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Modification of the Escherichia coli chaperonin GroEL with N-ethylmaleimide at residue Cys138 affects the structural and functional integrity of the complex. Nucleotide affinity and ATPase activity of the modified chaperonin are increased, whereas cooperativity of ATP hydrolysis and affinity for GroES are reduced. As a consequence, release and folding of substrate proteins are strongly impaired and uncoupled from ATP hydrolysis in a temperature-dependent manner. Folding of dihydrofolate reductase at 25 degrees C becomes dependent on GroES, whereas folding of typically GroES-dependent proteins is blocked completely. At 37 degrees C, GroES binding is restored to normal levels, and the modified GroEL regains its chaperone activity to some extent. These results assign a central role to the intermediate GroEL domain for transmitting conformational changes between apical and central domains, and for coupling ATP hydrolysis to productive protein release.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Phosphoryl transfer, typically involving high energy phosphate donors such as ATP, is the most common class of biological reactions. Despite this, the transition state for phosphoryl transfer from ATP in solution has not been systematically investigated. Characterization of the transition state for the uncatalyzed hydrolysis of ATP would provide a starting point for dissection of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. RESULTS: We examined phosphoryl transfer from ATP, GTP and pyrophosphate to a series of alcohols; these reactions are analogous to the phosphorylation of sugars and other biological alcohols and to the hydrolysis of ATP. The Br?nsted beta(nucleophile) value of 0.07 is small, indicating that there is little bond formation between the incoming nucleophile and the electrophilic phosphoryl group in the transition state. Coordination of Mg2+ has no measurable effect on this value. The Br?nsted beta(leaving group) value of -1.1 for phosphoryl transfer to water from a series of phosphoanhydrides is large and negative, suggesting that the bond between phosphorous and the leaving group oxygen is largely broken in the transition state. CONCLUSIONS: Uncatalyzed hydrolysis of ATP in solution occurs via a dissociative, metaphosphate-like transition state, with little bond formation between nucleophile and ATP and substantial cleavage of the bond between the gamma-phosphoryl moiety and the ADP leaving group. Bound Mg2+ does not perturb the dissociative nature of the transition state, contrary to proposals that enzyme-bound metal ions alter this structure. The simplest expectation for phosphoryl transfer at the active site of enzymes thus entails a dissociative transition state. These results provide a basis for analyzing catalytic mechanisms for phosphoryl transfer.  相似文献   

The presumptive first step in the Rad51-promoted formation of joint molecules is binding of the protein to ssDNA in the presence of ATP and Mg2+. In this paper, we report that Rad51's ability to bind DNA is rapidly inactivated when incubated at 30-37 degrees C but is stabilized by the presence of ATP and Mg2+. Although unable to promote binding to DNA, ATP-gamma-S also prevents inactivation of Rad51 at 37 degrees C. AMP-P-N-P lacks this property, while ADP protects partially but only at 5-10 times higher concentrations than ATP. These observations correlate with the dissociation constant of those nucleotides for Rad51 determined by equilibrium dialysis. Rad51 binds ATP and ATP-gamma-S with a 1:1 stoichiometry and Kds of 21 and 19 microM, respectively. The presence of DNA significantly increases the affinity of Rad51 for ATP, while DNA has a smaller effect on the affinity of ATP-gamma-S. Competition binding studies show that ADP and AMP-P-N-P bind with a 5- and 55-fold lower affinity, respectively, than ATP. The CD spectrum of Rad51 with negative double minima at around 210 and 222 nm is characteristic of an alpha-helical protein. Upon binding ATP and Mg2+, the CD spectrum is altered in the regions 194-208 and 208-235 nm, changes that are indicative of a more structured state; this change does not occur with Rad51 that has been inactivated at 37 degrees C. We surmise that the active conformation is more resistant to inactivation at elevated temperature. Our data suggest that one of the roles of ATP and Mg2+ in Rad51-mediated strand exchange is to induce the proper protein structure for binding the two DNA substrates.  相似文献   

