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Spectral, current-voltage, and light-current characteristics of p-InAsSbP/n-InGaAsSb/n +-InAs narrow-gap diode structures with 130 × 130 μm lateral dimensions of active elements are presented. The 2D distribution of light emitted by the samples fabricated in the form of emitting flip-chip 1 × 4 arrays is examined, including analysis of the emission uniformity. The limiting effective temperature created by an emitter of this type is determined.  相似文献   

Rozhkov  A. V. 《Semiconductors》2020,54(8):869-876
Semiconductors - The results of numerical simulation of the current dependence of the efficiency of injection into the active area of a laser based on separate-confinement double heterostructures...  相似文献   

The stimulated emission (η i st ) of InGaAsP/InP separate-confinement double heterostructure lasers operating at λ=1.5–1.6 μm has been studied experimentally and theoretically. Laser heterostructures with a varied design of the waveguide layer were grown by MOCVD. The maximum internal quantum efficiency η i st ≈97% was obtained in a structure with a double-step waveguide characterized by minimum leakage into the p-emitter above the generation threshold. The high value of η i st is provided by low threshold and nonequilibrium carrier concentrations at the interface between the waveguide and p-emitter. The calculation yields η i st values correlating well with the experimental data. __________ Translated from Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2003, pp. 243–248. Original Russian Text Copyright ? 2003 by Skrynnikov, Zegrya, Pikhtin, Slipchenko, Shamakhov, Tarasov.  相似文献   

The temperature dependences of the threshold current density and threshold concentration in semiconductor lasers based on MOVPE-grown asymmetric separate-confinement heterostructures with an extended waveguide have been studied (wavelengths ?? = 1050?C1070). It is shown that the temperature dependence of the threshold current density in semiconductor lasers becomes markedly stronger at above-room temperatures, which is due to temperature-induced carrier delocalization into the waveguide layers of a laser heterostructure. It was found that the sharp decrease in the thermal stability of the threshold current density with increasing temperature correlates with the coincidence of the Fermi level with the conduction-band bottom of the waveguide layer in the laser heterostructure. It is experimentally demonstrated that an increase in the energy depth and number of quantum wells in the active region of a semiconductor laser improves the thermal stability of the threshold current density. It is demonstrated that the characteristic parameter T 0 attains a value of 220 K in the temperature range from ?20 to +70°C.  相似文献   

The temperature dependences of the emission characteristics of semiconductor lasers based on MOVPE-grown asymmetric separate-confinement heterostructures (wavelengths ?? = 1010?C1070 nm) have been studied. It was found that, in the continuous-wave mode, the main mechanism of ??saturation?? of the light-current characteristic with increasing temperature of the active region is carrier delocalization into the waveguide layer. It was experimentally demonstrated that the thermal delocalization of carriers depends on the energy depth of the quantum well (QW) in the active region. It is shown that the minimum internal optical loss at 140°C is obtained in laser structures with the largest energy depth of the QW of the active region.  相似文献   

Pikhtin  N. A.  Slipchenko  S. O.  Shashkin  I. S.  Ladugin  M. A.  Marmalyuk  A. A.  Podoskin  A. A.  Tarasov  I. S. 《Semiconductors》2010,44(10):1365-1369
The temperature dependences of radiative characteristics of semiconductor lasers based on asymmetric heterostructures of the separate confinement with an extended waveguide fabricated by MOCVD epitaxy (the emission wavelength λ = 900–920 nm) are studied. It is established that the threshold concentration in the active region and waveguide layers of the laser heterostructure of the separate confinement increases in the CW lasing mode as the pumping current and temperature of the active region are increased. It is established experimentally that, in the temperature range of 20–140°C, the stimulated quantum yield remains unchanged. It is shown that the temperature delocalization of charge carriers leads to an increase in the carrier concentration in the waveguide layers of the laser heterostructure. The total increase in internal optical losses due to scattering by free charge carriers in the layers of the active region and waveguide layers of the laser heterostructure leads to a decrease in the differential quantum efficiency and to saturation of the watt-ampere characteristic of semiconductor lasers in the continuous lasing mode.  相似文献   

The influence of rapid-anneal conditions and subsequent coimplantation of oxygen ions on the photoluminescence of erbium ions implanted with an energy of 1 MeV and dose of 5×1014 cm−2 in MOCVD-grown GaN films is investigated. The erbium photoluminescence intensity at a wavelength ∼ 1.54 μm increases as the fixed-time (15 s) anneal temperature is raised from 700 °C to 1300 °C. The erbium photoluminescence intensity can be increased by the coimplantation of oxygen ions at anneal temperatures in the indicated range below 900 °C. The transformation of the crystal structure of the samples as a result of erbium-ion implantation and subsequent anneals is investigated by Raman spectroscopy. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 33, 3–8 (January 1999)  相似文献   

