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目的 通过肝组织活检评价慢性乙型肝炎患者丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)低于2倍正常上限(2×ULN)者的肝组织病理学特征,为临床抗病毒治疗提供客观依据。方法 2005年10月至2010年8月四川省人民医院感染科肝脏组织活检患者。肝脏组织活检纳入标准:①HBsAg阳性持续6个月以上;②HBeAg阳性者,HBV DNA≥103拷贝/ml,HBeAg阴性者,HBV DNA≥104拷贝/ml;③AIT<2×UIN持续6个月以上,且未使用任何保肝降酶药;④既往未接受过任何抗病毒治疗,包括干扰素和核苷类似物;⑤愿意接受肝活检。肝脏组织活检前查血常规、凝血酶原时间、生化、乙型肝炎病毒标志物、HBV DNA定量,常规B型超声定位,肝组织活检评价炎症坏死分级范围和纤维化程度。比较各因素与肝脏炎症和纤维化之间的关系。结果 符合诊断标准病例共383例,其中男性240例,女性143例,年龄16~59岁,平均年龄28.0岁。肝脏炎症G0期2例(0.5%)、G1期165例(43.1%)、G2期191例(49.9%)、(3期25例(6.5%)、G4期0例(0.0%),≥G2期占56.4%。肝脏纤维化S0期103例(26.9%)、S1期265例(69.2%)、S2期13例(3.4%)、S3期2例(0.5%)、S4期0例(0.0%),肝脏纤维化≥S2期仅3.9%。不同年龄、AIT水平、HBV DNA水平和H BeAg状态与肝脏炎症严重程度发生率相关(P<0.05)。肝纤维化程度仅与年龄、ALT水平及HBeAg状态相关(P<0.05),HBV DNA水平与肝纤维化发生率无明显相关性(P>0.05)。结论 ALT低于2×ULN患者大多数有明显的肝脏炎症和不同程度的肝纤维化,建议应通过肝活检了解肝损伤程度作为评价是否具有抗病毒治疗的指征。  相似文献   

Acute alcoholic pancreatitis is uncommonly diagnosed when the serum amylase level is normal. We defined acute alcoholic pancreatitis as a clinical syndrome in which hyperamylasemia was not a necessary component and sought support for the diagnosis by ultrasonography and computed tomography of the pancreas. In 68 episodes of acute alcoholic pancreatitis identified in a one-year period, the serum amylase level was normal at the time of hospital admission in 32%. In 40 episodes, we performed ultrasonography and computed tomography within 48 hr of admission. The diagnosis was supported by ultrasonography in 43%, by computed tomography in 68%. Ultrasonography and computed tomography supported the diagnosis as frequently in patients with normal serum amylase levels as in patients with hyperamylasemia. We conclude that patients with acute alcoholic pancreatitis frequently have normal serum amylase levels. The widespread clinical practice of relying solely on hyperamylasemia to establish the diagnosis of acute alcoholic pancreatitis is unjustified and should be abandoned.  相似文献   

Liver biopsy is the reference method for antiviral therapy decision‐making in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) when alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is less than two times of upper limit of normal (<2ULN). Our aim was to explore noninvasive markers for antiviral therapy decision in CHB with ALT <2ULN. A total of 452 treatment‐naïve CHB patients with ALT < 2ULN who had undergone liver biopsy were analysed in this prospective multi‐centre study. If liver biopsy showed moderate or severe inflammation (histology activity index ≥ 5) or significant fibrosis (Ishak fibrosis score ≥ 3), antiviral treatment was recommended. We analysed data using univariate and multivariate analyses and receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC). Two hundred and sixty‐nine (59.5%) of 452 cases with ALT < 2ULN had moderate, severe or significant inflammation. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (P = 0.03), anti‐hepatitis B virus core antibody (anti‐HBc) (P = 0.003) and liver stiffness measurement (LSM) (P = 0.000) were independent variables for antiviral therapy decision‐making, with area under the ROC curve (AUROC) of 0.718, 0.703 and 0.819, respectively. Our novel AAF index, which combined AST, anti‐HBc and LSM, showed better performance with AUROC of 0.876, 0.877 and 0.876 in estimation, validation and total set. Finally, 247 (54.6%) of 452 patients could avoid liver biopsy based on AAF index. Furthermore, performances of 23 noninvasive models were unsatisfactory for antiviral therapy decision with AUROC < 0.800, which were inferior to AAF index. In conclusion, AST, anti‐HBc and LSM were related to antiviral therapy decision‐making among CHB patients with ALT < 2ULN. Thus, the novel AAF index was a more reliable noninvasive model for antiviral therapy decision‐making.  相似文献   

