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父母职业接触铅对其子女智力行为的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 评价铅对作业工人子女智力、神经行为的影响。方法 选择父亲和 (或 )母亲从事铅作业的 14 7名某市区儿童 (6~ 10岁 )为接触组 ,父母亲均不接触铅及其它化学毒物、居住在同一市区的儿童 99名为对照组。测定两组儿童血铅、发铅、血锌卟啉、智商和神经行为功能。结果 父母职业性接触铅其子女发铅、血铅、锌卟啉明显高于对照组 (P<0 0 1) ,血铅、发铅水平与智商水平基本呈负相关关系。行为功能简单反应时、数字跨度得分 ,接触组明显低于对照组(P <0 0 1) ;上述改变以父亲母亲同时接触铅影响最大、父亲接触铅次之、母亲接触铅影响最小。结论 父母职业接触铅增加其子女铅负荷 ,造成儿童的智力和神经行为不良影响  相似文献   

父母职业接触铅对其子代某些形态和血液指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 评价铅对作业工人子代健康的影响。方法 选择父亲和 (或 )母亲从事铅作业的 14 7名城区儿童 ( 6~10岁 )为接触组 ,父母亲均不接触铅及其它化学毒物的儿童 99名为对照组。测定两组儿童身高、体重、胸围、发铅、血铅、血锌卟啉及智商和部分血液指标。结果 接触组发铅、血铅、血锌卟啉明显高于对照组 (P <0 0 1) ,血红蛋白、红细胞数明显低于对照组 (P <0 0 1) ,女性胸围发育明显落后于对照组 (P <0 0 1) ;上述改变以父亲母亲同时接触铅影响最大、父亲接触铅次之、母亲接触铅影响最小。结论 职业接触铅对子代健康有不良影响  相似文献   

目的研究父母怀孕前接触不同浓度CS2对子女智商发育的影响.方法应用WlSC-R对父母孕前接触CS2>2 a 的61名儿童和39名对照组儿童进行智商测定,并计算平衡年龄、文化因素后的智商得分(VIQ,PIQ,FIQ)和因子(A,B,C因子)得分.结果不同浓度接触组与对照组比较,经单因素方差分析,智商和因子得分差异均有显著意义,其中高浓度组得分最低.将接触组儿童分成父亲接触组、母亲孕前接触组,并与对照组进行比较,3组智商和因子得分差异有非常显著意义,父亲接触组得分最低.经Dunnett分析表明,父亲接触组与母亲接触组及对照组比较,差异有显著性.母亲接触组与对照组比较,差异无显著性.相关分析表明,母亲和父亲文化水平、孕前工龄、生育年龄、新生儿出生体重与儿童智商得分有相关关系.多元逐步回归分析表明,只有父母亲文化水平、父亲接触工龄等进入回归方程. 结论父亲高浓度接触CS2将导致子女智力发育水平低下,父亲接触CS2其子女智商得分低于母亲孕前接触组,接触组儿童智力发育与父亲接触工龄有关,也与父母文化水平有关.  相似文献   

职业性锰接触与尿锰、发锰关系的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对锰矿及其加工厂接触锰工人536人、同厂矿其他工种工人52人和行政对照组53人进行体检及发锰、尿锰测定,同时进行环境检测。作业环境空气中MnO2平均浓度波动范围0.1~1.85mg/m3;粉尘平均浓度在0.22~8.07mg/m3。尿锰及发锰均值接触组、其他工种、对照组分别为0.2794μmol/L及0.3276μmol/g,0.1649μmol/L及0.2519μmol/g,0.1187μmol/L及0.0766μmol/g。尿锰、发锰与空气锰及粉尘浓度间、与症状体征间未发现相关关系,认为尿锰、发锰目前只能作为锰接触指标,还不能作为锰接触工人的生物监测指标或早期锰中毒的诊断指标。  相似文献   

职业性锰接触对电焊工人健康的危害   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
对北京地区的含锰电焊烟尘危害进行了调查和评价。1990~1998年,每一年度平均空气锰浓度为0.10~0.92mg/m  相似文献   

