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生物质加压气化技术的研究与应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物质气化气可以替代化石燃料用于发电、供热和用于生产合成反应的化工原料,解决日益严重的能源短缺和环境污染等问题.加压气化具有生产能力大、效率高,可降低单位投资成本,减少焦油的产生,有利于后续发电及合成工艺等诸多优点.文章介绍了压力对气化的影响,加压气化存在的主要问题,加压在生物质和劣质煤等联合气化、定向气化制备合成气、IGCC上应用的研究和应用现状.  相似文献   

生物质等离子体气化研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在热等离子体提供的高温、高能量反应环境中,进行生物质的快速热解气化研究。生物质的等离子体热解气化产物由固体残渣和气体组成,无焦油存在。气体产物中主要以化学合成气(H2和CO为主。增加水蒸气流量,H2和CO含量之和均在96%以上,且V(H2)/V(CO)比率为0.90~1.15,气体产率达到2.0L/g,碳的气相转化率很高。  相似文献   

小型生物质气化发电系统一般指采用固定气化设备,发电规模在200kW以下的气化发电系统。小型生物质气化发电系统主要集中在发展中国家,特别是非洲、印度和中国等东南亚国家。虽然美国、欧洲等发达国家小型生物质气化发电技术非常成熟,但由于在发达国家中生物质能源相对较贵,而常规能源供应系统又很完善,所以对劳动强度大,使用不方便的小型生物质气化发电技术应用非常少,只有少数供研究用的实验装置。1小型气化发电系统的技术性能中国有着良好的生物质气化发电基础,我国早在20世纪60年代初就开展该方面工作,研究了样机并做了初步推广,还曾出…  相似文献   

能源是农业工业中各种活动(即进行干燥、产生蒸汽和发电)的动力来源,而许多农业工业所产生的废弃物又可作为加工业的替代能源。马来西亚盛产棕榈油、椰子、可可、茶叶、烟草、橡胶和咖啡等,他们组织加工和出口。 目前,马来西亚的工业、农业部门对生物质的气化技术越来越感兴趣了,这无疑是由于这种技术为生物质能源形式的转换提供了一种最有前途的方法。  相似文献   

生物质气化技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Enviropower公司最近在芬兰Tampere的15MW试验厂完成了一个扩大的生物质气化试验项目。试验表明煤气化设备能够用生物质作为气化原料。由于气化厂具有多种燃料的适应性,可以使其在生产成本上更具有竞争能力。  相似文献   

生物质气化工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林祯良 《新能源》1995,17(4):43-45

生物质气化发电技术讲座(2)生物质气化工艺的设计与选用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生物质的气化有各种各样的工艺过程。从理论上讲,任何一种气化工艺都可以构成生物质气化发电系统。但从气化发电的质量和经济性出发,生物质气化发电要求达到发电频率稳定、发电负荷连续可调两个基本要求,所以对气化设备而言,它必须保证燃气质量稳定、燃气产量可调,而且必须连续运行。在这些前提下,气化能量转换效率的高低就是影响气化发电系统运行成本的关键。气化形式选定以后,从系统匹配的角度考虑,气化设备应满足以下要求:从实际应用上考虑,固定床气化炉比较适合于小型、间歇性运行的气化发电系统,它的最大优点是原料不用预处理,而且设备…  相似文献   

生物质气化过程中焦油形成机理的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以谷壳气化过程中产生焦油为研究对象,考查了在不同温度情况下的焦油组成变化。实验结果表明:温度的不同,气化过程中产生的焦油组成也不同,且随温度的升高,低温中形成的焦油组成会发生热裂解进行二次反应,生成新的焦油组成。通过对焦油的GC-MS分析说明,随温度升高,焦油组分的变化是一个脱氧且芳香化程度增大过程,当达到800℃以上时,焦油中的主要组份以多环芳烃为主,从而为生物质气化过程中焦油催化裂解催化剂的开发指明方向。  相似文献   

1 中型生物质气化发电系统。中型生物质气化发电系统一般采用流化床气化工艺,发电规模为400~3000kW。中型生物质气化发电系统在发达国家应用较早,所以技术较成熟,但由于设备造价很高,发电成本居高不下,所以,在发达国家应用极少。近年来,我国开发出了循环流化床气化发电系统,由于该系统有较好的经济性,所以在我国推广很快,已经成为国际上应用最多的中型生物质气化发电系统。  相似文献   

生物的能源利用和生物质气化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物质可泛指有机物质.从能源利用角度来说是指储存太阳能又可释放热能的植物.自从人类发现并发明对火的应用,生物质能的燃烧热利用伴随着人类文明的进步,在漫长的历史进程中,曾成为人类赖以生存的能量之源.从实用角度,这里的生物质能是指林业和农业生产加工剩余物,如枝条、秸秆、树皮、锯末屑、灌木条、谷果壳等.  相似文献   

J.P. Reichling 《Energy》2011,36(11):6529-6535
Use of agricultural biomass (switchgrass, prairie grasses) through Fischer-Tropsch (FT) conversion to liquid fuels is compared with biomass utilization via (IGCC) integrated gasification combined cycle electrical production. In the IGCC scenario, biomass is co-fired with coal, with biomass comprising 10% of the fuel input by energy content. In this case, the displaced coal is processed via FT methods so that liquid fuels are produced in both scenarios. Overall performance of the two options is compared on the basis of total energy yield (electricity, liquid fuels), carbon dioxide emissions, and total cost. Total energy yield is almost identical whether biomass is used for electrical power generation or liquid fuels synthesis. Carbon dioxide emissions are also approximately equal for the two pathways. Capital costs are more difficult to compare since scaling factors cause considerable uncertainty. With IGCC costs roughly equivalent for either scenario, cost differences between the pathways appear based on FT plant construction cost. Coal FT facility capital cost estimates for the plant scale in this study (721 MWt LHV input) are estimated to be 410 (MUSD) million US Dollars while the similar scale biomass-only FT plant costs range from 430 MUSD to 590 MUSD.  相似文献   

