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对于 I 型糖尿病,运动可作为一种非药物治疗方式,运动在提高胰岛素的敏感性和减少体脂,进而提高葡萄糖吸收等方面已经有诸多研究证实。不管是否合并药物或营养治疗,单独采用合理的运动疗法都可能是有效的,可明显减少 I 型糖尿病患者胰岛素的使用量,但 I 型糖尿病患者从事运动治疗时,可能需要更多的条件和监控。本文对相关研究进展进行了系统综述。  相似文献   

通过增加运动或机体的活动可以提高2型糖尿病患者血糖控制、胰岛素敏感性、降低心血管危险因素.耐力运动与典型的药理学治疗方法效果相类似.以生活方式为基础的身体活动在治疗2型糖尿病的作用已被人们广泛接受.有氧耐力运动被认为是2型糖尿病(非胰岛素依赖型)病人传统治疗的最适宜的运动模式.目前许多研究发现,抵抗性训练对治疗2型糖尿病也有效.因此,提出针对2型糖尿病人个体的最理想的运动方案应当是包括血糖控制、提高胰岛素敏感性、降低心血管危险因子、改善心肺功能、肌肉力量和耐力等的有氧耐力训练和抵抗性训练的综合方案.同时,各种运动模式的运动方案能积极地影响病人对运动方案的适应性.2型糖尿病人从事个性化的训练方案发生并发症的危险性显著降低.  相似文献   

探讨运动疗法对超重和肥胖的早发2型糖尿病患者体重、胰岛素抵抗、β细胞功能的影响。收集40岁以下2型糖尿病117例,按就诊顺序随机分为A、B两组,在饮食治疗及胰岛素治疗的前提下,A组患者采用快走的运动方案;B组患者只参加一般日常工作和家务劳动。在12 w后再次测定患者血压、体重、空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素、血脂谱,以及胰岛素抵抗指数、β细胞功能指数计数,并记录用药情况,与12 w之前的结果进行对比。发现A组患者体重下降率、血压下降率、胰岛素用量都明显低于B组(P<0.05),停药率明显高于B组(P<0.05);A组治疗后胰岛素抵抗指数改善好于B组(P<0.05)。运动疗法可降低超重和肥胖早发2型糖尿病患者的体重,有助于代谢综合征的改善,可以减少胰岛素的使用量,有助于胰岛素抵抗和β细胞功能的改善。  相似文献   

2型糖尿病(NIDDM)是由于各种不同的病因及发病机理引起体内胰岛素(Ins)分泌相对不足、靶细胞对胰岛素敏感性降低,导致机体糖、脂、蛋白质、水和电解质代谢紊乱的代谢型疾病。临床康复主要措施包括:糖尿病的知识教育、药物疗法、饮食疗法和运动疗法。实际应用中运动疗法尚未得到充分的利用[1]。本文对近年来国内外关于运动与2型糖尿病研究进行综述。旨在总结运动与2型糖尿病的预防和康复治疗、治疗机理和实施方案。以期提高对糖尿病的运动疗法的认识和实践操作水平。  相似文献   

通过文献法综述了糖尿病、运动与血清视黄醇结合蛋白4(RBP4)的关系。结果表明:胰岛素抵抗是2型糖尿病发生发展的重要因素之一。RBP4作为一个脂肪细胞来源的信使,与胰岛素抵抗和2型糖尿病密切相关,RBP4在2型糖尿病胰岛素抵抗机制中起重要作用。血清中RBP4水平的升高可能是导致高胰岛素血症的原因之一,RBP4可能影响胰岛素的敏感性。RBP4削弱骨骼肌的胰岛素信号通路是通过胰岛素受体底物的磷酸化实现的。运动手段是治疗2型糖尿病的主要方法,运动能够降低血清RBP4水平,改善胰岛素抵抗和脂代谢。  相似文献   

