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焦炭强度指标间的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过10种单种煤炼制的7kg焦炉焦,7个钢铁公司的入炉焦和风口焦,测定他们的米库姆转鼓强度、I-转鼓强度、显微强度、结构强度、抗拉强度和焦炭光学组织,从中揭示他们之间的内在关系。  相似文献   

煤质指标预测焦炭质量并指导配煤已成为衡量配煤技术水平的一个重要标志。通过大量实际生产数据,归纳总结出适合佳华公司实际生产的冷强度预测公式。  相似文献   

张凯元 《山西化工》2022,42(2):113-114+124
为进一步提升焦炭质量,使其更加广泛应用于炼钢的其他行业,在对焦炭光学组织微观结构和焦炭质量测定的基础上,重点对焦炭光学组织与焦炭冷态强度和热态强度之间的关系进行研究,得出可通过增加焦炭中的镶嵌组织和丝炭、破片状组织等提升其质量,为实际焦化生产中的配煤提供指导。  相似文献   

肖波 《煤化工》1993,(2):26-30
本文研究了32种单种煤样的焦炭强度和六种煤质指标之间的关系。结果表明,粘结指数G能较好地反映焦炭强度的变化,煤的岩相分析与煤的粘结性指标组合的二次幂式能较好地预测焦炭抗碎强度M40或耐磨强度M10。单一煤分析指标反映焦炭强度变化的能力较差。  相似文献   

随着炼铁生产技术的发展,高炉冶炼不断强化,焦比大幅度降低,焦炭在高炉内作为发热剂和还原剂的作用已逐步弱化,而与骨架支撑作用密切  相似文献   

彭荣华  罗娟 《煤化工》2009,37(3):28-30
通过20kg小焦炉实验,探讨了在相同炼焦温度和同一配煤比条件下,结焦时间对焦炭质量的影响。结果显示,适当延长结焦时间能有效地提高焦炭的抗碎强度和反应后强度,而焦炭的耐磨强度和反应性明显降低,并从微观角度解释了焦炭质量变化的原因。建议在生产条件允许的情况下,应适当延长结焦时间,可以改善焦炭的冷热态强度。  相似文献   

熄焦方式对焦炭热态性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熄焦方式直接影响着焦炭的冷态强度,干法熄焦与湿法熄焦相比,干熄焦的M40和M10分别比湿熄焦提高2%和0.8%。但熄焦方式对焦炭热态性能的影响,主要对焦炭反应性和反应后强度指标的影响研究不多。济钢焦化厂的技术人员利用现有的生产和试验设备,在配比和其他炼焦条件相同的条件下,  相似文献   

探讨了影响焦炭质量的因素,其中原料煤性质是主要因素,此外炼焦条件也起了很重要的作用,并分析了焦炭热态性能。结合经验理论和生产实际,提出要优化炼焦条件和配煤质量控制,尤其要重视灰分及矿物质组成检测。  相似文献   

王晓飞 《山西化工》2022,42(2):147-148+155
为进一步提升焦炭的质量以保证其更加适用于炼钢等行业,从实验方案、实验方法以及分析方法三个层面完成了实验设计;对捣固炼焦与常规炼焦工艺所得焦炭的耐磨强度、抗碎强度、反应性以及反应后强度进行对比;其次,对不同原煤参数对所得焦炭的气孔率、耐磨强度、抗碎强度、反应性以及反应后强度进行对比。本次研究为捣固炼焦在我国范围之内的推广应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

通过5.5m捣固焦炉结焦时间的改变,探讨了在配煤比不变的条件下结焦时间变化对焦炭质量的影响。结果表明,适当延长结焦时间能有效提高焦炭的抗碎强度和反应后强度,改善焦炭的耐磨强度和反应性,有效降低焦炭硫分,而且能够配入更多的弱黏结煤,降低入炉煤成本。  相似文献   

John W. Patrick  Alan Walker 《Fuel》1985,64(1):136-138
Preliminary attempts to relate the carbon texture to the tensile strength of metallurgical cokes are described. Two series of cokes made by carbonizing blended coal charges in pilot scale ovens were examined. The diametral compression test was used to determine the tensile strength of the cokes and the composition of the coke carbon was measured by applying a point-counting technique to the examination of atomic-oxygen etched surfaces. The strengths and textural compositions could be related by a single equation derived by multi-linear regression analysis.  相似文献   

