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梁庆丰  Antoine Labbe  孙旭光  潘志强 《眼科》2012,21(6):380-380,428
患者女性,41岁。左眼睑阵发性瘙痒、异物感1个月,以夜间为甚。检查:左眼上下睑缘皮肤可见3~4只阴虱成虫,其头部嵌入眼睑皮肤中,裂隙灯下可见阴虱成虫紧伏皮肤表面,睫毛毛干部大量幼虫(图1)。由于阴虱活动,可见睫毛上下摆动。拔除3根睫毛,5%福尔马林溶液固定后,将标本置于玻片上,滴氢氧化钾溶液一滴,于酒精灯上略加  相似文献   

患者女,48岁,工人.左眼睑搔痒一周就诊.肉眼检查见睑缘有分泌物样结痂.无皮肤红肿.裂隙灯下见:上下睑缘睫毛附近有活动虫体10余枚,虫体色与肤色相近,约1.5~2mm,有足数对.取下虫体时虫体与皮肤附着牢固,有口器插入皮下.附着于睫毛上的虫卵数枚.周围皮肤有小出血点.睑球结膜、角膜均未受累.视力正常.无头虱、体虱、阴虱.追问病史其夫有阴虱史.在裂隙灯下取净虫体、虫卵并送病检.局部酒精消毒并10%硝酸银睫毛根部烧灼.1周,2周后分别复查无复发.病理诊断为耻阴虱.  相似文献   

睫毛耻阴虱1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
男,25岁,左眼睑瘙痒伴异物感8d于2004-06-28就诊,患8d前不明原因出现左眼上睑瘙痒,伴虫行异物感.眼部余无不适。追诉患2nm前有不洁性接触史,且外阴瘙痒至今。检查:双眼视光1.0.左上睑缘皮肤点状充血,可见散在细小丘疹、血痂,睫毛上见直径0.5~10mm大小呈淡白色椭圆形虫卵10余粒,有2粒已孵化,20倍裂隙灯显微镜下见睑正中睫毛体和根部各见一长1.5mm、宽1.0mm的蟹样虫体,镜下缓慢移动,  相似文献   

睑缘感染耻阴虱一例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
患儿男 ,11岁。因右眼上睑痒 ,分泌物增多 2周 ,于2 0 0 0年 7月 14日就诊 ,患儿曾在当地医院诊治 ,诊断为“右眼睑缘炎” ,给予红霉素眼膏涂患处治疗 ,病情无好转。眼部检查 :裂隙灯下见右眼上、下睑缘轻度充血 ,被白色结痂样物覆盖 ,其间夹杂细小血痂 ,仔细观察结痂样物为多个带有条纹的透明盘样虫体 ,透过体表可见其体内有一垂直于条纹的鲜红线样血液流动 ,同时见血样物排出盘样体 (图 1)。睫毛根部可见一正在活动的蟹样透明虫体 ,其三对足抱扶于睫毛爬行 ,并可透见虫体内暗红色血块。睫毛近根部可见多个半透明卵样物附着 ,卵的一端较尖 …  相似文献   

患者女性,52岁。因“右眼发痒、异物感2个月”于2010年11月1日来我院门诊就诊。2个月前患者不明原因右眼发痒,异物感,无分泌物增多,无视力下降,自点氯霉素滴眼液无好转。眼科检查:右眼视力:5.0,裂隙灯显微镜下见右眼上、下眼睑缘数个虫体在睫毛根部爬行,颜色淡黄,  相似文献   

睫毛根部阴虱1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女,56岁。因双眼不适感,睑缘部痒、痛、干涩感20d来诊,就诊前其家人曾自行查看时见患上个睑缘部有小丘疹形成并有小虫蠕动,查体;双眼上下睑缘睫毛根部许多半透明针类大小卵圆形物质(虫卵)类似米粒撒在睫毛上一样,睫毛根部多个粉红色小丘疹形成。  相似文献   

