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The hydrological conditions on a site constitute one of the many factors that may affect the availability of potentially toxic trace metals for uptake by plants. Bioavailability of Cd, Mn and Zn in a contaminated dredged sediment-derived soil under different hydrological regimes was determined by measuring metal uptake by the wetland plant species Salix cinerea, both in field circumstances and in a greenhouse experiment. Longer submersion periods in the field caused lower Cd concentrations in leaves and bark. The wetland hydrological regime in the greenhouse experiment resulted in normal Cd and Zn concentrations in the leaves, while the upland hydrological regime resulted in elevated Cd and Zn concentrations in the leaves. Field observations and the greenhouse experiment suggest that a hydrological regime that creates or sustains a wetland is a potential management option that reduces metal bioavailability to willows. This would constitute a safe management option of metal-polluted, willow-dominated wetlands provided that wetland conditions can be maintained throughout the full growing season.  相似文献   

Uptake, accumulation and translocation of caffeine by Scirpus validus grown in hydroponic condition were investigated. The plants were cultivated in Hoagland’s nutrient solution spiked with caffeine at concentrations of 0.5–2.0 mg L?1. The effect of photodegradation on caffeine elimination was determined in dark controls and proved to be negligible. Removal of caffeine in mesocosms without plants showed however that biodegradation could account for about 15–19% of the caffeine lost from solutions after 3 and 7 d. Plant uptake played a significant role in caffeine elimination. Caffeine was detected in both roots and shoots of S. validus. Root concentrations of caffeine were 0.1–6.1 μg g?1, while the concentrations for shoots were 6.4–13.7 μg g?1. A significant (p < 0.05) positive correlation between the concentration in the root and the initial concentrations in the nutrient solution was observed. The bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) of caffeine for roots ranged from 0.2 to 3.1, while BAFs for shoots ranged from 3.2 to 16.9. Translocation from roots to shoots was the major pathway of shoot accumulation. The fraction of caffeine in the roots as a percentage of the total caffeine mass in solution was limited to 0.2–4.4% throughout the whole experiment, while shoot uptake percentage ranged from 12% to 25% for caffeine at the initial concentration of 2.0 mg L?1 to 50–62% for caffeine at the initial concentration of 0.5 mg L?1. However, a marked decrease in the concentration of caffeine in the shoots between d-14 and d-21 suggests that caffeine may have been catabolized in the plant tissues subsequent to plant uptake and translocation.  相似文献   


The fate of six human-use drugs was assessed and predicted in mesocosms designed to mimic shallow constructed wetlands during the onset of fall and senescence. Mesocosms were monitored for 28 days after the addition of carbamazepine, clofibric acid, fluoxetine and naproxen (nominal initial concentrations of 5 μg/L each), sulfamethoxazole, and sulfapyridine (nominal initial concentrations of 150 μg/L each), with and without phosphorous (P) addition at 1.6 mg/L. We hypothesized that addition of P would stimulate primary productivity and enhance removal of pharmaceuticals from the water column. Carbamazepine, clofibric acid, fluoxetine, and naproxen had half-lives of 8.7, 11, 1.5, and 2.5, and 8.6, 11.0, 1.4, and 2.5 days in treatments with and without P amendment, respectively. Sulfamethoxazole and sulfapyridine had half-lives of 17 and 4.9 days in mesocosms with P amendment and 17 and 4.7 days without amendment. A concurrent pulse of P with pharmaceuticals did not significantly enhance the removal of these compounds. Predicted half-lives from modeling efforts were consistent with observed values, with photolysis the greatest contributor to chemical attenuation.


国外尾矿酸性排水和重金属淋滤作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尾矿引起的环境问题是水 气 矿物在地表条件下发生复杂反应的综合结果。近年来 ,国外学者研究显示 ,发生在尾矿中的风化作用不仅仅有硫化物的氧化作用 ,而且还伴随有机物氧化作用 ,碳酸盐等矿物中和作用 ,次生矿物沉淀作用、结晶作用、胶结作用 ,矿物交代蚀变作用、吸附作用、离子交换作用以及生物作用。上述各种作用互相影响 ,互相制约。目前 ,最新研究表明 ,许多因素都会影响尾矿风化作用 ,这些因素主要包括 :尾矿原生矿物组成、成因、化学成分、表面积和形态 ;尾矿酸中和潜力 ;溶液pH值 ;次生矿物形成及其吸附、离子交换、胶结作用 ;溶液中Fe3+离子的浓度 ;有机物的种类和含量 ;尾矿粒度分布和空隙度 ;气候条件和尾矿的水文地质环境  相似文献   

