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生物礁是重要的自然资源,在全球气候变化与碳循环中扮演了重要角色.磁性地层学是建立年代框架的有效手段,但是,由于生物礁沉积物中天然剩磁强度弱,南海地区生物礁的磁性地层学研究尚未很好展开.为此,本文利用西沙群岛西科1井乐东组生物礁沉积样品进行了详细的岩石磁学和磁性地层学研究.结果显示,西沙群岛乐东组记录了布容正极性时、奥杜维尔正极性时和松山负极性时.通过对比已有的钻孔资料,本文认为应基于岩石地层特征这一标准将西沙地区的乐东组埋深予以统一.在此基础上,综合磁性地层与~(230)Th定年结果,本文将乐东组的底界限定在~2.0 Ma.  相似文献   

南海更新世的放射虫生物地层学   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
根据南海南沙海区 1795 7 2柱的放射虫定量分析 ,发现 6个放射虫事件并据此建立了 5个放射虫带 (NR1~NR5 ) .这 5个放射虫带的绝对年龄和 6个标志种的分布是直接根据古地磁和氧同位素记录的对比而确定的 .南海南沙海区 1795 7 2柱放射虫生物地层资料与赤道太平洋和热带印度洋的放射虫生物地层资料的比较显示 ,它们与赤道太平洋的年龄较接近 .  相似文献   


近年来,北冰洋深海百万年尺度的磁性地层年代框架受到了来自诸如Mn旋回地层和钛磁赤铁矿“自反转”现象的强烈质疑,以致对该方法在北冰洋的适用性产生了巨大争议.鉴于此,本文对中国第五次北极科学考察在北冰洋罗蒙诺索夫海岭获得的ARC5-ICE4钻孔岩心(水深2860 m,进尺4.15 m)开展了深入的岩石磁学分析.结果证实岩心中的载磁组分以磁铁矿为主,部分颗粒表面发生轻微氧化作用,另含少量磁赤铁矿、赤铁矿、钛磁赤铁矿等;整体粒径呈现相对均一的准单畴(PSD:pseudo-single domain),且含量随深度变化不大.岩心1.15~2.04 m区间显示的负极性并非“自反转”所致,而是真实的古地磁场记录;结合相对古强度(RPI)曲线模式和S-ratio的旋回变化特征,将其对应于松山期(约2.58~0.78 Ma),钻孔底界年龄 < 3.58 Ma.另外,上述年代框架指示的沉积速率变化模式很好地吻合了北半球冰期加强(iNHG:intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation)和中更新世气候转型(MPT:mid-Pleistocene transition)等古气候事件,更加印证了其可靠性.因此,即使“自反转”现象在北冰洋深海地区真实存在,其影响范围也是局部的,即磁性地层对于建立该区新生代年代框架的重要性仍不容忽视.总之,目前北冰洋深海沉积物定年仍面临诸多难题和挑战,今后需加强多学科协作.


本工作的主要目的是利用华北、中南和西南部分地区各地质年代岩石的天然剩余磁性资料来研究古地极位置,从而提供解决中苏太平洋区域成矿带地质构造问题的一些古地磁资料.我们用无定向磁力仪测定了175块岩石标本的天然剩余磁化强度.这些标本分别属于泥盆纪、石炭纪、二迭纪、三迭纪和侏罗纪五个地质年代.测定的结果是:泥盆纪的地极位置在北大西洋;石炭纪的地极位置比较散乱,这可能跟标本的天然剩余磁性较弱和测量仪器精密度较低有关;二迭纪和三迭纪的地极位置都在北太平洋;侏罗纪的地极位置在印度洋.这些结果跟其他学者分别按照欧美地区岩石天然剩余磁性所获得的结果并不一致.原因何在?目前还不能确定,有待进一步的研究.但若把中国地质矿藏情况进行检查,在这些年代里的古气候都更接近于赤道这一现象,使我们相信本工作的结果更与实际相符合.  相似文献   