To ascertain whether the circadian oscillator in the prokaryotic cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 7942 regulates the timing of cell division in rapidly growing cultures, we measured the rate of cell division, DNA content, cell size, and gene expression (monitored by luminescence of the PpsbAI::luxAB reporter) in cultures that were continuously diluted to maintain an approximately equal cell density. We found that populations dividing at rates as rapid as once per 10 h manifest circadian gating of cell division, since phases in which cell division slows or stops recur with a circadian periodicity. The data clearly show that Synechococcus cells growing with doubling times that are considerably faster than once per 24 h nonetheless express robust circadian rhythms of cell division and gene expression. Apparently Synechococcus cells are able to simultaneously sustain two timing circuits that express significantly different periods.  相似文献   

目的探索有效预测ALT2倍正常值上限(ULN)的慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者显著肝脏炎症的简易血清标志物。方法回顾性纳入278例ALT2×ULN(ULN=40 U/L)的CHB患者。显著肝脏炎症定义为炎症程度(G)≥2。计量资料满足正态分布的组间比较采用t检验;不满足正态分布的采用Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验,计数资料组间比较采用χ2检验。多因素回归分析筛查ALT2×ULN的CHB患者显著肝脏炎症的独立预测因素。受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评估血清标志物对显著肝脏炎症的诊断价值。结果 278例患者中175例(62.9%)无显著肝脏炎症(G0~1组);103例(37.1%)伴显著肝脏炎症(G2~4组)。2组在ALT、AST、ALP、GGT、白蛋白(Alb)、球蛋白(Glb)、凝血酶原时间(PT)、血小板(PLT)、中性粒细胞绝对数(ANC)、透明质酸(HA)、甘胆酸(CG)、Ⅲ型前胶原(PCⅢ)和IV型胶原(ⅣC)等方面的差异均有统计学意义(P值均0.05)。单因素回归分析发现ALT、AST、ALP、GGT、Glb、PT、HA、CG、PCⅢ和ⅣC的水平越高,伴显著肝脏炎症的可能性越大[比值比(OR)均1,P值均0.05];PLT、Alb和ANC的水平越低,伴显著肝脏炎症的可能性越大(OR均1,P值均0.05)。多因素回归分析发现GGT、PT、IVC和HA是ALT2×ULN CHB患者显著肝脏炎症的独立预测因素(OR值分别为1.015、1.600、1.151、1.014,P值分别为0.008、0.021、0.003、0.018)。GGT、PT、IVC和HA诊断显著肝脏炎症的ROC曲线下面积依次为0.804、0.722、0.707和0.632。GGT≥48.5 U/L预测显著肝脏炎症的特异性为90.3%、阴性预测值为74.6%。结论 GGT、PT、IVC和HA是ALT正常或2倍以内升高CHB患者显著肝脏炎症的独立预测因素,其中以GGT的预测价值最大。  相似文献   

目的评价拟诊标准(血清AST水平高于正常值上限2倍且大于ALT)对AIDS合并马尔尼菲青霉菌病(penicilliosis marneffei,PSM)的筛查价值。方法对广西地区1045例疑似AIDS合并PSM的患者同时进行"金标准"(血、骨髓、组织培养或组织病理发现马尔尼菲青霉菌)及拟诊标准所需检查,评价拟诊标准对AIDS合并PSM的诊断价值。结果拟诊标准的灵敏度为45.79%、假阴性率42.11%、特异度90.64%、假阳性率9.36%、准确度82.49%、阳性似然比4.89、阴性似然比0.60、阳性预测值52.10%、阴性预测值88.27%。结论 AIDS患者如出现血清AST水平高于正常值上限2倍且大于ALT时,尚不能作为筛查PSM的常规指标,但应高度警惕PSM。  相似文献   