Metal–insulator–semiconductor Schottky diodes were fabricated to investigate the tunnel effect and the dominant carrier transport mechanism by using current density–voltage (J–V) and capacitance–voltage (C–V) measurements in the temperature range of 295–370?K. The slope of the ln?J–V curves was almost constant value over the nearly four decades of current and the forward bias current density J is found to be proportional to Jo (T) exp(AV). The values of Nss estimated from J–V and C–V measurements decreased with increasing temperature. The temperature dependence of the barrier heights obtained from forward bias J–V was found to be entirely different than that from the reverse bias C–V characteristics. All these behaviours confirmed that the prepared samples have a tunnel effect and the current transport mechanism in the temperature range of 295–370?K was predominated by a trap-assisted multi-step tunnelling, although the Si wafer has low doping concentration and the measurements were made at moderate temperature.  相似文献   

It is shown that an increase in the internal losses beyond the lasing threshold in the lasers based on InGaAsSb/InAsSbP double heterostructures (wavelength range λ=3.0–3.6 µm, temperature T=77 K) causes the current-related shift of the laser mode to shorter wavelengths. This shift is as large as 80 cm?1/A and can explain the broadening of the laser line from 5 to 7 MGz as the pump current increases.  相似文献   

Ternary telluride alloys of Ge–Se(Sb)–Te and Si–Ge(Ga)–Te systems are synthesized in glassy and crystalline states for use in the terahertz frequency range. The transmission spectra of the obtained alloys are measured and studied in a wide wavelength range from 0.75 to 300 μm. The possible mechanisms of their formation are discussed. A comparative analysis of the results shows that the Ge14Sb28Te56 alloy of the GST system is most promising. Its phonon spectrum is in the range of 40–280 cm–1, limiting the long-wavelength transmission window of this alloy by 35 μm. Optimization of the Ge14Sb28Te56 composition, the removal of impurities, and heat treatment will promote a further decrease in the absorbance in the far-infrared spectrum of this alloy.  相似文献   

Light emitting diodes (LEDs) with λmax=3.4 and 4.3 µm (t=20°C) were studied at elevated temperatures. It is demonstrated that LEDs operating in the temperature range t=20–180°C can be described using the classical concepts of injection radiation sources and the processes of charge carrier recombination. The temperature dependences of reverse currents in the saturation regions of current-voltage characteristics are consistent with the increase in the intrinsic-carrier concentration according to the Shockley theory. The emission spectra are described on the assumption of the direct band-to-band transitions, spherically symmetric bands, and thermalized charge carriers. The current-power characteristics are proportional to I 3/2 suggesting that the contribution of the nonradiative Auger recombination is dominant. The radiation power decreases exponentially with the temperature which is characteristic of the CHSH and CHCC processes.  相似文献   

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on p-n homo-and heterostructures with InAsSb(P) and InGaAs active layers have been designed and studied. An emission power of 0.2 (λ=4.3 µm) to 1.33 mW (λ=3.3 µm) and a conversion efficiency of 30 (InAsSbP, λ=4.3 µm) to 340 mW/(A cm2) (InAsSb/InAsSbP double heterostructure (DH), λ=4.0 µm) have been achieved. The conversion efficiency decreases with increasing current, mainly owing to the Joule heating of the p-n homojunctions. In DH LEDs, the fact that the output power tends to a constant value with increasing current is not associated with active region heating. On raising the temperature from 20 to 180°C, the emission power of the (λ=3.3 and 4.3 µm) LEDs decreases, respectively, 7-and 14-fold, to become 50 (at 1.5 A) and 7 µW (at 3 A) at 180°C.  相似文献   

正An InGaSb/AIGaAsSb compressively strained quantum well laser emitting at 2μm has been fabricated. An output power of 82.2 mW was obtained in continuous wave(CW) mode at room temperature.The laser can operate at high temperature(T = 80℃),with a maximum output power of 63.7 mW in CW mode.  相似文献   

Strongly strained InxGa1−x As/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP heterostructures with indium content x=0.69−1.0 in the active region were investigated experimentally and theoretically. Two types of structures were obtained by vapor-phase epitaxy from metalorganic compounds: 1) with isolated compression-strained quantum wells and 2) with self-organized nanosize InAs clusters (quantum dots). The temperature dependence of the quantum radiation efficiency of samples with quantum wells in the temperature range 77–265 K is characterized by T 0=43 K. One reason for the low value of T 0 is electron delocalization in the active region. The maximum radiation wavelength obtained in structures with quantum dots is 1.9 μm at 77 K. Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn. 33, 1105–1107 (September 1999)  相似文献   

Advantages of the concept of high-powered semiconductor nanoheterostructure lasers for the spectral range 1700–1800 nm, grown by MOCVD in the InGaAsP/InP solid solution system, have been experimentally demonstrated. It has been found that using an expanded waveguide enables reduction to 2 cm?1 of the internal optical loss in quantum-well asymmetric separate-confinement double InGaAsP/InP heterostructures emitting at a wavelength of 1.76 µm. The heterostructures developed have been used to create multimode lasers with a room-temperature CW output power of 2.5 W in an aperture of 100 µm. It is shown that use of highly stressed quantum-well InGaAs layers as the active region makes it possible to obtain characteristic temperatures T 0 = 50–60 K.  相似文献   

