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强迫谱系障碍   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
强迫谱系障碍包括一系列相关的精神病性疾病和躯体性疾病,它们在症状学、病因学、对抗强迫治疗的反应、基因遗传模式和其它一些关联特征等方面与强迫症存在某些相似或关联之处。本文综述了强迫谱系障碍概念的提出、内涵、症状维度模式、神经生化改变和治疗等方面的问题。  相似文献   

强迫谱系障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强迫谱系障碍包括一系列相关的精神病性疾病和躯体性疾病 ,它们在症状学、病因学、对抗强迫治疗的反应、基因遗传模式和其它一些关联特征等方面与强迫症存在某些相似或关联之处。本文综述了强迫谱系障碍概念的提出、内涵、症状维度模式、神经生化改变和治疗等方面的问题  相似文献   

孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)是一组高异质性的神经发育性障碍,遗传因素对发病起了重要作用,解释了 25%~35% 患儿的发病原因,但遗传学机制还不清楚。分子遗传学研究发现 ASD 存在常见和罕见拷贝数或单核苷酸变异体,突变基因编码蛋白质影响早期大脑发育,干扰神经元间的连接、突触形成以及功能,可能是其病理学机制。  相似文献   

强迫症是一种难治性精神疾病,以无法控制的强迫思维和强迫行为为主要临床表现,其 病因及发病机制目前尚未完全明确。大量的遗传学研究表明,强迫症具有家族遗传性。近几年来,强 迫症候选基因的研究逐渐成为热点,主要包括5- 羟色胺、多巴胺和谷氨酸递质系统的相关基因,其中5- 羟色胺类基因,包括 5-HT转运体蛋白基因、5-HT受体基因;儿茶酚胺类基因,包括儿茶酚胺氧位甲基 转移酶基因、单胺氧化酶基因、多巴胺受体基因;谷氨酸类基因,包括谷氨酸转运体基因、谷氨酸受体基 因、SAPAP3 蛋白基因。现针对上述基因以及它们与强迫症关联的文献进行整理和综述,为临床诊断和 治疗提供重要参考。  相似文献   

广泛性焦虑障碍与5-羟色胺转运体基因多态性的相关研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 探讨广泛性焦虑障碍与 5 羟色胺转运体 (5 HTT)基因启动子区和内含子 2区两种多态性的相关性。方法 运用聚合酶链反应技术检测 4 7例广泛性焦虑障碍患者 (患者组 )和 90名健康对照者 (对照组 )两种基因多态性的分布频率。结果 患者组启动子区多态性 (5 HTTLPR)的short/short(SS)基因型和short(S)等位基因频率分别为 72 %和 83% ,对照组SS基因型和S等位基因频率分别为 4 9%和 71% ,两组间的差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 )。内含子 2区数目可变的顺向重复多态性各基因型 (12 / 12 ,12 / 10 ,10 / 10 )频率在患者组中分别为 72 % ,2 6 % ,2 % ,在对照组中分别为 78% ,2 1% ,1% ,两组间的差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 ) ;等位基因频率比较的差异亦无显著性 (P >0 0 5 )。结论  5 HTTLPR的SS基因型可能是广泛性焦虑障碍的易感基因之一。  相似文献   

孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)是一组严重的高异质性神经发育障碍,是遗传因素和复杂环境因 素共同作用的结果,病理学机制还不清楚。大量的研究提示表观遗传学机制尤其是特殊脑区的miRNA 表达异常可能参与了ASD 的发生发展,循环miRNA 有望成为早期诊断的生物学标志物。  相似文献   

潘晓鸥  仇剑崟 《上海精神医学》2006,18(5):300-301,318
1谱系障碍ICD和DSM诊断系统的出现为精神科临床工作者提供了可操作性的标准,是现代精神病学的重要发展。但是精神疾病如此的复杂,现有的诊断和分类系统能够客观的反映精神疾病的真实面貌吗?这样的疑问似乎从未停止过。有两个耐人寻味的问题值得思索和讨论:1.现有的诊断标准大多为诊断的实施设定了“阈”(threshold),即诊断标准中所需的症状的数目、严重度以及持续时间,只有达到了阈值才能  相似文献   

