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A slowly evolving, flaring loop was observed by the UVSP, XRP, and HXIS instruments onboard SMM on June 10, 1980. Simultaneous radio observations from Toyokawa (Japan) are also available. The SMM instruments have an angular resolution ranging from 3 to 30 arc sec by which the loop structure may be determined. It appears that these observations cannot be accounted for by a single loop model even assuming a variable temperature and pressure. The additional presence of a hot and tenuous isothermal plasma is necessary to explain the harder emission (HXIS). X-ray and UV data are used to fit the differential emission measure as a function of temperature and a model of the flare is deduced, which is then checked against radio data. An estimate of the heating function along the loop and of the total energy content of the loop is also given.  相似文献   

J.-René Roy 《Solar physics》1976,48(2):265-273
We evaluate the possibility that the short-lived Balmer line emission at H9 3835 Å of the 1972, August 2 (1839 UT) solar flare is due to heating of the chromosphere by bombarding electrons. We point out some of the problems of comparing the time behavior and spatial distribution of simultaneous hard and soft X-ray emissions. It is concluded that the present data do not justify the attribution of the short-lived optical emission to the presumed hard X-ray producing electrons.  相似文献   

We have compared microwave imaging data for a small flare with simultaneous hard X-ray spectral observations. The X-ray data suggest that the power-law index of the energy distribution of the radiating electrons is 5.3 (thick-target) which differs significantly from the estimate ( = 1.4) from a homogeneous optically-thin gyrosynchrotron model which fits the radio observations well. In order to reconcile these results, we explore a number of options. We investigate a double power-law energy spectrum for the energetic electrons in the flare, as assumed by other authors: the power law is steep at low energies and much flatter at the higher energies which produce the bulk of the microwaves. The deduced break energy is about 230 keV if we tentatively ignore the X-ray emission from the radio-emitting electrons: however, the emission of soft photons by the flat tail strongly contributes to the observed hard X-ray range and would flatten the spectrum there. A thin-target model for the X-ray emission is also inconsistent with radio data. An inhomogeneous gyrosynchrotron model with a number of free parameters and containing an electron distribution given by the thick-target X-ray model could be made to fit the radio data.  相似文献   

Hot regions in solar flares produce X-radiation and microwaves by thermal processes. Recent X-ray data make it possible to specify the temperature and emission measure of the soft X-ray source, by using, for instance, a combination of the 1–8 Å (peak response at about 2 keV) and the 0.5–3 Å (peak response at about 5 keV) broad-band photometers. The temperatures and emission measures thus derived satisfactorily explain the radio fluxes, within systematic errors of about a factor of 3. Comparison of 15 events with differing parameters shows that a hot solar flare region has an approximately isothermal temperature distribution. The time evolution of the correlation in a single event shows that the hot material originates in the chromosphere, rather than the corona. The density must lie between 1010 and 2 × 1011 cm–3. For an Importance 1 flare, this implies a stored energy of roughly 2 x 1030-1029 ergs. A refinement of the data will enable us to choose between conductive and radiative cooling models.  相似文献   

An energetic solar proton and electron event was observed by particle detectors aboard Explorer 33 (AIMP-1) and OGO-3 during the period July 16–19, 1966. Optical and radio observations of the sun suggest that these particles were produced by a flare which may have occurred on July 16 near the central meridian of the invisible hemisphere. The active region to which the flare is assigned is known to have produced the energetic particle events of July 7 and 28, 1966. The propagation of the particles in the July 16–19 event over the 180° extent of solar longitude from the flare to the earth is discussed, and it is concluded that there must exist a means of rapidly distributing energetic particles over a large area of the sun. Several possible mechanisms are suggested.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the time variations of microwave and hard X-ray emissions from the solar flare of November 5, 1992 was analyzed. On the basis of the wavelet analysis, pulsations of intensity with a period of about 6 s were revealed in both the data sets. The observed time delay between the coronal plasma emission measure maximum and the temperature maximum is consistent with the concept of chromospheric evaporation. The anticorrelation observed between the time profiles of the microwave and hard X-ray emissions and the nature of the time delays between the peaks are associated with the excitation of radial fast magneto-acoustic oscillations in the flare loop (a coronal trap). Consequences of the obtained results are discussed.  相似文献   

We present high resolution detailed observations of the class 3N two-ribbon flare of 1973, July 29 (McMath 12461), which was associated with the disappearance of a large filament (disparition brusque). This flare occurred in a diffuse bipolar magnetic region completely devoid of sunspots, and was further associated with a type IV radio burst and a soft X-ray event. Extensive H filtergraph, spectrograph and magnetograph records during the main phase of the flare suggest that downfalling and streaming material is present on both ribbons for several hours during the H emission enhancement, but only at a small number of points located both on and off the ribbons. We find a poor spatial correspondence between bright emission knots in the H ribbons and the positions of the observed downward motion. We conclude that the model of infall-impact of Hyder (1967a, b) is not consistent with our filtergraph and spectrograph observations.Presently at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.  相似文献   

