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黄河水资源贫乏,水污染严重,水资源供需矛盾日益尖锐,黄河流域水资源保护面临着诸多的困难和压力.新《水法》的颁布,给黄河水资源保护带来新的机遇和挑战,依法建立法制化、社会化的流域与区域相结合的水资源保护管理体系,完善法规,建立健全执法体系,以水功能区划管理为重心,实施入河总量控制,建立和完善重大水污染事件快速反应机制,加强水质监测机制与技术创新,加强水资源保护前期和科研工作,建设水资源保护信息管理系统,采取多部门联合治污等项措施,是做好黄河流域水资源保护工作的重要前提和任务.  相似文献   

任汝信  童国庆  李静 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):111-115
随着黄河下游工农业生产的不断发展,人民群众生活质量不断提高,黄河水资源供需矛盾越来越突出.确保黄河不断流必然面临着越来越大的压力,必须提高水量调度的快速反映能力.本文讨论了一维河网不稳定流数值计算模型在黄河下游枯水演进中的数学基础、 实现方法和在此基础上建立的枯季水量调度软件的应用.从对八十年代以来的枯水年份的模拟情况来看,流量拟合结果均能达到乙级以上,这对于水资源短缺的黄河下游的引黄调度具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

黄河与长江流域水资源变化原因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1951~2008年黄河与长江流域逐月降水和径流资料,对流域年径流变化进行趋势性检验,分析年降水量和径流量的相关关系变化,比较不同时段流域降水和径流的变化趋势和双累积曲线,以及径流对降水的敏感性变化.结果表明,黄河干流上游年降水量微弱下降,中下游降水减少趋势显著,为8.8~9.8mm/10a;而全流域径流量均呈现显著递减的趋势,为7.8~10.8mm/10a(通过95%置值度检验);径流系数也明显下降,下降范围为0.013~0.019/10a,流域产流能力下降,径流减少趋势在20世纪80年代末至90年代初发生突变.长江流域大部降水减少趋势显著,为18.2~24.7mm/10a;上游(寸滩站,宜昌站)径流减少趋势显著,为9.9~7.2mm/10a,中游(汉口站)和下游(大通站)径流呈微弱下降趋势,为2.9~2.1mm/10a;长江流域上游径流系数增加不显著,中下游径流系数呈显著增加趋势,速率分别0.005/10a和0.005/10a,表明中下游产流能力增强.根据水文参数公式计算,与1951~1969年相比,1970~2008年,降水减少和人类活动引起的下垫面变化对黄河流域径流减少量的贡献率分别为11%和83%;在长江流域,降水减少对径流量变化的贡献占29%,人类活动引起的径流量增加占71%.1980~2008年,黄河流域由于下垫面变化造成径流量减少的比例在兰州、三门峡、花园口、利津分别为97%,83%,83%和91%,降水引起的径流量减少比例分别为3%,17%,17%和9%.长江流域降水减少对寸滩、宜昌、汉口、大通径流量减少的贡献分别为89%,74%,43%和35%,下垫面变化对径流增量的贡献分别为11%,26%,57%和65%.人类活动的作用强度逐年增大,2000年之后,下垫面变化对黄河、长江流域径流变化量的贡献率上升到84%和73%.下垫面变化引起了黄河下游径流减少和长江下游径流增加,在干旱区和湿润区对径流变化的作用相反.造成这一现象的原因是:黄河流域人类的活动用水量的增加直接造成径流减少;长江流域因太阳辐射下降引起实际蒸发量下降,同时湖泊面积减少,下垫面硬化也在一定程度上造成产流能力增加.  相似文献   

崔伟中 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):77-82
流域管理是以水资源的自然流域特性和多功能属性为基础的管理制度,它的目标是使有限的水资源实现优化配置和发挥最大效益.流域管理的问题直接关系到以水资源的可持续利用支持经济社会的可持续发展的大局.通过分析我国流域管理存在的问题,借鉴国外成功的流域管理经验,提出要进一步明确流域管理和行政区域管理的事权,加快流域管理相应的法律法规建设,加大流域管理的支撑保障能力建设,充分发挥流域管理机构科学规划决策、有效配置调控和有力监督控制的作用,进一步探索适合不同流域的管理模式,加大构建公共参与和民主协商机制力度,探索建立流域水资源管理可持续利用的市场机制.  相似文献   

