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Cross‐sectional studies have shown that exposure to indoor moisture damage and mold may be associated with subclinical inflammation. Our aim was to determine whether early age exposure to moisture damage or mold is prospectively associated with subclinical systemic inflammation or with immune responsiveness in later childhood. Home inspections were performed in children's homes in the first year of life. At age 6 years, subclinical systemic inflammation was measured by serum C‐reactive protein (CRP) and blood leukocytes and immune responsiveness by ex vivo production of interleukin 1‐beta (IL‐1β), IL‐6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF‐α) in whole blood cultures without stimulation or after 24 hours stimulation with phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate and ionomycin (PI), lipopolysaccharide (LPS), or peptidoglycan (PPG) in 251‐270 children. Moisture damage in child's main living areas in infancy was not significantly associated with elevated levels of CRP or leukocytes at 6 years. In contrast, there was some suggestion for an effect on immune responsiveness, as moisture damage with visible mold was positively associated with LPS‐stimulated production of TNF‐α and minor moisture damage was inversely associated with PI‐stimulated IL‐1β. While early life exposure to mold damage may have some influence on later immune responsiveness, it does not seem to increase subclinical systemic inflammation in later life.  相似文献   

Microbial indoor air quality and respiratory symptoms of children were studied in 24 schools with visible moisture and mold problems, and in eight non-damaged schools. School buildings of concrete/brick and wooden construction were included. The indoor environment investigations included technical building inspections for visible moisture signs and microbial sampling using six-stage impactor for viable airborne microbes. Children's health information was collected by questionnaires. The effect of moisture damage on concentrations of fungi was clearly seen in buildings of concrete/brick construction, but not in wooden school buildings. Occurrence of Cladosporium, Aspergillus versicolor, Stachybotrys, and actinobacteria showed some indicator value for moisture damage. Presence of moisture damage in school buildings was a significant risk factor for respiratory symptoms in schoolchildren. Association between moisture damage and respiratory symptoms of children was significant for buildings of concrete/brick construction but not for wooden school buildings. The highest symptom prevalence was found during spring seasons, after a long exposure period in damaged schools. The results emphasize the importance of the building frame as a determinant of exposure and symptoms.  相似文献   

Evidence is accumulating that indoor dampness and mold are associated with the development of asthma. The underlying mechanisms remain unknown. New Zealand has high rates of both asthma and indoor mold and is ideally placed to investigate this. We conducted an incident case‐control study involving 150 children with new‐onset wheeze, aged between 1 and 7 years, each matched to two control children with no history of wheezing. Each participant's home was assessed for moisture damage, condensation, and mold growth by researchers, an independent building assessor and parents. Repeated measures of temperature and humidity were made, and electrostatic dust cloths were used to collect airborne microbes. Cloths were analyzed using qPCR. Children were skin prick tested for aeroallergens to establish atopy. Strong positive associations were found between observations of visible mold and new‐onset wheezing in children (adjusted odds ratios ranged between 1.30 and 3.56; P ≤ .05). Visible mold and mold odor were consistently associated with new‐onset wheezing in a dose‐dependent manner. Measurements of qPCR microbial levels, temperature, and humidity were not associated with new‐onset wheezing. The association between mold and new‐onset wheeze was not modified by atopic status, suggesting a non‐allergic association.  相似文献   

Public health and economic impact of dampness and mold   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mudarri D  Fisk WJ 《Indoor air》2007,17(3):226-235
The public health risk and economic impact of dampness and mold exposures was assessed using current asthma as a health endpoint. Individual risk of current asthma from exposure to dampness and mold in homes from W.J. Fisk, Q. Lei-Gomez & M.J. Mendell [(2007) Indoor Air, [corrected] 17, 284-296], and [corrected] asthma risks calculated from additional studies that reported the prevalence of dampness and mold in homes were used to estimate the proportion of US current asthma cases that are attributable to dampness and mold exposure at 21% (95% confidence internal 12-29%). An examination of the literature covering dampness and mold in schools, offices, and institutional buildings, which is summarized in the Appendix, suggests that risks from exposure in these buildings are similar to risks from exposures in homes. Of the 21.8 million people reported to have asthma in the USA, approximately 4.6 (2.7-6.3) million cases are estimated to be attributable to dampness and mold exposure in the home. Estimates of the national cost of asthma from two prior studies were updated to 2004 and used to estimate the economic impact of dampness and mold exposures. By applying the attributable fraction to the updated national annual cost of asthma, the national annual cost of asthma that is attributable to dampness and mold exposure in the home is estimated to be $3.5 billion ($2.1-4.8 billion). Analysis indicates that exposure to dampness and mold in buildings poses significant public health and economic risks in the USA. These findings are compatible with public policies and programs that help control moisture and mold in buildings. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: There is a need to control moisture in both new and existing construction because of the significant health consequences that can result from dampness and mold. This paper demonstrates that dampness and mold in buildings is a significant public health problem with substantial economic impact.  相似文献   

