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It is shown that the von Neumann algebra\(R_\mathfrak{B} \)(B) generated by any scalar local functionB(x) of the free fieldA 0(x) is equal either to\(R_\mathfrak{B} \)(A 0) or to\(R_\mathfrak{B} \)(:A 0 2 :). The latter statement holds if the state space space\(\mathfrak{H}_B \) obtained from the vacuum state by repeated application ofB(x) is orthogonal to the one particle subspace. In the proof of these statements, space-time limiting techniques are used.  相似文献   

The perturbation method of Lindstedt is applied to study the non linear effect of a nonlinear equation $$\nabla ^2 {\rm E} - \frac{1}{{c^2 }}\frac{{\partial ^2 {\rm E}}}{{\partial t^2 }} - \frac{{\omega _0^2 }}{{c^2 }}{\rm E} + \frac{{2v}}{{c^2 }}\frac{{\partial {\rm E}}}{{\partial t}} + E^2 \left[ {\frac{{\partial {\rm E}}}{{\partial t}} \times A} \right] = 0,$$ where (A. E)=0 andA,c, ω 0 andν are constants in space and time. Amplitude dependent frequency shifts and the solution up to third order are derived.  相似文献   

In the classical collision theory the scattering angle? depends on the impact parameterb and on the kinetic energyE r of the relative motion. This angle?(b, E r ) is expanded for two limiting cases: 1. Expansion in powers of the potentialV(r)/E r (momentum approximation). 2. Expansion in powers of the impact parameterb (central collision approximation). The radius of convergence of the series depends onb andE r . It will be given for the following potentialsV(r):
$$A\left( {\frac{a}{r}} \right)^\mu ;Ae^{ - \frac{r}{a}} ;A\frac{a}{r}e^{ - \frac{r}{a}} ;A\left( {\frac{a}{r}} \right)^2 e^{ - \left( {\frac{r}{a}} \right)^2 } .$$  相似文献   

In this work, the absorption coefficients for secondary electron emißsion, α and β, that appeared respectively in the two different formulas, \(\delta (E_p ) = k\int_0^\infty {\left( {\frac{{dE}}{{dz}}} \right)E_p \exp ( - \alpha z)dz} \) and \(\delta (E_p ) = k\int_0^\infty {\left( {\frac{{dE}}{{dz}}} \right)E_p \exp ( - \alpha z)dz} \), were derived with a standard deviation rate analysis method based on a Monte Carlo simulated secondary electron yield, δ(Ep). Both the energy dissipation in depth for primary electrons, \(\left( {dE/dz} \right)E_p \), and the depth distribution for the number of secondary electrons including cascade electrons, n(z, Ep), were obtained by the same Monte Carlo method, in which the discrete inelastic scattering model was employed. The calculation results for Cu and Mg show that the n(z, Ep)-curve differs significantly from the \(\left( {dE/dz} \right)E_p \)-curve, and thus as well as a from b, for varied incidence angles (0°–80°) and low-energy primary electrons (up to 3 keV). The absorption coefficient β-values derived from a realistic depth distribution of cascade secondary electrons, n(z, Ep), then describe more accurately the nature of attenuation behavior of secondary electrons than a-values that associated with the approximate formula.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a quantum vortex toric knot TP,Q and other analogous knots in an atomic Bose condensate at zero temperature in the Thomas–Fermi regime is considered in the hydrodynamic approximation. The condensate has a spatially inhomogeneous equilibrium density profile ρ(z, r) due to the action of an external axisymmetric potential. It is assumed that z*= 0, r*= 1 is the point of maximum of function rρ(z, r), so that δ(rρ) ≈ –(α–)z2/2–(α + )(δr)2/2 for small z and δr. The geometrical configuration of a knot in the cylindrical coordinates is determined by a complex 2πP-periodic function A(?, t) = Z(?, t) + i[R(?, t))–1]. When |A| ? 1, the system can be described by relatively simple approximate equations for P rescaled functions \({W_n}(\varphi ) \propto A(2\pi n + \varphi ):i{W_{n,t}} = - ({W_{n,\varphi \varphi }} + \alpha {W_n} - \in W_n^*)/2 - \sum\nolimits_{j \ne n} {1/(W_n^* - W_j^*)} \). For = 0, examples of stable solutions of type W n = θ n (?–γt)exp(–iωt) with a nontrivial topology are found numerically for P = 3. In addition, the dynamics of various unsteady knots with P = 3 is modeled, and the tendency to the formation of a singularity over a finite time interval is observed in some cases. For P = 2 and small ≠ 0, configurations of type W0W1B0exp(iζ) + C(B0, α)exp(–iζ) + D(B0, α)exp(3iζ), where B0 > 0 is an arbitrary constant, ζ = k0?–Ω0t + ζ0, k0 = Q/2, and Ω0 = (–α)/2–2/B02, which rotate about the z axis, are investigated. Wide stability regions for such solutions are detected in the space of parameters (α, B0). In unstable zones, a vortex knot may return to a weakly excited state.  相似文献   

