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对意大利国家强震台网在2016年8月24日获得的其中部拉齐奥大区阿库莫利市发生的MW6.2地震强震动三分向记录进行处理和分析。完成原始数据基线校正、滤波等基本数据处理,回归此次地震动幅值衰减规律,发现其整体与ITA08及BA08的衰减趋势一致,但远场实际值低于预测值,不同场地条件下的衰减特性与ITA10一致,近震源幅值较大,且方向性明显;计算并回归分析几种持时,与全球经验预测方程均基本吻合;比较4个幅值较大的近震源台站的反应谱,发现其明显高于欧洲抗震设计规范中的设计反应谱。结合此次震害特点,该地区在实际建设中仍需提高抗震设防能力,以确保安全性等级。  相似文献   

2013年四川芦山MS7.0地震 强地面运动模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
药晓东  章文波 《地震学报》2015,37(4):599-616
运用经验格林函数法模拟2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震的近场强地面运动. 在拟合过程中, 首先参考前人远场反演结果给出的滑动量分布特征和主震波形的包络线特征, 确定强震动生成区的大致范围和数量; 然后利用Somerville等提出的地震矩与凹凸体面积的经验关系式确定强震动生成区细小划分的初值, 继而利用遗传优化算法确定以上二者的最优值及其它震源参数. 将数值模拟波形与实际地震观测记录在时间域和频率域分别进行比较, 结果显示, 在所选取的30个观测台站中, 多数台站的数值模拟结果与实际观测结果符合得很好, 特别是大于1 Hz的高频部分. 断层面上有两个强震动生成区, 其位置与前人反演的滑动量集中分布区相一致, 而且强震动生成区规模比Somerville等获得的标度率估计值要小.   相似文献   

2013年4月20日8点02分在四川省雅安市芦山县发生7.0级地震,震源深度13.0km,造成了196人死亡,中国地震局启动地震应急一级响应.在芦山地震中,人员伤亡损失远低于同等规模但人口远少于芦山的玉树地震.全部地震灾区都处于汶川地震的老震区,汶川地震震后受损房屋多数采取了加固或拆除措施,新建农村民居普遍采用多种抗震措施,当地新建房屋比例很高,很好地提高了房屋的抗震性能.在地震中,新建民居极少完全倒塌,这是此次地震伤亡较少的重要原因.但是,由于新建民居多数没有严格按照汶川地震后国家下发的抗震设防民居建设要求进行建设,因此破坏依然十分严重.芦山地震人员伤亡少是防震减灾第1阶段减少人员伤亡目标的体现.然而,芦山地震中抗震措施不达标的农居破坏十分严重,防震减灾实现减轻人民财产损失的目标依然任重道远.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日四川芦山M7.0级地震介绍   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
2013年4月20日四川芦山M7.0级地震发生在龙门山断裂带南段,震源机制解为逆冲型.震后3天震区已发生3000多次余震,其中M5级余震4次,最大余震是4月21日17时05分芦山、邛崃交界M5.4级地震,余震区长轴约45 km,短轴约20 km.芦山M7.0级地震与2008年5月12日汶川M8.0级地震均位于龙门山断裂带,但汶川地震发生在该断裂带中-北段,两个地震的余震区存在约45 km的间隔,芦山M7.0级地震不是汶川地震的余震,但两者密切相关.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日四川芦山7.0级地震震源破裂特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
徐彦  邵文丽 《地球物理学报》2013,56(10):3396-3403
2013年4月20日四川芦山发生7.0级地震.本文运用反投影远震P波的方法研究了中心频率为1 Hz的芦山地震震源破裂特征.研究结果显示2013年芦山7.0级地震破裂长度约为20 km,震源破裂时间约为26 s.本文认为在芦山地震的开始阶段(0~4 s)震源的破裂是向震中位置两侧进行的.而芦山地震破裂的第二阶段(5~26 s)是单侧破裂.芦山地震最大能量释放区域位于震中以北.本文对比了运用相同方法研究的发生在同一断裂带上的2008年汶川地震震源破裂特征.发现2013年芦山地震和2008年汶川地震有三点相似之处,即,破裂主要沿北东走向的龙门山断裂带发展;最大能量释放区域没有位于震中;能量都是通过多次子事件来释放的,且第二次能量释放是最大能量释放.对比两次地震破裂区域,可以看出芦山地震的破裂区域是在2008年汶川地震破裂区域的西南端发展的.两次地震的破裂区域占了整个龙门山断裂带的三分之二.  相似文献   