This stratified cross-sectional epidemiological study included 1053 school children aged 13-17 years. All pupils filled in a questionnaire on building-related symptoms and other relevant health aspects. The following exposure measurements were carried out: room temperature, CO2 level, and relative humidity; building characteristics including mold infestation were assessed, and dust was collected from floors, air, and ventilation ducts during a working day. Dust was examined for endotoxin level, and cultivated for viable molds. We did not find a positive association between building-related symptoms and extent of moisture and mold growth in the school buildings. Five of eight building-related symptoms were significantly and positively associated with the concentration of colony forming units of molds in floor dust: eye irritation, throat irritation, headache, concentration problems, and dizziness. After adjusting for different potentially confounding factors in separate analyses of each symptom, the above-mentioned associations between molds in dust and symptoms were still present, except for concentration problems. However, in none of the analyses was mold exposure the strongest covariate, being secondary to either asthma, hay fever, recent airway infection, or psychosocial factors.  相似文献   

Burning incense (bakhour) is a common cultural practice in Saudi Arabia. However, its health risk assessment has rarely been studied. This study aims to investigate the association between exposure to incense smoke on lung function impairments and respiratory symptoms among young adults in Saudi Arabia. A community-based cross-sectional study was designed with a representative study sample (N = 125) in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Study participants, exposed group (n = 45), working in bakhour shop and matched control (n = 80), no history of occupational exposure to bakhour smoke, were recruited randomly from the population registry. Socio-demographic and respiratory symptom information were collected through a questionnaire developed based on European Community Respiratory Health Survey II (ECRHS II). Lung function measurements were conducted using a field spirometer. The overall prevalence of wheezing or whistling was 16.8%, with a higher prevalence in exposed group 35.5%. In adjusted models, exposed to incense smoke remained positively associated with respiratory symptoms: wheezing or whistling; breathlessness; chest tightness shortness of breath; woken up by an attack of coughing. Our study suggests that inhaled incense smoke in occupation or at home is a risk factor of lung function impairments among adult population in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Rural areas of developing countries are particularly reliant on biomass for cooking and heating. Women and children in these areas are often exposed to high levels of pollutants from biomass combustion that is associated with a range of respiratory symptoms. Domestic exposure to carbon monoxide (CO) and respirable particles (RSPs) in association with respiratory symptoms among women and children in Zimbabwe was investigated in 48 households. Health status and household characteristics were also recorded. In this study, indoor levels of CO and RSPs exceeded World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines in over 95% of kitchens. The level of indoor air pollutants was associated with the area of kitchen windows and the length of cooking time combined with the level of fire combustion. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms was 94% for women and 77% for children. In addition, women reporting respiratory symptoms were exposed to higher levels of RSPs when compared with those reporting no respiratory symptoms. The study results indicated that levels of indoor air pollutants in rural Zimbabwe may contribute to respiratory symptoms in both women and children. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Levels of respirable particles and carbon monoxide in kitchens in rural Zimbabwe are unacceptably high and measures to reduce levels should be undertaken. Based on the study findings, recommendations for increasing the area of kitchen windows may be considered as a practical method of reducing indoor air pollutants in rural Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