We derive the evolution law of an initial two-mode squeezed vacuum state \( \text {sech}^{2}\lambda e^{a^{\dag }b^{\dagger }\tanh \lambda }\left \vert 00\right \rangle \left \langle 00\right \vert e^{ab\tanh \lambda }\) (a pure state) passing through an a-mode diffusion channel described by the master equation
$$\frac{d\rho \left( t\right) }{dt}=-\kappa \left[ a^{\dagger}a\rho \left( t\right) -a^{\dagger}\rho \left( t\right) a-a\rho \left( t\right) a^{\dagger}+\rho \left( t\right) aa^{\dagger}\right] , $$
since the two-mode squeezed state is simultaneously an entangled state, the final state which emerges from this channel is a two-mode mixed state. Performing partial trace over the b-mode of ρ(t) yields a new chaotic field, \(\rho _{a}\left (t\right ) =\frac {\text {sech}^{2}\lambda }{1+\kappa t \text {sech}^{2}\lambda }:\exp \left [ \frac {- \text {sech}^{2}\lambda }{1+\kappa t\text {sech}^{2}\lambda }a^{\dagger }a \right ] :,\) which exhibits higher temperature and more photon numbers, showing the diffusion effect. Besides, measuring a-mode of ρ(t) to find n photons will result in the collapse of the two-mode system to a new Laguerre polynomial-weighted chaotic state in b-mode, which also exhibits entanglement.

On a fixed Riemann surface (M 0, g 0) with N Euclidean ends and genus g, we show that, under a topological condition, the scattering matrix S V (λ) at frequency λ > 0 for the operator Δ+V determines the potential V if \({V\in C^{1,\alpha}(M_0)\cap e^{-\gamma d(\cdot,z_0)^j}L^\infty(M_0)}\) for all γ > 0 and for some \({j\in\{1,2\}}\) , where d(z, z 0) denotes the distance from z to a fixed point \({z_0\in M_0}\) . The topological condition is given by \({N\geq \max(2g+1,2)}\) for j = 1 and by N ≥ g + 1 if j = 2. In \({\mathbb {R}^2}\) this implies that the operator S V (λ) determines any C 1, α potential V such that \({V(z)=O(e^{-\gamma|z|^2})}\) for all γ > 0.  相似文献   

In this paper, we perform cosmological-model-independent tests for the distance-duality (DD) relation η(z)=D L(1+z)?2/D A by combining the angular diameter distance D A(or comoving distances D c ) with the luminosity distance D L. The D A are provided by two galaxy clusters samples compiled by De Filippis et al. (the elliptical β model), Bonamente et al. (the spherical β model), the D c are obtained from Hubble parameter data and D L are given from the Union2.1 supernovae (SNe) Ia compilation. We employ two methods, i.e., method A: binning the SNe Ia data within the range Δz=|z?z SNe|<0.005, and method B: reconstructing the D L(z) by smoothing the noise of Union2.1 data set over redshift with the Gaussian smoothing function, to obtain D L associated with the redshits of the observed D A or D c. Four parameterizations for η(z), i.e., η(z)=1+η 0 z, η(z)=1+η 0 z/(1+z), η(z)=1+η 0 z/(1+z)2 and η(z)=1?η 0 ln(1+z), are adopted for the DD relation. We find that DD relation is consistent with the present observational data, and the results we obtained are not sensitive to the method and parameterization.  相似文献   

We study the equilibrium phase diagram of a generalized ABC model on an interval of the one-dimensional lattice: each site i=1,…,N is occupied by a particle of type α=A,B,C, with the average density of each particle species N α /N=r α fixed. These particles interact via a mean field nonreflection-symmetric pair interaction. The interaction need not be invariant under cyclic permutation of the particle species as in the standard ABC model studied earlier. We prove in some cases and conjecture in others that the scaled infinite system N→∞, i/Nx∈[0,1] has a unique density profile ρ α (x) except for some special values of the r α for which the system undergoes a second order phase transition from a uniform to a nonuniform periodic profile at a critical temperature \(T_{c}=3\sqrt{r_{A} r_{B} r_{C}}/2\pi\).  相似文献   

