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利用ZH-1卫星2019、2020年的原位电子密度观测数据,对卫星观测范围,即地理纬度南北65°之间午夜后顶部电离层的不规则结构进行研究,得到如下结果.(1)午夜后顶部电离层不规则结构集中区主要分布在地磁赤道、中纬度以及较高纬度区,白天赤道异常峰值区为不规则结构的谷值区.(2)不同纬度区不规则结构随地理经度分布呈现出明...  相似文献   

通过对DEMETER卫星从2004年11月7日至2005年11月30日期间探测到的710 km高度顶部电离层的电子数据进行网格化(纬度2°×经度4°)统计平均,本文分析了不同地磁条件下顶部电离层电子密度和温度的全球分布情况.不论是在地磁宁静还是地磁活动期间,顶部电离层电子密度的分布都存在着一个巨大的威德尔海异常(夜间电子密度高于白天的)区域(30°W~180°W和 30°S~75°S)、夜间中纬槽(35°N~60°N和35°S~60°S)和夜间南大西洋地磁负异常区域的低密度结构,而且电子密度在磁倾(dip)赤道附近最大,说明710 km高度的顶部电离层并不存在赤道异常.和电子密度的分布相反,电子温度在磁倾赤道附近最小,在等离子体层顶附近最大.在地磁活动期间,顶部电离层电子的密度普遍增加,同时电子密度的赤道峰值向中纬区扩宽.但是,地磁活动并没有明显地改变威德尔海异常区和夜间中纬槽的空间范围.另外,地磁活动对电子温度的影响并不明显,它仅造成了等离子体层顶附近的电子温度增大.  相似文献   

根据解析求解引导中心近似的动力学方程得到的离子分布函数 ,研究了不同Kp指数条件下起源于不同电离层区域的上行O+离子通量密度沿不同经度处的磁力线的定态分布 ,并研究了上行O+离子向不同磁层区域传输的特性 .主要结果为 :( 1 )起源于向阳面极光带外侧及更低纬区的电离层离子基本上传输到向阳面磁层区 ;起源于背阳面极光带及更低纬区的电离层离子基本上传输到背阳面磁尾等离子体片区和闭合磁力线区 ;起源于极盖区及向阳面极光带内侧的电离层离子基本上传输到等离子体幔区和磁瓣区 .( 2 )上行离子主要分布在近地空间 ,其通量密度相对于地心距离呈负梯度 .( 3)地磁活动指数Kp 增高时上行离子进入磁层的概率增大 ,因而上行离子起动力学作用的地球空间范围增大 .所得结果可解释有关地顶的观测特征 ,理论估算的上行离子在磁尾的通量密度与观测结果相符合.  相似文献   

根据解析求解引导中心近似的动力学方程得到的离子分布函数 ,研究了不同Kp指数条件下起源于不同电离层区域的上行O+离子通量密度沿不同经度处的磁力线的定态分布 ,并研究了上行O+离子向不同磁层区域传输的特性 .主要结果为 :( 1 )起源于向阳面极光带外侧及更低纬区的电离层离子基本上传输到向阳面磁层区 ;起源于背阳面极光带及更低纬区的电离层离子基本上传输到背阳面磁尾等离子体片区和闭合磁力线区 ;起源于极盖区及向阳面极光带内侧的电离层离子基本上传输到等离子体幔区和磁瓣区 .( 2 )上行离子主要分布在近地空间 ,其通量密度相对于地心距离呈负梯度 .( 3)地磁活动指数Kp 增高时上行离子进入磁层的概率增大 ,因而上行离子起动力学作用的地球空间范围增大 .所得结果可解释有关地顶的观测特征 ,理论估算的上行离子在磁尾的通量密度与观测结果相符合.  相似文献   