《精神障碍诊断与统计手册(第5版)》(DSM-5)中,强迫及相关障碍的代表性疾病是强迫症、躯体变形障碍、囤积障碍。这组障碍均涉及频繁的害怕、担心、冲动性的强迫思维,可伴有仪式化的强迫行为。患者缺乏弹性,耗费大量精力维持不良的行为模式。强迫症的诊断要求存在强迫思维和/或强迫行为,每天耗时1小时以上。躯体变形障碍患者沉湎于自己感受到的外貌缺陷并过度照镜子或过度修饰缺陷。囤积障碍是指持续收集或难以丢弃没有实际价值的物品,占据了生活空间,导致安全与健康隐患。强迫及相关障碍的治疗方法包括SSRIs类药物治疗、心理咨询等。  相似文献   

本文目的是对《国际疾病分类(第11版)》(ICD-11)和《精神障碍诊断与统计手册(第5版)》(DSM-5)这两套诊断系统中强迫及相关障碍诊断标准的异同进行比较。强迫及相关障碍以持续的强迫思维和/或反复的强迫行为为主要临床表现。本文通过对强迫及相关障碍在两套诊断系统中的诊断特征进行比较,以期增进广大精神医学及心理工作者对两套诊断系统相应内容的理解。  相似文献   

Objectives: Patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) frequently show traits of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This is one of the first studies to explore the clinical impact of the overlap between OCD and ASD as a categorical diagnosis.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey in 73 adult outpatients with DSM-IV OCD. Autistic traits were measured using the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ). A clinical estimate ASD diagnosis was made by interview using DSM-IV-TR criteria. OCD patients with and without autistic traits or ASD were compared on demographic and clinical parameters and level of OCD treatment-resistance based on treatment history.

Results: Thirty-four (47%) patients scored above the clinical threshold on the AQ (≥26) and 21 (27.8%) met diagnostic criteria for ASD. These diagnoses had not been made before. Patients with autistic traits showed a borderline significant increase in OCD symptom-severity (Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS); p?=?.054) and significantly increased impairment of insight (Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale; p?=?.01). There was a positive correlation between AQ and Y-BOCS scores (p?=?.04), but not with OCD treatment resistance.

Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of previously undiagnosed ASD in patients with OCD. ASD traits are associated with greater OCD symptom-severity and poor insight.  相似文献   

The first breakthrough in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) came in 1967, when Fernandez and Lopez-Ibor reported on the efficacy of clomipramine (CMI) in the treatment of 16 patients with OCD (Fernandez and Lopez-Ibor, 1967). However, controlled studies with CMI were not published until 1980 (Montgomery, 1980; Thoren et al, 1980), and only in the last 5 years have large well-controlled studies been published (Clomipramine Collaborative Study, 1991). Several studies demonstrated that among the tricyclics (TCA), only CMI is effective in OCD, while effective antidepressants with a noradrenergic profile, such as desipramine (DMI), appear to be totally ineffective (Zohar and Insel, 1987; Goodman et al, 1990; Leonard et al, 1989). This selective response to TCA with a serotonergic profile led to the formulation of the serotonergic hypothesis of OCD and to the development and use of other serotonergic agents in the treatment of this disorder. Several drugs, possessing a serotonergic profile are currently being studied worldwide, among them CMI, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline, paroxetine and citalopram. Currently, as the knowledge regarding the pharmacological approach to OCD is only beginning to accumulate, very little is known regarding treatment duration in OCD. In this review we shall attempt to examine the existing data regarding treatment duration in OCD.  相似文献   

背景:强迫症患者(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD)与强迫型人格障碍患者(Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder, OCPD)的认知功能还没有得到充分的研究。
  方法:本研究在德黑兰心理咨询门诊选定了25例OCD患者和20例OCPD患者,他们在既往两周都没有服药,并且从大学工作人员和当地社区居民中选定了25名健康对照者。对所有参与者均进行28项一般健康问卷(28-item version of the General Health Quesitonnaire, GHQ-28)、威斯康星卡片分类测验(Wisconsin Card Soritng Test, WCST)、和伦敦塔试验(Tower of London test, TOL))。本研究运用WCTS的两个测量指标(持续错误数和完成分类数)评估认知灵活性以及TOL的三个测量指标(12个试验总共的移动次数、总应答时和计划时间)评估计划能力。
  结论:与健康对照组相比,OCD和OCPD患者的认知灵活性和计划能力都有所受损,并且OCD和OCPD患者之间的认知功能测试也存在一些差异。我们需要对OCD和OCPD患者进行长期随访研究评估在强迫症状严重性加重与减轻时认知功能的改变,从而决定此类认知评估指标对于强迫症是否有诊断或临床关联性。  相似文献   