We sought to investigate the association between active cigarette smoking (ex- and current smokers) with or without exposure to biomass fuels and respiratory symptoms/lung function in middle-aged adults and the elderly. In the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease surveillance conducted in six cities of Guangdong province, China, we surveyed 1986 residents aged 40-93 years. We recorded respiratory symptoms, smoking status, use of biomass fuel, and other covariates by using a structured questionnaire. All models were adjusted for second-hand smoking. Active smoking with or without exposure to biomass fuels was significantly associated with wheezing, chronic cough, and phlegm (all P < .05). Active smoking alone with or without exposure to biomass fuels was associated with 2.5% and 0.6% reduction in the mean forced vital capacity predicted, 6.8% and 4.2% reduction in the mean forced expiratory volume in one second predicted, and 9.0% and 4.7% reduction in the mean maximal mid-expiratory flow predicted compared with the exposure to neither smoking nor biomass fuels, respectively. However, exposure to biomass fuel alone was associated with neither greater lung function impairment nor respiratory symptoms except for chronic cough. Efforts should be made to protect home owners and their family from adverse effects of indoor air pollution.  相似文献   

We studied dampness and mold in China in relation to rhinitis, ocular, throat and dermal symptoms, headache and fatigue. A questionnaire study was performed in six cities including 36 541 randomized parents of young children. Seven self‐reported signs of dampness were evaluated. Multilevel logistic regression models were used to calculate odds ratios (ORs). Totally, 3.1% had weekly rhinitis, 2.8% eye, 4.1% throat and 4.8% skin symptoms, 3.0% headache and 13.9% fatigue. Overall, 6.3% of the homes had mold, 11.1% damp stains, 35.3% damp bed clothing, 12.8% water damage, 45.4% window pane condensation, 11.1% mold odor, and 37.5% humid air. All dampness signs were associated with symptoms (ORs from 1.2 to 4.6; P < 0.001), including rhinitis (ORs from 1.4 to 3.2; P < 0.001), and ORs increased by number of dampness signs. The strongest associations were for mold odor (ORs from 2.3 to 4.6) and humid air (ORs from 2.8 to 4.8). Associations were stronger among men and stronger in Beijing as compared to south China. In conclusion, dampness and mold are common in Chinese homes and associated with rhinitis and ocular, throat and dermal symptoms, headache and fatigue. Men can be more sensitive to dampness and health effects of dampness can be stronger in northern China.  相似文献   

对比了青岛市农村自测人均生活用水量与实际人均用水量,结果表明:自测人均日用水量为实际人均日用水量的28.13%~81.29%,52%的被调查村民认为其生活用水量在30L/(人·d)以下,远小于实地调查的平均值77L/(人·d),说明多数村民对其日常用水量估计偏低。村庄的工业产值比重、水费的收取和供水时间的长短都是影响农村用水量的因素,它们的单项影响程度分别为231%,184%和159%。  相似文献   

We investigated whether exposure to microbiome within the indoor environment is associated with risk of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) among children under 5 years of age. Electronic scientific repositories; PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, GreenFILE, EMBASE, and Cochrane library were searched and screened through July 2019 for published reports for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Studies were eligible for inclusion if they reported an adjusted measure of risk for LRTI associated with IM exposure, including the relative risk (RR) or odds ratio (OR) and confidence interval (CI). The pooled OR was computed using the inverse of variance method for weighting. Sensitivity analysis was used to evaluate the effect of individual studies, while heterogeneity was evaluated by I2 statistics using RevMan 5.3. Seven studies were eligible for inclusion in our meta-analysis. Exposure to a higher concentration of IM was associated with an increased risk of LRTI [OR:1.20 (1.11, 1.33), P < .0001]. The risk was stronger with exposure to total fungal concentration [OR:1.27 (1.13, 1.44), P < .0001] than visible molds [OR:1.20 (1.07, 1.34, P = .001]. Under-five children exposed to higher IM concentration are likely at increased risk of LRTI. Interventions addressing IM exposure should be considered in the management of LRTI among under-five children.  相似文献   