本工作的主要目的是利用华北、中南和西南部分地区各地质年代岩石的天然剩余磁性资料来研究古地极位置,从而提供解决中苏太平洋区域成矿带地质构造问题的一些古地磁资料.我们用无定向磁力仪测定了175块岩石标本的天然剩余磁化强度.这些标本分别属于泥盆纪、石炭纪、二迭纪、三迭纪和侏罗纪五个地质年代.测定的结果是:泥盆纪的地极位置在北大西洋;石炭纪的地极位置比较散乱,这可能跟标本的天然剩余磁性较弱和测量仪器精密度较低有关;二迭纪和三迭纪的地极位置都在北太平洋;侏罗纪的地极位置在印度洋.这些结果跟其他学者分别按照欧美地区岩石天然剩余磁性所获得的结果并不一致.原因何在?目前还不能确定,有待进一步的研究.但若把中国地质矿藏情况进行检查,在这些年代里的古气候都更接近于赤道这一现象,使我们相信本工作的结果更与实际相符合.  相似文献   

南海西沙石岛地震台下的地壳结构研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为加强海上天然地震观测和岩石圈结构研究,我们在南海西沙群岛建立了石岛流动地震台,进行了为期一年多的观测试验.观测结果表明,虽然岛礁区的地震数据受热带气旋影响期间背景噪声较大,但仍能记录到MW 6级以上的地震.本文对具有清晰P波波形的远震记录进行了接收函数处理和计算模拟,得到台站下简单的地壳结构模型,其莫霍面深度为28 km,上地壳顶部有一层2 km厚的低速层,横波速度只有23 km/s,向下逐渐过渡到横波速度为38 km/s的下地壳.与已有的研究结果比较,发现石岛台与琼中台的地壳结构模型是西沙海槽剖面的自然延伸,西沙地块的地壳结构属减薄型陆壳,可与华南地块的正常陆壳对比.  相似文献   

Modern atolls have been studied systematically and thoroughly in the South China Sea.However,the knowledge of a paleo-atoll and related sedimentary system is very limited.Here we used the newly acquired high resolution 2D seismic data,and discovered three late Miocene atoll systems in the offshore Xisha Islands for the first time.We named them atoll system A,B,C,respectively.These three atoll systems,all developed on the horsts dominated by normal fault,consist mainly of atoll reefs,patch reefs,fore-reef slope deposits,and lagoons.On the basis of the interpreted sequence stratigraphic framework and the identification of fore-reef slope deposits,we suggested only the atoll system A continued to grow until Quaternary,and both of atoll system B and C had been drowned in Pliocene.In late Miocene,the atoll systems in the study area were most developed,either in magnitude or in maturity,which indicated late Miocene was the most flourishing period of reef builders,and this was in accordance with the drilling result of ODP Leg 184 in the South China Sea.Pliocene was an important reef drowning period in the study area,and both atoll systems B and C were drowned and hemipelagic deposits prevailed gradually.Quaternary was another reef drowning period in the study area,two large atoll reefs grown on the atoll system A were finally drowned,and hemipelagic deposits begun to drape and fill the palaeo-atoll systems.The growth and drowning of atolls are controlled mainly by tectonic subsidence in long term,but global eustatic can impact it in short term also.  相似文献   