Little is known about impulse control disorders (ICDs) in individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Although studies have examined ICD comorbidity in OCD, no previous studies have examined clinical correlates of ICD comorbidity in a large sample of individuals with a primary diagnosis of OCD. We examined rates and clinical correlates of comorbid ICDs in 293 consecutive subjects with lifetime DSM-IV OCD (56.8% females; mean age=40.6+/-12.9 years). Comorbidity data were obtained with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. ICDs were diagnosed with structured clinical interviews using DSM-IV criteria. OCD severity was assessed with the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. Quality of life and social/occupational functioning were examined using the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire and the Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale. All variables were compared in OCD subjects with and without lifetime and current ICDs. Forty-eight (16.4%) OCD subjects had a lifetime ICD, and 34 (11.6%) had a current ICD. Skin picking was the most common lifetime (10.4%) and current (7.8%) ICD, followed by nail biting with lifetime and current rates of 4.8% and 2.4%, respectively. OCD subjects with current ICDs had significantly worse OCD symptoms and poorer functioning and quality of life. These preliminary results suggest that there is a low prevalence of ICDs among individuals with OCD, although certain ICDs (skin picking) appear to be more common.  相似文献   

目的:了解首发强迫症(OCD)患者的听觉P50变异特点,探讨感觉门控抑制与强迫症状的关系。方法:应用美国Nicolet Bravo脑诱发电位仪,采用听觉条件刺激(S1)-测试刺激(S2)模式对42例OCD患者和46名正常志愿者进行听觉P50检测;应用Yale-Brown强迫量表进行临床症状评定。结果:与正常组相比,强迫症组S2-P50波幅升高(P<0.05),S1-S2和100(1-S2/S1)均降低,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.01)。经Pearson相关分析,Yale-Brown强迫量表评分强迫思维因子分与S2-P50波幅呈正相关(P<0.05),与100(1-S2/S1)呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论:首发强迫症患者的感觉门控变异特点为抑制不足,强迫思维与感觉门控抑制程度有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

背景 强迫症在辅助诊断上目前还缺乏客观的实验室依据。近年来国内外对强迫症的事件相关脑电位进行了研究,结果并不一致。分析其主要原因与所使用仪器、技术性能有关。为此本研究使用国际标准化的美国Nicolet脑电生理仪,并以较成熟的关联性负变、P300及失匹性负波3种事件相关脑电位为手段,并设临床上较多见的抑郁症和广泛性焦虑症为疾病对照,进一步探讨强迫症的脑电生理机制,为临床诊断及治疗提供参考依据。 方法 应用美国Nicolet Spirit 脑诱发电位仪,采用光和声成对刺激以及“听觉靶-非靶刺激序列”技术,对38例强迫症、20例抑郁症和18例广泛性焦虑症及28名正常人的关联性负变(CNV)、P300及失匹性负波(MMN)作了检测。3组疾病组病例均选自2002年5月至2005年12月上海市精神卫生中心,经2名以上的高年资医师确诊并符合中国精神障碍分类方案第三版(CCMD-3)中的强迫症和抑郁症及广泛性焦虑症诊断标准;听力均正常,并无躯体疾病或其他精神疾病,均为右利手。3组对象均未使用过精神科药物。结果 ①CNV:M1波幅抑郁症组[(5±4)μV]和广泛性焦虑症组[(7±4)μV]低于正常组[(14±6)μV]和强迫症组(16±6)μV,指令信号后负变化的出现率抑郁症组(60%)、强迫症组(45%)和广泛性焦虑症组(35%)均高于正常组(4%),上述组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。②P300:在靶刺激中,N2潜伏期在4组间的差异有统计学差异(P<0.01),其中强迫症组[(276±22)ms]和抑郁症组[(277±22)ms]的潜伏期均长于正常组[(259±14)ms],广泛性焦虑症组短于抑郁症组和强迫症组(P<0.01);P3波幅在4组间的差异亦有统计学差异(P<0.01),其中强迫症组[(3.4士1.6)μV]、抑郁症组[(2.9±1.3)μV]和广泛性焦虑症组[(3.3士1.3)μV]均低于正常组[(5.9土2.1)μV]。在非靶刺激中,广泛性焦虑症组P2波幅低于强迫症组和正常组(P<0.05)。③MMN:强迫症组、抑郁症组及正常组之间潜伏期和波幅的差异有统计学差异(P<0.05或P<0.01)。其中强迫症组和抑郁症组的潜伏期长于正常组(P<0.05);强迫症组的波幅高于正常组(P<0.05),抑郁症组的波幅低于正常组(P<0.05)和强迫症组(P<0.01)。结论 ERPs波幅一高一低变异特点可能对鉴别强迫症和抑郁症有参考意义。  相似文献   

