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The rapid growth of social network services has produced a considerable amount of data, called big social data. Big social data are helpful for improving personalized recommender systems because these enormous data have various characteristics. Therefore, many personalized recommender systems based on big social data have been proposed, in particular models that use people relationship information. However, most existing studies have provided recommendations on special purpose and single-domain SNS that have a set of users with similar tastes, such as MovieLens and Last.fm; nonetheless, they have considered closeness relation. In this paper, we introduce an appropriate measure to calculate the closeness between users in a social circle, namely, the friendship strength. Further, we propose a friendship strength-based personalized recommender system that recommends topics or interests users might have in order to analyze big social data, using Twitter in particular. The proposed measure provides precise recommendations in multi-domain environments that have various topics. We evaluated the proposed system using one month's Twitter data based on various evaluation metrics. Our experimental results show that our personalized recommender system outperforms the baseline systems, and friendship strength is of great importance in personalized recommendation.  相似文献   

We present GeoSRS, a hybrid recommender system for a popular location-based social network (LBSN), in which users are able to write short reviews on the places of interest they visit. Using state-of-the-art text mining techniques, our system recommends locations to users using as source the whole set of text reviews in addition to their geographical location. To evaluate our system, we have collected our own data sets by crawling the social network Foursquare. To do this efficiently, we propose the use of a parallel version of the Quadtree technique, which may be applicable to crawling/exploring other spatially distributed sources. Finally, we study the performance of GeoSRS on our collected data set and conclude that by combining sentiment analysis and text modeling, GeoSRS generates more accurate recommendations. The performance of the system improves as more reviews are available, which further motivates the use of large-scale crawling techniques such as the Quadtree.  相似文献   

Recommender systems (RSs) play a very important role in web navigation, ensuring that the users easily find the information they are looking for. Today's social networks contain a large amount of information and it is necessary that they employ a mechanism that will guide users to the information they are interested in. However, to be able to recommend content according to user preferences, it is necessary to analyse their profiles and determine their preferences. The present work proposes a job offer RS for a career‐oriented social network. The recommendation system is a hybrid, it consists of a case‐based reasoning (CBR) system and an argumentation framework, based on a multi‐agent system (MAS) architecture. The CBR system uses a series of metrics and similar cases to decide whether a job offer is likely to be recommended to a user. Besides, the argumentation framework extends the system with an argumentation CBR, through which old and similar cases can be obtained from the CBR system. Finally, a discussion process is established amongst the agents who debate using their experience from past cases to take a final decision.  相似文献   

Recommender systems suggest items that users might like according to their explicit and implicit feedback information, such as ratings, reviews, and clicks. However, most recommender systems focus mainly on the relationships between items and the user’s final purchasing behavior while ignoring the user’s emotional changes, which play an essential role in consumption activity. To address the challenge of improving the quality of recommender services, this paper proposes an emotion-aware recommender system based on hybrid information fusion in which three representative types of information are fused to comprehensively analyze the user’s features: user rating data as explicit information, user social network data as implicit information and sentiment from user reviews as emotional information. The experimental results verify that the proposed approach provides a higher prediction rating and significantly increases the recommendation accuracy.  相似文献   

A semantic social network-based expert recommender system   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This research work presents a framework to build a hybrid expert recommendation system that integrates the characteristics of content-based recommendation algorithms into a social network-based collaborative filtering system. The proposed method aims at improving the accuracy of recommendation prediction by considering the social aspect of experts’ behaviors. For this purpose, content-based profiles of experts are first constructed by crawling online resources. A semantic kernel is built by using the background knowledge derived from Wikipedia repository. The semantic kernel is employed to enrich the experts’ profiles. Experts’ social communities are detected by applying the social network analysis and using factors such as experience, background, knowledge level, and personal preferences. By this way, hidden social relationships can be discovered among individuals. Identifying communities is used for determining a particular member’s value according to the general pattern behavior of the community that the individual belongs to. Representative members of a community are then identified using the eigenvector centrality measure. Finally, a recommendation is made to relate an information item, for which a user is seeking an expert, to the representatives of the most relevant community. Such a semantic social network-based expert recommendation system can provide benefits to both experts and users if one looks at the recommendation from two perspectives. From the user’s perspective, she/he is provided with a group of experts who can help the user with her/his information needs. From the expert’s perspective she/he has been assigned to work on relevant information items that fall under her/his expertise and interests.  相似文献   