患者女性,29岁,已婚。因眼部发痒1d到本院就诊,自述在家用手揉右眼掉落下七八只虫样物体。眼科检查:右眼视力0.5,左眼视力0.4。双眼睑睫毛完整,排列整齐,睑缘有黄色痂皮附着。裂隙灯显微镜下可见:左眼检查未见异常。右眼上睑睫毛根部可见数个灰白色虫体吸附,有的还在不停地蠕动,此寄生虫用爪牢固箝抓于睫毛根基部,头部吸附在毛囊口里,  相似文献   

l 病例 患者女,48岁。因“双眼痒伴异物感近1个月”于2013年10月16日来我科就诊。眼部检查:双眼视力:1.0。双眼上睑睑缘皮肤略充血,表面有很多白色小片状“鳞屑”,双眼睫毛近根部上粘有大量幼虫,呈深褐色小水珠样颗粒(图1)。  相似文献   

彭晓娟  肖满意 《眼科新进展》2007,27(12):884-884
1 临床资料 患儿,男,6岁,主因双眼畸形入院。患儿出生时父母即发现其双眼上睑缺损,且缺损处与眼球粘连,右眼重于左眼。1岁时在当地医院行双眼上睑成形术。术后20余天再次出现睑球粘连。6岁时在当地医院行右眼睑球粘连松解、板层角膜移植术、羊膜移植术和巩膜移植上睑成形术。术后2个月复查发现瞳孔区变白,遂就诊于我科。患儿为足月顺产,孕2产1流1存1,母乳喂养。父母体健,非近亲婚配。母亲妊娠期间无用药及其他病史。家族中无遗传及类似病史。入院查体:发育正常,智力中等,心肺腹及躯干四肢均未见异常。眼科检查:右眼:视力指彬眼前10cm,鼻侧眉毛稀疏,睑裂闭合不全约2mm;上睑内2/3呈三角形全层缺损,缺损边缘无睫毛生长并与球结膜及角膜呈带状粘连,遮盖角膜2/3,致使眼球外转受限;下睑严重外翻;角膜移植片灰白色混浊,大量新生血管长入,前房及眼内组织窥不进。左眼:视力0.6,鼻侧眉毛稀疏,睑裂闭合不全约5mm;上睑内1/3全层缺损,缺损边缘无睫毛生长并与球结膜呈条带状粘连,且长入角膜缘内约2mm,致使眼球外转受限;角膜透明,眼内(-)。入院诊断:先天性上睑缺损伴睑球粘连(双眼)。  相似文献   

眼部耻阴虱寄生1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虱病是一种常见寄生于人体皮肤的寄生虫病,但寄生于眼部,实属少见。作者遇到1例,现报告如下。1临床资料患者,男,32a,已婚,壮族,1997年10月23日,主诉双眼红、痒Zmo,到我院就诊。检查:双眼视力均1.5,双眼眉毛完整,色泽正常,睑睫毛排列整齐,色微枯黄,睑缘有黄色痴皮附着,裂隙灯显微镜下可见:睑缘睫毛毛囊有寄生虫吸附着,色微黄,油亮,约针尖大小,有3对足,寄生虫用爪牢固籍抓于2根睫毛干基部,毛于有虫卵附着,体部在2根睫毛之间,头部吸附在毛囊口里,用注射针头剔开寄生虫,发现睑缘处发生小丘疹,表皮糜烂,毛囊发炎…  相似文献   

An 8-year-old mentally retarded boy is brought to the hospital because of itching and burning at his right eye for 10 days. He was on full time right eye occlusion therapy for left amblyopia. Slit lamp examination revealed nits and adult lice anchored to the eyelashes in his occluded eye. Eyelashes and all detected lice and nits were mechanically trimmed, and sent for parasitological examination, which confirmed the diagnosis. Upon familial evaluation for additional infestation, the father was also found to have genital phthiriasis pubis and received appropriate treatment. While phthiriasis palpebrarum in children may signify sexual abuse, a detailed investigation by a child psychiatrist was performed and revealed no sign of abuse. Since the infestation was at only on occluded eye, the most possible explanation for the transmission was evaluated as the misusage of the adhesive patch in our case. In conclusion, sexual abuse should be excluded in children with phthiriasis palpebrarum and parents of amblyopic children on occlusion therapy should be warned about the importance of the hygiene of the patching in order to avoid any kind of infection and infestation.  相似文献   

