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对山西地区水井观测网水位、水温测项在汶川8.0和日本9.0级地震前后的资料进行对比分析,结果显示,同一地震各观测井水位、水温测项变化形态不尽相同,表明同一地震对不同观测井造成的响应特征亦不相同;对比两次地震各观测井的响应特征,发现具有不固定的变化模式,可能与各观测井所处地质构造、水文地质条件及观测含水层深度及地震类型有关.  相似文献   

以宁夏流体台网井水位、水温为例,分析了汶川8.0级地震引起的水位、水温同震变化特征,对比了同震响应波形特征。  相似文献   

初步分析了新疆钻孔应变台站体应变在汶川8.0级、日本9.0级地震前后的变化特征,结果表明:体应变与远大地震同震响应和震中距关系不大,而与钻孔所处的构造位置、台站岩性等因素有关。  相似文献   

自2000年庐江地震台数字化水位、水温观测以来,在多次大地震中水位、水温均有明显的同震效应,四川汶川8.0级地震、日本本州9.0级地震引起汤池1号井水位、水温的同震特征。动水位同震效应表现为脉冲变化,震后水位逐渐升高;水温表现为阶跃下降,震后水温缓慢恢复到正常状态。  相似文献   

万永芳  李健梅 《华南地震》2010,30(Z1):53-60
系统收集广东地区地下流体观测网水位和水温资料,归纳汶川8.0级地震引起的同震响应,研究其响应特征、响应时间过程、响应空间分布等。结果表明:不同区域的水位测点出现同震响应的比例存在差异;水位同震阶跃变化以下降为主,其阶升、阶降的测井在空间分布上存在分区性;响应灵敏性方面,水位明显高于水温;震级越大、距离测点越近的强震,水位出现同震阶跃响应的比例越高;水位同震阶跃响应的方向能在一定程度上反映测点区域所受的构造应力状态,汶川8.0级地震对广东地区的影响以张应力为主。  相似文献   

收集云南地区井水温数字化观测资料,对比分析了2011年3月11日日本9.0级和2008年5月12日汶川8.0级2次地震引起的云南地区井水温同震响应特征。结果表明,不同构造区域的观测井的井水温同震响应存在差异,主要与井孔本身的特征和区域构造环境有关;同一口观测井对不同地震引起的水温响应变化形态基本一致,不受地震方位和震源机制的影响,井水温同震下降或上升响应幅度随震级的增大而增大,随震中距的增大而减小;井水温同震响应的机理主要是在地震波的作用下,观测井孔中的水体受震荡激发而加速对流与掺混导致水温发生变化,当地震波逐渐平息,探头附近的井水温逐步恢复。  相似文献   

通过“十五”改造,浙江省目前有地震地下流体观测台站5个,10项测项,主要是水位,水温和水氡。在2008年5月12日四川汶川8.0级地震中有明显映震效应的台站为100%,测项为80%。水氡测值表现为临震向上突跳异常,最大异常幅度达23.7%,创历史之最;水温测项主要出现临震突跳或阶跃;水位测项主要是同震效应现象,为水震波引起的脉冲和阶跃变化。认为同震效应可能是地震发生后地震波传播引起的含水层弹性形变所致。并且认为观测效果不一定是井位越深越好,而是要看含水层封闭情况和仪器观测传感器的位置,没有明显的优劣之分。好的静水位观测井记录的水震波效果明显优于动水位观测井。由于前兆数字化仪器采样率相对较底(1次/min),记录数据缺失较多,记录的同震变化波形不完整,很难进一步分析。  相似文献   

统计了汶川8.0级地震及其强余震引起的唐山井水位同震变化的幅度参数(最大振幅、阶变量)和时间参数(最大振幅时刻,同震持续时间),以及邻近的陡河台记录的地震波的体波和面波的到时.计算分析了同震参数与震级(ML,MS和MW三种震级)、井-震距、震源深度的相关方程及同震参数间的相关关系.结果表明,同震变化量与MS震级的相关性最好,与震源深度和井-震距相关性较弱;同震最大幅度与同震阶变量、同震持续时间相关性很高,水位同震振荡和阶变均来自地震波引起的动应变;水位同震振荡的最大振幅发生在S波至瑞利波时段,水位同震响应是地震波与水文地质环境等多种因素共同作用的结果.   相似文献   

宁波地震台动水位与垂直摆对汶川8.0级地震的同震变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析认为宁波台ZK03井动水位、VS垂直摆倾斜仪出现的异常可能是汶川8.0级地震的同震变化现象。动水位表现为水震波引起的脉冲和阶跃变化并抬高水位12mm左右。垂直摆表现为形变波引起的脉冲和阶跃变化,EW向最大幅度约为339.9286×10^-3的脉冲式向E振荡波,并向W出现阶跃变化,震前34小时还出现了一个向E阶跃;NS向最大幅度约为275.2411×10^-3的脉冲式向N振荡波,并产生向S阶跃变化。对比分析结果说明,该台因有干扰因素少、正常波动背景值噪声限低的优势,观测效果比较理想。  相似文献   