舒金华 《湖泊科学》1991,3(1):61-66
本文根据我国近期湖泊调查资料分析, 查明了湖泊富营养化、水质污染和湖泊的淤积是我国城市湖泊当前存在的主要问题, 并在总结前期城市湖泊环境综合整治工作经验的基础上, 提出改善我国城市湖泊环境质量工作的建议。  相似文献   

气候变化对青海生态环境的影响及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过分析和总结青海的气候变化及其对生态环境的影响,从气候的角度提出了治理和保护生态环境的措施。  相似文献   

黄河源区湖泊萎缩的原因初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对黄河源区主要湖泊的水环境变化特征的论述,运用水文地质学及水环境理论学等方法,对黄河源区湖泊萎缩的原因进行了初步分析,取得了比较可靠的成果资料,为黄河源区生态环境建设和保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

流域因素与人类活动对黄河下游河道输沙功能的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
许炯心 《中国科学D辑》2004,34(8):775-781
从泥沙收支平衡的概念出发定义了河道的输沙功能, 提出了河道输沙功能的定量指标, 研究了流域自然因子和人类活动对黄河下游河道输沙功能的影响. 这种影响可以用不同水沙来源区的降水量、进入黄河下游的大于0.05 mm粗泥沙占来沙量百分比、黄河上游水库对汛期清水基流的调节程度(以兰州站汛期径流量占全年百分比表示)、高含沙水流频率、流域内水土保持措施实施面积等来定量表达. 运用多元回归分析方法, 建立了黄河下游河道输沙功能指标与上述7个因子之间的多元回归方程. 表明不同水沙来源区降水量的减少对下游河道输沙功能的影响是不同的. 河口镇以上清水区和龙门至三门峡之间年降水量减少, 将导致下游河道输沙功能指标降低; 河口镇至龙门间降水减少, 将导致下游河道输沙功能指标增高. 来沙的组成强烈地影响下游河道输沙功能指标, 进入黄河下游的大于0.05 mm粗泥沙占来沙量百分比越大, 则河道输沙功能指标越低. 因此, 小浪底水库拦截粗泥沙、排出细泥沙, 将有利于提高下游河道输沙功能指标. 兰州站汛期径流量占全年百分比越低, 下游河道输沙功能指标越低, 说明黄河上游水库大量拦截汛期清水基流, 是下游河道输沙功能降低的原因之一.  相似文献   

0引言 黄河源区位于青藏高原腹地的青海省青南高原内部,地处青海省玛多县黄河沿水文站以西,各式各雅山以东,东昆仑山东延中列布青山南麓和南列巴颜喀拉山中段之北地区,面积约20 930km2,海拔均在4 200m以上,属无冰川分布的多年冻土区.  相似文献   

[专稿]长江上游水库改变干流磷通量、效应与修复对策   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
周建军  张曼  李哲 《湖泊科学》2018,30(4):865-880
磷主要随河川径流循环,是水域重要营养或污染物质,是长江及河口浮游生物限制因子.在自然与人类活动作用下,磷循环规律及变化对水生态环境具有重要作用.本文根据实测资料、理论和模型系统分析了长江磷自然循环属性、水库作用及可能的环境影响.长江磷以颗粒态为主,与泥沙关系密切,受水库影响大量沉积;颗粒磷的潜在生物有效磷(BAP)较高,总量超过人类排放;自然背景下磷与淡水系统关系较小,到河口及周边海域释放BAP是这里生态系统关键的营养资源;水库拦截使在底泥沉积并在缺氧环境释放的BAP成为河流上游潜在污染源.水库拦沙也破坏了下游河流泥沙的磷缓冲机制,增加环境脆弱性,降低污染承受能力,抬高水库下泄背景溶解磷浓度和河口碳、氮的相对程度,增加干流最下游大型水库污染和水华风险.另一方面,实测资料对比研究表明,我国河流地表水环境监测规范中的磷分析方法存在问题,采用"澄清样"方法使磷大量漏测,上下游、河湖库及汛枯期间磷通量监测口径不同、标准不一,很难适应流域一体化管理要求;依此监测的评估也会严重低估水库作用,忽视其拦磷和抬高背景溶解磷等机制,误导污染源解析,影响环境管理与决策.流域水库改变泥沙、磷及循环规律是当前长江干流环境条件的实质性改变,是长江保护生态面临的主要问题和修复重点之一,建议在大型水库持续挖泥用以功能性修复河流物质通量和消除上游潜在污染内源.  相似文献   

