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We propose two types of iterative semi-blind receivers for coded multicarrier code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) uplink systems in the presence of both intracell and intercell interference. The first is based on the minimum mean-square error criterion, and the second is a hybrid scheme, consisting of parallel interference cancellation and linear multiuser detection. These iterative receivers utilize known users' information for the computation of log-likelihood ratios (LLR) while blindly suppressing unknown interference. The LLR are refined successively during the iterative process through decoding of all known users. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed iterative semiblind methods offer substantial performance gain over conventional noniterative and nonblind iterative receivers.  相似文献   

We propose a novel scheme for iterative multiuser detection and turbo decoding. The multiuser detector and single-user turbo decoders are coupled such that after each turbo decoding iteration the extrinsic information of the interfering users is passed to the multiuser detector, and after each multiuser iteration, updated a posteriori probabilities are passed to the single-user turbo decoders as the soft input metrics. In synchronous systems, the proposed detector approaches the multiuser capacity limit within 1 dB in the low signal-to-noise ratio region  相似文献   

研究了频率选择性瑞利衰落信道中的同步MC-CDMA系统上行链路空时信道估计及多用户检测算法。考虑对应于子载波的衰落系数是信道冲激响应的离散傅里叶变换,通过在两个数据块之间插入训练序列(midamble)进行所有用户的联合信道估计。首先采用广义Steiner估计器(GSE)来进行阵列天线信道冲激响应的初始估计,然后提出一种简单有效的适用于均匀线阵的互相关波达方向(CCDOA)估计算法,用以改进阵列天线信道冲激响应的估计,从空间的角度降低了信道响应中的噪声。在估计出所有用户空时信道参数的基础上,构造最大比合并(MRC)、解相关检测和最小均方误差检测(MMSE)来进行信号检测。仿真结果表明基于互相关DOA估计的改进信道估计算法与广义Steiner估计器相比在系统性能上有显著的改善。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种用于Turbo编码DS/CDMA系统的迭代多用户接收器。该接收器由一个软输入/软输出(SISO)的多用户检测器和一组单用户SISO信道译码器组成。每次迭代过程中,多用户检测器和信道译码器都输出信息作为下一代迭代的先验信息,仿真结果表明,这种接收器的比特误码性能接近Turbo编码系统的单用户限。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of demodulating and decoding multiuser information symbols in an uplink asynchronous coded code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system employing long (aperiodic) spreading sequences, in the presence of unknown multipath channels, out-cell multiple-access interference (OMAI), and narrow-band interference (NBI). A blind turbo multiuser receiver, consisting of a novel blind Bayesian multiuser detector and a bank of MAP decoders, is developed for such a system. The effect of OMAI and NBI is modeled as colored Gaussian noise with some unknown covariance matrix. The main contribution of this paper is to develop blind Bayesian multiuser detectors for long-code multipath CDMA systems under both white and colored Gaussian noise. Such detectors are based on the Bayesian inference of all unknown quantities. The Gibbs sampler, a Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure, is then used to calculate the Bayesian estimates of the unknowns. The blind Bayesian multiuser detector computes the a posteriori probabilities of the channel coded symbols, which are differentially encoded before being sent to the channel. Being soft-input soft-output in nature, the proposed blind Bayesian multiuser detectors and the MAP decoders can iteratively exchange the extrinsic information to successively refine the performance, leading to the so-called blind turbo multiuser receiver  相似文献   

The conventional maximum a posteriori receiver for coded code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems has exponential computational complexity in terms of the number of users and the memory of the channel code. In this letter, we propose a low-complexity soft-input soft-output (SISO) multiuser detector based on the reduced-state a posteriori probability algorithm. Per-survivor processing and soft interference cancellation are used to remove the residual past and future interference in the branch metric computation. The complexity of the proposed receiver is related to the reduced memory of the CDMA channel and can be adjusted according to the complexity/performance tradeoff. Simulation results show that for asynchronous convolutionally coded systems, the proposed receiver can achieve the near-single-user performance for moderate to high signal-to-noise ratios.  相似文献   

Turbo multiuser detection for coded DMT VDSL systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In recent years, iterative processing techniques with soft-in/soft-out components have received considerable attention. Such techniques, based on the so-called turbo principle, are exemplified through turbo decoding, turbo equalization, and turbo multiuser detection. Turbo multiuser detection is applied to a discrete multitone (DMT) very-high-rate digital subscriber line system to combat crosstalk signals and to obtain substantial coding gain. The proposed iterative DMT receiver is shown to achieve an overall 7.0 dB gain over the uncoded optimum receiver at a bit error rate of 10-7 for a channel with severe intersymbol interference and additive white Gaussian noise and with one dominant crosstalk signal. Impulse noise is detrimental to the proposed scheme but can be overcome through erasure decoding techniques, as is shown by example  相似文献   