2013年4月20日在我国四川省发生了芦山MS7.0地震,地震给当地群众的生命财产安全带来了巨大的损失,其中最严重的破坏发生在震中附近的芦山、宝兴等地区.根据地震发生的快速反演结果,及发震断层面上滑动位移的分布情况,构建有限断层模型,对近断层区域的强地面运动进行初步计算,并基于强地面运动的模拟结果给出震区烈度分布的初步估计.模拟结果显示:模拟烈度图显示极震区的烈度在IX级左右,VI级烈度影响范围大致为16000 km2,该结果与中国地震局于4月27日给出的震区实测烈度图一致程度较高.强烈地震发生后,基于近断层强地面运动模拟计算的结果,可以给出相对合理的地震烈度分布情况估计,对震区震情判定及救灾工作具备较高的现实意义.  相似文献   

本文以2021年2月13日和2022年3月16日日本福岛近海区域发生的Mw7.0和Mw7.3地震强震动数据为基础,从地震动的幅值、频谱、持时以及衰减关系等方面对比分析了强震动特征,解释了复发性地震的相似性,研究表明:当周期大于0.8s时,两个台站记录的加速度反应谱低于设计谱数值,对于长周期结构影响较小;随着场地和断层距的变化,同一台站在两次地震中加速度反应谱峰值对应的周期并没有发生明显的变化,在长周期部分,断层距较近的台站随着周期的增加反应谱下降的更快;两次地震中相应的PGA和PGV幅值呈对数线性关系;在等效卓越频率方面,2.0~4.0Hz范围内的离散点相对较少,解释了结构破坏较轻的现象;两次地震持时的回归曲线趋势相同,衰减相对较慢。  相似文献   

基于芦山地震的震源破裂过程反演结果,利用有限断层模型,以芦山地区三维地壳速率结构模型为基础,对芦山“4·20”7.0级强烈地震引起的强地面运动进行了模拟.对这次地震中由典型盲断层引起的强地面运动数值模拟结果反映了与实际震害相近的分布特征:断层上盘的宝盛、龙门及芦山以北位于极震区,也是强地面运动的高强度集中区,特别是垂向分量的速度、加速度峰值均在该地区达到了最大值,最能反映地表震害特征的竖向地震加速度在龙门一带达到了350gal,与极震区Ⅸ度的烈度相当,而在芦山以北龙门一带,瞬时竖向位移峰值高达110cm,这些特征与实际震害分布是非常相近的.综合分析认为,这次地震强地面运动表现出了明显的逆冲断层引起的强地面运动的分布特征,同时在强地震动传播过程中,由于高陡峭地形地貌特征及四川盆地内山间盆地的影响,地形地貌和盆地效应对地震波的反射和放大作用明显加强,也是该地区地震破坏强度增大的重要因素.  相似文献   

以芦山地震震中距100km内20个台站的60条原始强震记录为依据,采用零交法计算台站处三方向卓越周期,采用线性加速法计算台站处阻尼比为0.05的三方向反应谱,考察反应谱峰值周期、卓越周期和放大系数在各台站位置处的分布以及在断裂上、下盘的均值。通过研究发现:芦山地震动卓越周期、反应谱峰值周期和放大系数在各台站不同方向上的分量不同;各台站处反应谱的计算表明地震动具有上盘效应以及上盘衰减迅速的特征;地震动卓越周期在芦山地震震中100km的上、下盘上差别不大,其中上盘EW和UD向卓越周期均值略小于下盘,而上盘NS向均值略大于下盘,断裂两盘UD向卓越周期总体小于水平向,断裂两盘三方向卓越周期变化范围为0.013~0.275s;计算得到的放大系数表明80%台站NS向放大系数大于EW向,因此NS向放大系数较大可能是芦山地震诱发崩滑地质灾害的主要因素。  相似文献   

2013年4月20日8时2分57秒,中国地震台网中心警报声响起,自动定位系统显示在四川省芦山县发生了一个较大的地震,8时3分43秒(地震发生后57秒),自动地震速报系统测定出了地震的发震时间、地震位置和震级,  相似文献   