铅是环境中最常见的毒物,其作用主要靶部位为中枢神经系统,发育中的中枢神经系统对铅的损害尤为敏感。动物实验和人群调查均已证实,铅可经胎盘转移和乳汁传递,并且转移和传递的量与母体血铅含量成正相关;流行病学调查显示,环境  相似文献   

锰对女工生殖危害及对子代影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文报告锰作业女工的月经先兆症状乳房胀痛、嗜睡、失眠、乏力等显著高于对照组。接触水平0.4mg/m ̄3以下,锰作业女工月经周期缩短和经期延长;锰接触水平超过0.4mg/m ̄3时,月经异常,月经周期、经期延长和痛经的发生率明显增多,呈明显的剂量-反应关系。锰对子代的影响如出生缺陷、新生儿窒息、新生儿死亡、低体重儿及儿童智力和生长发育异常的发生率与对照组相比并无明显差异;而出生缺陷的发生率虽无统计学意义,但已超过全国出生缺陷平均发生率(13‰),RR为2.6,提示锰对于代出生缺陷有一定的潜在危险性。  相似文献   

锰对接触工人心电图和血压的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
为评价锰对接触人工心血管功能的影响,本文对656名锰作业人工和154名对照人工的心电图和血压进行了调查。结果显示,作业场志空气中MnO2浓度几何均值为0.13mg/m^3(0.10-0.97mg/m^3),样品超标率38.7%。接触组低舒张压检出率(7.6%)明显高于对照组(1.3%,P〈0.05),OR值为6.3(95%CI1.5-26.1);其舒张均值明显低于对照组(P〈0.05)。接触组不同  相似文献   

低剂量锰接触的生物监测指标的探讨罗昊,毛洁,陈茂勋电焊工所接触的主要的职业性危害因素是锰。尿锰、血锰仅能作为接触指标,发锰的测定各地区差异较大,国内正常值尚没有统一,红细胞内锰含量的测定报道较少。本文对电焊工进行了发锰和红细胞内锰含量进行了测定,现将...  相似文献   



In a recent cross-sectional investigation, we reported the intellectual function of adolescents (aged 14 and 15 years) in Bangladesh who had been exposed to arsenic (As). Here, we report a consecutive investigation on the intelligence quotient (IQ) of 408 children who are living in the Sonargoan Thana of Bangladesh (two age groups: 9 and 10 years; 4 and 5 years) were exposed to high levels of As in the groundwater.


Urine and water samples were collected to assess As exposure. The IQ of the children was estimated using the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices and the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test. Information on parents’ socioeconomic status (SES) was collected as confounding factors.


The results indicate that As exposure was responsible for a lower IQ. The concentration of urinary As ([As]u) was associated with reduced intellectual function in a dose–response manner. A stronger association was found between reduced intellectual function (IQ) and [As]u than the level of As in the drinking water [As]w. There was no association between verbal IQ scores and [As]u of children in early childhood (aged 4 and 5 years).


Based on these results, we conclude that current levels of As in the urine ([As]u), which we considered to reflect recent exposure to As from all possible sources, including groundwater, food, among others, were negatively associated to the IQ of the children tested, and that this adverse effect of As may also gradually accumulate over time among the poor.  相似文献   



Growing evidence suggests that excess manganese (Mn) in children is associated with neurobehavioral impairments. In Brazil, elevated hair Mn concentrations were reported in children living near a ferro-manganese alloy plant.


We investigated these children’s and caregivers’ cognitive function in relation to bioindicators of Mn exposure.


In this cross-sectional study, the WISC-III was administered to 83 children aged between 6 and 12 years; the Raven Progressive Matrix was administered to the primary caregivers (94% mothers), who likewise responded to a questionnaire on socio demographics and birth history. Mn in hair (MnH) and blood (MnB) and blood lead (PbB) were measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS).


Children’s mean MnB and MnH were 8.2 μg/L (2.7–23.4) and 5.83 μg/g (0.1–86.68), respectively. Mean maternal MnH was 3.50 μg/g (0.10–77.45) and correlated to children’s MnH (rho=0.294, p=0.010). Children’s MnH was negatively related to Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Verbal IQ; β coefficients for MnH were −5.78 (95% CI −10.71 to −0.21) and −6.72 (−11.81 to −0.63), adjusted for maternal education and nutritional status. Maternal MnH was negatively associated with performance on the Raven’s (β=−2.69, 95% CI −5.43 to 0.05), adjusted for education years, family income and age.