Aspects of self-concept have been implicated in recent cognitive theories of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). It has been proposed that OCD is associated with perceptions of incompetence in self-domains considered important by the individual. A previous study in nonclinical individuals found that such "sensitivity of self" in the areas of job competence, morality and social acceptability was associated with elevated OCD symptoms and related beliefs. This study examined whether self-sensitivity is related to higher OCD symptoms and cognitions in individuals with OCD, and whether such self-sensitivity is specific to OCD versus other anxiety disorders. Clinical samples with OCD (N=30), other anxiety disorders (N=20) and a community control sample (N=32) participated in the study. It was found that in the OCD group, sensitivity in moral domains, but not job competence or social acceptability, was associated with higher levels of OCD symptoms and OCD-related beliefs. Sensitivity in the domains of morality and job competence was found in the OCD cohort, whereas individuals with other anxiety disorders did not show such sensitivity, suggesting some specificity of relationships to OCD. Implications for theory and therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Background: Recent studies showed that vitamin D deficiency may lead to dysfunctional changes in the brain and may be associated with neuropsychiatric diseases.

Aims: The present study aims to investigate vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase levels in children and adolescents diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and compared them to healthy controls. Additionally, the correlation of OCD symptom severity with serum vitamin D level will be analyzed.

Methods: A semi-structured interview form (K-SADS-PL) was used to diagnose OCD and other comorbidities in accordance with DSM-IV criteria. In addition, all participants were assessed with clinical interviews based on DSM-5 OCD diagnostic criteria. Children's Yale Brown Obsession Compulsion Scale (CY-BOCS) and Children’s Depression Inventory were used in the clinical evaluation.

Results: Vitamin D levels were lower in patients diagnosed with OCD (15.88?±?6.96?ng/mL) when compared to healthy controls (18.21?±?13.24?ng/mL), but the difference was not statistically significant (p?=?.234). Serum calcium, serum phosphate and serum alkaline phosphatase levels were not different between the groups. A negative correlation was found between serum 25OH-D3 levels and obsession scale scores in CY-BOCS.

Conclusions: To our knowledge this is the first study that evaluated vitamin D levels in OCD patients without comorbidity. The vitamin D levels of newly diagnosed OCD cases were lower but not statistically different than healthy controls. Furthermore, the study does also not support the presence of a significant association between serum vitamin D levels and OCD.  相似文献   

Vitamin B12 and folic acid serum levels in obsessive compulsive disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vitamin B12 and folate serum levels were studied in 30 patients with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and in two control groups comprised of 30 chronic schizophrenics and 30 normal healthy subjects. Six patients (20%) of the OCD group had abnormal low levels of vitamin B12. This prevalence was significantly higher than that of the control groups. No clinical neurological or haematological abnormalities accompanied the reduced vitamin B12 levels. Possible implication of this finding for the pathophysiology of OCD in a subgroup of patients and the possibility that the B12 deficiency could be the consequence rather than the cause of OCD are suggested.  相似文献   

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