A 38-year-old female presented for an optometric exam complaining that her "vision had occasionally gone blank while reading during the past 2 months". Although visual acuity was 20/20 in both eyes, hypertensive retinopathy was present in both eyes. Blood pressure was measured to be 210/142. After inadequate response to initial treatment, her family physician referred her to an internist. Ultimately, a four pound Sertoli-Leydig ovarian tumor was found to be causing malignant hypertension. Removal of the tumor and medical treatment of the hypertension cleared the hypertensive retinopathy within 4 months. Prompt optometric care led to the timely discovery of this tumor, and probably prolonged this woman's life. This case illustrates the valuable role optometric care can have in the management of hypertension from any cause. Coordination with the primary physician as to the status of the hypertensive retinopathy is an integral part of the total management. Retinal photographs at presentation and at various stages of treatment dramatically show how the level of fundus pathology is related to the level of hypertension.  相似文献   

Phthiriasis and pediculosis palpebrarum are uncommon afflictions of the eyelids by lice. They may affect any age group and patients of all socio-economic groups. This paper discusses the types of lice involved and the treatments currently available in Australia.  相似文献   

Sinonasal lymphoma, a rare nonepithelial malignant tumor often originates from the nose and paranasal sinuses. Typically, these lymphomas present with symptoms of nasal obstruction, discharge, epistaxis and facial swelling. Orbital extension results in ocular symptoms like proptosis, blurred vision and diplopia. In this case report, we describe persistent blepharoconjunctivitis, an unusual ocular presentation of sinonasal lymphoma. The tumor was positively identified with immunoreactivity of biopsy specimen; Appropriate chemotherapy lead to successful remission of the disease.  相似文献   

目的:探讨眼睑黄色瘤(XP)与高胆固醇血症中遗传因素的相关性,为揭示其发病机制提供依据。方法:选取2019-11/2021-01在佛山市三水区人民医院眼科就诊的XP患者29例,抽取外周静脉血,通过二代测序(NGS)技术检测患者的基因突变情况,同时分析患者的血脂情况。结果:纳入的XP患者中有21例检出基因突变,其中13例为高胆固醇血症患者,8例为正常胆固醇患者,发生突变的基因包括STAP1、APOB、LDLRAP1、LDLR、PCSK9和APOE,基因突变类型包括3-UTR变异、框内缺失、错义变异、5-UTR变异、同义突变、内含子突变、可变剪接体变异、非编码转录外显子突变和非编码转录突变。结论:高胆固醇血症的遗传因素与XP疾病之间有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Eosinophils are important effector cells in severe allergic conjunctivitis such as vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Infiltration of eosinophils into the conjunctiva is mediated by type I and type IV allergic reactions. Cyclosporin A (CsA) eye drops are administered therapeutically for severe allergic conjunctivitis, but the mechanism by which CsA acts, that is, by inhibiting type I, type IV or both types of allergic reactions, is not known. We investigated whether CsA eye drops inhibit type I, type IV or both types of allergic reactions in the conjunctiva. METHODS: Experimental immune-mediated blepharoconjunctivitis (EC) was induced in BALB/c mice by either active immunization or passive immunization by transfer of ragweed (RW)-primed splenocytes and RW-specific IgE, followed by RW challenge to the conjunctiva. These mice were treated in eye drops with vehicle, 0.1% CsA, 0.5% CsA or 0.1% betamethasone five times (1 and 2 h before RW challenge and 1, 2 and 3 h after RW challenge). Twenty-four hours after the challenge, the conjunctivas were harvested for histological analysis to evaluate eosinophilic infiltration. To evaluate effects of CsA eye drops on systemic immune responses, sera and spleens were collected from actively immunized mice at the time of sacrifice to examine serum IgE levels and cellular immune responses, respectively. RESULTS: CsA eye drops significantly inhibited eosinophilic infiltration into the conjunctiva in actively immunized EC-developing mice compared with vehicle-treated mice. The CsA-induced inhibition was similar to inhibition induced by 0.1% betamethasone. Serum IgE levels and splenocyte responses in CsA-treated mice were equivalent to those in vehicle-treated mice. Betamethasone treatment inhibited eosinophilic infiltration into the conjunctiva induced by both splenocyte transfer and IgE transfer, while CsA treatment inhibited infiltration induced by splenocyte transfer. CONCLUSIONS: CsA eye drops inhibited eosinophilic infiltration into the conjunctiva without affecting systemic immune responses. CsA predominantly inhibits eosinophilic infiltration by interfering with the type IV allergic reaction in the conjunctiva.  相似文献   


