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葛晓虎 《经营管理者》2013,(30):372-372
随着监测工作的开展和防沙固沙工程的实施,遥感技术不但能够提供研究区沙漠化土地的信息,而且可以为沙漠化治理工程的实施提供科学的数据,为有关部门制定防沙固沙政策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

”我最讨厌虚伪,人只有做回自己,才会快乐。我觉得人不一定要多么的成功,要学会的是享受过程的快乐,让生活更真实,更多彩。我追求丰富精彩的人生,有刺激的生活是我所爱的,就像饮酒,就像芝华士,琥珀色的威士忌有着年轻的活力。芝华士我有时会加冰,冰的温度、火的烈性,糅合着醇厚的滋味,喝下去是那么舒爽;有时候我会在芝华士里加入冰可乐.可乐不会掩盖酒的香气,却把一种年轻的活力注入到酒的刺激之中,有了这样的体验,便觉得生活是那么的真实而美好。”  相似文献   

正中国·上海2018年1月19日-21日201 8亚洲能源与环境工程会议将于1月1 9日到21日在中国上海召开。会议由上海交大和IACT协会共同主办。本次会议将为学术界、政府及相关产业提供广阔的平台。本次会议将由相关领域的专家演讲,作者报告等3天的  相似文献   

由于错误分类代价差异和不同价值客户数量的不平衡分布,基于总体准确率的数据挖掘方法不能体现由于客户价值不同对分类效果带来的影响.为了解决错误分类不平衡的数据分类问题,利用代价敏感学习技术扩展现有决策树模型,将这一方法应用在客户价值细分,建立基于客户价值的错分代价矩阵,以分类代价最小化作为决策树分支的标准,建立分类的期望损失函数作为分类效果的评价标准,采用中国某银行的信用卡客户数据进行实验.实验结果表明,与传统决策树方法相比,代价敏感决策树对客户价值细分问题有更好的分类效果,可以更精确地控制代价敏感性和不同种分类错误的分布,降低总体的错误分类代价,使模型能更准确反映分类的代价,有效识别客户价值  相似文献   

<正> 第三章 “石头”终于摸完了——最后的“王牌”放眼录(上) 一句“摸着石头过河”,把国人颤颤兢兢如履薄冰的改革状描摹得何其生动、准确! 当我们历经苦难终于摸索到“现代企业制度”这块基石时,终于可以在国有企业改革这一难题上由衷地感叹一声:“石头终于摸完了”! 今后的日子,是我们瞄准既定目标,迈开大步跨过去的美好明天了。 在“国企”改革攻坚战炮响之前,对最后一张“王牌”  相似文献   

<正> 第三章:“石头”终于摸完了——最后的“王牌”放眼录(下) 放眼C:浩繁的伟业、痛苦的嬗变——“国企”的现代企业制度改造 要把千百万国有企业改造为“现代企业”,最终确立现代企业制度,体制嬗变所要承受的苦痛和浩繁复杂的巨大工程量,都将是难以预料的。 好在,我们有15年愈挫愈奋的勇气和积淀经验教训。 好在,共和国已经对此作出正确的战略布署。  相似文献   

经济学家“危言耸听”:现代企业制度是政府拯救国有大企业甩出的最后一张王牌,如果这张王牌再不奏效,国有企业问题乃至整个中国的经济改革都不好办了…… 政府官员“破釜沉舟”:非现代企业制度这个“方子”,救不了国有大中型企业的“病身子”,成败在此一举!  相似文献   

<正> 第二章 产权雷区:“国企”病根沉思录 沉思A:讳疾忌医——惨不忍睹的资产流失 对于国有企业的“家产”问题,国人不是不明白,而是心中难以忘记——忘记那“人人所有”的伟大初衷,难以抗拒那无人管束的庞大“国企”资产的巨大诱惑。 于是,人们想,虽是偌大的资产,被巨大的10亿人分母一除,那人人所有倏忽间变得“人人少有”了,也便人人  相似文献   

It is also widely acknowledged that Long Day's Journey into Night,O'Neill's biographical play,not only expose the tangled relationship with love and hatred in the Tyrone's family,but also reflects family situation in the turning point of the 20th century,which can offer viewers plenty of inspirations to think.Owe to the value of the drama,a great many critics tend to study Long Day's Journey into Night from various perspectives of different theories.This work has never been analyzed from the perspective of Michel Foucault's theory.Thus,it is valuable to take a view at the whole drama in a unique angle-morality and madness,the theme of Michel Foucault's theory,which can reveal the original cause of the tangled relationship among family members.Morality and madness create a conflict of what it should be and what it actually is.The paper also provides a fresh view for a deeper analysis of the value on Eugene O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night.  相似文献   

“我们亚洲”,现在是太平洋西部沿岸国家和地区政治家和学者们谈论的重要话题。亚细亚这个古老的名字今天再次成为唤醒人们心中自豪感的咒语。这一切根源于  相似文献   


Major changes in Australian law and significant research efforts have re-positioned Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as important actors in planning. Yet, this has barely penetrated the consciousness of the mainstream professional community. Current requirements for professional competencies and planning curricula fall well short of preparing planners to productively engage with Indigenous people. The profession itself barely acknowledges the significant changes advanced in Indigenous studies and planning, and the new imperatives. This paper details the contemporary position of planning practice in Australia with regard to Indigenous people and considers the changes required to more justly engage with Indigenous rights.  相似文献   