分析福建省数字化水位、水温记录的日本9级地震的同震响应,发现:水位初始变化多为下降;水震波的最大双振幅随着水位日变化幅度的增大呈对数关系增大,还受到该井潮汐因子的影响;水温同震响应多表现为下降一上升恢复,水位异常幅度越大,水温的异常幅度越大,水温的异常持续时间越长。  相似文献   

This thesis discusses the earthquake reflecting ability of the observation well pattern system of Jiangsu Province, China, which has been digitally renovated, and probes into the cause of the major differences in the earthquake reflecting abilities of well holes at different measurement points. This is achieved through the analysis of the co-seismic responses to the Wenchuan (2008; MS8.0, China) and Tohoku (2011; MS9.0, Japan) earthquakes. We found that the co-seismic response of water level from regional well holes in Jiangsu Province was stronger than that of water temperature. The water-level co-seismic response follows a consistent law and is closely related to the earthquake magnitude. The co-seismic response of water temperature strongly varied among well points, and was more often manifested as a slow restorative change. The co-seismic responses also varied based on tectonic elements. The response in central and northern Jiangsu was weaker than that of southern Jiangsu, possibly due to the thicker loess cover layer in central Jiangsu which makes it less effective at capturing the micro-changes of stress-strain states relative to the hilly land in the south. The more complicated geological structure in southern Jiangsu makes it contribute to greater changes in the state of underground water after a minor disturbance.  相似文献   

Coseismic water level changes which may have been induced by the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake and its 15 larger aftershocks(MS≥5.4) have been observed at Tangshan well.We analyze the correlation between coseismic parameters(maximum amplitude, duration, coseismic step and the time when the coseismic reach its maximum amplitude) and earth-quake parameters(magnitude, well-epicenter distance and depth), and then compare the time when the coseismic oscillation reaches its maximum amplitude with the seismogram from ...  相似文献   

Coseismic water level changes which may have been induced by the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake and its 15 larger aftershocks (MS≥?5.4) have been observed at Tangshan well. We analyze the correlation between coseismic parameters (maximum amplitude, duration, coseismic step and the time when the coseismic reach its maximum amplitude) and earthquake parameters (magnitude, well-epicenter distance and depth), and then compare the time when the coseismic oscillation reaches its maximum amplitude with the seismogram from Douhe seismic station which is about 16.3 km away from Tangshan well. The analysis indicates that magnitude is the main factor influencing the induced coseismic water level changes, and that the well-epicenter distance and depth have less influence. MS magnitude has the strongest correlation with the coseismic water level changes comparing to MW and ML magnitudes. There exists strong correlation between the maximum amplitude, step size and the oscillation duration. The water level oscillation and step are both caused by dynamic strain sourcing from seismic waves. Most of the times when the oscillations reach their maximum amplitudes are between S and Rayleigh waves. The coseismic water level changes are due to the co-effect of seismic waves and hydro-geological environments.  相似文献   

分析了汶川MS8.0地震引起的甘肃"十五"数字化水位、水温同震响应特征.结果表明:①响应灵敏性上,水位高于水温,井孔水温下段高于中段;②响应起始时间上,不论是水位还是水温,均出现在S波达到之后;③同井并行观测的不同测项上,响应起始、结束或转折时间水位均早于水温;④响应起始时间与震中距的关系,当震中距相差比较大时,各测项起始时间随震中距的增大而延迟;⑤响应的曲线形态上,水位、水温大多表现为下降变化,并且同井观测的水位和水温在形态上很相似,具有很好的协调性特征,即同为上升或同为下降或同为振荡.通过对变化较稳定的响应过程进行曲线拟合分析,结果显示水位的响应曲线几乎均为3次曲线形态,而水温的响应曲线几乎均为对数形态.  相似文献   

Sliding-window cross-correlation method is firstly adopted to identify sPn phase, and to constrain focal depth from regional seismograms, by measuring the time separation between sPn and Pn phases. We present the focal depths of the 17 moderate-sized aftershocks (MS≥5.0) of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earth-quake, using the data recorded by the regional seismic broadband networks of Shaanxi, Qinghai, Gansu, Yunnan and Sichuan. Our results show focal depths of aftershocks range from 8 to 20 km, and tend to cluster at two average depths, separate at 32.5°N, i.e., 11 km to the south and 17 km to the north, indicating that these aftershocks are origin of upper-to-middle crust. Combined with other results, we suggest that the Longmenshan fault is not a through-going crustal fault and the Pingwu-Qingchuan fault may be not the northward extension of the Longmenshan thrust fault.  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震前水氡浓度的临界慢化现象研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,临界慢化(Critical slowing down)现象在揭示复杂动力系统是否趋于临界性灾变方面展示了重要潜力.本文基于临界慢化的概念,将其用于水氡浓度观测资料的处理.以2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震前龙门山断裂带破裂段及附近地区水氡浓度观测点资料为例,分别计算了表征临界慢化现象的自相关系数和方差.结果表明,汶川8.0级地震前,不同台站的水氡浓度震前都存在明显的临界慢化现象,这表明临界慢化现象可能是强地震发生前的一个早期信号.将临界慢化理论引入地震前兆资料的研究,对深入认识地震前兆机理、判定前兆异常所处阶段以及提高地震预测水平都具有重要的现实意义和科学价值.  相似文献   

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