Garaimov  V.I.  Kundu  M.R. 《Solar physics》2002,207(2):355-367
We present the results of an analysis of a flare event of importance M2.8 that occurred at 00:56 UT 28 August 1999. The analysis is based upon observations made with the Nobeyama radioheliograph (NoRH) and polarimeters (NoRP), TRACE, SOHO/MDI, EIT, and Yohkoh/SXT. The images show a very complex flaring region. Pre-flare TRACE and EIT images at 00:24 UT show a small brightening in the region before the flare occurred. The active region in which the flare occurred had evolving magnetic fields, and new magnetic flux seems to have emerged. The X-ray and radio time profiles for this event show a double-peaked structure. The polarimeter data showed that the maximum radio emission (1200 s.f.u.) occurred at 9.4 GHz. At 17 GHz the NoRH images appear to show four different radio sources including the main spot and the main flare loop. Most of the microwave emission seems to originate from the main flare loop. Comparison of BATSE and microwave time profiles at 17 and 34 GHz from the main sunspot source shows that these profiles have similar structures and they coincide with the hard X-ray peaks. The maximum of the flare loop emission was delayed by 10 s relative to the second maximum of the sunspot associated flare emission. Analysis of SXT images during the post-flare phase shows a complex morphology – several intersecting loops and changes in the shape of the main flare loop.  相似文献   

We present the observation and interpretation of a solar radio burst whose evolution of the source position at 48 GHz has been correlated with microwave spectral observations from 3.1 to 19.6 GHz and H imaging spectrograms. The event of November 19, 1990 showed 4 impulsive peaks in microwaves and 2 H kernels. There exists strong evidence that the impulsive emission has originated from nonthermal electrons including an electron beam during the rising phase of the third microwave peak. The complex evolution of the source position at 48 GHz is attributed to two inhomogeneous and spatially separated sources with changing relative brightness.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are primarily concerned with the solar neutron emission during the 1990 May 24 flare, utilizing the counting rate of the Climax neutron monitor and the time profiles of hard X-rays and γ-rays obtained with the GRANAT satellite (Pelaezet al., 1992; Talonet al., 1993; Terekhovet al., 1993). We compare the derived neutron injection function with macroscopic parameters of the flare region as obtained from the and microwave observations made at the Big Bear Solar Observatory and the Owens Valley Radio Observatory, respectively. Our results are summarized as follows: (1) to explain the neutron monitor counting rate and 57.5–110 MeV and 2.2 MeV γ-ray time profiles, we consider a two-component neutron injection function,Q(E, t), with the form $$Q(E,t) = N_f {\text{ exp[}} - E/E_f - t/T_f ] + N_s {\text{ exp[}} - E/E_s - t/T_s ],$$ whereN f(s),E f(s), andT f(s) denote number, energy, and decay time of the fast (slow) injection component, respectively. By comparing the calculated neutron counting rate with the observations from the Climax neutron monitor we derive the best-fit parameters asT f ≈ 20 s,E f ≈ 310 MeV,T s ≈ 260 s,E s ≈ 80 MeV, andN f (E > 100 MeV)/N s (E > 100 MeV) ≈ 0.2. (2) From the Hα observations, we find a relatively small loop of length ≈ 2 × 104 km, which may be regarded as the source for the fast-decaying component of γ-rays (57.5–110 MeV) and for the fast component of neutron emission. From microwave visibility and the microwave total power spectrum we postulate the presence of a rather big loop (≈ 2 × 105 km), which we regard as being responsible for the slow-decaying component of the high-energy emission. We show how the neutron and γ-ray emission data can be explained in terms of the macroscopic parameters derived from the Hα and microwave observations. (3) The Hα observations also reveal the presence of a fast mode MHD shock (the Moreton wave) which precedes the microwave peak by 20–30 s and the peak of γ-ray intensity by 40–50 s. From this relative timing and the single-pulsed time profiles of both radiations, we can attribute the whole event as due to a prompt acceleration of both electrons and protons by the shock and subsequent deceleration of the trapped particles while they propagate inside the magnetic loops.  相似文献   

In this paper the solar neutron and white-light flare is studied on the basis of radioastronomical observations. It is shown that the 3 June, 1982 flare had an impulsive character. A strong shock wave (M A 2.9) was observed unusually soon after the impulsive phase of the flare. The radio spectrum of this event shows that the primary acceleration process probably occurred in the region with an electron density of n e = 4.4 × 1015 m–3. The pulsations of the type IV radio burst, observed 15 min after the mass ejection process, manifest the reconnection process in the post-flare stage.Proceedings of the Workshop on Radio Continua during Solar Flares, held at Duino (Trieste), Italy, 27–31 May, 1985.  相似文献   