David Merrick 《Fuel》1983,62(5):567-570
A mathematical model to predict the strength of a coke manufactured from a blend of coals is proposed. The model operates in terms of ‘bond strengths’ between the constituents. The magnitudes of these bond strengths may be determined from the strengths of cokes manufactured from the individual constituents and from a limited number of binary blends. The model has been applied to predictions of the M10 index of coke strength for binary and ternary blends, and the predictions are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data. In particular, the model is able to account for the behaviour of incompatible coals and bridging coals in blends.  相似文献   

李晋丽  赵新荣 《山西化工》2013,(4):57-58,72
炼焦生产工艺管理如加热制度、装平煤操作会影响焦炭的机械强度,只有通过不断加强炼焦的生产管理才能提高焦炭质量。  相似文献   

采用特制的测量工具和测量方法对针状焦的抗压碎强度进行测试,通过大量的试验数据确定测试过程中所使用的关键测试参数(试样的粒度和测试过程中使用测试压力),对影响测试结果的次要因素(试样的用量和压力维持时间)进行试验分析.将制订的测试方法的测试结果与生产实践进行了对比,完全符合大生产的实际情况.最后,阐述了近几年对测试结果的运用情况.  相似文献   

为了在生产过程中快速评价针状焦质量的优异,系统研究了针状焦的显微结构与真密度、热膨胀系数(CTE)之间的关系。实验结果表明:煤系针状焦的真密度与纤维组分不存在明显的线性关系;热膨胀系数随着显微结构中纤维含量的增多呈下降趋势,另外纤维的质量对热膨胀系数也有一定的影响。通过显微结构分析可大致区分针状焦质量的优劣。  相似文献   

Amit Chatterjee  H.N. Prasad 《Fuel》1983,62(5):591-600
Tests carried out in a pilot oven, in individual 19-t ovens and for a short time, in a 4.5 m high 54 oven battery, showed that addition of a certain amount of tar directly to any coal mix can improve the coke properties. The experimental procedure adopted for tar addition and the determination of the coke properties are highlighted.  相似文献   

通过40 kg焦炉炼焦实验,研究了加热速率、焦饼终温、焖炉时间、入炉煤堆密度及入炉煤细度等对焦炭的CRI(焦炭反应性)、CSR(反应后强度)的影响。结果表明:为保证焦炭成熟和获得较低的CRI值,较高的CSR值,焦饼终温应控制在1000~1050℃范围内。炼焦时焖炉时间应控制在3 h以上。提高入炉煤堆密度,可显著改善焦炭的热性质。入炉煤细度控制在90%左右时,CRI、CSR值较佳。提高加热速率,特别是粘结阶段的升温速率,有利于改善焦炭的热性质。  相似文献   

通过对单种煤细度进行预处理,利用70kg焦炉及配套干熄炉进行试验,在保证焦炭热强度的前提下,确定了预粉碎的煤种及最佳细度范围,研究表明,随着细度的增加,不同细度的瘦煤和气煤对焦炭热强度的影响不同,控制出料细度在60%左右时,配合煤堆密度增大,有利于提高焦炭产量及质量。  相似文献   

To understand the drastic deterioration of coke at the 3–5 m level above the tuyeres in the blast furnace, studies were made of the tensile strength in relation to the JIS drum strength, and measurements were made of the tensile strength of coke at high temperatures (maximum 2300 °C). Plastic deformation was observed above 2000 °C and this could be estimated from the microstrength and the porosity of coke. It was concluded that the factors affecting the resistivity to plastic deformation were the coke bonding between inerts and reactives and the existence of amorphous texture, and that the thermal degradation of the matrix strength must contribute, to some extent, to the drastic reduction in drum strength in the lower part of blast furnace.  相似文献   

Fractal dimension is an intrinsic, quantitative measure of surface irregularity and provides a convenient parameter for comparing surface physical properties. Several particle size ranges of Syncrude coke were studied by nitrogen and carbon dioxide adsorption. The apparent surface area, A, was observed to increase from 1 to 15 m2 g−1 for N2 and from 65 to 300m2 g−1 for CO2 data with decreased particle size. The fractal dimension, D, was determined from the proportionality: A∝RD-3, where the surface area is determined by BET or D-P (Dubinin-Polanyi) theories, R is the particle radius and 2D3. The value of D for Syncrude coke was determined to be 2.48 from both N2 and CO2 results.  相似文献   

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