The main strengths of collaborative filtering (CF), the most successful and widely used filtering technique for recommender systems, are its cross-genre or ‘outside the box’ recommendation ability and that it is completely independent of any machine-readable representation of the items being recommended. However, CF suffers from sparsity, scalability, and loss of neighbor transitivity. CF techniques are either memory-based or model-based. While the former is more accurate, its scalability compared to model-based is poor. An important contribution of this paper is a hybrid fuzzy-genetic approach to recommender systems that retains the accuracy of memory-based CF and the scalability of model-based CF. Using hybrid features, a novel user model is built that helped in achieving significant reduction in system complexity, sparsity, and made the neighbor transitivity relationship hold. The user model is employed to find a set of like-minded users within which a memory-based search is carried out. This set is much smaller than the entire set, thus improving system’s scalability. Besides our proposed approaches are scalable and compact in size, computational results reveal that they outperform the classical approach.  相似文献   

In the context of recommendation systems, metadata information from reviews written for businesses has rarely been considered in traditional systems developed using content-based and collaborative filtering approaches. Collaborative filtering and content-based filtering are popular memory-based methods for recommending new products to the users but suffer from some limitations and fail to provide effective recommendations in many situations. In this paper, we present a deep learning neural network framework that utilizes reviews in addition to content-based features to generate model based predictions for the business-user combinations. We show that a set of content and collaborative features allows for the development of a neural network model with the goal of minimizing logloss and rating misclassification error using stochastic gradient descent optimization algorithm. We empirically show that the hybrid approach is a very promising solution when compared to standalone memory-based collaborative filtering method.  相似文献   

Recommender systems have been one of the most prominent information filtering techniques during the past decade. However, they suffer from two major problems, which degrade the accuracy of suggestions: data sparsity and cold start. The popularity of social networks shed light on a new generation of such systems, which is called social recommender system. These systems act promisingly in solving data sparsity and cold start issues. Given that social relationships are not available to every system, the implicit relationship between the items can be an adequate option to replace the constraints. In this paper, we explored the effect of combining the implicit relationships of the items and user-item matrix on the accuracy of recommendations. The new Item Asymmetric Correlation (IAC) method detects the implicit relationship between each pair of items by considering an asymmetric correlation among them. Two dataset types, the output of IAC and user-item matrix, are fused into a collaborative filtering recommender via Matrix Factorization (MF) technique. We apply the two mostly used mapping models in MF, Stochastic Gradient Descent and Alternating Least Square, to investigate their performances in the presence of sparse data. The experimental results of real datasets at four levels of sparsity demonstrate the better performance of our method comparing to the other commonly used approaches, especially in handling the sparse data.  相似文献   

In recent years, internet news has become one of the most important channels for information acquisition, as more and more people read news through internet connected computers, tablets, and smart phones, etc. Owing to the constantly reproduced news, the number of online media increases dramatically and the volume of news also expands rapidly. Consequently, obtaining primary information from the internet is of great interest. This paper presents a news-topic recommender system based on keywords extraction. It is shown that the proposed system is very effective in acquiring specific topics within any specific period of time.  相似文献   

赵颖 《电子技术应用》2015,41(5):101-104
为了提高灾后应急通信网络频率资源利用效率,提出了基于多信道技术的虚拟多信道ad hoc网络方案。该方案采用单个控制信道和多个数据信道的虚拟多信道结构,通过跳频生成器实现收发机在不同跳频序列之间动态切换。控制信道使用所属子网占用的跳频序列,数据信道使用空闲跳频序列。设计了虚拟多信道路由协议VMCRP,提出了新的路由度量标准VMCM和控制信道分相广播机制CCSP。仿真结果表明:与传统网络相比,本方案能大幅增加网络容量和提升网络吞吐量。  相似文献   