We describe a parametrized Yang-Baxter equation with nonabelian parameter group. That is, we show that there is an injective map \({g \mapsto R (g)}\) from \({ \rm{GL}(2, \mathbb{C}) \times \rm{GL}(1, \mathbb{C})}\) to End \({(V \otimes V)}\) , where V is a two-dimensional vector space such that if \({g, h \in G}\) then R 12(g)R 13(gh) R 23(h) = R 23(h) R 13(gh)R 12(g). Here R i j denotes R applied to the i, j components of \({V \otimes V \otimes V}\) . The image of this map consists of matrices whose nonzero coefficients a 1a 2b 1b 2c 1c 2 are the Boltzmann weights for the non-field-free six-vertex model, constrained to satisfy a 1 a 2 + b 1 b 2 ? c 1 c 2 = 0. This is the exact center of the disordered regime, and is contained within the free fermionic eight-vertex models of Fan and Wu. As an application, we show that with boundary conditions corresponding to integer partitions λ, the six-vertex model is exactly solvable and equal to a Schur polynomial s λ times a deformation of the Weyl denominator. This generalizes and gives a new proof of results of Tokuyama and Hamel and King.  相似文献   

We present explicit formulas for sums of products of Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler numbers of the form
$\sum\limits_{_{m_1 , \cdots ,m_N \geqslant n}^{m_1 + \cdots + m_N = n} } {\left( {_{m_1 , \cdots m_N }^n } \right)B_{m_1 } (q) \cdots B_{m_N } (q),} \sum\limits_{_{m_1 , \cdots ,m_N \geqslant n}^{m_1 + \cdots + m_N = n} } {\left( {_{m_1 , \cdots m_N }^n } \right)E_{m_1 } (q) \cdots E_{m_N } (q),}$
where N and n are positive integers, B m (q) n stand for the Apostol-Bernoulli numbers, E m (q) for the Apostol-Euler numbers, and \(\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}c} n \\ {m_1 , \cdots ,m_N } \\ \end{array} } \right) = \frac{{n!}}{{m_1 ! \cdots m_N !}}.\) Our formulas involve Stirling numbers of the first kind. We also derive results for Apostol-Bernoulli and Apostol-Euler polynomials. As an application, for q = 1 we recover results of Dilcher, and our paper can be regarded as a q-extension of that of Dilcher.

The parabolic Anderson model is defined as the partial differential equation ? u(x, t)/? t = κ Δ u(x, t) + ξ(x, t)u(x, t), x ∈ ? d , t ≥ 0, where κ ∈ [0, ∞) is the diffusion constant, Δ is the discrete Laplacian, and ξ is a dynamic random environment that drives the equation. The initial condition u(x, 0) = u 0(x), x ∈ ? d , is typically taken to be non-negative and bounded. The solution of the parabolic Anderson equation describes the evolution of a field of particles performing independent simple random walks with binary branching: particles jump at rate 2d κ, split into two at rate ξ ∨ 0, and die at rate (?ξ) ∨ 0. In earlier work we looked at the Lyapunov exponents
$$ \lambda _{p}(\kappa ) = \lim\limits _{t\to \infty } \frac {1}{t} \log \mathbb {E} ([u(0,t)]^{p})^{1/p}, \quad p \in \mathbb{N} , \qquad \lambda _{0}(\kappa ) = \lim\limits _{t\to \infty } \frac {1}{t}\log u(0,t). $$
For the former we derived quantitative results on the κ-dependence for four choices of ξ : space-time white noise, independent simple random walks, the exclusion process and the voter model. For the latter we obtained qualitative results under certain space-time mixing conditions on ξ. In the present paper we investigate what happens when κΔ is replaced by Δ??, where ?? = {??(x, y) : x, y ∈ ? d , xy} is a collection of random conductances between neighbouring sites replacing the constant conductances κ in the homogeneous model. We show that the associated annealed Lyapunov exponents λ p (??), p?, are given by the formula
$$ \lambda _{p}(\mathcal{K} ) = \text{sup} \{\lambda _{p}(\kappa ) : \, \kappa \in \text{Supp} (\mathcal{K} )\}, $$
where, for a fixed realisation of ??, Supp(??) is the set of values taken by the ??-field. We also show that for the associated quenched Lyapunov exponent λ 0(??) this formula only provides a lower bound, and we conjecture that an upper bound holds when Supp(??) is replaced by its convex hull. Our proof is valid for three classes of reversible ξ, and for all ?? satisfying a certain clustering property, namely, there are arbitrarily large balls where ?? is almost constant and close to any value in Supp(??). What our result says is that the annealed Lyapunov exponents are controlled by those pockets of ?? where the conductances are close to the value that maximises the growth in the homogeneous setting. In contrast our conjecture says that the quenched Lyapunov exponent is controlled by a mixture of pockets of ?? where the conductances are nearly constant. Our proof is based on variational representations and confinement arguments.