本文基于2002年至2010年的GRACE卫星的观测密度统计分析南北极点的热层大气密度的世界时(即磁地方时)变化.研究发现:在9—11月份地球处于行星际磁场为背向太阳的扇区内(背向扇区)时,南极点热层密度在约17:00 UT(13:30 MLT)达到最大值,比日平均值高约22%;而在6—8月份,当地球处于行星际磁场为面向太阳的扇区内(面向扇区)时,北极点热层密度在06:00 UT(12:30 MLT)达到最大值,比日平均值高约13%.南极点的磁纬是-74°,其在15:30 UT处于磁地方时正午,恰与极尖区位置重合.北极点在5:30 UT处于磁地方时正午,此时北极点与极尖区位置最靠近.因此,极点热层大气密度的磁地方时变化可能是其周期性靠近极尖区的结果.南北极点热层密度的磁地方时变化分别在背向和面向扇区内更明显,这可能与行星际磁场By分量对南北半球密度的不同影响有关.统计结果还表明,极点热层大气密度的磁地方时变化在冬季半球内不明显.这可能是由于在冬季半球,沉降于极尖区的粒子相比夏季半球少、沉降高度低,因而能量沉降所引起的热层上部的密度增强较小.


本文利用通量管积分方法,对磁南北半球分别沿磁力线积分,研究背景电离层南-北半球不对称以及中性风场和磁偏角随经度的变化对广义瑞利-泰勒不稳定性和电离层不规则结构生成和发展的影响.结果表明,通量管积分广义瑞利-泰勒不稳定性线性增长率存在显著的半球不对称,南北半球不对称的中性风场是导致电离层不规则结构呈南北分布不对称的重要因素;随经度变化的中性风场和磁偏角对瑞利-泰勒不稳定性的经度变化有重要影响,它们可能是导致不规则结构出现率经度变化的主要控制因素.  相似文献   

南极大气臭氧和温度垂直结构及其季节变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用南极中山站2008年2月至2009年2月臭氧和温度探空等资料,对中山站上空大气臭氧和温度的垂直结构及季节变化特征进行了研究.结果表明,在中山站上空热对流层顶和臭氧对流层顶的高度相近,年平均高度分别为7.9和7.4km.对流层顶的气压和温度都存在位相相反一波型季节变化.春季和冬季对流层顶的温度转折没有夏季和秋季明显,而依据臭氧变化恰能更好地确定对流层顶高度.在对流层臭氧垂直分布的季节变化不显著;而平流层却十分明显.春季下平流层臭氧严重耗损,14km处的臭氧最小分压仅为1.57MPa,最大分压出现在上平流层,其他季节下平流层臭氧随高度增加而升高.春季下平流层臭氧的严重损耗,与极夜过后低温条件和平流层冰晶云表面消耗臭氧的光化学过程有密切关系.大气臭氧和温度的垂直结构及季节变化特征,对春季南极臭氧洞的形成和发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

文中利用宜川—泰安重力剖面的相对联测和同址GNSS测量数据获得沿线的布格重力异常、剩余密度相关成像和地壳密度结构,可以看出:剖面的布格异常变化范围为-(161.7~5.5)×10-5m/s2,自西向东总体呈上升趋势,在临汾盆地有明显“凹陷”,可能与上地壳存在低密度构造有关;剖面地壳密度分布具有明显的不均匀性,以太行山重力梯级带为界,西部密度较高,东部密度较低,中下地壳存在低密度体,可能是上地幔物质上涌岩石含部分高温流体和熔融岩体所致;不同构造块体的密度差异明显,在断裂带分布区域均存在密度差,说明密度分布与构造有一定关系;地壳介质的不均匀性和地震活动相关:鄂尔多斯断块的地壳介质相对均匀,不容易积累能量,地震活动水平低;山西断陷带和华北平原断块则相反,具有显著的不均匀性,地震活动频繁。  相似文献   

