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The pseudo-spin model for a double layer quantum Hall system with the total landau level filling factor ν=1 is discussed. In contrast to the “traditional” model where the interlayer voltage enters as a static magnetic field along pseudo-spin hard axis, taking into account the realistic experimental situation, in our model we interpret the influence of applied voltage as a source of additional relaxation process in the double layer system. We show that the Landau-Lifshitz equation for the considered pseudo-magnetic system well describes existing experimental data and reduces to the dc driven and damped sine-Gordon equation. As a result, the mentioned model predicts novel directed intra-layer transport phenomenon in the system. In particular, unidirectional intra-layer energy transport can be realized due to the motion of topological kinks induced by applied voltage. Experimentally this should be manifested as counter-propagating intra-layer inhomogeneous charge currents proportional to the interlayer voltage and total topological charge of the pseudo-spin system.  相似文献   

We present a theory of interlayer tunneling in a disordered quantum Hall bilayer at total filling factor one, allowing for the effect of static vortices. In agreement with recent experiments [Phys. Rev. B 80, 165120 (2009); Phys. Rev. B 78, 075302 (2008)], we find that the critical current is proportional to the sample area and is comparable in magnitude to observed values. This reflects the formation of a Bean critical state as a result of current injection at the boundary. We predict a crossover to a critical current proportional to the square-root of the area in smaller samples. We also predict a peak in the critical current as the electron density varies at fixed layer separation.  相似文献   

The zero-bias tunneling resonance in quantum Hall bilayer systems is investigated via numerical simulations of the classical two-dimensional XY model with a symmetry-breaking field. Disorder is included in the model and is shown to nucleate strings of overturned spins proliferated through the system, with unpaired vortices and antivortices at their end points. This string glass state supports low-energy excitations which lead to anomalously large dissipation in tunneling, as observed in experiment. The effect of an in-plane magnetic field is discussed.  相似文献   

A Bose–Einstein condensation is formed by composite bosons in the quantum Hall state. A composite boson carries the fundamental charge (−e  ). We investigate Josephson tunneling of such charges in the bilayer quantum Hall system at the total filling ν=1ν=1. We show the existence of the critical current for the tunneling current to be coherent and dissipationless. Our results explain recent experiments due to [L. Tiemann, Y. Yoon, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, W. Wegscheider, Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009) 165120] and due to [Y. Yoon, L. Tiemann, S. Schmult, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 (2010) 116802]. We predict also how the critical current changes as the sample is tilted in the magnetic field.  相似文献   

Spielman et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5808 (2000] recently observed a large and sharp Josephson-like zero-bias peak in the tunnel conductance of a bilayer system in a quantum Hall ferromagnet state. We argue that disorder-induced topological defects in the pseudospin order parameter limit the peak size and destroy the predicted Josephson effect. We predict that the peak would be split and shifted by an in-plane magnetic field in a way that maps the dispersion relation of the ferromagnet's Goldstone mode. We also predict resonant structures in the dc I-V characteristic under bias by an ac electric field.  相似文献   

We study bilayer quantum Hall systems at total Landau level filling factor nu=1 in the presence of interlayer tunneling and coupling to a dissipative normal fluid. Describing the dynamics of the interlayer phase by an effective quantum dissipative XY model, we show that there exists a critical dissipation sigma(c) set by the conductance of the normal fluid. For sigma>sigma(c), interlayer tunnel splitting drives the system to a nu=1 quantum Hall state. For sigma相似文献   

We show that a quantum Hall bilayer with the total filling nu = 1 should exhibit a dynamical regime similar to the flux flow in large Josephson junctions. This analogy may explain a conspicuous peak in the interlayer tunneling conductance [Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5808 (2000)]. The flux flow is likely to be spatiotemporally chaotic at low-bias voltage, which will manifest itself through broadband noise. The peak position can be controlled by an in-plane magnetic field.  相似文献   

Recent experiments have studied the tunneling current between two edges of the same fractional quantum Hall liquid as a function of temperature and voltage. The experimental findings for low temperatures are at odds with the model where the edges are described as chiral Luttinger liquids, while the data at high temperatures are quite consistent with the same model. Here, we argue that a temperature dependence of the tunneling amplitude, not foreseen in previous works, can explain this discrepancy.  相似文献   