Meiji (Mischief) coral atoll, in Nansha (Spratly) Islands, South China Sea, consists of an annular reef rim surrounding a central lagoon. On the atoll rim there are either protuberant 'motu' (small coral patch reefs on the rim of atoll) islets or lower sandy cays that contain modern microbialite deposits on the corals in pinnacles and surrounding bottoms of the atoll. Microbialites, including villiform, hairy, and thin spine growth forms, as well as gelatinous masses, mats and encrustation, developed on coral colonies and atoll rim sediments between 0 and 15 m deep-water settings. The microbialites were produced by natural populations of filamentous cyanobacteria and grew on (1) bulbous corals together with Acropora sp., (2) on massive colonies of Galaxea fascicularis, (3) on dead Montipora digitata, and (4) on dead Acropora teres, some hairy microbialite growing around broken coral branches. This study demonstrates that microbial carbonates are developed in coral reefs of South China Sea and indicates that microbial processes may be important in the construction of modern reef systems. The results have significance in the determination of nature and composition in microorganisms implied in the formation ancient microbialites, and permit evaluation of the importance of microbial deposits in mo-dern coral reefs and of 'microbialites' in biogeochemical cycles of modern coral reef systems. The re-sults also provide evidence of modern analogues for ancient microbialites in shallow-water settings, and combine with sedimentological studies of ancient microbialites to understand their controls.  相似文献   

基于海南岛至西沙群岛之间深水海域一长达5年的锚定潜标测流资料,采用谱分析、调和分析和动力模态分解等方法主要分析了局部海域内潮的基本特征.结果表明:研究海域的正压和斜压潮均以全日振荡为主,500~900 m的海洋中层全日等密度线垂向振幅可达40 m;全日内潮主要沿垂直于陆坡方向传播,与天文潮锁相的全日内潮可占全日内潮总能量的41%;海洋上层,O1内潮垂向平均振幅与局地海面高度呈显著正相关关系,K1内潮则表现为夏、冬季增强的半年循环特征;超过70%的O1分潮能量集中于第一、二斜压模态上,K1分潮在第三斜压模态上亦有相当能量.  相似文献   

利用西沙琛航岛流动地震台站和永兴岛固定地震台站的资料,提取了远震P波接收函数,结合正演和反演方法模拟了台站下方的地壳结构.模拟结果显示:西沙群岛地壳顶部存在2 km厚的新生代低速沉积层,横波速度只有2.0~2.2 km/s;上地壳为一速度梯度带,横波速度由2 km处的3.4 km/s逐渐增加到12 km深度时的3.8 km/s;下地壳存在明显低速层,厚度达到12 km,平均横波速度3.5 km/s;莫霍面埋深26~28 km,也表现为一速度梯度带,横波速度从3.8 km/s变化到4.6 km/s左右,并保持稳定;该地区的地壳泊松比值大于0.3,推测西沙群岛的壳内低速层和异常泊松比值与地幔热活动引起的韧性流变构造和岩石矿物的各向异性排列有关.  相似文献   

西沙群岛独特的构造位置决定了其构造运动背景和地壳应力场动力源的复杂性.位于西沙群岛石岛、深达1268.07 m的西科1A井在1257.52 m钻遇花岗岩基底.在1125.8~1262.0 m开展5次水压致裂地应力测量,获得最大水平主应力为17.09~20.85 MPa,最小水平主应力为15.97~18.29 MPa,估算垂直主应力为22.86~26.68 MPa,地壳应力结构为SV>SH>Sh,以垂直主应力为主导,该应力结构特征有利于正断层活动,表明西沙群岛地壳基底处于拉张的应力环境.受西沙海槽断层影响,水平应力值较低.印模测试显示基底地壳应力方向以近东西-北西向为主,与已有的GPS测量、横波分裂和面波反演结果较为吻合,显示西沙群岛岩石圈尺度上变形一致性较好.西沙群岛地壳应力场的力源受板块运动和地幔物质上涌作用联合制约.综合南海西北部实测地应力数据分析,显示该区域主应力方向较为一致,应处于统一、稳定的构造运动背景之中.西科1A井水压致裂试验是我国首次涉海深孔地壳应力测量,具有重要的地球动力学意义,提供了研究南海地球物理场的宝贵基础资料.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton assemblage of Zhubi Reef, a closed coral reef in Nansha Islands (South China Sea, SCS) was studied in June 2007. A total of 92 species belonging to 53 genera and four phyla have been identified. The dominant taxa in the lagoon were the diatom Chaetoceros and cyanobacteria Nostoc and Microcystis, while in reef flats were cyanobacteria Trichodesmium erythraeum, dinoflagellates Gymnodinium and Prorocentrum. The species richness and diversity were consistently lower in the lagoon than in reef flats. Classification and nMDS ordination also revealed significant dissimilarity in phytoplankton community structure between the reef flat and lagoon, with statistical difference in species composition and abundance between them (ANOSIM, p = 0.025). Nutrient concentrations also spatially varied, with ammonium-enrichment in the lagoon, while high Si-concentration existed in reef flat areas. Both nutrient levels and currents in SCS may play important roles in determining the composition and distribution of microalgae in Zhubi Reef and SCS.  相似文献   