Latitudinal variations in the nighttime plasma temperatures of the equatorial topside ionosphere during northern winter at solar maximum have been examined by using values modelled by SUPIM (Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model) and observations made by the DMSP F10 satellite at 21.00 LT near 800 km altitude. The modelled values confirm that the crests observed near 15° latitude in the winter hemisphere are due to adiabatic heating and the troughs observed near the magnetic equator are due to adiabatic cooling as plasma is transported along the magnetic field lines from the summer hemisphere to the winter hemisphere. The modelled values also confirm that the interhemispheric plasma transport needed to produce the required adiabatic heating/cooling can be induced by F-region neutral winds. It is shown that the longitudinal variations in the observed troughs and crests arise mainly from the longitudinal variations in the magnetic meridional wind. At longitudes where the magnetic declination angle is positive the eastward geographic zonal wind combines with the northward (summer hemisphere to winter hemisphere) geographic meridional wind to enhance the northward magnetic meridional wind. This leads to deeper troughs and enhanced crests. At longitudes where the magnetic declination angle is negative the eastward geographic zonal wind opposes the northward geographic meridional wind and the trough depth and crest values are reduced. The characteristic features of the troughs and crests depend, in a complicated manner, on the field-aligned flow of plasma, thermal conduction, and inter-gas heat transfer. At the latitudes of the troughs/crests, the low/high plasma temperatures lead to increased/decreased plasma concentrations.  相似文献   

A database of the electron temperature (Te) comprising of most of the available LEO satellite measurements is used for studying the solar activity variations of Te. The Te data are grouped for two levels of solar activity (low LSA and high HSA), five altitude ranges between 350 and 2000 km, and day and night. By fitting a theoretical expression to the Te values we obtain variation of Te along magnetic field lines and heat flux for LSA and HSA. We have found that Te increases with increase in solar activity at low and mid-latitudes during nighttime at all altitudes studied. During daytime the Te response to solar activity depends on latitude, altitude, and season. This analysis shows existence of anti-correlation between Te and solar activity at mid-latitudes below 700 km during the equinox and winter day hours. Heat fluxes show small latitudinal dependence for daytime but substantial for nighttime.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the results of our comparison study between satellite measurements and the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model on the seasonal and longitudinal changes of the low-latitude nighttime topside ionosphere during the period of solar maximum from June 2000 to July 2001. Satellite measurements were made by KOMPSAT-1 and DMSP F15 at 685 km altitude and 840 km altitude, respectively. The results show that the IRI2001 model gives reasonable density estimations for the summer hemisphere and the March equinox at both altitudes. However, the observed wintertime densities are smaller than the predictions of the IRI2001 model, especially at a higher (840 km) altitude, manifesting strong hemispheric asymmetries. The observed electron temperatures generally reside between the two estimations of IRI2001, one based on the Aeros–ISIS data and the other based on Intercosmos, and the latter estimation better represents the observations. With more or less monotonic increase with latitude, the temperature profiles of the IRI2001 model do not predict the enhancement seen around 15° magnetic latitude of the winter hemisphere. Longitudinal variation, probably caused by the zonal winds, is seen in all seasons at both altitudes, while the IRI2001 model does not show a large variation. The observed density and temperature show significant changes according to the F10.7 values in the whole low-latitude region from 40°S to 40°N geomagnetic latitude. The effect is manifested as increases in the density and temperature, but not in the hemispheric asymmetry or in the longitudinal variation.  相似文献   

Observations of the Langmuir Probe Instrument(ISL,Instrument Sonde de Langmuir) onboard the DEMETER satellite during four years from 2006 to 2009 were used to analyze the tempo-spatial variations of electron density(Ne) and temperature(Te) in the ionosphere.Twenty four research bins with each covering an area with 10° in longitude and 2° in latitude were selected to study the spatial distributions of Ne and Te.The results indicate that both Ne and Te have strong annual variations in the topside ionosphere at 660 km altitude.The semiannual anomaly and equinoctial asymmetry which are usually well known as the features of F-layer also exist in the topside ionosphere at low-and mid-latitudes.The yearly variation of Ne is opposite to the peak electron density of the F2-layer(NmF2) at higher latitudes in daytime and both are similar in nighttime.Also the yearly variations of Te at low-latitude are contrary to that at 600 km in daytime and similar in nighttime.An interesting feature of nighttime Te at low-latitude is an obvious annual variation in the northern hemisphere and semiannual variation in the southern hemisphere.The yearly variations of Te in daytime have negative and positive correlation with Ne at mid-and high-latitudes,respectively.Both Ne and Te in the neighborhood bins at the same latitude have a high correlation.In ionospheric events analyzing,this information may help to understand the characteristics of the variation and to distinguish the reliable abnormality from the normal background map.  相似文献   