A multiuser detection algorithm, applicable to asynchronous users having the same signaling waveform and power levels, is presented. Users are assumed to employ forward error correction coding but with different pseudorandom interleaving. The algorithm is derived from iterative techniques for cross-entropy minimization, similar to turbo decoding. Simulations show that the detector is limited by the theoretical channel capacity at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and asymptotically achieves single user performance at high SNR  相似文献   

Suboptimum soft-output detection algorithms for coded multiuser systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we consider coded asynchronous multiuser signals in an additive white Gaussian noise channel. Since optimum joint multiuser detection (MUD) and forward error correction (FEC) decoding is characterized with a very high computational complexity, we consider disjoint MUD and FEC decoding. The optimum disjoint multiuser detector is the soft-output maximum a posteriori detector that provides sequences of a posteriori probabilities to the corresponding FEC decoders. It involves backward and forward recursions resulting in high complexity and processing delay. In this paper, we consider several suboptimum soft output disjoint multiuser detectors that involve only forward recursions and have reduced complexity and delay.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel space-time-frequency minimum mean squared error (STF-MMSE)-based parallel interference cancellation receiver is proposed for space-time block-coded multicarrier code division multiple access systems in time-varying fading channels. The signal processing of this new detector is jointly implemented in space, time, and frequency domains, which leads to a powerful capability of combating interference coming from different sources. An adaptive implementation based on subspace estimation is proposed for slow-varying fading channels. Furthermore, based on the characteristic function of a complex Gaussian random vector, an analytical method to calculate the bit error probability of the proposed STF-MMSE receiver is presented. Representative examples of the detector are provided to demonstrate its superior performance.  相似文献   

This paper presents a blind adaptive decorrelating detector for asynchronous multicarrier code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) systems with Rayleigh-fading channels. This detector is derived by making use of the cross-correlation matrix between the consecutively received signals. The main attraction of the detection algorithm is its simplicity, since the detector can be implemented blindly without channel estimation, except for the synchronization of the desired user. To implement the proposed detector, a new adaptive subspace-tracking algorithm for any Hamiltonian matrices is developed, while the previously reported subspace-tracking methods can only estimate the subspace of a positive Hamiltonian matrix. Since a common drawback of the multiuser detector based on the subspace method is the existence of a phase factor that usually deteriorates the performance of the detector, a new method is developed to compensate for the phase of the proposed detector, based on the property of the complex white Gaussian noise. Results of extensive computer simulations show the performance improvement of the proposed detector.  相似文献   

Focusing on the space-time coded multiuser mobile communication systems in the frequencyselective fading environment, this paper proposes a Vertical Bell labs LAyered Space-Time (V-BLAST) coded Multicarrier Code-Division Multiple-Access (MC-CDMA) scheme and its blind channel identification algorithm. This algorithm employs an ESPRIT-like method and the singular value decomposition, and the channels between every transmit antenna of every user and every receive antenna of the base station are blindly estimated with a closed-form solution. Based on it, an equivalent Minimum Mean-Squared Error (MMSE) time-domain multiuser detector is derived. Moreover, the proposed scheme exploits the precoding in the transmitter in order to eliminate the constraint of more receive antennas than transmit ones, required by most conventional V-BLAST codec schemes. Computer simulation results demonstrate the validity of this proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Space-time multiuser detection in multipath CDMA channels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The problem of multiuser detection in multipath CDMA channels with receiver antenna array is considered. The optimal space-time multiuser receiver structure is first derived, followed by linear space-time multiuser detection methods based on iterative interference cancellation. Blind adaptive space-time multiuser detection techniques are then proposed, which require prior knowledge of only the spreading waveform and the timing of the desired user's signal. Single-user-based space-time processing methods are also considered and are compared with the multiuser approach. It is seen that the proposed multiuser space-time processing techniques offer substantial performance gains over the single-user-based methods, especially in a near-far situation  相似文献   

