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刘峰 《固体力学学报》2010,31(2):193-197
大量的实验已经证实电畴翻转是铁电材料非线性和迟滞性本构曲线的根本原因。研究者已经对铁电陶瓷的微观电畴翻转行为进行了大量详细的研究。针对描述电畴成核的物理实验结果和经典的成核率实验数据,为了建立电畴翻转体积分数的演化方程提出了反应微观电畴翻转的成核率模型。针对铁电试样电畴随机分布的情况,应用该模型对铁电陶瓷的非线性本构行为进行了研究。理论结果与实验数据的比较表明,模型能较好的描述铁电材料的非线性本构行为。同时模型所揭示的微观反转的物理本质可进一步的指导宏观唯象模型的改进。  相似文献   

物理实验证实铁电陶瓷的畴变是一个复杂的物理渐变过程,因此论文中引入了电畴翻转体积分数来表征这一过程,以电畴翻转体积分数为内变量,建立了考虑电畴翻转体积分数的铁电材料本构关系.接着提出了单电畴力学模型,把极化后的铁电试样看作横观各向同性单电畴的均匀材料.利用考虑电畴翻转体积分数的铁电材料本构关系,根据部分实验数据,拟合出电畴翻转驱动力与电畴翻转体积分数之间的强化关系曲线.然后根据标定出的强化关系曲线计算铁电试样在力电载荷下的响应.理论预测与实验结果符合良好.  相似文献   

铁电陶瓷宏观单轴力电行为的双面模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁电陶瓷以其优越的力电耦合性作为新型的智能材料使用. 提出基于弹塑性双面理论的宏观铁电本构模型. 根据铁电陶瓷内部电畴在外电场和机械场作用下的微观运动,在宏观上除引入材料的畴变面外,还首次引入饱和面,并考虑以畴变面与饱和面之间的广义距离来表征铁电陶瓷的非线性行为. 数值计算结果与实验数据的比较表明所提出的初步理论可适当地反映力电加载下铁电陶瓷的宏观非线性行为.  相似文献   

万强  陈常青  沈亚鹏 《力学学报》2005,37(4):413-420
通过实验研究了平行和垂直于极化方向的正应力对铁电陶瓷锆钛酸铅(PZT53)的电滞回线(E3-P3)和电致应变曲线(E-ε)的影响. 实验发现平行于极化方向的压应力对PZT53陶瓷的电滞回线、电致应变曲线形状以及矫顽场大小都有明显的影响,但是垂直于极化方向的拉、压应力只对PZT53陶瓷的电致应变曲线形状有明显的影响,但对电滞回线形状和矫顽场大小都没有显著影响. 采用畴翻转的模型详细解释了观察到的实验现象,所得结果为建立铁电陶瓷的多轴力、电耦合本构模型,提供了物理基础.  相似文献   

耿黎明  杨卫 《力学进展》2007,37(2):225-232
铁电陶瓷是具备力电转换功能的典型高技术材料.本文概述铁电陶瓷电致疲劳失效的研究进展.首先介绍电致疲劳的定义和特点,然后讨论电致疲劳失效在不同尺度下的表现行为,包括宏观尺度下裂纹的疲劳扩展;细观尺度下裂纹的萌生;微观尺度下点缺陷在循环电场下的积聚.随即阐述了铁电陶瓷在循环电场下缺陷汇聚的理论分析,运用微结构演化方法计算了单个孔洞随畴界的移动距离,推导了循环电场下铁电陶瓷内点缺陷浓度的演化方程,给出了点缺陷浓度与其汇聚程度之间的定量关系,从而提出了贯通不同尺度的铁电陶瓷电致疲劳失效机理.   相似文献   

铁电材料在力、电载荷作用尤其是循环载荷作用下有明显的热效应.热效应会在铁电材料中引起应力场和电场.另外,在外载作用下铁电材料发生约束畴变时也会产生附加的应力场,这些附加的应力场和电场都会对铁电材料的畴变产生影响.而且在循环载荷作用的情况下,这种影响会逐渐累积.但在以往的研究中,很少涉及这种影响.该文就循环电载下热效应引起的力、电场和约束畴变时产生的附加应力场对铁电材料畴变的影响进行了初步研究.  相似文献   

