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蒙元文化是中华文化的一个重要阶段和构成部分.元代的蒙古族主政者从草原到中原,接受了中原文化,也带去了游牧文化,形成独具特色的蒙元文化.因此,蒙元文化是草原文化、中原文化、中外文化交融的产物,是农耕文化、游牧文化和边塞文化的集聚、融合以及传承和积淀.蒙元文化具有鲜明的地域特色和民族特色,从而,形成了兼容并蓄的地域文化体系.其中,蒙古族帝王文化、宗教文化、蒙药蒙医文化、石文化、饮食文化、民俗文化以及和亲文化构成蒙元文化的核心.  相似文献   

旅游文化是由于旅游活动的介入而形成的一种特殊文化,研究依托旅游文化产品传播旅游文化的机制与策略,对弘扬中国的旅游文化,具有举足轻重的作用。本文分析了旅游文化传播系统的构成要素,以及其传播的特点,并探讨了旅游文化传播的运行机制,在此基础上,提出了旅游文化传播的策略思考。  相似文献   

长吉图先导区是吉林省旅游资源最富集、产品类型最丰富、旅游产品最成熟、旅游活动最丰富、旅游特色最鲜明的旅游产业带,是融生态、民俗、冰雪、历史文化、边境风光、休闲度假等众多产品类型于一体的旅游中心.推进长吉图开发开放先导区建设,以长吉图旅游资源优势做大做强长吉图区域旅游文化产业要抢抓机遇,把旅游文化产业作为兴区富民的支柱产业来抓;要深度挖掘优势资源,构筑具有特色的旅游文化产业格局;要打造一体化的"长吉图旅游经济圈";加强旅游人才队伍建设和合作的渠道;加强资源开发与利用,实施可持续发展战略;改善旅游软环境.  相似文献   

老竹畲族文化资源内容丰富、形式多样,具备原生态性、兼容性、多元性、内部差异性等多重特征,为畲族旅游文化产业的开发提供了"矿藏"。近年来,在莲都区委、区政府,老竹镇党委政府和各界的共同关心支持下,依托东西岩景区的开发,深入挖掘畲族文化和地方文化,有力地促进旅游事业的健康发展和农家乐的长足发展,为新农村建设开创了新局面。  相似文献   

在分析陕西秦岭区域旅游合作条件的基础上,提出提升规划高度、构建"无障碍旅游区"、拓展旅游空间、实现资源共享、深化旅游认知、突出生态特色等对策,以期对秦岭区域旅游业发展有所借鉴.  相似文献   

旅游业是一项发展地方经济、提升地方文化影响力的朝阳产业。它的发展十分迅猛、前景广阔的。作为贫困山区,因地制宜地通过发展旅游谋求发展空间,是最佳选择。本文对五华县文化旅游的优势与欠缺作简要的分析,并就发展五华县文化旅游提一些建设性的意见。  相似文献   

指出国有企业集团经营发展过程中存在的误区,提出超越误区的对策,认为中国要想立足于世界经济之林,就必须造就一批世界级的企业集团  相似文献   

文化是旅游的灵魂。随着近年来全省文化旅游的快速发展,民族文化的传承面临挑战和危机。应该根据实际情况有的放矢,选择性和针对性并举,对贵州民族文化实施保护。  相似文献   

深入分析旅游型县域经济落后的成因,指明寻找其未来发展的路径将是东北地区旅游型县域经济发展的关键.在对东北地区旅游型县域内涵、范围、类型等进行界定的基础上,运用大量统计数据分析了东北地区旅游型县域经济的发展现状,指出了当前存在的主要问题,并有针对性地提出了相应的调控对策.  相似文献   

少数民族传统文化艺术在区域旅游中是推动区域经济发展、区域致富的有力因素,在作为旅游资源来促进地区发展的同时,民族传统文化艺术也会发生转变,诸如文化转型、商品化等现象.在这种双重境地中,必须有一个双赢的措施,保证民族传统文化艺术得到"原生态"保护,并以此促进区域旅游的可持续发展.  相似文献   

开发矿山游的设想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
段剑平 《包钢科技》2004,30(4):95-96
阐述了白云鄂博矿区有着得天独厚的旅游资源,亟待去开发利用.通过科学的规划,利用较少的投资,即可形成一个有广阔发展前景和具有可观经济效益和社会效益的新兴产业,从而有望成为矿山可持续发展道路上的一个新亮点.  相似文献   

The empirical literature supports the idea of groups developing structure over time in a predictable sequence. This is a clinically useful way of conceptualizing the whole group, especially closed time-limited groups. Two general types of development are discussed: one based on recurrent cyclical patterns and the other on progressive linear patterns. A basic 4-stage model is described consisting of 4 sequential stages: engagement, differentiation, interpersonal work, and termination. This model is compatible with findings from both cyclic and linear aspects of the literature. Clinical application is discussed with a particular focus on structural aspects of group organization and specific technical intervention strategies. These strategies are particularly useful when considering how to implement a variety of models of group psychotherapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

黄献雨 《黄金》2008,29(5):1-3
企业管理理念正确与否,是企业能否持续发展的关键。文中从如何对待利益、风险、学习与创新、财富积累以及社会环境等5个方面,阐述了企业发展时期的核心管理理念,值得企业管理者参考。  相似文献   

Historically, cross-cultural psychology has been expected to contribute to an understanding of children and development by increasing the generality of the experiences to which children are exposed and thus providing a broader base from which to report how experience affects development. A variety of difficulties with this basic enterprise are summarized in terms of the difficulty of isolating independent variables and ambiguities in the interpretation of dependent variables. A major, current contribution of cross-cultural psychology is to the processes by which relations between culturally organized experience and development are investigated. It seems clear that a close interplay between laboratory and observational research in which experiments are used as self-conscious models of potentially important cultural experiences will be needed to enable psychologists to gain the benefits from cross-cultural research which its founders envisioned. (36 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The study of social and emotional development is recognized for its complexity. To better understand developmental norms, and deviations thereof, researchers typically focus on individual (e.g., temperament), interactional (e.g., parenting behaviors), and relational (e.g., attachment, friendship) levels of analysis. Often forgotten, however, is the extent to which cultural beliefs and norms play a role in the interpretation of the acceptability of individual characteristics and the types and the ranges of interactions and relationships that are likely or permissible. This special issue comprises four sections in which culture is examined insofar as it relates to the aforementioned levels of social analysis: "Emotional Development," "Parenting and Parent–Child Relationships," "Social Cognition and Social Relationships," and "Social and Emotional Adjustment and Maladjustment." Each section is followed by a commentary. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Proposed a model in which spatial perceptual development was considered as a function of (a) ecology, and (b) mediating variables (cultural, social, nutritional, and genetic) which are functionally adapted to ecology. Ss from 8 subsistence-level samples (e.g., sierra leone and scotland) were given a visual discrimination test and 3 tests of spatial skills: (a) kohs' block-design test, (b) a 6-item form of the embedded figures test, and (d) raven's progressive matrices. Results support the proposed model. Some interactions among the variables, and age and sex differences in the data are discussed. (french summary) (29 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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