Based on the regional water resources character, the concept of soil water resources is first redefined, and then associated with their transfer relationship in the hydrological cycle, Evapotranspiration (ET)-based consumption structure and consumption efficiency of soil water resources are analyzed. According to ET 's function in productivity, the consumption efficiency of soil water resources is di- vided into three classes: high efficient consumption from vegetation transpiration, low efficient con- sumption from soil evaporation among plants with high vegetation coverage and inefficient consump- tion from soil evaporation among plants with low vegetation coverage and bare soil evaporation. The high efficient and low efficient consumption were further classified as productive consumption. The ineffi- cient consumption is considered non-productive consumption because it is significant in the whole hydrological cycle process. Finally, according to these categories, and employing a WEP-L dis- tributed hydrological model, this paper analyzes the consumption efficiency of soil water resources in the Yel- low River Basin. The results show that there are 2078.89×108 m3 soil water resources in the whole basin. From the viewpoint of consumption structure, the soil water resources are comprised of 381.89×108 m3 transpiration consumption from vegetation and 1697.09×108 m3 evaporation consumption from soil among plants and bare soil. From the viewpoint of consumption efficiency, soil water re- sources are composed of 920.11×108 m3 efficient consumption and 1158.86×108 m3 of inefficient con- sumption. High efficient consumption accounts for 41.5 percent of the total efficient consumption of the whole basin, low efficient for 58.5 percent. Furthermore, consumption efficiency varies by region. Compared with ET from different land use conditions, the whole basin appears to follow the trend of having the greatest proportion of consumption as inefficient consumption, followed by low efficient consumption, and then the least proportion as high efficient consumption. The amount of inefficient consumption in some regions with vegetation is less than in other regions without vegetation. The amount of inefficient consumption in grasslands is much greater than in forestlands. However, the proportion of low efficient consumption is the greatest in crop fields. The amount of high efficient con- sumption in grasslands and forelands is similar to the corresponding low efficient consumption. However, the low efficient consumption in grasslands is larger than in the forelands. Therefore, when adjusting the utilization efficiency of soil water resources, vegetation coverage and plant structure should be modulated in terms of the principle of decreasing inefficient consumption, improving low efficiency ET and increasing high efficiency ET according to area character.  相似文献   

Jiongxin Xu 《水文研究》2005,19(9):1871-1882
In the past 30 years, the measured annual river flow of the Yellow River has declined significantly. After adding the diverted water back to get the ‘natural’ annual river flow, the tendency of decrease can still be seen. This indicates that the river flow renewability of the Yellow River has changed. The river flow renewability is indexed as the ratio of annual ‘natural’ river flow to annual precipitation over a river drainage basin, where the ‘natural’ river flow is the measured annual river flow plus the annual ‘net’ water diversion from the river. By using this index, based on the data from the drainage area between Hekouzhen and Longmen stations on the middle Yellow River, a study has been made of the river flow renewability of the Yellow River in the changing environment of the past 50 years. The river flow renewability index (Irr) in the drainage area between Hekouzhen and Longmen in the middle Yellow River basin has been found to decline significantly with time. In the meantime, annual precipitation decreased, annual air temperature increased, but the area of water and soil conservation measures has been increased. It has been found that Irr is positively correlated with the areal averaged annual precipitation, but negatively correlated with annual air temperature. There is close, negative correlation between Irr and the area of water and soil conservation measures including land terracing, tree and grass planting and checkdam building, implying that water and soil conservation measures have reduced the river flow renewability. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Water resources management should cover both blue water and green water. For green-water management at the river drainage basin scale, the green-water coefficient (C gw) is adopted, defined as the ratio of annual green water to annual precipitation. Based on data from the Middle Yellow River basin, China, for the period 1950 to 2007, we studied the temporal variation in C gw in response to some influencing factors. A decreasing trend in C gw was found. The influence of changes in land management on C gw, reflected by an increase in the area (A sw) of soil and water conservation measures, is emphasized. Using multiple regression analysis, the contributions of A sw and the 5-year moving averages of annual precipitation and air temperature were estimated as 51, 37 and 12%, respectively. The results may provide useful information for better management of water resources, including green and blue water flows in the Yellow River basin.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Gerten