The chaperonin GroEL binds nonnative proteins in its central channel through hydrophobic interactions and initiates productive folding in this space underneath bound co-chaperone, GroES, in the presence of ATP. The questions of where along the folding pathway a protein is recognized by GroEL, and how much structure is present in a bound substrate have remained subjects of discussion, with some experiments suggesting that bound forms are fully unfolded and others suggesting that bound species are partially structured. Here we have studied a substrate protein, human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), observing in stopped-flow fluorescence experiments that it can rapidly bind to GroEL at various stages of folding. We have also analyzed the structure of the GroEL-bound protein using hydrogen-deuterium exchange and NMR spectroscopy. The pattern and magnitude of amide proton protection indicate that the central parallel beta-sheet found in native DHFR is present in a moderately stable state in GroEL-bound DHFR. Considering that the strands are derived from distant parts of the primary structure, this suggests that a native-like global topology is also present. We conclude that significant native-like structure is present in protein-folding intermediates bound to GroEL.  相似文献   

We have detected an anhydride intermediate in the CPA catalyzed proteolytic reaction of Gly-Tyr. It appears that since the zinc-bound water molecule which is believed to attack the scissile amide carbonyl carbon in the hydrolysis reaction is excluded by the N-terminal amino group of Gly-Tyr, the carboxylate of Glu-270 becomes to attack the amide bond to generate the anhydride intermediate.  相似文献   

The chaperonin-containing TCP-1 complex (CCT) is a heteromeric particle composed of eight different subunits arranged in two back-to-back 8-fold pseudo-symmetric rings. The structural and functional implications of nucleotide binding to the CCT complex was addressed by electron microscopy and image processing. Whereas ADP binding to CCT does not reveal major conformational differences when compared with nucleotide-free CCT, ATP binding induces large conformational changes in the apical and equatorial domains, shifting the latter domains up to 40 degrees (with respect to the inter-ring plane) compared with 10 degrees for nucleotide-free CCT or ADP-CCT. This equatorial ATP-induced shift has no counterpart in GroEL, its prokaryotic homologue, which suggests differences in the folding mechanism for CCT.  相似文献   

When bound to DNA, topoisomerase II from Saccharomyces cerevisiae exhibits burst kinetics with respect to ATP hydrolysis. Pre-steady-state analysis shows that the enzyme binds and hydrolyzes two ATP per reaction cycle. Our data indicate that at least one of the two ATP is rapidly hydrolyzed prior to the rate-determining step in the reaction mechanism. When DNA is not bound to topoisomerase II, the rate-determining step shifts to become either ATP binding or hydrolysis. Two possible mechanisms are proposed that agree with our observations.  相似文献   

This report describes an intermediate state between the human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) healthy carrier and adult T-cell Leukemia (ATL) who developed acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML, FAB subtype M2). The polyclonal integration of HTLV-I proviral DNA was demonstrated in the peripheral blood lymphoid cells, whereas AML cells had no HTLV-I proviral DNA. The patient achieved remission after combination chemotherapy but cells with lobulated nuclei persist at a low level and the polyclonal integration of HTLV-I proviral DNA is still demonstrated. We suggest that the patients with the integration of HTLV-I proviral DNA might develop secondary neoplasms more frequently than healthy carriers and this case stresses the need to exercise caution with these patients. The relationship between HTLV-I and AML is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

While most researchers agree on the global features of cooperative ligand binding to haemoglobin (Hb), the internal mechanisms remain open to debate. This is not due to inaccurate measurements, but is rather a consequence of the cooperative ligand binding that decreases the equilibrium populations of the partially liganded states and makes observation of the transitions between these substates more difficult. For example, the equilibrium population of the doubly liganded tetramers is typically less than 5% of the total Hb. As a result many models with widely varying mechanisms may fit the oxygen equilibrium curve, but may not be consistent with observations of other parameters, such as ligand-binding kinetics or subunit association equilibria. The wide range of methods and models has led to divergent conclusions about the properties of specific substates. One notable debate concerns the properties of the doubly liganded forms. The simple two-state model predicts a shift in the allosteric equilibrium based on the number of ligands bound, but not on their distribution within the tetramer. From studies of dimer-tetramer equilibria of various pure and hybrid forms, it was concluded that a tetramer with two ligands bound on the same alpha beta dimer (species 21, an asymmetric hybrid) shows an enhanced tetramer stability, similar to singly liganded Hb, relative to the other three types of doubly liganded tetramers which resemble the triply liganded forms [Ackers et al. (1992). Science 255: 54-63]. The implications of this model and the relevant experiments will be reviewed here.  相似文献   