The Neumann Schrödinger operator \(\mathcal{L}\) is considered on a thin 2D star-shaped junction, composed of a vertex domain Ωint and a few semi-infinite straight leads ω m , m = 1, 2, ..., M, of width δ, δ ? diam Ωint, attached to Ωint at Γ ? ?Ωint. The potential of the Schrödinger operator l ω on the leads vanishes, hence there are only a finite number of eigenvalues of the Neumann Schrödinger operator L int on Ωint embedded into the open spectral branches of l ω with oscillating solutions χ ±(x, p) = \(e^{ \pm iK_ + x} e_m \) of l ω χ ± = p 2 χ ±. The exponent of the open channels in the wires is
$K_ + (\lambda ) = p\sum\limits_{m = 1}^M {e^m } \rangle \langle e^m = \sqrt \lambda P_ + $
, with constant e m , on a relatively small essential spectral interval Δ ? [0, π 2 δ ?2). The scattering matrix of the junction is represented on Δ in terms of the ND mapping
$\mathcal{N} = \frac{{\partial P_ + \Psi }}{{\partial x}}(0,\lambda )\left| {_\Gamma \to P_ + \Psi _ + (0,\lambda )} \right|_\Gamma $
$S(\lambda ) = (ip\mathcal{N} + I_ + )^{ - 1} (ip\mathcal{N} - I_ + ), I_ + = \sum\limits_{m = 1}^M {e^m } \rangle \langle e^m = P_ + $
. We derive an approximate formula for \(\mathcal{N}\) in terms of the Neumann-to-Dirichlet mapping \(\mathcal{N}_{\operatorname{int} } \) of L int and the exponent K ? of the closed channels of l ω . If there is only one simple eigenvalue λ 0 ∈ Δ, L intφ0 = λ 0φ0 then, for a thin junction, \(\mathcal{N} \approx |\vec \phi _0 |^2 P_0 (\lambda _0 - \lambda )^{ - 1} \) with
$\vec \phi _0 = P_ + \phi _0 = (\delta ^{ - 1} \int_{\Gamma _1 } {\phi _0 (\gamma )} d\gamma ,\delta ^{ - 1} \int_{\Gamma _2 } {\phi _0 (\gamma )} d\gamma , \ldots \delta ^{ - 1} \int_{\Gamma _M } {\phi _0 (\gamma )} d\gamma )$
and \(P_0 = \vec \phi _0 \rangle |\vec \phi _0 |^{ - 2} \langle \vec \phi _0 \),
$S(\lambda ) \approx \frac{{ip|\vec \phi _0 |^2 P_0 (\lambda _0 - \lambda )^{ - 1} - I_ + }}{{ip|\vec \phi _0 |^2 P_0 (\lambda _0 - \lambda )^{ - 1} + I_ + }} = :S_{appr} (\lambda )$
. The related boundary condition for the components P +Ψ(0) and P +Ψ′(0) of the scattering Ansatz in the open channel \(P_ + \Psi (0) = (\bar \Psi _1 ,\bar \Psi _2 , \ldots ,\bar \Psi _M ), P_ + \Psi '(0) = (\bar \Psi '_1 , \bar \Psi '_2 , \ldots , \bar \Psi '_M )\) includes the weighted continuity (1) of the scattering Ansatz Ψ at the vertex and the weighted balance of the currents (2), where
$\frac{{\bar \Psi _m }}{{\bar \phi _0^m }} = \frac{{\delta \sum\nolimits_{t = 1}^M { \bar \Psi _t \bar \phi _0^t } }}{{|\vec \phi _0 |^2 }} = \frac{{\bar \Psi _r }}{{\bar \phi _0^r }} = :\bar \Psi (0)/\bar \phi (0), 1 \leqslant m,r \leqslant M$
$\sum\limits_{m = 1}^M {\bar \Psi '_m } \bar \phi _0^m + \delta ^{ - 1} (\lambda - \lambda _0 )\bar \Psi /\bar \phi (0) = 0$
. Conditions (1) and (2) constitute the generalized Kirchhoff boundary condition at the vertex for the Schrödinger operator on a thin junction and remain valid for the corresponding 1D model. We compare this with the previous result by Kuchment and Zeng obtained by the variational technique for the Neumann Laplacian on a shrinking quantum network.