二型糖尿病一直都是威胁人类健康的疾病之一,它的主要特征是胰岛β细胞胰岛素分泌不足和胰岛素抵抗.而内质网应激与胰岛素抵抗之间的联系是最近研究的热点.而大多数研究也表明运动能够缓解二型糖尿病的症状,改善细胞胰岛素抵抗.并且患者经过一系列的耐力运动之后,糖耐量有显著的提高,血糖水平也趋于稳定.众多研究表明,运动可以提高胰岛素受体的敏感性,并且运动与内质网应激也存在一定的关系.本文主要综述近些年来,内质网应激和胰岛素抵抗之间的关系,以及运动在其中扮演着何种角色,从而为相关研究者提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

通过观查40例Ⅱ型糖尿病合并高血压的患者练习太极拳前后血压,血糖,胰岛素及受体的变化,研究太极拳锻炼对Ⅱ型糖尿病合并高血压患者疗效的影响以及可能的作用机制。在常规药物治疗的基础上参加规定的太极拳动作的学习及锻炼3个月。分别采集各实验组和对照组在锻炼前和锻炼12周结束后空腹状态下血液,进行如下指标的测试:血糖、胰岛素、糖化血红蛋白。结果显示运动组治疗后24小时血压、白天收缩压比治疗前有所下降,经统计学处理有显著性差异,但其他各项值虽有数量上的变化,但经统计学处理,与治疗前比较,无显著性差异。运动组血糖水平下降,胰岛素水平升高,高、低亲和力受体个数(r)和高低亲和力受体容量(R)显著升高。  相似文献   

糖尿病的发病原因在于胰岛素抵抗和糖代谢紊乱,下丘脑中的NPY是一种很强的食欲刺激剂,可减少棕色脂肪的交感神经冲动,刺激采食,增加血浆胰岛素水平,影响糖代谢,促进能量储存;而血浆和胰腺中的NPY被认为抑制胰岛的胰岛素分泌,其在糖尿病的发生发展过程中可能起到很重要的调节作用。而在众多防治糖尿病的方法中,运动干预与糖尿病的代谢应答已日益成为医学科学领域的研究热点。笔者就运动对II型糖尿病大鼠下丘脑、血浆及胰腺中NPY的影响做一综述。  相似文献   

运动处方是Ⅱ型糖尿病综合治疗中的重要方法之一,但在治疗过程中,患者往往对饮食控制和药物治疗的依从性较好,对运动疗法缺乏足够的重视.针对不同阶段Ⅱ型糖尿病患者的状态、特征,通过临床研究,制定出临床医师及患者均易理解的可操作性强的运动处方,通过运动治疗后测试糖尿病患者血液的某些生化指标,探讨运动对Ⅱ型糖尿病疗效的影响.运动处方实施6个月后发现,患者体质量、体质量指数、腰围、腰臀比、收缩压、空腹血糖、葡萄糖负荷2h血糖均出现显著性变化.因此,对Ⅱ型糖尿病患者辅以运动处方治疗,可以改善与腹部肥胖综合症有关的异常脂代谢,从根本上解决由于肥胖诱发糖尿病的原因,改善血糖及血脂代谢.  相似文献   

2型糖尿病的病理生理改变主要是从胰岛素抵抗为主伴随胰岛素分泌不足,转变到胰岛素分泌不足为主伴胰岛素抵抗,影响胰岛功能正常发挥,进而导致慢性高血糖的代谢疾病.科学合理的运动可以恢复胰岛细胞的功能,增加胰岛素敏感性,减轻胰岛素的抵抗现象、促进机体对糖的利用,从而改善2型糖尿病患者胰岛功能和糖代谢的调节作用.因此,养成良好的运动习惯对糖尿病的预防具有积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

高血压病(hypertension)是以体循环动脉血压增高为主要表现,常伴有心血管损伤、脂肪和糖类代谢紊乱的临床综合征,其高发率及并发症所带来的危害性日益引起人们的关注。近年来,具备不同作用机制的抗高血压病的药物相继问世,与此同时,对高血压病患者施以运动干预的研究也在深入开展。本文就运动干预对高血压病影响的研究现状和进展进行分析,以探究运动干预对高血压病的效果、机制、注意事项等问题,对高血压病的运动干预提供指导作用。  相似文献   