Citation Xu, J.-X., 2013. Effects of climate and land-use change on green-water variations in the Middle Yellow River, China. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (1), 1–12.  相似文献   

水源动态补给和转化是影响湿地水文过程及其生态效应的重要机制,在黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的战略背景下,开展沿黄湿地多水源组成分析及转化关系研究,是揭示干旱半干旱区水量转化及湿地生态系统演变机制的关键.本文根据山西省汾河入黄口湿地的水文节律变化特征,选择2019年旱季(5月)、主汛期(7月)和汛末(9月)作为典型时期,...  相似文献   

桥梁是生命线工程的重要组成部分,对桥梁作出符合实际的震害预测意义重大。以胜利黄河公路大桥为例,介绍了经验统计法、规范校核法、Push-over方法、大跨度桥梁定性和定量分析等桥梁震害预测方法。分别用Push-over(推倒分析)法和大跨度桥梁定性与定量相结合的震害预测方法对胜利黄河公路大桥进行了震害预测评价。  相似文献   

The study of water vapour sources and water cycle patterns in the Yellow River source region is of great significance for ensuring water resource security in the arid and semi-arid regions of northern China. We established a precipitation stable isotope observation system in the Yellow River source region for three consecutive years (2020–2022), systematically analysed the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of precipitation stable isotopes 2H and 18O in the Yellow River source region and their interrelationships with environmental factors and topography, and explored the regional water vapour transport pathways by using the HYSPLIT model and combining with the global reanalysis data. The results show that: (1) the δ18O and δ2H values of precipitation in the Yellow River source region follow the seasonal pattern, with the first half of the year being richer than the second half of the year; (2) the spatial variations of δ18O of precipitation in the Yellow River source region show a low in the southwest and a high in the northeast; (3) the water vapour source in the source area is basically stable, and the complex transport paths and the cross-effects of the local factors determine the stable isotope characteristics of the water, and the stable isotope characteristics of the water are determined by the cross-effects of the local factors, because the source of the water vapour and the local factors such as the height will not change significantly in the short term. Since the source of water vapour and local elevation factors will not change significantly in the short term, the precipitation pattern in the source area of the Yellow River can be considered to be basically stable.  相似文献   

Instream flows are essential determinants of channel morphology, riparian and aquatic flora and fauna, water quality estuarine inflow and stream load transport. The ecological and environmental instream flow requirements (EEIFR) should be estimated to make the exploitation and utilization of water resources in a highly efficient and sustainable way and maintain the river ecosystem good health. As the largest tributary of the Yellow River, the Wei River is the ‘Mother River’ of Guanzhong region in Shaanxi province. It plays a great role in the development of West China and the health of the ecosystem of the Yellow River. The objective of this study is to estimate the EEIFR for improving the Wei River's ecological and environmental condition and develop the river healthily. Concerning the main ecological and environmental functions of the Wei River in Shaanxi Province, the EEIFR for each section of the Wei River including minimum instream flow requirements (IFR) for aquicolous biotopes maintenance, IFR for channel seepage, channel evaporation, stream self‐purification and sediment transportation were estimated in this paper. The methods to estimate the instream flow requirements for stream self‐purification and instream flow requirements for sediment transportation were proposed. The temporal scale of typical years include the year with the probability 25% of occurrence (high‐flow year), the year with the probability 50% (normal‐flow year) and the year with the probability 75% (low‐flow year). The results show that the EEIFR for the Wei River mainly include instream flow requirements for self‐purification and sediment transportation in each typical year. From high‐flow year to low‐flow year, the annual EEIFR for each reach decrease, except those for the reach from Linjiacun to Weijiabao, and from Linjiacun at the upper reaches to Huaxian at the lower reaches, and the annual reach EEIFR decrease in a sequence. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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