已形成了一套适合该类气藏特点的储层横向预测技术。在榆林、乌审旗、苏里格庙和神木等地区的上古生界天然气勘探、开发阶段取得了显著效果,使长庆油田上古生界天然气储量连续八年保持稳定增长。本文详细剖析了该技术的应用效果及经验。  相似文献   

为研究乌兹别克斯坦境内阿姆河地区水体中多环芳烃(PAHs)污染特征、来源并进行风险评估,采用高效液相色谱二极管阵列检测器串联荧光检测器法,对研究区域50个采样点中16种优先控制的多环芳烃进行了检测分析.结果表明,阿姆河地区水体中多环芳烃总浓度范围为3.19~779 ng/L,平均值为98.4 ng/L,中位值为40.1 ng/L,单体浓度范围为0~333 ng/L,检出浓度最高的单体为苊烯,5种单体芴、蒽、荧蒽、芘和的检出率为100%,单体苯并[b]荧蒽的检出总量最高,水样中总浓度为786 ng/L,平均值为15.7 ng/L,中值为2.79 ng/L.不同水体含中低环多环芳烃(2~4环)与高环多环芳烃(5~6环)总浓度相近,但不同采样点间浓度差异较大.浓度较高的采样点主要集中在阿姆河三角洲的城市、农业灌溉区及近咸海区域.与世界不同研究区域相比,阿姆河流域多环芳烃浓度处于中等水平.采用相对丰度法、同分异构体比值法及正定矩阵分解法相结合进行源解析,表明研究区域水体中多环芳烃多为混合来源,其中阿姆河下游河段水体多环芳烃主要来源于生物质燃烧,而阿姆河三角洲区域主要来源于生物质燃烧、石油、天燃气燃烧及汽车尾气排放.生态风险评估结果显示,研究区水体单体多环芳烃中萘、苊、菲和蒽的生态风险较低,其余单体处于中等风险等级,其中苯并[b]荧蒽的污染程度较为严重;总体上阿姆河流域ΣPAHs风险等级相对较低,但仍有12和8个点位分别处于中等风险2和高风险等级,且主要集中在阿姆河三角洲地区,需采取相应措施加以控制.  相似文献   

Hypotheses about the influence of surface shape, landscape unit and vegetation cover on gravel dispersion were tested on a shallowly dissected portion of a low-sloping granite pediment in the East Mojave Desert of California. Painted gravels (2 to 20 mm diameter) were placed at 117 nodes on a 6m × 3m grid. Gravel movements were recorded after 9.7 cm of precipitation over a four-month period. Vectors indicating the magnitude and direction of gravel movement were longest for summits (24 cm, 34 nodes observed) and shortest for backslopes (14 cm, 27 nodes observed). Gravels beneath shrub canopies were protected significantly from rainsplash transport. To describe dispersion symmetry, eccentricity values were calculated using a ratio of variances of major and minor axes of an ellipse. Mean eccentricity values ranged from about 3 to 250 with dispersion on summits being the most symmetrical and dispersion in washes being the most elongated. Erosion is the most important soil- and pediment-modifying process at upper elevations of the Granite Cove Pediment which is cut off from sediment additions because of washes incised at the base of the mountain front. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to their role in increasing fertility, coppice dunes (nebkhas) are regarded by many researchers as important contributors to aridland ecosystems. Yet, despite their frequent occurrence, little information exists regarding the rate and factors that control their formation. The goal of the current study is to examine the formation rate and factors that determine the establishment of coppice dunes in the Hallamish dune field in the western Negev Desert. The rate in which sand and fines, hereafter aeolian input (AI) was trapped and its particle size distribution (PSD) were examined by means of the solidification of 2 m × 2 m plots using surface stabilizers, and by the installation of three pairs of artificial shrubs (SH), three pairs of artificial trees (TR), and a pair of control (CT) plots. Measurements were annually conducted during June 2004 and June 2008, with monthly collection during June 2004 and May 2006. The PSD was compared to coppice dunes located on the fine‐grained playa surface. AI was trapped at SH, while it was not trapped at TR and CT. The annual rate of AI accretion under the canopy was highly variable ranging between 1405 and 13 260 g m?2, with a four‐year average of 5676 g m?2, i.e. 3.8 mm a?1. It depended upon the wind power, with drift potential having a threshold velocity of Ut > 10 m s?1 yielding the higher correlations with the monthly AI (r2 = 0.59–0.84). No significant relations were obtained between the monthly AI and shrub height. Sand saltation, suspension and creep are seen responsible for mound formation, which based on the current rates of sand accretion are relatively fast with a 60 cm‐high coppice dune forming within ~150–160 years. The current data highlight the problematic design of some previous research using conventional traps and confining the measurements only to certain seasons. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau is a key factor in controlling the present‐day climate and atmospheric circulation pattern in Asia. The pattern of atmospheric circulation after the uplift of the plateau is well known, whereas direct evidence is lacking regarding the nature of the circulation pattern prior to the uplift. The distribution of desert directly reflects the position of the subtropical high‐pressure belt, and the prevailing surface‐wind pattern recorded in desert deposits reveals the position of its divergence axis. Cretaceous eolian sandstone of the Phu Thok Formation is extensively exposed in the northern Khorat Basin, northeastern Thailand. We conducted a sedimentological study on this formation to reconstruct temporal changes in the latitude of the subtropical high‐pressure belt in low‐latitude Asia during the Cretaceous. Spatio‐temporal changes in the paleo‐wind directions recorded in the Phu Thok Formation reveal that the Khorat Basin mainly belonged to the northeast trade wind belt and subtropical high‐pressure belt was situated to the north of the Khorat Basin during the initial stages of deposition, shifted southward to immediately above the basin during the main phase of deposition, and then shifted northward again to the north of the basin during the final stages of deposition. The paleomagnetic polarity sequence obtained for the Phu Thok Formation comprises three zones of normal polarity and two of reversed polarity, correlating to chrons M1n to C34n of the geomagnetic polarity time scale. This result suggests that the Phu Thok Formation is mid‐Cretaceous in age (from c. 126 Ma to c. 99–93 Ma), similar to the age of eolian sandstone in the Sichuan Basin, southern China (the Jiaguan Formation). These results, in combination with paleo‐wind direction data, suggest the development of low‐latitude desert and an equatorward shift of the subtropical high‐pressure belt (relative to the present‐day) in Asia during the mid‐Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Eolian sand dune deposits of the Upper Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation at Tugrikiin Shiree, southern Mongolia, yield not only dinosaur skeletal remains but also numerous trace fossils produced by invertebrates. This paper describes the trace fossil Entradichnus meniscus, a long unlined and unbranched trail that is filled with meniscate laminae and occurs characteristically in positive epirelief. The trail is straight to gently meandering, parallel to the foreset laminae of the eolian dunes, and exhibits a significant preferred orientation parallel to the depositional dip of the cross‐stratification laminae. In addition, almost all the crescentic internal laminae of the trail show concave down‐dips. These features indicate that the trails were produced beneath the slipface of eolian dunes by the downward burrowing of the trace‐makers. This occurrence mode of E. meniscus of the Mongolian Cretaceous is very similar to that described from the Jurassic eolian dune deposits in North America. Hence, the downward burrowing of the E. meniscus animal might be a common feature in arid eolian dune deposits at least during the Jurassic and Cretaceous, and possibly reflecting a behavioral response to the morphology of large sand dunes under an arid climate.  相似文献   