In recent years, combining multiuser detection (MUD) and channel decoding has received considerable attention. The maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion-based iterative multiuser detector greatly improves the system performance and can approach the performance of single-user coded systems. However, its complexity increases exponentially with the number of users and can become prohibitive for systems with a medium-to-large number of users. In this paper, a reduced complexity MAP-based iterative MUD based on the use of a soft sensitive bits algorithm is proposed for coded multicarrier code-division multiple-access systems. It is shown that it can greatly reduce the computational complexity with a minimal penalty in performance compared to the conventional optimal scheme.  相似文献   

A practically interesting approach for iterative channel estimation, multiuser detection, and single-user decoding based on maximum a posteriori symbol-by-symbol estimation for direct sequence/code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) is proposed. The receiver relies on the output of a bank of matched filters for each user and each path, and combines interference cancellation with iterated soft-decision feedback to improve channel estimation accuracy and data symbol reliability in course of a few iterations. We show that in this way, near single-user channel phase and amplitude estimation accuracy is achieved for frequency-selective fading channels, even in highly loaded systems, and illustrate that reliable data symbol estimation can be performed.  相似文献   

Multiuser detection for multirate direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS/CDMA) has been an active area of research. For example, nonblind low-rate (LR) and high-rate (HR) decorrelators have been proposed and analyzed in the literature for synchronous dual-rate systems with single receive antenna. Inspired by the subspace-based space-time (ST) blind linear detectors for synchronous single-rate systems, this paper extends the existing results and proposes the subspace-based ST-LR and ST-HR blind linear detectors, i.e., blind decorrelators and blind minimum mean-squared error (mmse) detectors, for synchronous dual-rate DS/CDMA. It is shown that: 1) ST-LR blind linear detectors can support no less users than ST-HR blind linear detectors as long as the desired spatial signature is identifiable (assuming that all the other system parameters are the same) and 2) the bit-error rate performance of ST-LR blind decorrelator is not inferior to that of its HR counterpart. The above conclusions are generalized to synchronous multirate systems. The extension to asynchronous systems is also described. Finally, the two-stage ST dual-rate blind detectors, which combine the adaptive purely temporal dual-rate blind mmse detectors with the nonadaptive beamformer, are presented.  相似文献   

带有块间串扰MC-CDMA的时域信道估计和多用户检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文把带有IBI的MC-CDMA系统等效解释为特殊的直接序列码分多址(DS-CDMA)系统,并给出了相应的时域信道估计方法和时域线性最小均方误差(MMSE)多用户检测方法。仿真实验表明了本文方法的性能。  相似文献   

Multiuser reception using Hopfield neural network (HNN) for asynchronous multicarrier code-division multiple access (MC-CDMA) in a multipath fading channel is investigated. We have shown that by the appropriate choice of HNN parameters from the channel state information, the HNN can collectively resolve the multipath fading effects and the multiple-access interference in the system  相似文献   

A new iterative receiver for joint detection and decoding of code division multiple access (CDMA) signals is presented. The new scheme is based on a combination of the minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion and the turbo processing principle by Hagenauer (see Proc. Int. Symp. Turbo Codes and Related Topics, Brest, France, p.1-9, 1997). The complexity of the new scheme is of polynomial order in the number of users. The new scheme is applicable to two situations: (a) when the receiver is capable of decoding the signals from all users and (b) when the receiver is only capable of decoding the signals from a subset of users. In the first scenario, we establish that the proposed receiver achieves superior performance to the iterative soft interference cancellation technique under certain conditions. On the other hand, in the second scenario, we argue that the proposed receiver outperforms both the iterative soft interference canceler and the iterative maximum a posteriori (MAP) receiver because of its superior near-far resistance. For operation over fading channels, the estimation of the complex fading parameters for all users becomes an important ingredient in any multiuser detector. In our scheme, the soft information provided by the decoders is used to enhance this estimation process. Two iterative soft-input channel estimation algorithms are presented: the first is based on the MMSE criterion, and the second is a lower-complexity approximation of the first. The proposed multiuser detection algorithm(s) are suitable for both terrestrial and satellite applications of CDMA  相似文献   

A new bandwidth and power efficient signaling scheme is proposed that achieves high data rates over wideband radio channels exploiting the bandwidth efficient OFDM modulation, multiple transmit and receive antennas and large frequency selectivity offered in typical low mobility indoor environments. Owing to its maximum transmit diversity gain and large coding gain, space-frequency-time turbo coded modulation strongly outperforms other space-frequency-time coding schemes proposed in literature. A simple way of combining space-frequency-time coding with OFDM delay diversity for cost effective exploitation of more than two transmit antennas is also proposed in this paper  相似文献   

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