Tantalum silicide (TaSi2) thin films were deposited on n-type silicon single crystal substrates using a dual electron-gun system and with Ta and Si targets. The electrical transport properties of the TaSi2/n-Si structures were investigated by temperature-dependent current–voltage (IV) measurements. The temperature-dependent IV characteristics revealed that the forward conduction was determined by thermionic-emission and space-charge-limited current mechanisms at low and high voltage respectively. On the other hand, the reverse current is limited by the carrier generation process.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the threshold current and emission spectra of disk-shaped quantum-well whispering-gallery mode (WGM) lasers is studied in the temperature range of 80–463 K in which the laser emission wavelength increases from 2 to 2.5 μm. It is shown that lasing is observed up to 190°C. Radiative recombination is dominant up to a temperature of 300 K, and nonradiative Auger recombination, in which a recombining electron gives energy to another electron, is so at higher temperatures. The spin-orbit split-off valence subband is not involved in recombination processes, which is attributed to mechanical compression of the quantum-well material.  相似文献   

Data on threshold currents, the differential quantum efficiency, the emission spectrum, current tuning, and radiation power of mesastripe InGaAsSb(Gd)/InAsSbP double heterostructure lasers with λ=3.0–3.3 µm and a cavity length of 70–150 µm in a temperature range of 50–107 K are reported. In the experiments, the threshold currents I th<10 mA, a total output power of 0.5 mW/facet, and a single-mode power of 0.43 mW at 77 K in the cw regime were obtained. Lasers operated in the single-mode regime at currents I≤6I th, the spectral purity was as high as 650: 1, the tuning rate was 210 cm?1/A, and the tuning range was 10 cm?1 wide. An example of methane detection at 3028.75 cm?1 is presented.  相似文献   

In this study, both the metal-semiconductor (MS) and metal-polymer-semiconductor (MPS), (Al/C20H12/p-Si), type Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) were fabricated using spin coating method and they were called as D1 and D2 diodes, respectively. Their electrical characterization have been investigated and compared using the forward and reverse bias IV and CV measurements at room temperature. The main electrical parameters such as ideality factor (n), reverse saturation current (Io), zero-bias barrier height (ΦBo), series (Rs) and shunt (Rsh) resistances, energy dependent profile of interface states (Nss), the doping concentration of acceptor atoms (NA) and depletion layer width (WD) were determined and compared each other and literature. The rectifying ratio (RR) and leakage current (IR) at ±3 V were found as 2.06×103, 1.61×10−6 A and 15.7×103, 2.75×10−7 A for D1 and D2, respectively. Similarly, the Rs and Rsh values of these diodes were found as 544 Ω, 10.7 MΩ and 716 Ω and 1.83 MΩ using Ohm’s Law, respectively. In addition, energy and voltage dependent profiles of Nss were obtained using the forward bias IV data by taking into account voltage dependent effective barrier height (Φe) and n and low-high frequency capacitance (CLFCHF) methods, respectively. The obtained value of Nss for D2 (MPS) diode at about the mid-gap of Si is about two times lower than D1 (MS) type diode. Experimental results confirmed that the performance in MPS type SBD is considerably high according to MS diode in the respect of lower values of Nss, Rs and Io and higher values of RR and Rsh.  相似文献   

The electrical characteristics of Al/strained Si-on-insulator (sSOI) Schottky diode have been investigated using current–voltage (I–V) and capacitance–voltage (C–V) measurements in the wide temperature range of 200–400 K in steps of 25 K. It was found that the barrier height (0.57–0.80 eV) calculated from the I–V characteristics increased and the ideality factor (1.97–1.28) decreased with increasing temperature. The barrier heights determined from the C–V measurements were higher than those extracted from the I–V measurements, associated with the formation of an inhomogeneous Schottky barrier at the interface. The series resistance estimated from the forward I–V characteristics using Cheung and Norde methods decreased with increasing temperature, implying its strong temperature dependence. The observed variation in barrier height and ideality factor could be attributed to the inhomogeneities in Schottky barrier, explained by assuming Gaussian distribution of barrier heights. The temperature-dependent I–V characteristics showed a double Gaussian distribution with mean barrier heights of 0.83 and 1.19 eV and standard deviations of 0.10 and 0.16 eV at 200–275 and 300–400 K, respectively. From the modified Richardson plot, the modified Richardson constant were calculated to be 21.8 and 29.4 A cm−2 K−2 at 200–275 and 300–400 K, respectively, which were comparable to the theoretical value for p-type sSOI (31.6 A cm−2 K−2).  相似文献   

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