The content of 19 metals(chromium,cobalt,nickel,strontium,arsenic,magnesium,barium,cesium,gallium,rubidium,uranium,vanadium,zinc,lead,copper,cadmium,iron,manganese,and aluminum) in sediment in three ephemeral streams(Nahal Sansana,Nahal Revivim and Nahal Pura) with reservoirs in the Negev Desert is studied herein.The study was done in September 2016.The samples were collected from the surface layer of sediment(up to 10 cm) in the reservoirs and in the channels upstream and downstream of the reservoirs.Silt,which on average,accounted for 72% dominated in the sediment.In the spatial distribution of the particle size,sand and gravel fractions were deposited in the reservoirs.Aluminum,iron,and magnesium accounted for 99% of all analyzed metals.The Principal Component Analysis(PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis(HCA) showed that sediment in the Negev Desert channel upstream of the reservoirs had similar concentrations of metals.Similarities were also found between the analyzed reservoirs.The bottom sediment in reservoirs had higher concentrations of metals than sediment upstream and downstream of the reservoirs.The comparison of concentrations in upstream and downstream locations did not show any unambiguous trends because metal concentrations downstream from the reservoirs were not always lower than upstream of the reservoirs.The analysis of the sediment enrichment factor(EF) showed the highest value in the reservoirs and the lowest downstream of the reservoirs.The concentrations of most analyzed metals did not indicate the possibility of potential ecological risk(SQG).  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge and discharge in the Akesu alluvial plain were estimated using a water balance method. The Akesu alluvial plain (4842 km2) is an oasis located in the hyperarid Tarim River basin of central Asia. The land along the Akesu River has a long history of agricultural development and the irrigation area is highly dependent on water withdrawals from the river. We present a water balance methodology to describe (a) surface water and groundwater interaction and (b) groundwater interaction between irrigated and non‐irrigated areas. Groundwater is recharged from the irrigation system and discharged in the non‐irrigated area. Uncultivated vegetation and wetlands are supplied from groundwater in the hyperarid environment. Results show that about 90% of groundwater recharge came from canal loss and field infiltration. The groundwater flow from irrigated to non‐irrigated areas was about 70% of non‐irrigated area recharge and acted as subsurface drainage for the irrigation area. This desalinated the irrigation area and supplied water to the non‐irrigated area. Salt moved to the non‐irrigation area following subsurface drainage. We conclude that the flooding of the Akesu River is a supplemental groundwater replenishment mechanism: the river desalinates the alluvial plain by recharging fresh water in summer and draining saline regeneration water in winter. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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