These findings confirm that high MnH in children is associated with poorer cognitive performance, especially in the verbal domain. Primary caregiver’s IQ is likewise associated to Mn exposure, suggesting that, in this situation, children’s cognition may be affected directly and indirectly by Mn exposure.  相似文献   

儿童血铅水平对智商的影响分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对无锡市438名1~5岁儿童进行双盲法血铅及智商测定,血铅检测采用石墨炉原子吸收法,1~2岁及 4~5岁儿童分别采用CECC及WPPSI 进行智商测定。以智商>120分及<70分为高智商组和低智商组,血铅≥100 ug/L和<100ug/L分为高血铅组和低血铅组。结果438名1~5岁儿童血铅均值为86.07±31.53ug/L,智商均值为 95.83±11.22分。儿童铅中毒(血铅值≥100 ug/L)发生率为28.54%,血铅水平的高低与智商呈负相关。高血铅组智商 均值为92.06±15.58分,低血铅组智商均值为98.62±15.72分;高智商组血铅均值为76.22±24.18 ug/L,低智商组血 铅均值为99.42±33. 53 ug/L。经统计学分析,血铅水平与智商之间有显著性差别,高、低血铅组智商相差达6. 56分。提 出高血铅对儿童智能发育起着阻碍作用,应引起重视。  相似文献   

Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) is an organic additive used in Canada since 1976 as an anti-knock agent in unleaded gasoline. Its combustion leads to the emission of Mn oxides, especially Mn3O4. Since no study has assessed the potential risk of chronic exposure to low concentrations resulting from these emissions, the present investigation was undertaken to assess the level of environmental and occupational exposure of the human population. The multimedia exposure of two groups of workers (garage mechanics and blue-collar workers) potentially exposed to different levels of Mn from the combustion of MMT was assessed using personal air samplers, a dietary compilation, water samples at their places of residence, an epidemiological questionnaire and blood and hair samples. Results show that garage mechanics were exposed on average to higher atmospheric Mn at work (0.42 µg/m3) than the blue-collar workers (0.04 µg/m3). However, the contribution of atmospheric Mn to the total absorbed dose was less than 1%, and well below the standards estabished for occupational or environmental exposure; food contributes more than 95% of the multimedia dose. The average whole blood Mn concentrations were similar for the two groups (0.67–0.76 µg/100 ml) and fall within the normal adult range. The average hair Mn concentrations were significantly higher for the garage mechanics (0.66 µg/g) than for the blue-collar workers (0.39 µg/g). The contribution of exogenous Mn versus endogenous Mn is questioned. As judged by the governmental standards or criteria for occupational and non-occupational environments, the current Mn levels in food, water and air may not cause any problems for the workers.  相似文献   

噪声对作业女工妊娠结局及其子代智力行为的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
目的:研究噪声对作业女工妊娠结局及其代智力行为的影响。方法:应用流行病学方法对暴露噪声强度在85.00-103.50dB(A)已婚已孕(育)的纺织女工831人进行调查,用《瑞文测验联合型图册CRT-CC》测验子代智商;用Conner's量表评估儿童行为问题。结果:噪声作业女工自然流产发生率(6.52%,RR=11.24)明显高于对照组,对早产、难产、死胎、死产、先天畸形、低体重儿等观察指标未明见明显影响。其发生率有随暴露声级增大而增高的趋势,噪声组女工子代智商明显低于对照组,行为问卷调查发现,心身障碍得分明显高于对照组。结论:噪声对作业女工妊娠结局及其子代智力行为有一定影响。  相似文献   

不同血铅水平对儿童智力的影响及智力结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解不同血铅水平对学龄儿童智力的影响及高血铅儿童的智力结构,用 WISC-R方法测定不同血铅 水平儿童智力水平并进行智力结构分析。结果显示:随血铅水平升高总智商(总IQ)、语言智商(VIQ)、操作智商(PIQ)均 下降,以 PIQ下降明显,血铅≥30 μg/dl组差异具有显著意义;高血铅组儿童在智力结构中得分值均低,以类同、理想、拼 图 3项差异显著。提示:①铅对儿童智力确有不良影响,且血铅水平升高而加重,血铅≥30 μg/dl影响尤为明显;②对 PIQ影响较VIQ影响更大;③铅对儿童智力影响既有普遍性,又有不平衡性。  相似文献   