In order to quantify contextuality of empirical models, the quantity of contextuality (QoC) of empirical models is introduced in terms of the trace-distance. Let Q C(e) denote the QoC of an empirical model e. The following conclusions are proved. (i) An empirical model e is non-contextual if and only if Q C(e)=0, and then it is contextual if and only if Q C(e)>0; (ii) the QoC function QC is convex, contractive and continuous. Finally, the QoC of some famous models is computed, including PM-isotropic boxes P M α , M-isotropic boxes M α , C H n -isotropic boxes \(CH_{n}^{\alpha }\) as well as K box, where α∈[0,1]. Moreover, P M α is non-contextual if and only if \(\alpha \in [\frac {1}{6},\frac {5}{6}]\); M α is non-contextual if and only if \(\alpha \in [0,\frac {4}{5}]\); when n is even, \(CH_{n}^{\alpha }\) is non-contextual if and only if \(\alpha \in [\frac {1}{n},\frac {n-1}{n}]\), and when n is odd, \(CH_{n}^{\alpha }\) is non-contextual if and only if \(\alpha \in [0,\frac {n-1}{n}]\). The most important thing is that it is very easy to compare the QoC of any two isotropic boxes discussed in the above.  相似文献   

The optical gain of He-Ne discharges for the laser wave-length of 6328 AE is investigated experimentally. The measurements are performed in two independent methods, which both give the same results. The gain of the He-Ne discharge is measured for a number of discharge tubes with different tube-lengthsl and tube-diametersD. The experiments show that the maximum gain? 0 is a function of tube-length and-diameter:?G 0(l,D) ?
$$\hat G_0 (l,D) \cong \left[ {1 + 0,5\left( {\frac{{D_0 }}{D}} \right)^{1,4} } \right]^{{l \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {l {l_0 }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {l_0 }}} $$  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the recurrent equation
$\Lambda_{p+1}=\frac{1}{p}\sum_{q=1}^pf\bigg(\frac{q}{p+1}\bigg)\Lambda _{q}\Lambda_{p+1-q}$
for p≥1 with fC[0,1] and Λ1=y>0 given. We give conditions on f that guarantee the existence of y (0) such that the sequence Λ p with Λ1=y (0) tends to a finite positive limit as p→∞.

In the paper we discuss possible applications of the so-called stroboscopic tomography (stroboscopic observability) to selected decoherence models of 2-level quantum systems. The main assumption behind our reasoning claims that the time evolution of the analyzed system is given by a master equation of the form \(\dot {\rho } = \mathbb {L} \rho \) and the macroscopic information about the system is provided by the mean values m i (t j ) = T r(Q i ρ(t j )) of certain observables \(\{Q_{i}\}_{i=1}^{r} \) measured at different time instants \(\{t_{j}\}_{j=1}^{p}\). The goal of the stroboscopic tomography is to establish the optimal criteria for observability of a quantum system, i.e. minimal value of r and p as well as the properties of the observables \(\{Q_{i}\}_{i=1}^{r} \).  相似文献   

The mathematical properties of the lattice Green function are investigated, where w=w 1+iw 2 lies in a complex plane which is cut from w=?1 to w=3, and {? 1,? 2,? 3} is a set of integers with ? 1+? 2+? 3 equal to an even integer. In particular, it is proved that G(2n,0,0;w), where n=0,1,2,…, is a solution of a fourth-order linear differential equation of the Fuchsian type with four regular singular points at w=?1,0,3 and ∞. It is also shown that G(2n,0,0;w) satisfies a five-term recurrence relation with respect to the integer variable n. The limiting function
$G^{-}(2n,0,0;w_1)\equiv\lim_{\epsilon\rightarrow0+}G(2n,0,0;w_1-\mathrm{i}\epsilon) =G_{\mathrm{R}}(2n,0,0;w_1)+\mathrm{i}G_{\mathrm {I}}(2n,0,0;w_1) ,\nonumber $
where w 1∈(?1,3), is evaluated exactly in terms of 2 F 1 hypergeometric functions and the special cases G ?(2n,0,0;0), G ?(2n,0,0;1) and G(2n,0,0;3) are analysed using singular value theory. More generally, it is demonstrated that G(? 1,? 2,? 3;w) can be written in the form where Open image in new window are rational functions of the variable ξ, K(k ?) and E(k ?) are complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind, respectively, with
$k_{-}^2\equiv k_{-}^2(w)={1\over2}- {2\over w} \biggl(1+{1\over w} \biggr)^{-{3\over2}}- {1\over2} \biggl(1-{1\over w} \biggr ) \biggl(1+{1\over w} \biggr)^{-{3\over2}} \biggl(1-{3\over w} \biggr)^{1\over2}\nonumber $
and the parameter ξ is defined as
$\xi\equiv\xi(w)= \biggl(1+\sqrt{1-{3\over w}} \,\biggr)^{-1} \biggl(-1+\sqrt{1+{1\over w}} \,\biggr) .\nonumber $
This result is valid for all values of w which lie in the cut plane. The asymptotic behaviour of G ?(2n,0,0;w 1) and G(2n,0,0;w 1) as n→∞ is also determined. In the final section of the paper a new 2 F 1 product form for the anisotropic face-centred cubic lattice Green function is given.