在航空航天、核能发电等重大装备技术领域, 作为高温传感/驱动/能量收集器件的敏感材料——铋层状结构铁电(BLSF)陶瓷在复杂载荷环境下的疲劳失效问题严重限制着器件寿命和可靠性的提高. 本文以BLSF陶瓷的应用需求为背景, 围绕铁电材料的疲劳裂纹扩展与电畴极化翻转及其相互作用机制等关键问题, 综述了铁电材料在热、力、电三种载荷及其耦合作用下疲劳失效行为的研究现状, 并根据当前铁电材料的一些新发展、新应用对其未来研究方向进行了展望, 旨在为高性能、长寿命铁电/压电器件设计提供参考.   相似文献   

采用添加造孔剂的方法制备了4种不同孔隙率的未极化PZT95/5铁电陶瓷。采用基于超高速相机与数字图像相关性方法的试样全场应变测量技术以及分离式霍普金森压杆(SHPB)技术,对多孔未极化PZT95/5铁电陶瓷进行高应变率单轴压缩实验研究。全场应变测量结果显示:轴向应变仅在试样中部分布较均匀,将该区域的平均应变作为应力-应变关系中的试样应变测量值较为合理,而由SHPB原理计算的试样应变值明显偏大,需要摒弃或修正传统的SHPB数据处理方法。通过波形整形技术实现了恒应变率加载,弱化了径向惯性效应的影响,揭示出多孔未极化PZT95/5铁电陶瓷的压缩强度具有显著的应变率效应。通过分析试样轴向应变和径向应变随着加载应力的变化,阐明多孔未极化PZT95/5铁电陶瓷的非线性变形行为的物理机制是畴变和相变共同作用,并发现畴变临界应力和相变临界应力都随着应变率升高而增大。保持加载应变率不变,讨论了孔隙率对多孔未极化PZT95/5铁电陶瓷动态力学行为的影响,发现随着孔隙率的升高,动态压缩强度呈非线性衰减,而畴变临界应力和相变临界应力则基本呈线性衰减。  相似文献   

建立具有钙钛矿结构铁电材料的基本电畴结构类型及电畴反转系的表示方法;将电畴反转类似为晶体塑性理论的位错运动,采用内时理论的类似方法,提出一个较简便的电畴体积分数的演化方程,能综合考虑到反转驱动力、180°和90°反转的不同形式、电畴体积分数及反转的变形历史等对反转的影响.对不同外加力电载荷条件下单晶材料的响应进行了模拟计算,能较好反映铁电材料的电位移与电场强度、应变与电场强度、应力与应变、应力与电位移等的非线性力电耦合关系.  相似文献   

薛晓敏  孙清  伍晓红  张陵 《力学季刊》2016,37(3):457-465
为解决铁电电滞模型中特性参数确定困难的问题,改善模型在工程应用中受限现状,本文利用遗传算法提出一种实用的铁电模型特性参数识别方法,可根据随机试验数据完成特性参数的提取,继而重构铁电模型以模拟各种铁电电容系统的非线性电滞行为.以上方法不但可以预测各种电场条件下的电极化响应,还可预测反映系统特性的理想饱和极化响应.最后,为验证所提方法的有效性,本文进行了仿真计算验证,其结果表明,基于优化参数的电滞模型能够很好地与试验数据吻合,具有较好的精确性和鲁棒性,为铁电系统在实际工程的应用提供有效参考.  相似文献   

A simple phenomenological model is developed for describing the macroscopic constitutive response of ferroelectric materials based on consideration of the fact that domain switching is a progressive evolution process with loading. The volume fraction of domain switching is taken as an internal variable, which is derived from the domain nucleation theory. The proposed theory can simulate the dielectric hysteresis, reversed butterfly hysteresis, nonlinear strain-stress hysteresis, as well as electric displacement-stress relation of ferroelectric materials. Its comparison with experimental results and two other theoretical models reveals that the model presented can well predict the nonlinear hysteresis of ferroelectrics under electrical or mechanical loading.  相似文献   