The annual and semi-annual variations of the ionosphere are investigated in the present paper by using the daytime F2 layer peak electron concentration (NmF2) observed at a global ionosonde network with 104 stations. The main features are outlined as follows. (1) The annual variations are most pronounced at magnetic latitudes of 40–60° in both hemispheres, and usually manifest as winter anomalies; Below magnetic latitude of 40° as well as in the tropical region they are much weaker and winter anomalies that are not obvious. (2) The semi-annual variations, which are usually peak in March or April in most regions, are generally weak in the near-pole regions and strong in the far-pole regions of both hemispheres. (3) Compared with their annual components, the semi-annual variations in the tropical region are more significant.In order to explain the above results, we particularly analyze the global atomic/molecular ratio of [O/N2] at the F2 layer peak height by the MSIS90 model. The results show that the annual variation of [O/N2] is closely related with that of NmF2 prevailing in mid-latitudes and [O/N2] annual variation usually may lead to the winter anomalies of NmF2 occurring in the near-pole region. Moreover, NmF2 semi-annual variations appearing in the tropical region also have a close relationship with the variation of [O/N2]. On the other hand, the semi-annual variations of NmF2 in the far-pole region cannot be simply explained by that of [O/N2], but the variation of the solar zenith angle may also have a significant contribution.  相似文献   

电离层电场的半年变化对F2区峰值电子浓度的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用一个电离层理论模式,模拟了太阳活动低年、地磁宁静情况下,中低纬和赤道地区电离层F2区峰值电子浓度(NmF2)的半年变化规律,重点讨论了电离层电场对NmF2半年变化的影响.模拟结果表明,当输入的电场没有周年和半年变化时,磁赤道地区电离层NmF2本身就具有一定的半年变化特征,而在稍高的纬度上,NmF2半年变化的强度较弱.当输入的电场具有一定的半年变化时,电离层NmF2的半年变化强度有明显的改变,且这种改变随地方时和地磁纬度不同有明显的差别.在地磁赤道附近的电离层赤道槽地区,从上午到午夜的时间内,具有半年变化的电场对电离层NmF2半年变化的强度是减弱的作用,在其他的时间内,电场对电离层NmF2半年变化强度是加强的作用.而在稍高纬度的电离层驼峰地区,情况明显不同.从上午一直到翌日日出前,具有半年变化的电场对电离层NmF2半年变化的幅度都是加强的作用.在其他的时间内,电场对电离层NmF2半年变化的幅度是减弱的作用.同时,研究表明电离层电场对NmF2半年变化的作用和“赤道喷泉”现象强烈相关.  相似文献   

攀西地区重力场特征及地壳密度结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
攀西地区位于峨眉山大火成岩省中西部,构造和岩浆特征显著,地震活动强烈.通过对野外重力测量得到的云县—会东和普洱—七甸两条剖面的高精度重力观测数据进行处理和分析,构建了沿剖面的二维地壳密度结构,其中普洱—七甸剖面与孟连—马龙宽角地震剖面部分位置重合.同时结合区域重力异常特征及下地壳视密度填图结果,得到如下初步认识:红河断裂带是南北地震带南段地区重要的构造分界线,断裂带南北向密度结构和莫霍面分布形态存在较大差异,沿走向构造变化.云县—会东剖面上大姚—会东段下地壳底部存在密度较高的壳幔过渡层,结合研究区下地壳底部壳幔过渡层的密度分布特征,认为该过渡层不是攀西裂谷下的"裂谷垫",而是由岩浆底侵作用造成的.  相似文献   

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