We use the spin-rotation-invariant Green’s function method as well as thehigh-temperature expansion to discuss the thermodynamic properties of the frustratedspin-S J 1-J 2 Heisenbergmagnet on the body-centered cubic lattice. We consider ferromagnetic nearest-neighborbonds J 1<0 and antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor bonds J 2 ≥ 0 andarbitrary spin S. We find that the transition point\hbox{$J_2^c$}J2cbetween the ferromagnetic ground state and theantiferromagnetic one is nearly independent of the spin S, i.e., it is very closeto the classical transition point\hbox{$J_2^{c,{\rm clas}}= \frac{2}{3}|J_1|$}J2c,clas=23|J1|. At finite temperatures we focus on the parameterregime\hbox{$J_2<J_2^c$}J2<J2cwith a ferromagnetic ground-state. We calculate theCurie temperature T C (S, J 2)and derive an empirical formula describing the influence of the frustration parameterJ 2 and spin S on T C . We find that theCurie temperature monotonically decreases with increasing frustration J 2, where veryclose to\hbox{$J_2^{c,{\rm clas}}$}J2c,clasthe T C (J 2)-curveexhibits a fast decay which is well described by a logarithmic term\hbox{$1/\textrm{log}(\frac{2}{3}|J_1|-J_{2})$}1/log(23|J1|?J2). To characterize the magnetic ordering below and aboveT C , we calculate thespin-spin correlation functions ?S 0 S R ?, the spontaneous magnetization, the uniform static susceptibilityχ 0 as well as the correlation lengthξ.Moreover, we discuss the specific heat C V and the temperaturedependence of the excitation spectrum. As approaching the transition point\hbox{$J_2^c$}J2csome unusual features were found, such as negativespin-spin correlations at temperatures above T C even though theground state is ferromagnetic or an increase of the spin stiffness with growingtemperature.  相似文献   

We study the asymptotic structure of the first K largest eigenvalues λ k,V and the corresponding eigenfunctions ψ(?;λ k,V ) of a finite-volume Anderson model (discrete Schrödinger operator) \(\mathcal{H}_{V}= \kappa \Delta_{V}+\xi(\cdot)\) on the multidimensional lattice torus V increasing to the whole of lattice ? ν , provided the distribution function F(?) of i.i.d. potential ξ(?) satisfies condition ?log(1?F(t))=o(t 3) and some additional regularity conditions as t→∞. For zV, denote by λ 0(z) the principal eigenvalue of the “single-peak” Hamiltonian κΔ V +ξ(z)δ z in l 2(V), and let \(\lambda^{0}_{k,V}\) be the kth largest value of the sample λ 0(?) in V. We first show that the eigenvalues λ k,V are asymptotically close to \(\lambda^{0}_{k,V}\). We then prove extremal type limit theorems (i.e., Poisson statistics) for the normalized eigenvalues (λ k,V ?B V )a V , where the normalizing constants a V >0 and B V are chosen the same as in the corresponding limit theorems for \(\lambda^{0}_{k,V}\). The eigenfunction ψ(?;λ k,V ) is shown to be asymptotically completely localized (as V↑?) at the sites z k,V V defined by \(\lambda^{0}(z_{k,V})=\lambda^{0}_{k,V}\). Proofs are based on the finite-rank (in particular, rank one) perturbation arguments for discrete Schrödinger operator when potential peaks are sparse.  相似文献   

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