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提出了一种加工离轴非球面的预应力环抛方法,基于预应力加工方法的基本原理,利用环抛机来磨制离轴非球面.设计了一套专门的加载装置,将拼接镜面中具有不同离轴量的非球面子镜转化成曲率半径相同的球面子镜进行磨制,可以在同一台环抛机上进行抛光.利用这种方法,花费连续40 h的时间,磨制了一块按照中国30 m极大口径望远镜(CFGT)主镜参数比例缩小的离轴抛物面,顶点曲率半径21.6 m,离轴量3.6 m,离轴口径为330 mm,最大非球面度为16μm.试验表明该方法效率高,适用于批量加工,特别是极大口径天文望远镜拼接主镜的大批量非球面子镜研制.  相似文献   

针对大口径、高性能射电望远镜天线受到的随机及时变风扰的问题, 利用自回归滑动平均模型预测望远镜周围风速, 提前计算风致结构变形量, 同时为望远镜伺服控制系统提供足够执行时间来降低风扰影响. 基于新疆奇台110m口径全向可动射电望远镜(QiTai Telescope, QTT)台址风场数据特征, 通过赤池信息准则和贝叶斯信息准则辨识模型阶次, 利用最大似然法估计模型参数, 分析模型残差特性以检验自回归滑动平均模型的有效性. 通过计算不同季度预测数据与测试数据偏差得到预测模型的精度, 夏季平均绝对误差为0.133mcdots-1, 秋季平均绝对误差为0.162mcdots-1, 冬季平均绝对误差为0.287mcdots-1. 整体来看, 基于QTT台址不同季度风速数据建立的自回归滑动平均模型预测误差较小, 满足射电望远镜风扰控制系统的需求, 能为大口径射电望远镜风扰控制提供必要数据支撑.  相似文献   

Phi 1650mm口径反射镜是某套大口径精密光学元件检测装置中的定标校正模块, 用于对检测光路中的缩焦透镜等光学部件进行定标. 反射镜口径越大, 由于自身重力引起的变形问题越严重, 面型精度受到的影响也越大. 对于Phi 1650mm口径反射镜, 系统要求的技术指标是面型误差的均方根(Root Mean Square, RMS)小于1/70波长(波长为\lk 632.8nm). 针对这块光轴始终处于水平状态的大口径反射镜, 提出了坦克链支撑方案, 并与传统的钢带支撑做对比. 对坦克链支撑方案进行有限元分析, 逐步确定了坦克链节数和中心距, 根据标准选取了型号C2162H的双节距大滚子坦克链. 基于赫兹接触理论, 对坦克链滚子与反射镜的边缘非线性接触进行了模型简化. 经过Zernike多项式拟合后, RMS为2.58nm, 满足设计要求. 坦克链支撑结构简单、成像质量好, 同时降低了反射镜的倾覆风险, 可靠性高.  相似文献   

射电望远镜天线伺服控制系统中的非线性特性, 对系统动力学特性辨识有着显著的影响, 会提高辨识难度, 增加辨识模型的复杂程度. 系统非线性特性的测量与补偿也会增加系统辨识工作量. 针对上述问题, 提出了一种基于非线性采样数据的线性重构方法, 用于动力学特性建模. 通过提取原采样数据的相位与幅值, 对受到噪声与非线性畸变影响的系统采样数据进行线性重构, 降低待辨识模型的复杂度. 搭建了半实物实验平台, 以平台实际采样为基础, 重构线性数据, 利用奇异值法与自回归神经网络评估并辨识平台动力学模型. 实验结果表明, 建模数据奇异值拐点从100阶下降至40阶, 仅用10个神经网络节点200次训练即实现了模型辨识.  相似文献   

李彬  赵海斌 《天文学报》2012,53(3):240-248
盱眙近地天体望远镜CCD视场为1.94°×1.94°,作为大视场望远镜由于存在场曲现象,因此根据单颗星像调焦会导致PSF(Point Spread Function)分布不均匀.研究所拍摄图像的PSF分布特征,并通过拟合半高全宽和离焦量的函数关系模拟出弯曲焦面,从而确定出最佳成像平面.制定出根据PSF的半高全宽直方图来判断最佳成像平面的调焦方法.  相似文献   

一种空间目标光电跟踪新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王歆  许占伟 《天文学报》2012,53(2):145-152
针对目前空间目标光电观测的自动跟踪过程中,容易受到恒星干扰等影响丢帧后失跟的问题,从概率观点分析了光电跟踪的两个环节:状态外推和实时采样.根据估计理论,建立了一种新的光电跟踪方法.方法利用卡尔曼滤波数据融合的本质提高外推的稳健性,通过均值漂移方法实现跟踪窗口的调整.仿真试验表明,新方法能够有效的降低跟踪中干扰的影响,提高跟踪的稳健性.  相似文献   

为满足国内对应用大型通用光学望远镜在光学红外波段进行天文观测的需求, 中国计划建设一架12 m大口径光学红外望远镜(12-meter large aperture optical-infrared telescope, LOT). LOT对于中国天文界具有极其重要的意义, 将会在近红外波段实现共相. LOT的主镜将采用子镜拼接的方案, 由72块扇形子镜拼接而成, 并且中央部分有一块直径4.5m的圆形镜. 分析了采用扇形子镜拼接方案下LOT的共相误差, 提供了详细的共相误差理论推导过程, 并对包括3种子镜面外误差在内的误差源进行深入的单独模拟和综合模拟. 在共相波长为1μm的条件下, 当服从正态分布的倾斜误差的均方根值小于0.016\prime\prime或服从正态分布的活塞误差的均方根值小于42.5nm时, LOT的斯特列尔比大于0.8. 仿真结果对于采用共相拼接镜面主动光学的主镜在LOT中的应用具有重要意义.  相似文献   