Myosin forms stable ternary complexes with ADP and the phosphate analogues, fluoroaluminate (Al F4-), fluoroberyllate (BeFn) or orthovanadate (Vi); these ternary complexes mimic transient intermediates in the myosin ATPase cycle. Moreover, we previously demonstrated that these complexes may mimic different myosin ATPase reaction intermediates corresponding to separate steps in the cross-bridge cycle [Maruta, S., Henry, G. D., Sykes, B. D. & Ikebe, M. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 7093-7100]. Park et al. suggested that the changing conformation of ATP during hydrolysis stresses the active site of myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) through protein-nucleotide contacts at the gamma-phosphate and nucleotide base, and the stress-induced strain in the cross-bridge may be the mechanism by which energy in ATP is transferred to the myosin structure [Park, S., Ajtai, K. & Burghardt, T. P. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 3368-3372]. In the present study, the photoactive ADP analogue, 3'-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl)-2-azido-ADP (Mant-2-N3-ADP), and the 19F-labeled ADP analogue, 2-[(trifluoromethylnitrophenyl)aminoethyl]diphosphate, were employed to examine conformational differences in protein-nucleotide contact in the ATP-binding site that may correlate with energy transduction. Mant-2-N3-ADP was trapped within the active site of skeletal and smooth muscle myosin in the presence of AlF4-, BeFn or Vi. For both skeletal and smooth muscle myosins, trapped Mant-2-N3-ADP was covalently linked to the 25-kDa N-terminal fragment of S-1 of both myosin/Mant-2-N3-ADP/AlF4- and BeFn complexes, presumably at Trp130. However, the efficiency of the incorporation was much higher for skeletal than for smooth muscle myosin suggesting that the conformations of the adenine-binding pockets of the two myosins are somewhat different. Although the amount of Mant-2-N3-ADP trapped in the presence of AlF4- and BeFn was the same for both myosins, the efficiency of photolabeling skeletal muscle myosin was approximately two times higher for BeFn complex than for AlF4- complex. The 19F-NMR spectra of the bound 2-[(trifluoromethylnitrophenyl)aminoethyl]diphosphate in the ternary complexes formed in the presence of AlF4-, BeFn or Vi showed small but distinguishable differences. Taken together, these results indicate that there is some variation in the protein-nucleotide contacts at the nucleotide base among the ternary complexes studied, and these differences mimic separate steps occurring transiently during the contractile cycle.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage T4 PinA protein inhibited degradation of [3H]alpha-methyl casein by purified Lon protease from Escherichia coli, but inhibition was noncompetitive with respect to casein. PinA did not inhibit cleavage of the fluorogenic peptide, N-glutaryl-alanylalanylphenylalanyl-3-methoxynaphthylamide and, moreover, did not block the ability of protein substrates, such as casein, to activate cleavage of fluorogenic peptides by Lon. Thus, PinA does not block the proteolytic active site or the allosteric protein-binding site on Lon. Inhibition of basal ATPase activity was variable (50-90%), whereas inhibition of protein-activated ATPase activity was usually 80-95%. Inhibition was noncompetitive with respect to ATP. PinA did not block activation of peptide cleavage by nonhydrolyzable analogs of ATP. These data suggest that PinA does not bind at the ATPase active site of Lon and does not interfere with nucleotide binding to the enzyme. PinA inhibited cleavage of the 72-amino acid protein, CcdA, degradation of which requires ATP hydrolysis, but did not inhibit cleavage of the carboxyl-terminal 41-amino acid fragment of CcdA, degradation of which does not require ATP hydrolysis. PinA thus appears to interact at a novel regulatory or enzymatic site involved in the coupling between ATP hydrolysis and proteolysis, possibly blocking the protein unfolding or remodeling step essential for degradation of high molecular weight protein substrates by Lon.  相似文献   