研究了不同湿地植物(稻草(Oryza sativa L.)、风车草(Cyperus involucratus Rottb.)、芦竹(Arundo donax L.)、美人蕉(Canna indica L.)、水葱(Scirpus validus Vahl.)、香蒲(Typha orientalis C.Presl)和鸢...  相似文献   

The Nickel Rim aquifer has been impacted for five decades by a metal-rich plume generated from the Nickel Rim mine tailings impoundment. Metals released by the oxidation of pyrrhotite in the unsaturated zone of the tailings migrate into the downgradient aquifer, affecting both the groundwater and the aquifer solids. A reactive barrier has been installed in the aquifer to remove sulfate and metals from the groundwater. The effect of the reactive barrier on metal concentrations in the aquifer solids has not previously been studied. In this study, a series of selective extraction procedures was applied to cores of aquifer sediment, to ascertain the distribution of metals among various solid phases present in the aquifer. Extraction results were combined with groundwater chemistry, geochemical modelling and solid-phase microanalyses, to assess the potential mobility of metals under changing geochemical conditions. Reactions within the reactive barrier caused an increase in the solid-phase carbonate content downgradient from the barrier. The concentrations of poorly crystalline, oxidized phases of Mn and Fe, as well as concentrations of Cr(III) associated with oxidized Fe, and poorly crystalline Zn, are lower downgradient from the barrier, whereas total solid-phase metal concentrations remain constant. Iron and Mn accumulate as oxidized, easily extractable forms in a peat layer overlying the aquifer. Although these oxides may buffer reducing plumes, they also have the potential to release metals to the groundwater, should a reduced condition be imposed on the aquifer by remedial actions.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a survey of the heavy metal distribution in sediments in the drainage basin and estuary of the Sado River (Portugal). In the drainage basin, heavy metals originate mostly from pyrite outcrop erosion and mining activities (Cd, Zn, Cu and locally Hg, Pg), and also from crust erosion (Sn, Ni, Ti, Zr). These sources are not correlated with the particulate organic carbon (POC) and so the metals are thought to be in inorganic forms in this area. Anthropogenic heavy metal sources (urban and industrial) are found in the lower estuary (Sn, Cd, Hg, Zn, Pb and Cu) along with high POC concentrations. In this zone, these metals are thought to be strongly adsorbed onto organic particles. Furthermore, organo-metallic species are likely to be present, as demonstrated in the case of Sn, since methyl- and butyl-tin species were detected in sediments from this area. This suggests the need for the detection of organo-metallic species to understand the heavy metal geochemical cycles. No long-term changes in metal concentrations are found in sediment cores, except in the middle estuary (Zn, Cu) due to the development of mining activities on an industrial scale in the 1860s.  相似文献   

人工湿地作为一种高效处理农田退水的工程设施,其污染物去除效果会因系统内碳源缺失而降低。为了探究外加碳源强化人工湿地处理农田退水的效果,本研究选用芦苇、水葱作为外加碳源,分析了简单处理、碱泡处理、碱热处理3种预处理方式下植物碳源的静态释碳规律,并筛选优质碳源,探究了外加碳源对垂直流人工湿地净化农田退水的促进作用。结果表明,碱热处理后的芦苇具有持续析出碳源的能力,可显著提高人工湿地的脱氮除磷效能,其总氮和总磷平均去除率可达75.67%和91.37%;碱热处理后的芦苇自身析出的氮、磷含量较低,对湿地系统产生污染较小。此外,植物碳源添加的最适碳氮比为5,可实现同步强化脱氮除磷;在碳源充足的情况下,总氮、总磷在人工湿地底层的去除效果好于人工湿地中上层,底层微生物反硝化作用强,可促进系统脱氮,氧气可能是脱氮效果的限制因素之一。  相似文献   

The utility of rice husk as an adsorbent for metal ions such as iron, zinc and copper from acid mine water was assessed. The adsorption isotherms exhibited Langmuirian behavior and were endothermic in nature. The free energy values for adsorption of the chosen metal ions onto rice husk were found to be highly negative attesting to favorable interaction. Over 99% Fe(3+), 98% of Fe(2+) and Zn(2+) and 95% Cu(2+) uptake was achieved from acid mine water, with a concomitant increase in the pH value by two units using rice husk. The remediation studies carried out on acid mine water and simulated acid mine water pretreated with rice husk indicated successful growth of Desulfotomaculum nigrificans (D. nigrificans). The amount of sulphate bioreduction in acid mine water at an initial pH of 5.3 was enhanced by D. nigrificans from 21% to 40% in the presence of rice husk filtrate supplemented with carbon and nitrogen. In simulated acid mine water with fortified husk filtrate, the sulphate reduction was even more extensive, with an enhancement to 73%. Concurrently, almost 90% Fe(2+), 89% Zn(2+) and 75% Cu(2+) bioremoval was attained from simulated acid mine water. Metal adsorption by rice husk was confirmed in desorption experiments in which almost complete removal of metal ions from the rice husk was achieved after two elutions using 1M HCl. The possible mechanisms of metal ion adsorption onto rice husk and sulphate reduction using D. nigrificans are discussed.  相似文献   