Despite large advances in the field of ocular toxoplasmosis, large gaps still exist in our knowledge concerning the epidemiology and pathophysiology of this potentially blinding infectious disease. Although ocular toxoplasmosis is considered to have a high health burden, still little is known about its exact prevalence and how it affects the quality of life. The epidemiology of toxoplasmosis depends on local habits throughout the globe, and changes are likely in view of increased meat consumption in developing countries and demands for higher animal welfare in the Western world. Water is increasingly seen as an important risk factor and more studies are needed to quantitate and control the role of water exposure (drinking, swimming). Tools are now becoming available to study both the human host as well as parasite genetic factors in the development of ocular toxoplasmosis. Further research on the role of Toxoplasma strains as well as basic studies on parasite virulence is needed to explain why Toxoplasma associated eye disease is so severe in some countries, such as Brazil. Although genetic analysis of the parasite represents the gold standard, further developments in serotyping using peptide arrays may offer practical solutions to study the role of parasite strains in the pathogenesis of Toxoplasma retinochoroiditis. More research is needed concerning the pathways whereby the parasite can infect the retina. Once in the retina further tissue damage may be due to parasite virulence factors or could be caused by an aberrant host immune response. Local intraocular immune responses are nowadays used for diagnostic procedures. Future developments may include the use of Raman technology or the direct visualization of a Toxoplasma cyst by optical coherence tomography (OCT). With the availability of ocular fluid specimens obtained for diagnostic purposes and the development of advanced proteomic techniques, a biomarker fingerprint that is unique for an eye with toxoplasmosis may become available. It is hoped that such a biomarker analysis may also be able to distinguish between acquired versus congenital disease. Recently developed mouse models of congenital ocular toxoplasmosis are extremely promising with regard to disease pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews light scattering methodologies in lens research. In the phenomenological sense cataract formation (lens opacities or turbidities) in its early stages can be described by enhanced scattering of light. In the analytical sense information is obtained on the molecular entities involved in light scattering. In Section 2, different methodologies (mainly static and dynamic) of light scattering experiments are described, which had been used successfully in lens research. In Section 3 the problem of interpretation of light scattering data in condensed phase is considered. It is pointed out that due to interparticle interactions the concentration dependence of the data must be considered. If dilution or thin sectioning of samples is not an option, it is better to report molecular parameters in terms of diffusion coefficients or decay times. In Section 4, a case is made to encourage light scattering experiments in the polarized/depolarized modes both in static and dynamic light scatterings. Preliminary data obtained with polarized/depolarized dynamic light scattering measurements on alpha-crystallin and interpreted in view of model systems and literature data imply that the molecule is a compact sphere with somewhat restricted segment mobility. The preliminary nature of this information is due to the unavailability of high power lasers and efficient polarizers in my lab at the time of these experiments.  相似文献   

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