High-resolution δ13C records are presented for the Miocene benthic foraminifersCibicidoides wuellerstorfi andC. kullenbergi (24-5 Ma) and the planktonic foraminiferGlobigerinoides sacculifer (18-5 Ma) from ODP Site 1148A (18° 50.17’N, 116° 33.93’E, water depth 3308.3 m), northern South China Sea. The general pattern of parallel benthic and planktonic δ13C shows a decrease trend of δ13C values from the early-middle Miocene to the middle-late Miocene. Two distinct δ13C positive excursions at 23.1-22.2 and 17.3-13.6 Ma, and two negative excursions at 10.2-9.4 and 6.9-6.2 Ma have been recognized. All these events are cosmopolitan, providing the good data for the stratigraphic correlation of the South China Sea with the global oceans as well as for studying the changes of the global carbon reservoir and its corresponding climate.  相似文献   

南海北部陆区岩石磁化率的矿物学研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于2517套现场测量资料,245块岩石样品的体积磁化率测量和详细的岩矿鉴定及硅酸盐全分析结果,结合单矿物磁化率特征及各岩石之间的对比研究,发现岩石磁化率主要受组成岩石的矿物磁化率控制.即岩石磁化率(κr)与组成岩石各个矿物磁化率(κi)及其体积含量(Ci)成正比.例如侵入岩磁化率,κr= -5.68×102Cq +2.86×102Cf +3.28×102Ca +1.18×104Cb +1.27×104Cam +5.35×105Cm;其中多项式各项的系数是与该矿物磁化率值成正比的常数,C为该矿物在该岩石中的体积含量,依次为石英q(κ=-1.3)、斜长石f(κ=0.01)、碱性长石a(κ=0.01)、黑云母b(κ=100)、角闪石am(κ=80)和磁铁矿m(κ=100000).对区内火山岩、侵入岩、沉积岩和变质岩磁化率研究发现,其他三类岩石磁化率与其组成矿物磁化率的关系和侵入岩的情况相同,矿物对岩石磁化率的贡献顺序为铁磁性矿物>顺磁性矿物>逆磁性矿物.其中,火成岩磁化率变化大,主要取决于岩石中磁铁矿、角闪石和黑云母的含量;沉积岩多为无磁性、弱磁性,其磁化率主要由黑云母、碱性长石及岩屑提供;变质岩的磁性变化较大,从无磁性到极强磁性,主要决定于其原岩的类型,副变质岩(沉积原岩)磁化率类似于沉积岩类,正变质岩(火成原岩)类似于火成岩类;石英岩和碳酸盐岩是所有岩石中磁性最弱的.岩石蚀变会对其磁化率产生显著性影响,通常,黑云母、角闪石等铁镁硅酸盐矿物经蚀变会因形成含铁质氧化物而使岩石的磁化率升高;长石等弱顺磁矿物的粘土矿化、绢云母化会升高磁化率而碳酸盐化、高岭土化作用会使磁化率降低;岩石的绿泥石化会增加磁化率;含铁磁性矿物的岩石风化时会因高磁性组分破碎、流失而致使岩石的磁化率降低.从岩石磁化率与其组成矿物的磁化率之间的关系,推测地质体的总磁化率与构成地质体各个岩石的磁化率-体积含量之间也应存在类似关系.  相似文献   

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