在经过长期运行后大口径射电望远镜俯仰轴会出现微小扭曲, 滚动轴承作为承载俯仰轴的核心部件, 也会因长期承受交变载荷增加疲劳风险, 导致轴承寿命以及望远镜指向精度的下降, 极大影响望远镜的性能. 以俯仰轴承为研究对象, 开展故障辨识方法研究, 可为望远镜天线的高性能运行提供重要支撑. 为实现在有限数据和复杂工作条件下准确地辨识俯仰轴承故障, 提出了一种小样本条件下基于元学习的故障辨识方法(Few-shot Meta-learning Fault Identification, FMFI). 首先将不同工况下的原始信号转换为时频图像数据, 之后按照元学习协议将数据样本随机采样到不同的学习任务中. 在有限样本的条件下, FMFI可以通过训练任务中的样本信息获取通用的先验知识, 在未知的测试任务下实现准确快速的故障辨识. 选取了与望远镜俯仰轴承工况具有相似性的变负载轴承数据集进行实验, 实验结果表明, FMFI方法具有很高的准确性和可靠性, 为大口径射电望远镜俯仰轴承的主动运维和高质量服役提供了有力的技术支持.  相似文献   

针对LAMOST望远镜控制的特点和其观测运行方式,利用时槽环技术实现了命令执行控制,为复杂控制系统内部子系统的协调提供了一种可借鉴的控制算法.  相似文献   

暗弱天然卫星与主带小行星相比,具有亮度低、速度变化快的特点.在观测这类天体时,不能简单地延长曝光时间来提高其信噪比.尝试观测多幅短曝光的CCD (chargecoupled device)图像,采用移位堆叠(shift-and-add)方法,希望提高目标成像的信噪比,获得暗弱天然卫星的精确测量结果.使用2018年4月9—12日夜间,中国科学院云南天文台1 m望远镜(1 m望远镜)拍摄的木星5颗暗卫星的229幅CCD图像,实施了移位堆叠试验.为了验证结果的正确性,与相近日期中国科学院云南天文台2.4 m望远镜(2.4 m望远镜)观测的相同木卫图像的测量结果进行了比较和分析.位置归算采用了JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)历表.结果表明,对CCD图像使用移位堆叠方法,通过叠加约10幅曝光时间100 s的图像, 1 m望远镜能观测暗至19等星的不规则天然卫星,而且测量的准确度与2.4 m望远镜的测量结果有良好的一致性.  相似文献   

According to the influence mechanism of the antenna track irregularity on the telescope pointing accuracy, the distribution of the track errors and their influence on the pointing of the Urumqi Nanshan 26 m telescope are reanalyzed after the antenna track was reformed by using the whole-body welding technology, and hereby the pointing error model is correspondingly revised. By using the moving least-squares method, the measured height errors of the antenna track plane are fitted with a closed curve, and the tilt of the antenna azimuth axis caused by the track irregularity can be determined accordingly. Comparing it with the measured deviation of the antenna azimuth axis caused by the deformation of antenna pedestal, it can be found that both deviations are strongly correlated. A new pointing error model is established in view of the gravity deformation of antenna pedestal, which includes the north-south and east-west components, as well as the antenna track irregularity. Finally, by scanning a known calibration radio source at different positions in the sky, the measured pointing errors are fitted with the new pointing error model. The result shows that the sinusoidal component of the model error can be well constrained by the new pointing correction model, indicating that the new model can reflect very well the antenna pointing error, and can amend it to a certain extend.  相似文献   

The hard X-ray imaging telescope of the modulation collimator type is widely used in current solar observations. The spatial modulation telescope is the telescope which keeps its central axis not rotate, suitable for the satellite of 3-axis attitude stabilization. For the possible Chinese solar mission in the near future, we make a design of hard X-ray imaging telescope, and simulate the photon counting using the common simulation software GEANT4. Then we implement the image reconstruction with MATLAB, and compare the reconstructed image of the photons simulated by GEANT4 with that of the photons calculated by the geometric algorithm. The results show that the simulated one by GEANT4 is more closer to the reality than that obtained by the geometric algorithm. An executable design is also proposed at last.  相似文献   

The ring focus antenna has special electromagnetic characteristics and application fields. The phase error of ring focus antenna is analyzed theoretically and simulatedly. The phase error caused by the position deviation of the feed and the subreflector, the compensation relationship between the main reflector and subreflector, and the optical path difference caused by the operation of the antenna in holographic measurement are derived. The results will provide theoretical basis and reference for accurate surface measurement and compensation of the ring focus antenna.  相似文献   

Using the Very Large Array (VLA), we observed all three of the 6-cm lines of the  2Π1/2, J = 1/2  state of OH with sub-arcsecond resolution (∼0.4 arcsec) in W49A. While the spatial distribution and the range in velocities of the 6-cm lines are similar to those of the ground-state (18-cm) OH lines, a large fraction of the total emission in all three 6-cm lines has large linewidths (∼5–10 km s−1) and is spatially extended, very unlike typical ground-state OH masers, which typically are point-like at VLA resolutions and have linewidths ≤1 km s−1. We find brightness temperatures of 5900, 4700 and ≥730 K for the 4660, 4750 and 4765-MHz lines, respectively. We conclude that these are indeed maser lines. However, the gains are ∼0.3, again very unlike the 18-cm lines, which have gains  ≥104  . We compare the excited-state OH emission with that from other molecules observed with comparable angular resolution to estimate physical conditions in the regions emitting the peculiar, low-gain maser lines. We also comment on the relationship with the 18-cm masers.  相似文献   

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