We observe resonant tunneling into a voltage biased fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) edge, using atomically sharp tunnel barriers unique to cleaved-edge overgrown devices. The resonances demonstrate different tunnel couplings to the metallic lead and the FQHE edge. Weak coupling to the FQHE edge produces clear non-Fermi liquid behavior with a sixfold increase in resonance area under bias arising from the power law density of states at the FQHE edge. A simple device model uses the resonant tunneling formalism for chiral Luttinger liquids to successfully describe the data.  相似文献   

The physics of vortices, instantons, and deconfinement is studied for layered superfluids in connection to bilayer quantum Hall systems at filling fraction nu = 1. We develop an effective gauge theory taking into account both vortices and instantons induced by interlayer tunneling. The renormalization group flow of the gauge charge and the instanton fugacity shows that the coupling of the gauge field to vortex matter produces a continuous transition between the confining phase of free instantons and condensed vortices and a deconfined gapless superfluid where magnetic charges are bound into dipoles. The interlayer tunneling conductance and the layer-imbalance induced inhomogeneous exciton condensate are discussed in connection to experiments.  相似文献   

We review the construction of a low-energy effective field theory and its state space for “abelian” quantum Hall fluids. The scaling limit of the incompressible fluid is described by a Chern–Simons theory in 2+1 dimensions on a manifold with boundary. In such a field theory, gauge invariance implies the presence of anomalous chiral modes localized on the edge of the sample. We assume a simple boundary structure, i.e., the absence of a reconstructed edge. For the bulk, we consider a multiply connected planar geometry. We study tunneling processes between two boundary components of the fluid and calculate the tunneling current to lowest order in perturbation theory as a function of dc bias voltage. Particular attention is paid to the special cases when the edge modes propagate at the same speed, and when they exhibit two significantly distinct propagation speeds. We distinguish between two “geometries” of interference contours corresponding to the (electronic) Fabry–Perot and Mach–Zehnder interferometers, respectively. We find that the interference term in the current is absent when exactly one hole in the fluid corresponding to one of the two edge components involved in the tunneling processes lies inside the interference contour (i.e., in the case of a Mach–Zehnder interferometer). We analyze the dependence of the tunneling current on the state of the quantum Hall fluid and on the external magnetic flux through the sample.  相似文献   

Using low-temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy applied to the Cs-induced two-dimensional electron system (2DES) on p-type InSb(110), we probe electron-electron interaction effects in the quantum Hall regime. The 2DES is decoupled from bulk states and exhibits spreading resistance within the insulating quantum Hall phases. In quantitative agreement with calculations we find an exchange enhancement of the spin splitting. Moreover, we observe that both the spatially averaged as well as the local density of states feature a characteristic Coulomb gap at the Fermi level. These results show that electron-electron interaction can be probed down to a resolution below all relevant length scales.  相似文献   

《Nuclear Physics B》1995,438(3):522-550
We study the tunneling between two quantum Hall systems, along a quasi one-dimensional interface. A detailed analysis relates microscopic parameters, characterizing the potential barrier, with the effective field-theory model for the tunneling. It is shown that the phenomenon of fermion number fractionalization is expected to occur, either localized in conveniently modulated barriers or in the form of free excitations, once lattice effects are taken into account. This opens the experimental possibility of an observation of fractional charges with internal structure, close to the magnetic length scale. The coupling of the system to external gauge fields is performed, leading us to the exact quantization of the Hall conductivity at the interface. The field-theory approach is well supported by a numerical diagonalization of the microscopic hamiltonian.  相似文献   

We consider a class of interaction terms that describes correlated tunneling of composite fermions between effective Landau levels. Despite being generic and of similar strength to that of the usual density-density couplings, these terms are not included in the accepted theory of the edges of fractional quantum Hall systems. Here we show that they may lead to an instability of the edge towards a new reconstructed state with additional channels, and thereby demonstrate the incompleteness of the traditional edge theory.  相似文献   

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