As a group, 20 patients with acute pancreatitis showed alterations in biochemical and endocrine homeostasis that differed from the metabolic reactions observed in 13 control patients undergoing stress for reasons other than pancreatitis. In patients with acute pancreatitis, hyperglycemia was associated with inappropriately low serum insulin levels (p < 0.005). Plasma glucagon concentrations were markedly increased in the patients with acute pancreatitis and exceeded control values (p < 0.0001) throughout the 24-hour study period. The lipolytic effect of the inadequate serum insulin concentrations, elevated blood cortisol levels and hyperglucagonemia produced in a rise in nonesterified fatty acid levels. Serum gastin and growth hormone measurements remained within the normal range. Plasma parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin concentrations were increased in both patient populations, although calcitonin levels in patients with pancreatitis were significantly lower than those in the control group (p < 0.001). In patients experiencing a recurrent attack of pancreatitis, plasma glucagon levels were low (p < 0.005) compared with levels in patients experiencing their first episode of acute pancreatitis. Appreciation of the metabolic derangements in acute pancreatitis that are independent of the normal metabolic changes which occur in response to stress will help to rationalize exogenous endocrine therapy and possibly the prognostic accuracy in this disease.  相似文献   

Abstract: Aim: The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in C‐viral chronic hepatitis (CH) and liver cirrhosis (LC) patients after interferon (IFN) therapy was evaluated according to alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels. Patients: Two hundred sixty‐nine patients with C‐viral CH and LC were treated with natural IFN‐α. The efficacy of IFN therapy was evaluated based on virologic response and ALT levels using the following groups: virologic‐sustained responders (VSR); biochemical‐sustained responders (BSR); partial responders (PR), which consisted of BSR patients whose serum ALT levels later relapsed; non‐responders (NR)1, which included patients with serum ALT levels that were usually less than 80 IU/l; and NR2, NR with ALT levels persistently more than 80 IU/l. Results: Of the 269 patients, 22 (8.2%) developed HCC after IFN therapy. The incidence of HCC (%/patient/year) was 0.78%, 0%, 0%, 0.17%, 4.68% in VSR, BR, PR, NR1, NR2, respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that an increase in ALT levels to more than 80 IU/l is an important risk factor for the occurrence of HCC. Conclusions: We concluded that the patients with ALT levels less than twice the upper limit of normal after IFN therapy have a reduced risk of progression to HCC from C‐viral chronic liver disease.  相似文献   

Background/objectivesSevere acute pancreatitis is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Identifying factors that affect the risk of developing severe disease could influence management. Plasma levels of renalase, an anti-inflammatory secretory protein, dramatically decrease in a murine acute pancreatitis model. We assessed this response in hospitalized acute pancreatitis patients to determine if reduced plasma renalase levels occur in humans.MethodsPlasma samples were prospectively and sequentially collected from patients hospitalized for acute pancreatitis. Two forms of plasma renalase, native (no acid) and acidified, were measured by ELISA and RNLS levels were compared between healthy controls and patients with mild and severe disease (defined as APACHE-II score ≥7) using nonparametric statistical analysis.ResultsControl (33) and acute pancreatitis (mild, 230 (76.7%) and severe, 70 (23.3%) patients were studied. Acidified RNLS levels were lower in pancreatitis patients: Control: 10.1 μg/ml, Mild 5.1 μg/ml, Severe 6.0 μg/ml; p < 0.001. Native RNLS levels were increased in AP: Control: 0.4 μg/ml, Mild 0.9 μg g/ml, Severe 1.2 μg/ml p < 0.001; those with severe AP trended to have higher native RNLS levels than those with mild disease (p = 0.056). In patients with severe AP, higher APACHE-II scores at 24 h after admission correlated with lower acid-sensitive RNLS levels on admission (r = ?0.31, p = 0.023).ConclusionLow plasma acidified RNLS levels, and increased native RNLS levels are associated with AP. Additional studies should assess the clinical correlation between plasma RNLS levels and AP severity and outcomes.  相似文献   