The aim was to utilize data from a study of occupational indoor environments to analyze symptoms and physiological signs in relation to the home environment. A medical investigation was performed at the workplace among university staff (n = 173) from four university buildings in Bergen, in March 2004. Tear film break up time (BUT) was measured by two methods. Nasal patency was measured by acoustic rhinometry. Nasal lavage fluid analysis (NAL) included eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP); myeloperoxidase (MPO), lysozyme and albumin. Atopy was assessed by total serum IgE and specific IgE (Phadiatop). Totally 21%, 21%, 18%, 11%, and 27% had weekly ocular, nasal, facial dermal symptoms, headache and tiredness, respectively, 15% had a damp dwelling, and 20% had a cat or dog. Multiple linear or logistic regressions were applied, controlling for age gender, smoking, and environmental factors. Building dampness was associated with increased NAL-lysozyme (P = 0.02) and an increase of airway infections [odd ratio (OR) = 3.14, P = 0.04]. Pet keeping was associated with difficulties to concentrate (OR = 5.10, P = 0.001), heavy headedness (OR = 4.35, P = 0.004), four more days with tiredness per month (P = 0.04), and less airway infections (OR = 0.32; P = 0.02). In conclusion, pet keeping was associated with more central nervous system (CNS)-symptoms but less airway infections. Dampness in the dwelling may have inflammatory effects on the airway mucosa, possibly mediated via increased infection proneness. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The main health focus on pet keeping has been allergen exposure. Our study indicates that effects on airway infections and other types of symptoms should also be considered. The findings support the view that measures should be taken to reduce building dampness in dwellings.  相似文献   

To evaluate the potential effect of interaction between breastfeeding and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure on respiratory health, we studied 31 049 children (aged 2–14 years) from 25 districts of seven cities in northeast China. Parents of the children completed standardized questionnaires that characterized the children's histories of respiratory symptoms and illness, feeding methods, ETS exposure, and other associated risk factors. Breastfeeding was defined as having been mainly breastfed for 3 months or more. The results showed that the association of ETS exposure with childhood respiratory conditions/diseases was modified by breastfeeding, and the association for nonbreastfed children was stronger than that for breastfed children. In particular, for nonbreastfed children, the odds ratios (ORs) for the effect of current ETS exposure asthma was 1.71 (95% CI: 1.43–2.05); however, the OR for breastfed children was 1.33 (95% CI: 1.20–1.48), indicating that the interactions between breastfeeding and current ETS exposure on asthma were statistically significant (P = 0.019). When stratified by school (kindergarten vs. elementary school), breastfeeding was more protective for asthma‐related symptoms among children from kindergarten. In conclusion, this study shows that breastfeeding is associated with smaller associations between ETS exposure and respiratory conditions in children, suggesting that breastfeeding reduces susceptibility to the respiratory effects of ETS.  相似文献   

In the Swedish Building Energy, Technical Status and Indoor environment study, a total of 1160 adults from 605 single‐family houses answered a questionnaire on respiratory health. Building inspectors investigated the homes and measured temperature, air humidity, air exchange rate, and wood moisture content (in attic and crawl space). Moisture load was calculated as the difference between indoor and outdoor absolute humidity. Totally, 7.3% were smokers, 8.7% had doctor’ diagnosed asthma, 11.2% current wheeze, and 9.5% current asthma symptoms. Totally, 50.3% had respiratory infections and 26.0% rhinitis. The mean air exchange rate was 0.36/h, and the mean moisture load 1.70 g/m3. Damp foundation (OR=1.79, 95% CI 1.16‐2.78) was positively associated while floor constructions with crawl space (OR=0.49, 95% CI 0.29‐0.84) was negatively associated with wheeze. Concrete slabs with overlying insulation (OR=2.21, 95% CI 1.24‐3.92) and brick façade (OR=1.71, 95% CI 1.07‐2.73) were associated with rhinitis. Moisture load was associated with respiratory infections (OR=1.21 per 1 g/m3, 95% CI 1.04‐1.40) and rhinitis (OR=1.36 per 1 g/m3, 95% CI 1.02‐1.83). Air exchange rate was associated with current asthma symptoms (OR=0.85 per 0.1/h, 95% CI 0.73‐0.99). Living in homes with damp foundation, concrete slabs with overlying insulation, brick façade, low ventilation flow, and high moisture load are risk factors for asthma, rhinitis, and respiratory infections.  相似文献   