铁电陶瓷宏细观本构模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕炜  方岱宁  黄克智 《力学学报》1998,30(5):540-551
在居里温度以下,铁电陶瓷呈铁电相,具有许多取向不同的铁电畴,取向分布函数描述了铁电畴的取向分布情况文中推广了经典的内变量理论,采用宏细观相结合的方法,建立了铁电陶瓷的宏观行为与细观结构的关系,给出了铁电陶瓷的屈服条件,屈服面的演化规律及取向分布函数的演化规律计算得出了与实验比较符合的电位移-电场关系曲线及应变电场-蝶形关系曲线  相似文献   

Domain switching around electrically permeable and impermeable cracks in ferroelectric single crystals subjected to a mechanical load is investigated by using a phase field model.It is found that the e...  相似文献   

Considering the influence of the domain switching near the tip of a crack and apply-ing the idea of multiscale singularity fields in piezoelectric fracture,we have obtained an empiricalcriterion for the crack closure.Based on the domain switching in the electric yield region,referringto Yang's results on the small scale yield model for the electrical fatigue crack,a model of thecrack closure during electric-field-induced fatigue is developed to analyze the crack growth.Interms of the model we have obtained the formula of the rate of the crack growth under cyclicelectric loading.Finally we compare the theoretical predictions with the results given by Cao andEvans experimentally.It should be pointed out that the model proposed is empirical and needsto be verified by more experimental results.  相似文献   

程锦泉  王彪  杜善义 《力学学报》2001,33(3):407-414
针对铁电材料含有随机分布缺陷以及微结构在外场作用下发生变化的特点,建立起一个细观统计力学模型,考虑到缺陷和酶极化转动之间的相互影响,利用细观力学方法-Eshelby等效夹杂法和Mori-Tanaka的平均理论,具体分析了所含缺陷以及外场对铁电材料有效电弹性能和模量的影响。针对BaTiO3铁电陶瓷的有效电弹性能与常数的预报结果表明了缺陷的存在将增强材料的压电性能。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on eliminating the unphysical negative susceptibility which ap- pears when magnetic field is at unsaturated excitation level and reduces from extremity of the hysteresis loop in one-dimension coupled hysteresis model. The domain flexing function c (H) is used to replace the domain flexing constant c in one-dimension coupled hysteresis model. The fea- sibility and rationality of proposed modification are convinced by comparing the magnetization and magnetostriction curves with experimental data and another typical modification results. The effects of pre-stress and temperature on magnetic-elastic-thermal coupling property and hysteresis behavior are investigated.  相似文献   

Many physical experiments have shown that the domain switching in a ferroelectric material is a complicated evolution process of the domain wall with the variation of stress and electric field. According to this mechanism, the volume fraction of the domain switching is introduced in the constitutive law of ferroelectric ceramic and used to study the nonlinear constitutive behavior of ferroelectric body in this paper. The principle of stationary total energy is put forward in which the basic unknown quantities are the displacement u i , electric displacement D i and volume fraction ρ I of the domain switching for the variant I. Mechanical field equation and a new domain switching criterion are obtained from the principle of stationary total energy. The domain switching criterion proposed in this paper is an expansion and development of the energy criterion. On the basis of the domain switching criterion, a set of linear algebraic equations for the volume fraction ρ I of domain switching is obtained, in which the coefficients of the linear algebraic equations only contain the unknown strain and electric fields. Then a single domain mechanical model is proposed in this paper. The poled ferroelectric specimen is considered as a transversely isotropic single domain. By using the partial experimental results, the hardening relation between the driving force of domain switching and the volume fraction of domain switching can be calibrated. Then the electromechanical response can be calculated on the basis of the calibrated hardening relation. The results involve the electric butterfly shaped curves of axial strain versus axial electric field, the hysteresis loops of electric displacement versus electric filed and the evolution process of the domain switching in the ferroelectric specimens under uniaxial coupled stress and electric field loading. The present theoretic prediction agrees reasonably with the experimental results given by Lynch. The project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10572138).  相似文献   

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