The GroE proteins are molecular chaperones involved in protein folding. The general mechanism by which they facilitate folding is still enigmatic. One of the central open questions is the conformation of the GroEL-bound nonnative protein. Several suggestions have been made concerning the folding stage at which a protein can interact with GroEL. Furthermore, the possibility exists that binding of the nonnative protein to GroEL results in its unfolding. We have addressed these issues that are basic for understanding the GroE-mediated folding cycle by using folding intermediates of an Fab antibody fragment as molecular probes to define the binding properties of GroEL. We show that, in addition to binding to an early folding intermediate, GroEL is able to recognize and interact with a late quaternary-structured folding intermediate (Dc) without measurably unfolding it. Thus, the prerequisite for binding is not a certain folding stage of a nonnative protein. In contrast, general surface properties of nonnative proteins seem to be crucial for binding. Furthermore, unfolding of a highly structured intermediate does not necessarily occur upon binding to GroEL. Folding of Dc in the presence of GroEL and ATP involves cycles of binding and release. Because in this system no off-pathway reactions or kinetic traps are involved, a quantitative analysis of the reactivation kinetics observed is possible. Our results indicate that the association reaction of Dc and GroEL in the presence of ATP is rather slow, whereas in the absence of ATP association is several orders of magnitude more efficient. Therefore, it seems that ATP functions by inhibiting reassociation rather than promoting release of the bound substrate.  相似文献   

We aimed to assess the impact of a preconceptional clinic (PC) on the perinatal outcome (PO) of diabetic pregnancies attended in our centre. We studied 185 pregnancies attended in the 1986-1996 period (152 in women with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and 33 with non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)) and we analysed the perinatal outcome for both mother and fetus. Sixty-six women (36.1%) had enrolled in the PC, 41.4% for IDDM and 9.1% for NIDDM pregnancies, p < 0.01. First pregnancy HbA1c (in SD around the mean) was 3.98 +/- 3.00 in non-attenders (NA) vs 2.57 +/- 2.41 in attenders (A), p < 0.01. The final HbA1c was in the normal range in both groups. D-R class according to White classification was 33.0% for NA vs 54.5% for A, p < 0.01. There were no differences in the rates of abortion and major malformations (8.8% NA vs 3.6% A, ns). Both groups differed in the rate of cesarean sections (54.9% NA vs 71.0% A, p < 0.05) and in the rate of small for gestational age infants (SGA) (8.7% NA vs 1.8% A, p < 0.05). There were no differences between groups in maternal or neonatal outcomes. In this group of diabetic women with a moderate although less than optimal metabolic control at the beginning of pregnancy, the impact of PC on PO is less evident than described.  相似文献   

Male rats of the Wistar strain were divided 4 groups, and give a liquid diet of control feed, bezafibrate (150 mg/kg), ethanol, and ethanol plus bezafibrate for 5 week. The effect of bezafibrate supplementation on rats fed ethanol was examined in terms of the fatty acid composition of the phospholipids in the erythrocyte membrane. In the phospholipids profiles of erythrocyte membranes, PI was significantly decreased. The decrease in PI caused by bezafibrate appeared to substantially affect the membrane and consequently lead to changes in the membrane anchor. In the fatty acid composition of the PC, C20: 4 was significantly decreased in the group receiving alcohol (p < 0.05) but increased in the groups receiving bezafibrate (p < 0.05). In the fatty acid composition of the PE, C16: 0 was significantly increased in the three groups when compared with the control, and C20: 4 was decreased in the alcohol group (p < 0.05). In the fatty acid of SM and PI, C20: 4 was decreased and C18: 0 increased in the alcohol group. In the PS, C14: 0 was increased in the alcohol group, and decreased in the alcohol plus bezafibrate group (p < 0.01). The levels of arachidonic acid in the total fatty acids that constituted the membrane phospholipids were decreased in the rats given ethanol (p < 0.05). However, arachidonic acid in the group of bezafibrate supplementation on rats fed ethanol were elevated in comparison with the alcohol group (p < 0.05). With decreasing arachidonic acid as a marker of alcohol tissue injury following chronic alcohol intake, the effects of bezafibrate supplementation appear to contribute to membrane fluidity by altering the biochemical flexibility of the membrane.  相似文献   