芦山7.0级地震强震动记录及其震害相关性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2013年4月20日芦山地震中的强震动记录是我国自2008年汶川地震后再一次比较全面地获得的高质量的数字强震动记录。国家数字强震动台网共获得3分量自由场记录114组,成都地震烈度速报台网获得63组。文章对强震动记录进行了常规处理,统计了强震动记录随断层距的数量分布情况,绘制了空间地震动加速度等值线图。结合芦山地震震源机制解和破裂过程研究成果,选取典型记录,分析加速度、速度时程的波形、振幅等特征,识别了此次地震滑冲现象,估算了竖向最大永久位移。通过利用观测数据与国外的地震动预测公式对比,分析了不同周期反应谱地震动幅值及加速度反应谱衰减规律,阐明了此次地震的地震动在近场高频成分较卓越的特点。震后现场考察了3个典型强震动台站附近建筑物震害,分析了地震动与工程震害的相关性,地震烈度的评定反映了地震破坏的程度。  相似文献   

The earthquake occurred in Lushan County on 20 April, 2013 caused heavy casualty and economic loss. In order to understand how the seismic energy propagates during this earthquake and how it causes the seismic haz- ard, we simulated the strong ground motions from a rep- resentative kinematic source model by Zhang et al. (Chin J Geophys 56(4):1408-1411, 2013) for this earthquake. To include the topographic effects, we used the curved grids finite difference method by Zhang and Chen (Geophys J Int 167(1):337-353, 2006), Zhang et al. (Geophys J Int 190(1):358-378, 2012) to implement the simulations. Our results indicated that the majority of seismic energy con- centrated in the epicentral area and the vicinal Sichuan Basin, causing the XI and VII degree intensity. Due to the strong topographic effects of the mountain, the seismic intensity in the border area across the northeastern of Boxing County to the Lushan County also reached IX degree. Moreover, the strong influence of topography caused the amplifications of ground shaking at the moun- tain ridge, which is easy to cause landslides. These results are quite similar to those observed in the Wenchuan earthquake of 2008 occurred also in a strong topographic mountain area.  相似文献   

The Ms7.0 Lushan earthquake on April 20, 2013 is another destructive event in China since the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and Ms7.1 Yushu earth- quake in 2010. A large number of strong motion recordings were accumulated by the National Strong Motion Obser- vation Network System of China. The maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA) at Station 51BXD in Baoxing Country is recorded as -1,005.3 cm/s2, which is even larger than the maximum one in the Wenchuan earthquake. A field survey around three typical strong motion stations confirms that the earthquake damage is consistent with the issued map of macroseismic intensity. For the oscillation period 0.3-1.0 s which is the common natural period range of the Chinese civil building, a comparison shows that the observed response spectrums are considerably smaller than the designed values in the Chinese code and this could be one of the reasons that the macroseismic intensity is lower than what we expected despite the high amplitude of PGAs. The Housner spectral intensities from 16 stations are also basically correlated with their macroseismic intensities, and the empirical distribution of spectral intensities from Lushan and Wenchuan Earthquakes under the Chinese scale is almost identical with those under the European scale.  相似文献   

A new engineering source model consistent with seismological concepts for simulating strong-motion accelerograms (SMAs) is presented in this paper. The source region is modeled as a horizontally layered elastic medium to cater for site dependency. The moment field acting on the rupture plane is decomposed into space and time functions, which is a novel concept. The spatial and temporal components are determined for six well-recorded earthquakes using the corresponding recorded SMA. The obtained spatial variations indicate that they can be modeled as an anisotropic random field. The temporal components of all the six events are transients, with typical frequency spectra. Based on these results, a simplified source model is proposed for the synthesis of SMA during strong earthquakes. The model is validated by simulating strong-motion acceleration time histories at stations deliberately kept out of the modeling exercise. It is found that the present model is efficient in simulating observed time histories. The proposed model is also illustrated by simulating an ensemble of acceleration time histories for the Kutch earthquake of 26th January 2001 using only the few known source parameters.  相似文献   