Background:Exercise is considered as an important intervention for treatment and prevention of several diseases,such as osteoarthritis,obesity,hypertension,and Alzheimer's disease.This review summarizes decadal exercise intervention studies with various rat models across 6 major systems to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms behind the effects that exercise brought.Methods:PubMed was utilized as the data source.To collect research articles,we used the following terms to create the search:(exercise[Title]OR physical activity[Title]OR training[Title])AND(rats[Title/Abstract]OR rat[Title/Abstract]OR rattus[Title/Abstract]).To best cover targeted studies,publication dates were limited to"within 11 years."The exercise intervention methods used for different diseases were sorted according to the mode,frequency,and intensity of exercise.Results:The collected articles were categorized into studies related to 6 systems or disease types:motor system(17 articles),metabolic system(110 articles),cardiocerebral vascular system(171 articles),nervous system(71 articles),urinary system(2 articles),and cancer(21 articles).Our review found that,for different diseases,exercise intervention mostly had a positive effect.However,the most powerful effect was achieved by using a specific mode of exercise that addressed the characteristics of the disease.Conclusion:As a model animal,rats not only provide a convenient resource for studying human diseases but also provide the possibility for exploring the molecular mechanisms of exercise intervention on diseases.This review also aims to provide exercise intervention frameworks and optimal exercise dose recommendations for further human exercise intervention research.  相似文献   

刘威  晋倩  郝选明 《体育学刊》2021,(2):138-144
探讨有氧运动干预对抑郁症大鼠HPA轴激活状态的影响及其上游调控机制。以WKY抑郁大鼠作为动物模型,进行8周有氧运动干预,以下丘脑CRH分泌情况反映HPA轴激活状态,通过海马Glu和GABA以及下丘脑中这两种神经递质受体表达探讨HPA轴激活的上游调控机制。结果发现:(1)抑郁大鼠CRH显著升高,表明其HPA轴过度激活,其机理应该与海马Glu和下丘脑Glu受体高表达、海马GABA和下丘脑GABA受体低表达直接相关。(2)运动干预可以显著降低CRH的分泌从而改善HPA轴的过度激活状态,其机理在于运动干预可下调海马Glu和下丘脑Glu受体的表达,同时上调海马GABA和下丘脑GABA受体的表达。(3)运动干预可以取得与氟西汀干预相似的改善效应,表明有氧运动干预可以作为药物治疗抑郁症的良好替代手段。  相似文献   

Exercise can enhance motivation to change lifestyle behaviors, improve aerobic fitness, improve physical function, control fatigue, and enhance quality of life. Studies have demonstrated the benefits to be gained from physical exercise, highlighting the importance of popularizing the concept of physical exercise for individuals and making professional exercise-treatment programs available to patients with cancer. However, the correlation between physical exercise and carcinogenesis is easily overlooked, and exercise interventions are not routinely provided to patients with cancer, especially those with advanced cancer. In this article, we present a literature review of the effects of exercise on cancer development and progression and give recent evidence for the type of exercise best suited for different types of cancer and in different disease stages. Moreover, the molecular mechanisms about regulating metabolism and systemic immune function in cancer are summarized and discussed. In conclusion, physical exercise should be considered as an important intervention for preventing and treating cancer and its complications.  相似文献   

社会性体格焦虑是针对体格而形成的一种社会焦虑的特定亚型,是身体锻炼的一个重要前因和后果。社会性体格焦虑作为前因影响锻炼动机、情境选择、情绪反应和行为;同时,身体锻炼作为一种干预方式可以有效降低社会性体格焦虑的水平。  相似文献   