医务人员职业暴露调查分析与预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解医务人员职业暴露现况,探讨防范对策.方法 利用北京市医院感染管理质量控制和改进中心“医院感染监控管理系统”开展监测,并对数据进行分析.结果 2005年8月-2011年2月共监测到86名医务人员职业暴露情况,暴露种类以锐器伤为主,占93.02%;血源性暴露源占55.81%;职业分布以护士为主,占60.47%;科室分布外科占29.07%,内科占26.74%;工作年限短的医务人员职业暴露发生率高,占55.81%;伤害发生的地点以病房、手术室居多,分别占48.84%、23.25%;导致伤害的暴露物种类以注射器针头、头皮针居多,分别占27.91%、23.25%;职业暴露的操作环节最多为锐器物用后处置,占25.58%,其次为拔针时,占24.42%.结论 护理人员和低年资医务人员是职业暴露高危人群,应加强对其培训教育,加强对重点部门的管理,建立健全职业暴露规范化管理体系,以降低职业暴露危害.  相似文献   

Introduction: Herbs are a heterogeneous group of many species with several thousand plants, which are used in large quantities in the pharmaceutical and food industries. The aim of the study was to analyse the health effects of long-term occupational exposure to dust from herbs. Methods: A group of 150 people occupationally exposed to dust from herbs, consisting of farmers and workers from herbs processing industry, was examined. As a reference group, 50 urban dwellers not exposed to any kind of organic dust were examined. Examined people were interviewed with the help of the ATS questionnaire compiled by Ferris and by the questionnaire developed in the Institute of Agricultural Medicine in Lublin, Poland for examination of work-related symptoms caused by organic dust. The lung function examination (vital capacity (VC), forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), and FEV1/VC (%) of normal ranges) and allergological tests (skin prick test, precipitin test and inhibition of leukocyte migration (MIF) test) with microbial antigens were conducted. Results: 71.3% (95% CI 64.1–78.6%) of the exposed people reported occurrence of work-related symptoms. A post-shift decrease of spirometric values (VC, VC%) was observed in the exposed group (mean decrease 2.6%, P<0.01). A significant relationship was found between the number of work-related symptoms and decrease of FEV1 values, both before (Spearman correlation coefficient r=−0.21, P<0.05) and after work (r=−0.31, P<0.01). In allergological tests, the frequencies of positive reactions in the exposed group were significantly higher than in the reference group. Precipitins specific to Pantoea agglomerans were found in 30.6% (95% CI 23.2–38.1%) of exposed, compared to 12.0% among unexposed (P=0.01). The frequency of positive results in the migration inhibition test was significantly higher among exposed workers for all antigens tested. Conclusion: Long-term exposure to dust from herbs causes work-related symptoms and decrease of lung function parameters, which, finally, may lead to occupational disease.  相似文献   

150例智力水平低下儿童病因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨智力水平低下儿童的病因 ,为预防提供科学依据 ,采用搜集病史、全面体检及智力筛查量表筛查 ,对结果异常者再用诊断量表确诊智力水平低下并评定其程度 ,最后酌情作染色体、脑 CT等辅助检查等方法对 15 0例患儿进行了分析。结果显示 ,15 0例智力水平低下儿童首位病因为出生前因素占 31.33% ,其中先天颅脑畸形占80 .85 % ,次位因素是原因不明占 2 9.33% ,围产因素居第 3位占 2 6 .6 7% ,其中出生窒息与宫内窘迫占 5 5 .0 0 % ,出生后因素居第 4位占 12 .6 7%。脑 CT检出阳性率在出生前、出生后及围产因素中分别为 96 .77%、6 6 .6 7%及 2 9.4 1% ,差异有非常显著意义 (χ2 =2 4 .82 ,P<0 .0 0 1)。病因中多种危害因素并存者占 5 4 .72 % ,单一因素为 4 5 .2 8%。儿童智力水平低下原因错综复杂 ,预防必须采取多维、综合措施 ,脑 CT在病因早期检出中仍为一种较为可靠手段  相似文献   

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