The fluorescent GTP analogues 3'-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl)-2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-(beta, gamma-imidotriphosphate) (mGMPPNP) and 3'-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl)-2'-deoxy-GTP (mGTP) were used to demonstrate that an enzyme isomerization precedes and rate-limits beta,gamma-bond cleavage in the catalytic cycle of the ATP sulfurylase-GTPase, from E. coli K-12. The binding of mGMPPNP to the E.AMP.PPi complex of ATP sulfurylase is biphasic, indicating that an isomerization occurs in the binding reaction. The isomerization mechanism was assigned based on the results of the enzyme concentration dependence of the observed rate constants, kobs, for both phases of the binding reaction, and sequential-mixing, nucleotide release experiments. The isomerization occurs after, and is driven by, the addition of mGMPPNP. Values were determined for each of the rate constants associated with the two-step kinetic model used in the interpretation of the results. A comparison of the enzyme concentration dependence of kobs for the hydrolysis and binding reactions reveals that the rate constants for the corresponding steps of these two reactions are extremely similar. The virtually identical rate constants for isomerization and beta, gamma-bond scission strongly suggest that isomerization rate-limits bond breaking. The implications of these finding for GTPase/target interactions and the mechanism of energetic linkage in the ATP sulfurylase system are discussed.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride channel situated on the apical membrane of epithelial cells. Our recent studies of purified, reconstituted CFTR revealed that it also functions as an ATPase and that there may be coupling between ATP hydrolysis and channel gating. Both the ATP turnover rate and channel gating are slow, in the range of 0.2 to 1 s(-1), and both activities are suppressed in a disease-causing mutation situated in a putative nucleotide binding motif. Our future studies using purified protein will be directed toward understanding the structural basis and mechanism for coupling between hydrolysis and channel function.  相似文献   

1. The thermodynamically reversible unfolding and refolding of penicillinase between the native and fully unfolded states were followed by using guanidinium chloride as denaturant. 2. The equilibria, studied by optical rotation, u.v. absorption, viscosity and enzyme activity, show the presence of a state of intermediate conformation, termed state H, which is stable at 20 degrees C in 0.8 M-guanidinium chloride. 3. The physical properties of this state show that it is slightly expanded with an intrinsic viscosity of 8 ml-g-1, that the 13 tyrosine residues, which are distributed through the primary sequence, are maximally exposed to the solvent and that the helix content is the same as that of the native state. 4. The kinetics of the transition between the native state, state H and the fully unfolded state were followed by u.v. absorption and by optical rotation. They are interpreted as showing that state H lies on the folding pathway between the native and fully unfolded states. 5. The transition between the native state and state H exhibits monophasic unfolding kinetics and biphasic refolding kinetics. This indicates that there must be at least two intermediate states in this process, at least one of which lies on the folding pathway which may also involve cul-de-sac paths. 6. The results are discussed in terms of a mechanism involving rapid stabilization of nucleation regions in a moderately compact but internally solvated structure, with 'native format' [Anfinsen (1973) Science 181, 233-230] secondary structure stabilized by tertiary interaction. The final and rate-limiting step in refolding involves shuffling of these structural elements into the native state. 7. This model is discussed in relation to folding in vivo.  相似文献   

The supernatant from a suspension of Ehrlich cells exposed to centrifugation at 700xg for 45 s induced a transient increase in the intracellular concentration of free, cytosolic Ca2+, [Ca2+]i, as well as activation of an outwardly rectifying whole-cell current when added to a suspension of non-stimulated cells. These effects were inhibited by suramin, a non-specific P2 receptor antagonist, and mimicked by ATP. Reversed phase HPLC analysis revealed that the supernatant from Ehrlich cells exposed to centrifugation contained 2. 6+/-0.2 microM ATP, and that the mechanical stress-induced release of ATP was inhibited by glibenclamide and verapamil, non-specific inhibitors of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and P-glycoprotein, respectively. After trypan blue staining, less than 0.5% of the cells were unable to extrude the dye. Addition of extracellular ATP induced a suramin-sensitive, transient, concentration-dependent increase in [Ca2+]i, activation of an outwardly rectifying whole-cell current and a hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane. The ATP-induced hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane was strongly inhibited in the presence of charybdotoxin (ChTX), an inhibitor of several Ca2+-activated K+ channels, suggesting that stimulation of P2 receptors in Ehrlich cells evokes a Ca2+-activated K+ current. The relative potencies of several nucleotides (ATP, UTP, ADP, 2-MeSATP, alpha,beta-MeATP, bzATP) in eliciting an increase in [Ca2+]i, as well as the effect of repetitive addition of nucleotides were investigated. The results lead us to conclude that mechanical stimulation of Ehrlich cells leads to release of ATP, which in turn stimulates both P2Y1 and P2Y2 receptors, resulting in Ca2+ influx as well as release and activation of an outwardly rectifying whole-cell current.  相似文献   

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