This paper describes the morphology, photospheric magnetic field and radial velocity distribution of the active region of the Class 3B flare (B. R. 2562) of 1980 July 14. Results show that this flare was formed of two parts and that the Velocity field measurements of active regions are important for investigating flare models.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the non-potential magnetic field and the relationship with current (helicity) in the active region NOAA 9077 in 2000 July, using photospheric vector magnetograms obtained at different solar observatories and also coronal extreme-ultraviolet 171-Å images from the TRACE satellite.
We note that the shear and squeeze of magnetic field are two important indices for some flare-producing regions and can be confirmed by a sequence of photospheric vector magnetograms and EUV 171-Å features in the solar active region NOAA 9077. Evidence on the release of magnetic field near the photospheric magnetic neutral line is provided by the change of magnetic shear, electric current and current helicity in the lower solar atmosphere. It is found that the 'Bastille Day' 3B/5.7X flare on 2000 July 14 was triggered by the interaction of the different magnetic loop systems, which is relevant to the ejection of helical magnetic field from the lower solar atmosphere. The eruption of the large-scale coronal magnetic field occurs later than the decay of the highly sheared photospheric magnetic field and also current in the active region.  相似文献   

We investigate the photosphere parameters of a 2N/M2 solar flare that occurred in the NOAA 9077 active area on 18 July, 2000 before its maximum. We use Echelle Zeeman spectrograms obtained in orthogonal circular polarizations by means of a solar spectrograph of the astronomical observatory of Kiev National University, Ukraine (Kurochka, E.V., et. al, 1980). The photosphere is simulated by SIR software (Ruiz Cobo, B. and del Toro Inesta, J.C., 1992). The model of the flare??s photosphere is characterized by a two-component structure, including a magnetic flux tube and its nonmagnetic environment. For both components, we obtain the height distribution of the following parameters: temperature, magnetic field density and line-of-sight velocity. The temperature in the magnetic flux tube increases to approximately 5100 K in the upper photosphere layer of 250?C400 km. The magnetic field intensity decreases sharply from 2600 G (lower photosphere) to 100 G (middle photosphere) with a gradient of about 12 G/km. The model of the nonmagnetic environment differs slightly from the model of undisturbed photosphere.  相似文献   

A topological model with magnetic reconnection at two separators in the corona is used to account for the recently discovered changes of the photospheric magnetic field in the active region NOAA 9077 during the July 14, 2000 flare. The model self-consistently explains the following observed effects: (1) the magnetic field strength decreases on the periphery of the active region but increases in its inner part near the neutral line of the photospheric magnetic field; (2) the center-of-mass positions of the fields of opposite (northern and southern) polarities converge; and (3) the magnetic flux of the active region decreases after the flare. The topological model gives not only a qualitative interpretation of the flare phenomena (the structure of the interacting magnetic fluxes in the corona, the location of the energy sources, the shape of the flare ribbons and kernels in the chromosphere and photosphere), but also correct quantitative estimates of the large-scale processes that form the basis for solar flares. The electric field emerging in the flare during large-scale reconnection is calculated. The electric field strength correlates with the observed intensity of the hard X-ray bremsstrahlung, suggesting an electron acceleration as a result of reconnection.  相似文献   

We make a combined study of the class 3B flare of 1980 July 14 using the Hα patrol, white-light photographs, velocity field measurements of the Yunnan Observatory, the SMM data on X-rays, and the radio observations by the Beijing Observatory. The morphological changes are analysed in terms of the EMF model and a number of physical parameters evaluated. Our results show: 1) that the EMF model is in basic agreement with the observations, 2) that the current sheet could be located at or near the points where the zero velocity line cuts the dark filament and the magnetic neutral line and 3) that the hard tX-ray burst was produced by the non-thermal electrons in the current sheet, while the soft X-ray burst was produced by the thermal bremsstrahlung of a hot plasma in the active region.  相似文献   

An observation carried out with a balloon-borne detector of an additional flux of secondary X-rays (E 30 keV) at large depths in the atmosphere is described. This excess is attributed to the emission of very hard X-rays during the solar flare of August 7, 1972. The propagation in the atmosphere of the secondary photons resulting from their electromagnetic interactions in the air is computed by utilizing the Monte Carlo method. The computations agree with the observed flux when a very hard solar X-ray spectrum is assumed.  相似文献   

The paper is a contribution to the study of two-ribbon flares. A variety of observational material, i.e. Hα pictures, radio spectrum in the frequency band of 150–1000 MHz, radio map at 6 cm, fluxes at other frequencies, magnetograms and X-ray flux in a broad energy interval, enabled us to study the development of the 16 May, 1981 flare. The onset of the flare could be described by the model of Van Tend and Kuperus. A diminishing of the magnetic shear during the activation of the filament was observed. From radio and X-ray data it was found that pulsed acceleration took place in the region under the rising filament, the electrons propagating in a limited region both upwards to greater heights and downwards into the footpoints. Internal oscillations of the filament were observed. A manifestation of the primary process of interplanetary shock-wave generation was found. The 6 cm radio sources could be localized in the footpoints of magnetic loops.  相似文献   

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