Incident diabetes and the worsening of diabetes have recently been linked to hepatic steatosis. Aim of our study was to determine whether oral hypoglycemic agent failure is associated with higher transaminase levels (valid measure of liver steatosis). We selected 200 patients, attenders (3 consecutive annual evaluations) in our clinic, with type 2 diabetes among which 100 with oral hypoglycemic agents failure and 100 who were still responsive to oral therapy. Failure to therapy was defined as glycated hemoglobin?>7.5% despite maximal-dose oral therapy. We analyzed patient histories and laboratory data. Compared with oral-therapy-responsive patients, those with failure had a significantly higher level mostly of alanine aminotransferase at the time of therapy failure and 2?years before. They were more likely to have had symptoms of hyperglycemia at the time of diabetes diagnosis. Regression analysis indicated that each 5-unit increase in transaminase levels independently increased the risk for oral hypoglycemic agents failure by 1.70. Higher liver transaminase levels, especially in patients who had symptomatic hyperglycemia at diabetes diagnosis, associate with oral hypoglycemic agent failure. The possible pathogenetic link between transaminase and declining islet function might consist of insulin resistance and increased circulating fatty acid levels, in turn causing liver steatosis and beta-cell dysfunction.  相似文献   



The aims of the study were to assess the prognostic value of recurrent ischemic episodes during the first 24 hours in ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated with thrombolysis and to explore those episodes as a part of a low-risk prognostic feature.


Two hundred twenty patients with STEMI treated with thrombolysis were monitored for 24 hours with continuous online vectorcardiography assessing ST vector changes to record recurrent ischemic events.


Ischemic events measured as an increase in ST-change vector magnitude (STC-VM) more than 50 μV for at least 2 minutes during 4- to 24-hour predicted mortality in a 5-year follow-up based on a multivariable analysis (hazard ratio, 1.18/episode; confidence interval, 1.01-1.37). The more episodes there were, the worse the prognosis. A low-risk group with a 1-year mortality of 1.9% could be identified.


Continuous ST-segment monitoring during the first 24 hours of a myocardial infarction is a valuable tool for identifying high- and low-risk patients. The STC-VM events during 4 to 24 hours of the first day of a myocardial infarction predict mortality within 5 years.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We designed the present study to evaluate the association of various lipid and fibrinolytic components with coronary artery stenosis with respect to the triglyceride (TG) level. METHODS: Levels of TG, remnant-like particle cholesterol (RLP-C), total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), lipoprotein-(a), uric acid, blood glucose, tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), t-PA inhibitor type 1, antithrombin III, and protein C were measured in 208 patients who underwent diagnostic coronary angiograms. PATIENTS: Of these 208 patients, 59 were hypertriglyceridemic (150 mg/dl or higher) and 149 were normotriglyceridemic. RESULTS: Both LDL-C and HDL-C showed significant differences between patients with and those without coronary artery stenosis in both hypertriglyceridemic and normotriglyceridemic patient subgroups. However, RLP-C showed a significant difference in the normotriglyceridemic patient subgroup (p=0.012) but not in the hypertriglyceridemic patient subgroup (p=0.736). CONCLUSION: Our current retrospective study disclosed that RLP-C levels are closely associated with coronary artery stenosis in patients with normal TG levels.  相似文献   