按所得产品不同,可将生物质气化技术分为制氢、发电和合成液体燃料3大类。文章介绍了生物质流化床水蒸气气化制氢、催化气化制氢和超临界水气化制氢的工艺特点;分析了生物质流化床气化发电的技术、经济可行性;简述了生物质流化床气化合成液体燃料的研究现状;指出气化产出气化学当量比调变、焦油去除问题和合成气净化是生物质流化床气化技术应用的主要瓶颈,认为定向气化是今后研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

文章采用下吸式固定床气化炉,对稻壳、麦秸和木屑3种典型生物质的气化过程进行了仿真模拟。通过对比可知,木屑原料的气化效果最好,稻壳次之。选取木屑为气化原料,得到了最佳工况下生物质气化气的体积分数和特性参数。利用A.G.A.多元指数法和德尔布法对生物质燃气进行互换性分析,结果表明,生物质燃气可以直接置换发生炉煤气,不能直接置换天然气、液化石油气、焦炉煤气和混合煤气。  相似文献   

Two wet biomass gasification processes, supercritical water gasification and biomethanation, were evaluated from energy, environmental, and economic aspects. Gasification of 1 dry-t/d of water hyacinth was taken as a model case. Assumptions were made that system should be energetically independent, that no environmentally harmful material should be released, and that carbon dioxide should be removed from the product gas. Energy efficiency, carbon dioxide payback time, and price of the product gas were chosen as indices for energy, environmental, and economic evaluation, respectively. Under the conditions assumed here, supercritical water gasification is evaluated to be more advantageous over biomethanation, but the cost of the product gas is still 1.86 times more expensive than city gas in Tokyo. To improve efficiency of supercritical water gasification, improvement of heat exchanger efficiency is effective. Utilization of fermentation sludge will make biomethanation much more advantageous.  相似文献   

A fluidized bed gasification system was built to investigate the biomass steam gasification performance in different conditions. Medium heating value syngas with 34% H2 content and no more than 20 g/Nm3 tar content could be obtained under 800°C with a S/B (steam vs. biomass ratio) of 0.9 by using olivine as bed material. The results indicated that syngas quality (including H2 content, gasification efficiency, tar reduction, etc.) is in a positive correlation with temperature and S/B, but has a negative correlation with fluidization number (FN). Compared with quartz sand and dolomite, olivine is more suitable for fluidized bed because of its catalytic ability and good abrasion performance for fluidized bed gasifier. As a result, a set of optimum parameters is recommended with S/B of 0.9~1.0, FN of 1.4, and temperature of 800°C in this study.

Tar is a by-product from the gasification process, which will cause the pipeline congestion, reduce the gasification efficiency, and deteriorate the working condition. According to this experiment, the temperature and S/B both have a negative effect on tar content, while tar content increased with increase in the FN. Dolomite and olivine both have an inhibition function on tar, and the olivine is considered the best choice of bed material because of its good anti-wear properties.  相似文献   

云南省生物质气化技术研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重点介绍了云南省在生物质气化技术方面的研究、产业化能力以及推广应用的现状,分析了该省在农村能源建设中生物质气化技术应用取得的成效,并就其发展作了讨论。  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of size, structure, environment, temperature, heating rate, composition of biomass and ash are reviewed. Based on the observations reported so far, auto-gasification of biomass by the bio-oxygen and the catalytic ash would be feasible. The auto-gasification may be explained in terms of heterogeneous catalytic reaction. Better understanding of auto-gasification is possible by further studies carrying out on the effect of heating rate on auto-gasification.  相似文献   

在生物质气化过程中,由于焦油的产生以及生成的小分子可燃气体较少的特点,影响了生物质气化技术的进一步推广和应用。使用催化剂是一种可以提高小分子可燃气体品位、提高生物质利用效率、减少焦油产生的经济可行的办法。文中叙述了生物质气化催化剂的研究概况,并着重介绍了各种催化剂使用的效果。  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2005,28(1):35-51
The substitution of conventional fossil fuels with biomass for energy production results both in a net reduction of greenhouse gases emissions and in the replacement of non-renewable energy sources. However, at present, generating energy from biomass is rather expensive due to both technological limits related to lower conversion efficiencies, and logistic constraints. In particular, the logistics of biomass fuel supply is likely to be complex owing to the intrinsic feedstock characteristics, such as the limited period of availability and the scattered geographical distribution over the territory. In this paper, the economical feasibility of biomass utilization for direct production of electric energy by means of combustion and gasification-conversion processes, has been investigated and evaluated over a capacity range from 5 to 50 MW, taking into account total capital investments, revenues from energy sale and total operating costs, also including a detailed evaluation of logistic costs. Moreover, in order to evaluate the impact of logistics on the bio-energy plants profitability, the effects of main logistic variables such as specific vehicle transport costs, vehicles capacity, specific purchased biomass costs and distribution density, have been examined. Finally, a mapping of logistic constraints on plant profitability in the specified capacity range has been carried out.  相似文献   

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