A great number of free-field ground motion records are obtained during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake. Records from 130 near fault free-field stations within 55 km to the causative fault surface are used as database, and characteristics of earthquake peak ground acceleration, velocity, displacement and duration are analyzed. According to this study, near fault ground motions are strongly affected by distance to fault, fault rupture directivity, site condition, as well as thrust of hanging wall. Compared with empirical strong ground motion attenuation relations used in China, US and Japan, the PGAs and PGVs recorded in this earthquake are not as large as what we have expected for a large earthquake as magnitude 7.6. However, the largest PGV and PGD worldwide were recorded in this event, which are 292 cm/s and 867 cm, respectively. Caused by nonlinear site effects of soil, peaks and corresponding ratios on E-class site were markedly different from those on other sites. Just as observed in historic earthquakes, fault rupture directivity effects caused significant differences between peaks of ground motion of two horizontal components, but took very slight effects on the duration of ground motion. The significant velocity pulses associated with large PGVs and PGDs, as well as large permanent displacements, which may result from the large thrust of the hanging wall, became the outstanding character of this event. Based on this study, we point out that 3D waveform modeling is needed to understand and predict near fault ground motion of large earthquakes.  相似文献   

孟令媛  周龙泉  刘杰 《地震学报》2013,35(5):632-641
2013年4月20日在我国四川省雅安市芦山县发生了MS7.0地震, 破坏最严重的宝兴、 芦山等极震区烈度达到Ⅷ—Ⅸ度. 该文针对芦山MS7.0地震震源参数的特征, 结合相关经验关系, 对本次地震的震源特征进行了初步分析. 结果表明, 芦山MS7.0地震为断层动态摩擦过程中的应力下调模式. 进一步应用Brune圆盘模型对芦山MS7.0地震近场强地面运动的理论值进行估算, 并基于加速度和速度的估算结果计算极震区的最大烈度, 约为Ⅷ—X度, 与实测的极震区最大烈度Ⅸ度较为接近. 选取宝兴和芦山为特征计算点, 构建动态复合震源模型, 对近断层区域内宝兴和芦山两个特征点进行了模拟计算. 模拟结果显示, 近断层区域强地面运动呈现持续时间短、 高频成分多等特征.   相似文献   

芦山7.0级强烈地震建筑结构震害调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
继2008年汶川8.0级特大地震后,2013年4月20日8点02分在四川省雅安市芦山县又发生了7.0级强烈地震,震源深度13公里,造成大量房屋严重破坏或倒塌.根据不同的结构类型、不同烈度区,文中对应急调查评估的603栋各类房屋结构进行了详细的统计归纳总结,得到了各类结构在不同烈度下的破坏比.在此基础上,主要对钢筋混凝土结构、砌体结构、砖木结构和木结构的震害特征进行了深入剖析,此外还对一栋大跨空间结构和一栋隔震结构的破坏特征进行了分析,最后针对各类结构在地震中尚存在的主要问题,提出了一些改进建议.  相似文献   

It is well known that quantitative estimation of slip distributions on fault plane is one of the most important issues for earthquake source inversion related to the fault rupture process. The characteristics of slip distribution on the main fault play a fundamental role to control strong ground motion pattern. A large amount of works have also suggested that variable slip models inverted from longer period ground motion recordings are relevant for the prediction of higher frequency ground motions. Zhang et al. (Chin J Geophys 56:1412-1417, 2013) and Wang et al. (Chin J Geophys 56:1408-1411,2013) published their source inversions for the fault rupturing process soon after the April 20, 2013 Lushan earthquake in Sichuan, China. In this study, first, we synthesize two forward source slip models: the value of maximum slip, fault dimension, size, and dimension of major asperities, and comer wave number obtained from Wang's model is adopted to constrain the gen- eration of k-2 model and crack model. Next, both inverted and synthetic slip models are employed to simulate the ground motions for the Lushan earthquake based on the stochastic finite-fault method. In addition, for a comparison purpose, a stochastic slip model and another k-2 model (k 2 model II) with 2 times value of comer wave number of the original k-2 model (k 2 model I) are also employed for simulation for Lushan event. The simulated results characterized by Modified Mer- calli Intensity (MMI) show that the source slip models based on the inverted and synthetic slip distributions could capture many basic features associated with the ground motion patterns. Moreover, the simulated MMI distributions reflect the rupture directivity effect and the influence of the shallow velocity structure well. On the other hand, the simulated MMI bystochastic slip model and k 2 model II is apparently higher than observed intensity. By contrast, our simulation results show that the higher frequency ground motion is sensitive to the degree of sli  相似文献   

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