目的 通过分析ALT大于15倍正常值上限(15×ULN)肝损伤患者临床特征、ALT变化情况及肝炎血清标志物检测结果,探讨ALT大于15×ULN肝损伤病因诊断.方法 检测70例ALT大于15×ULN肝损伤患者肝炎血清标志物、ALT、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、凝血酶原时间(PT)、总胆红素(TBil)峰值,分析肝炎血清标志物构成、ALT动态变化,比较不同类型肝炎实验室指标.结果 检出单一肝炎血清标志物阳性者52例,占74.3%;2种阳性者4例,占5.7%;未检出者14例,占20.0%.不同类型肝炎实验室指标差异无统计学意义.ALT水平随入院时间延长呈对数线性下降,戊型肝炎下降更为明显.结论 血清肝炎标志物结合ALT动态变化可以指导ALT大于15×ULN肝损伤病因分析,作为临床诊断重要参考依据.  相似文献   

目的 探讨全胸腔镜肺叶切除治疗直径大于5 cm肺癌的临床疗效.方法 选取符合纳入标准的患者112例,其中男性69例,女性43例,年龄28~76岁.对肿瘤直径进行统计分析,并结合临床诊断确定病理的类型和病变的部位,统计手术时间以及术中出血、淋巴结清扫情况,生存复发数据等.结果 112例病患当中,109例于在全胸腔镜下完成了手术(手术时间134~225 min,术后引流量112~345 ml,平均住院12 d.结论 全胸腔镜下肺叶切除术在治疗直径大于5 cm肺癌上具有一定的疗效,适用于早期肺癌,且具有安全性和可靠性.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Recombinant human TSH (rhTSH) is used to evaluate thyroid carcinoma patients and off-label for (131)I thyroid ablation and nontoxic goiter therapy. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine the optimal time for (131)I administration after rhTSH. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-five euthyroid nongoitrous volunteers participated in the study. DESIGN: Baseline 24-h thyroid (123)I uptake (RAIU) was measured, and then 0.1 mg rhTSH was administered. (123)I was administered 24, 48, or 72 h after rhTSH, and a repeat 24-h RAIU was obtained. SETTING: The study was conducted at an academic research center. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Thyroid function tests, thyroid ultrasounds, and electrocardiograms were measured before rhTSH, then daily for 4 d, and finally 7 d after rhTSH. RESULTS: Serum TSH concentrations 24 h after rhTSH increased from 1.7 +/- 0.5 muU/ml (mean +/- sd) to 13.3 +/- 4. The 24-h RAIUs rose from 25 +/- 5 to 47 +/- 8% (88% increase) when the (123)I was given at 24 h after rhTSH and from 29.8 +/- 7 to 40.5 +/- 13% (36% increase) when the (123)I was given at 48 h and were unchanged when the (123)I was given at 72 h. The post-rhTSH RAIU increase was greater at 24 than at 72 h (P < 0.005) and marginally greater than at 48 h (P = 0.057). Thyroid volumes significantly increased 48 h after rhTSH (10 +/- 3.8 vs. 11.1 +/- 3.7 ml; P < 0.009). Electrocardiograms were normal. CONCLUSIONS: Marked increases in RAIU occurred when (123)I was given 24 h after rhTSH administration to euthyroid volunteers. Smaller increases were observed at 48 h and none at 72 h.  相似文献   

Suppression of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 plasma virus load (PVL) to <20 copies/mL is associated with a longer virologic response after initiation of antiretroviral therapy. The relationship between duration of virologic response and PVL nadir according to a less sensitive assay was explored. When compared with subjects with a PVL nadir >500 copies/mL, the relative risks of PVL rising above 1000 copies/mL for participants in the INCAS trial and the British Columbia Drug Treatment Program with a PVL nadir below the limit of detection (LOD) were 0.04 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.02-0.09) and 0.06 (95% CI, 0.03-0.12), respectively. The corresponding relative risks for persons with a detectable but not quantifiable PVL nadir were 0.25 (95% CI, 0.13-0.50) and 0.54 (95% CI, 0.25-1.19). The relative risks of virologic failure associated with a PVL nadir detectable but not quantifiable and a PVL nadir below the LOD were statistically different (P<.0001) in both data sets.  相似文献   

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