pH对生物质同步水解产酸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用香蒲枯叶作为发酵基质,考察了水生生物质在培养温度为(25.0±0.5)℃、pH为6~12下的水解产酸情况.结果表明:(1)实验末期(30 d),不同pH下香蒲枯叶中半纤维素降解率为28%~60%,比纤维素(19%~42%)和木质素(1%~46%)高.(2)在同一发酵时间内,发酵液总有机碳(TOC)、还原糖浓度总体随...  相似文献   

Seven species from two contrasting wetlands, an upland bog and a lowland rich fen in North Wales, UK, were exposed to elevated ozone (150 ppb for 5 days and 20 ppb for 2 days per week) or low ozone (20 ppb) for four weeks in solardomes. The rich fen species were: Molinia caerulea, Juncus subnodulosus, Potentilla erecta and Hydrocotyle vulgaris and the bog species were: Carex echinata, Potentilla erecta and Festuca rubra. Senescence significantly increased under elevated ozone in all seven species but only Molinia caerulea showed a reduction in biomass under elevated ozone. Decomposition rates of plants exposed to elevated ozone, as measured by carbon dioxide efflux from dried plant material inoculated with peat slurry, increased for Potentilla erecta with higher hydrolytic enzyme activities. In contrast, a decrease in enzyme activities and a non-significant decrease in carbon dioxide efflux occurred in the grasses, sedge and rush species.  相似文献   

采用低成本、可持续修复材料处理酸性矿坑水 (acid mine drainage, AMD) 具有重要的科研价值和应用前景。选取基围虾、对虾、蛎虾和梭子蟹壳4种甲壳生物质,探究其对AMD模拟水样及恒定pH的AMD水样中镉的去除性能与机制。结果表明:甲壳生物质具有良好的镉去除能力 (112.38~235.45 mg·g−1) ,其含有丰富的碳酸钙对镉去除起了至关重要的作用,可通过中和作用调高AMD的pH值,降低镉的迁移能力;也可与镉离子形成碳酸镉沉淀,促进镉的固定。此外,甲壳生物质中大量的羟基、羧基等官能团可通过络合作用捕获镉离子。研究结果为甲壳生物质的资源化利用和废弃矿山AMD的低成本、可持续修复提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to assess the potential of several industrial wastes to immobilise metals in two polluted soils deriving from an old Pb/Zn mine. Two different approaches were used to assess the performance of different amendments: a chemical one, using extraction by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and a biological one, using Lupinus albus as a bio-indicator. Four amendments were used: inorganic sugar production waste (named ‘sugar foam’, SF), sludge from a drinking water treatment sludge (DWS), organic waste from olive mill waste (OMW) and paper mill sludge (PMS). Amendment to soil ratios ranged from 0.1 to 0.3 (w/w). All the amendments were capable of significantly decreasing (p?<?0.05) EDTA-extractable Pb, Zn and Cu concentrations in the two soils used, with decreases in ranges 21–100, 25–100 and 2–100 % for Pb, Zn and Cu, respectively. The amendments tested were also effective in reducing the bioavailability of Pb and Zn for L. albus, which gave rise to a decrease in shoot metal accumulation by the lupine plants compared to that found in the control soil. That decrease reached up to 5.6 and 2.8 times for Pb and Zn, respectively, being statistically significant in most cases. Moreover, application of the OMW, DWS and SF amendments led to higher average values of plant biomass (up to 71 %) than those obtained in the control soil. The results obtained showed the technology put forward to be a viable means of remediating mine soils as it led to a decrease in the availability and toxicity of metals and, thus, facilitated the growth of a vegetation layer.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the potential role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in encouraging revegetation of copper (Cu) mine tailings. Two native plant species, Coreopsis drummondii and Pteris vittata, together with a turf grass, Lolium perenne and a leguminous plant Trifolium repens associated with and without AMF Glomus mosseae were grown in Cu mine tailings to assess mycorrhizal effects on plant growth, mineral nutrition and metal uptake. Results indicated that symbiotic associations were successfully established between G. mosseae and all plants tested, and mycorrhizal colonization markedly increased plant dry matter yield except for L. perenne. The beneficial impacts of mycorrhizal colonization on plant growth could be largely explained by both improved P nutrition and decreased shoot Cu, As and Cd concentrations. The experiment provided evidence for the potential use of local plant species in combination with AMF for ecological restoration of metalliferous mine tailings.  相似文献   