With the widespread usage of mobile terminals, the mobile recommender system is proposed to improve recommendation performance, using positioning technologies. However, due to restrictions of existing positioning technologies, mobile recommender systems are still not being applied to indoor shopping, which continues to be the main shopping mode. In this paper, we develop a mobile recommender system for stores under the circumstance of indoor shopping, based on the proposed novel indoor mobile positioning approach by using received signal patterns of mobile phones, which can overcome the disadvantages of existing positioning technologies. Especially, the mobile recommender system can implicitly capture users’ preferences by analyzing users’ positions, without requiring users’ explicit inputting, and take the contextual information into consideration when making recommendations. A comprehensive experimental evaluation shows the new proposed mobile recommender system achieves much better user satisfaction than the benchmark method, without losing obvious recommendation performances.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - Recommender systems attempt to provide effective suggestions to each user based on their interests and behaviors. These recommendations usually match the...  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - With an increase in online longitudinal users’ interactions, capturing users’ precise preferences and giving accurate recommendations have become an...  相似文献   

As many researchers have taken an interest in social networks with the development of the user-generated web, trust management and its application have come into the spotlight. User information that is extracted by behavior patterns and user profiles provides the essential relationship between individuals. In this paper, we propose an intelligent movie recommender system with a social trust model. The proposed system is based on a social network for analyzing social relationships between users and generated group affinity values with user profiles. In experiments, the performance of this system is evaluated with precision-recall and F-measures.  相似文献   

徐乾  陈鸿昶  吴铮  黄瑞阳 《计算机应用》2017,37(12):3435-3441
随着各种社交网络的不断涌现,越来越多的研究者开始从多源的角度分析社交网络数据,多社交网络的数据融合依赖于跨网络用户身份识别。针对现有的基于好友关系(FRUI)算法对社交网络中的异质关系利用率不高的问题,提出了基于带权超图的跨网络用户身份识别(WHUI)算法。首先,通过在好友关系网络上构建带权超图来准确地描述同一网络中的好友关系及异质关系,以此提高表示节点所处拓扑环境的准确性;然后,在构建好的带权超图的基础上,根据节点所处拓扑环境在不同网络中大致相同这一特性,定义节点之间的跨网络相似性;最后,结合迭代匹配算法,每次选取跨网络相似性最高的用户对进行匹配,并加入双向认证和结果剪枝来保证识别准确率。在合作网络DBLP和真实社交网络上进行了实验,实验结果表明,在真实社交网络上,所提算法相比FRUI算法,平均准确率提高了5.5个百分点,平均召回率提高了3.4个百分点,平均F值提高了4.6个百分点。在只有网络拓扑信息的情况下,所提WHUI算法有效提高了实际应用中身份识别的准确率和召回率。  相似文献   

传统的协同过滤推荐技术在大数据环境下存在一定的不足。针对该问题,提出了一种基于云计算技术的个性化推荐方法:将大数据集和推荐计算分解到多台计算机上并行处理。在对经典ItemCF算法MapReduce化后,建立了一个基于Hadoop开源框架的并行推荐引擎,并通过在已商用的英语训练平台上进行学习推荐工作验证了该系统的有效性。实验结果表明,在集群中使用云计算技术处理海量数据,可以大大提高推荐系统的可扩展性。  相似文献   

Zhang  Yang  Yan  Jiali  Qiao  Liu  Gao  Hongbin 《Neural computing & applications》2022,34(18):15441-15455
Neural Computing and Applications - Existing data race detection approaches based on deep learning are suffering from the problems of unique feature extraction and low accuracy. To this end, this...  相似文献   

With the rapid development of the Internet, recent years have seen the explosive growth of social media. This brings great challenges in performing efficient and accurate image retrieval on a large scale. Recent work shows that using hashing methods to embed high-dimensional image features and tag information into Hamming space provides a powerful way to index large collections of social images. By learning hash codes through a spectral graph partitioning algorithm, spectral hashing(SH) has shown promising performance among various hashing approaches. However, it is incomplete to model the relations among images only by pairwise simple graphs which ignore the relationship in a higher order. In this paper, we utilize a probabilistic hypergraph model to learn hash codes for social image retrieval. A probabilistic hypergraph model offers a higher order repre-sentation among social images by connecting more than two images in one hyperedge. Unlike a normal hypergraph model, a probabilistic hypergraph model considers not only the grouping information, but also the similarities between vertices in hy-peredges. Experiments on Flickr image datasets verify the performance of our proposed approach.  相似文献   

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