Moisture-damaged buildings are associated with respiratory symptoms and underlying diseases among building occupants, but the causative agent(s) remain a mystery. We first identified specific fungal and bacterial taxa in classrooms with moisture damage in Finnish and Dutch primary schools. We then investigated associations of the identified moisture damage indicators with respiratory symptoms in more than 2700 students. Finally, we explored whether exposure to specific taxa within the indoor microbiota may explain the association between moisture damage and respiratory health. Schools were assessed for moisture damage through detailed inspections, and the microbial composition of settled dust in electrostatic dustfall collectors was determined using marker-gene analysis. In Finland, there were several positive associations between particular microbial indicators (diversity, richness, individual taxa) and a respiratory symptom score, while in the Netherlands, the associations tended to be mostly inverse and statistically non-significant. In Finland, abundance of the Sphingomonas bacterial genus and endotoxin levels partially explained the associations between moisture damage and symptom score. A few microbial taxa explained part of the associations with health, but overall, the observed associations between damage-associated individual taxa and respiratory health were limited.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that a low-ventilation rate in homes is associated with an increased prevalence of asthma and allergic symptoms among children. A total of 198 cases (with at least two of three symptoms: wheezing, rhinitis, eczema) and 202 healthy controls, living in 390 homes, were examined by physicians. Ventilation rates were measured by a passive tracer gas method, and inspections were carried out in the homes. About 60% of the multi-family houses and about 80% of the single-family houses did not fulfill the minimum requirement regarding ventilation rate in the Swedish building code (0.5 air changes per hour, ach). Cases had significantly lower ventilation rates than controls and a dose-response relationship was indicated. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: A low-ventilation rate of homes may be a risk factor for allergies among children. Families with allergic children should be given the advice to have good ventilation in the home. In investigations, of associations between environmental factors and allergies, the air change rate in homes has to be considered.  相似文献   

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools is related to increased symptom reporting in students. We investigated whether parental worry about school IAQ influences this association. Data came from survey collected from five Finnish primary schools with observed IAQ problems and five control schools. Parents (n = 1868) of primary school students reported worry about IAQ in schools and symptoms of their children. Associations between observed IAQ problems, worry, and five symptom scores (ie, respiratory, lower respiratory, eye, skin, and general symptoms) were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression and mediation analysis. Parents were on average more worried in schools with observed IAQ problems. Observed IAQ problems were strongly associated with increased worry and all symptoms under study (unadjusted ORs ranged between 1.48 [95% CI 1.48‐2.16] and 2.70 [95% CI 1.52‐5.17]). Parental worry was associated with all symptoms (unadjusted ORs ranged between 2.49 [95% CI 1.75‐3.60] and 4.92 [95% CI 2.77‐9.40]). Mediation analyses suggested that parental worry might partially explain the association between observed IAQ problems and symptom reporting (proportion mediated ranged between 67% and 84% for the different symptoms). However, prospective studies are needed to assess causal relationships between observed IAQ problems, worry, and symptom reporting in schools.  相似文献   

The activity of 5- to 6-year-old Japanese children (n = 29) was monitored for 3 consecutive days, including one weekend day, using an ActivTracer tri-axial accelerometer. The daily inhalation rate and time spent in sedentary, light, or moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity (MVPA) were estimated from the accelerometer measurements based on previously developed regression equations. The 3-day mean daily inhalation rate (STPD) was estimated at 8.3 ± 1.4 m3 day−1 in 10 subjects who completed 3 days of monitoring. The time spent in sedentary, light, or MVPA each day was 320, 415, and 81 min day−1, respectively. Analysis of between-day reliability indicated that 3 days of monitoring with the ActivTracer tri-axial accelerometer provided an acceptable estimate of daily inhalation rate (intra-class correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.892), but low to moderate reliability for the time spent in different levels of activities (ICC = 0.43 to 0.58). We observed a significant difference in the daily inhalation rate between weekdays and the weekend day, possibly due to differences in time spent in MVPA. This finding suggests that a weekend day should be included to obtain more reliable estimates of daily inhalation rate using an accelerometer.  相似文献   

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