Site-specific hydrological conditions affect the availability of trace metals for vegetation. In a greenhouse experiment, the effect of submersion on the metal uptake by the wetland plant species Salix cinerea and Populus nigra grown on a contaminated dredged sediment-derived soil and on an uncontaminated soil was evaluated. An upland hydrological regime for the polluted sediment caused elevated Cd concentrations in leaves and cuttings for both species. Emergence and soil oxidation after initial submersion of a polluted sediment resulted in comparable foliar Cd and Zn concentrations for S. cinerea as for the constant upland treatment. The foliar Cd and Zn concentrations were clearly higher than for submerged soils after initial upland conditions. These results point at the importance of submergence-emergence sequence for plant metal availability. The addition of foliar-based organic matter or aluminosilicates to the polluted sediment-derived soil in upland conditions did not decrease Cd and Zn uptake by S. cinerea.  相似文献   

针对人工湿地中有机碳源不足造成的脱氮效率不高的问题,向人工湿地中投加植物碳源用以改善人工湿地内部碳氮比低的状况。通过比较芦苇秸秆、梧桐树皮、梧桐树叶、玉米芯4种植物碳源分解时有机物、氮元素的释放规律,从而确定玉米芯为最佳植物碳源,并采用水平潜流人工湿地系统模型研究了投加玉米芯对人工湿地系统脱氮效果的影响。试验发现,空白湿地系统COD的平均去除率为38.71%,总氮的平均去除率为34.24%,玉米芯湿地系统则在保证COD平均去除率38.52%的同时,提高总氮平均去除率到70.55%,证明了植物碳源调控提高人工湿地脱氮效果的可行性与高效性。  相似文献   

植物种类与水力负荷对人工湿地去除污染物的交互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工湿地去污效能不仅受水力负荷(HL)影响,还与植物种类有关。为研究这2种因素对污染物去除的交互作用,根据植物根系长度,分别构建短根型、中根型及长根型植物潜流人工湿地中试系统,在运行稳定后,考察不同植物种类在不同水力负荷(152、230、305和460 mm/d)下的去污效果。结果表明:植物种类对COD去除率的影响差别不显著,对氮磷去除率有显著影响,且去除率符合长根型 > 中根型 > 短根型;水力负荷对COD、TN、NH4+-N和TP的去除均有显著影响,随着水力负荷减小去除率均逐渐升高;植物种类与水力负荷的交互作用对各污染物去除率均有显著影响,且受水力负荷影响较大,TN、NH4+-N的去除在水力负荷较小时交互作用较明显,COD去除的最优HL为230 mm/d。因此,在人工湿地设计时应考虑植物种类与水力负荷的交互作用。  相似文献   

Biomass production of Andropogon gerardii and Festuca arundinacea was assessed in mine tailings (chat), a material containing high levels of zinc. The effects of organic and inorganic fertilizer amendments, the addition of an expanded clay material, and mycorrhizal fungi on the revegetation of chat were assessed. Plant growth in chat was best with mycorrhizal inoculation combined with nitrogen (either organic or inorganic) and phosphorus fertilization. Plant growth was also achieved if the chat material was amended with expanded clay and N and P fertilizer. However, the biomass produced in contaminated soil did not equal that of similarly fertilized uncontaminated soil. Regression analysis and canonical discriminate analysis revealed significant differences in the responses of the two plant species to the various chat amendments. Although F. arundinacea generally produced greater biomass than A. gerardii, it tended to accumulate more zinc in the shoots than A. gerardii. Therefore, if plant cover is to be used as forage or if wind-blown plant dry matter is of concern, A. gerardii may be more appropriate than F. arundinacea for revegetation of these toxic sites. Alternatively, if maximum plant cover is of primary importance to reduce wind or water erosion from contaminated soils, F. arundinacea may be the species of choice.  相似文献   

Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2003,50(6):775-780
This paper reviews the ecological aspects of mined soil restoration, with special emphasis on maintaining a long-term sustainable vegetation on toxic metal mine sites. The metal mined soils are man-made habitats which are very unstable and will become sources of air and water pollution. Establishment of a vegetation cover is essential to stabilize the bare area and to minimize the pollution problem. In addition to remediate the adverse physical and chemical properties of the sites, the choice of appropriate vegetation will be important. Phytostabilization and phytoextraction are two common phytoremediation techniques in treating metal-contaminated soils, for stabilizing toxic mine spoils, and the removal of toxic metals from the spoils respectively. Soil amendments should be added to aid stabilizing mine spoils, and to enhance metal uptake accordingly.  相似文献   

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