加快转变军队作战能力生成模式是信息化条件下军队转型和科学发展的重要目标。本文运用系统动力学的反馈分析方法,建立了系统超循环结构,构造了体系作战能力生成模式的系统动力学模型,应用Vensim软件进行了模拟仿真,并对不同的政策调控进行分析,结果表明,所建立模型能有效提示部队体系作战能力生成系统的基本运行机理,为部队建设的科学发展提供理论参考和决策依据。  相似文献   

Steven M. Quiring 《Risk analysis》2011,31(12):1897-1906
This article compares statistical methods for modeling power outage durations during hurricanes and examines the predictive accuracy of these methods. Being able to make accurate predictions of power outage durations is valuable because the information can be used by utility companies to plan their restoration efforts more efficiently. This information can also help inform customers and public agencies of the expected outage times, enabling better collective response planning, and coordination of restoration efforts for other critical infrastructures that depend on electricity. In the long run, outage duration estimates for future storm scenarios may help utilities and public agencies better allocate risk management resources to balance the disruption from hurricanes with the cost of hardening power systems. We compare the out‐of‐sample predictive accuracy of five distinct statistical models for estimating power outage duration times caused by Hurricane Ivan in 2004. The methods compared include both regression models (accelerated failure time (AFT) and Cox proportional hazard models (Cox PH)) and data mining techniques (regression trees, Bayesian additive regression trees (BART), and multivariate additive regression splines). We then validate our models against two other hurricanes. Our results indicate that BART yields the best prediction accuracy and that it is possible to predict outage durations with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

Reforming Public Administration in Southeast Asia: Trends and Impacts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Southeast Asia, the recent two decades have witnessed major theoretical, structural, functional, and ethical reforms in the administrative system. In the region, the state-centric mode of public administration that emerged during the colonial and postcolonial periods, has recently been transformed into a businesslike public management in line with the current global movement for such a transition. This article examines the trends of administrative changes in countries such as Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. It also briefly evaluates the critical impacts of these recent changes on the systems of public administration the conditions of citizens and societies in the region.  相似文献   

This article addresses governance in the age of globalization, the confusion over the meanings of governance, and the flaws of ‘good governance,’ while offering a novel theory of ‘sound governance’ with many elements or dimensions. It also discusses the implications, challenges, and opportunities for governance and administration in South and South East nations in a rapidly changing world of predatory globalization, and suggests strategies for coping with and managing global pressures while practicing sound governance at home.  相似文献   

While the existing studies on globalization widely cover the realms of economy, politics, society, and culture, the discourse is hardly extended to the domain of public governance. Although there are studies on the globalization or cross-national convergence of contemporary neoliberal models of governance – that is, the New Public Management (NPM) model and its revisionist post-NPM alternatives – there is a relative lack of research on how the globalization phenomenon itself has been a major cause of the emergence of such a neoliberal public sector management. In explaining the main causes of these neoliberal reinventions, most scholars highlight issues like fiscal crisis, state failure, and public sector inefficiency. They rarely consider how the dominant actors of globalization may constitute a major force causing the recent neoliberal transformation of the state and market-led reinvention in state policies and management. This article explicates these linkages – between globalization, state formation, and public sector reform – with specific reference to Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

The article explores the way that social networks and personal experiences affect perceived HIV‐related concerns among people aged 50 years or older living in a low resource neighborhood with high HIV prevalence in Nairobi, Kenya. Multiple logistic regression is used to model the association between the reporting of an HIV‐related concern and individual‐level characteristics, personal experiences, and social interaction. The main concerns regarding HIV reported by older people in the study included caring for orphaned children (65%), caring for people with AIDS (48%), and losing material and social support from adult children (36%). Interestingly, 38% of respondents voiced concerns about HIV infection among older people. Respondents who had been individually affected by HIV and AIDS, who were part of a wide social network, or who participated in community activities were frequently more likely to report a concern. The findings highlight the significance of the role of social interaction and social networks in the diffusion of information and knowledge. These findings have implications for HIV and AIDS policy and programs, highlighting the potential for social networks and community‐level interventions to educate and increase awareness about HIV and AIDS among older people. Community leaders can make good peer educators and communication agents for HIV/AIDS campaigns. Additionally, the recognized high level of personal vulnerability to HIV infection among older people suggests the need for targeted sexual behavior change programs among this often neglected group.  相似文献   

Floods are the most frequent category of disasters worldwide. Among all geographic regions, Asia has suffered the most. While there are several ongoing humanitarian efforts and initiatives, we believe there is a new opportunity to coordinate “last mile” humanitarian efforts in the event of a flood using micro‐retailers. Because micro‐retailers are the “last mile” nodes in traditional retail supply chains in many Asian countries, we propose the use of social enterprise to buttress these supply chains for distribution of essential goods by coordinating with micro‐retailers before and after floods. We also present a stylized model to quantify the benefits of doing so.  相似文献   

武器目标分配问题是多无人机超视距空战中的关键决策问题之一。本文考虑超视距空战的强对抗、不确定等特点给武器目标分配问题带来的新挑战,基于纳什均衡博弈思想,将超视距空战中的多无人机武器目标分配问题建模为双矩阵博弈模型,其中,基于证据理论设计多级信息融合方法计算多个无人机对抗多个目标时的总攻击有效性。在此基础上,基于纳什均衡中策略被选择的概率与遗憾值之间的关系以及超视距空战需求,将双矩阵博弈模型转换为混合整数规划模型进行求解,并通过典型案例、数值实验、仿真实验对本文方法的计算过程和有效性进行分析。结果表明,本文方法能够有效给出超视距空战中的多无人机武器目标分配方案。  相似文献   

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