Mn—SOD是抵御线粒体氧化损伤的关键性屏障,为延缓运动性疲劳及预防运动性损伤发挥着重要的生理学作用。因此,本文通过查阅相关文献,从Mn—SOD的一般生物学特性及急性和慢性运动对抗氧化酶Mn—SOD的影响等方面进行阐述,为更好地认识Mn—SOD在不同运动方式中的变化特点及其作用提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The purpose of the Self-determination Theory is to explain motivation and behaviour based on individual differences in motivational orientations, contextual influences, and interpersonal perceptions. The theory has shown utility in explaining the antecedents and processes that underpin exercise behaviour. This review will provide an overview of the theory and its application in explaining health-related exercise motivation, behaviour, and outcomes. Recent innovative research using the theory in exercise contexts will also be reviewed in two key areas: advances in measurement and theoretical integration. Based on this evidence, recommendations for future investigations will be made advocating the development instruments to measure self-determined motivation from first principles, the adoption of experimental and intervention designs to better infer causal links between self-determined motivation and behaviour, further investigation of the role of implicit self-determined motivation in predicting behaviour, and the integration of the Self-determination Theory with other theories of motivation, e.g. the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Achievement Goal Theory, to provide complimentary explanations of self-determined motivation in exercise contexts. Based on the evidence, the Self-determination Theory demonstrates considerable efficacy in explaining exercise motivation and behaviour. Future research should adopt these recommendations to develop the theory further with a view to informing intervention and practice.  相似文献   

Growing literature has demonstrated that exercise may be an effective prevention and treatment option for drug addiction. In the past few years, many studies have suggested that there were sex differences in all phases of drug addiction. However, very limited research has investigated sex differences in the effectiveness of exercise intervention in drug addiction and rehabilitation. In this mini review, we summarize the effect of sex on the results of using exercise to prevent and treat drug addiction. The studies we consider span various animal models and use multiple types of exercise to examine the effectiveness of exercise on the neurobiological mechanism of exercise rehabilitation. We believe that exercise as an adjuvant intervention strategy can be applied better in drug addiction prevention and recovery.  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺·运动与免疫(综述)   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
王雪芹  郝选明 《体育学刊》2004,11(3):135-138
谷氨酰胺是人体内重要的一种游离氨基酸。不管在安静状态下还是在运动应激状态下,都发挥着重要的生理作用。谷氨酰胺与运动员的运动能力也密切相关,短时间大强度运动对谷氨酰胺代谢影响不大,而长时间大强度运动尤其是过度训练往往使血浆谷氨酰胺浓度明显下降。谷氨酰胺又是免疫细胞的重要"燃料",运动过程中骨骼肌释放谷氨酰胺减少,血浆谷氨酰胺浓度下降,免疫细胞利用谷氨酰胺的速率受限,从而导致运动性免疫抑制。但运动后补充谷氨酰胺可以帮助恢复机体的免疫力。  相似文献   

BackgroundIn recent years, much evidence has emerged to indicate that exercise can benefit people when performed properly. This review summarizes the exercise interventions used in studies involving mice as they are related to special diseases or physiological status. To further understand the effects of exercise interventions in treating or preventing diseases, it is important to establish a template for exercise interventions that can be used in future exercise-related studies.MethodsPubMed was used as the data resource for articles. To identify studies related to the effectiveness of exercise interventions for treating various diseases and organ functions in mice, we used the following search language: (exercise [Title] OR training [Title] OR physical activity [Title]) AND (mice [title/abstract] OR mouse [title/abstract] OR mus [title/abstract]). To limit the range of search results, we included 2 filters: one that limited publication dates to “in 10 years” and one that sorted the results as “best match”. Then we grouped the commonly used exercise methods according to their similarities and differences. We then evaluated the effectiveness of the exercise interventions for their impact on diseases and organ functions in 8 different systems.ResultsA total of 331 articles were included in the analysis procedure. The articles were then segmented into 8 systems for which the exercise interventions were used in targeting and treating disorders: motor system (60 studies), metabolic system (45 studies), cardio-cerebral vascular system (58 studies), nervous system (74 studies), immune system (32 studies), respiratory system (7 studies), digestive system (1 study), and the system related to the development of cancer (54 studies). The methods of exercise interventions mainly involved the use of treadmills, voluntary wheel-running, forced wheel-running, swimming, and resistance training. It was found that regardless of the specific exercise method used, most of them demonstrated positive effects on various systemic diseases and organ functions. Most diseases were remitted with exercise regardless of the exercise method used, although some diseases showed the best remission effects when a specific method was used.ConclusionOur review strongly suggests that exercise intervention is a cornerstone in disease prevention and treatment in mice. Because exercise interventions in humans typically focus on chronic diseases, national fitness, and body weight loss, and typically have low intervention compliance rates, it is important to use mice models to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the health benefits from exercise interventions in humans.  相似文献   

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