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黄河水润夹马口,阳光温暖农民心.“阳光工程“--山西省夹马口引黄灌区在落实“两改一提高“工作中,从农民的切身利益出发,为实行灌溉管理制度改革,减轻农民负担,理顺灌溉秩序而进行的一项管理创新.……  相似文献   

正从历史上伊尹辅商兴国到新时代小水电"技改"惠民,陆浑,从来就是一片孕育、磨砺家国情怀的热土。自2013年开工奠基,到2017年竣工验收,五度寒暑易节,1 500次星移斗转,一个弘扬、践行新时代水利精神的故事再次温暖这片热土。3 500万元的投资、1 950千瓦时的净增容效益、一座绿色节能高效的自动化水电站,这些看似没有必然联系的元素,经过42双手的对接便产生了因果关系。从此,陆浑湖畔、伊水之滨竖起了一座小水电"技改"的丰碑。  相似文献   

2006年12月7日,美丽的榕城晴空万里,温暖的冬阳普洒匆忙的人们,使人感到特别温暖惬意.……  相似文献   

张宏宇 《水利天地》2012,(11):24-24
温暖的秋末 伴随些许寒意 红透的枫叶 开始和冬相接着最美的对话  相似文献   

每当我走近您! 便感到: 温暖母亲般亲昵。 心灵港湾之静谧; 一份久违的思恋, 一股急待的谋面.  相似文献   

正那时,我在阳新工作,妻儿在温泉生活。阳新到温泉,温泉到阳新,成为我来来往往的热线。那时,对伍家祠这个地名印象很深,从阳新去温泉,走到伍家祠就走了一小半。从温泉回阳新,走到伍家祠就走了一大半。那时的车很慢,那时的路很长,那时的旅途很寂寞,伍家祠是个温暖的地标,承载着希望。后来,我到温泉工作,每年也要回阳新两三次,伍家祠依然是个温暖的地标。  相似文献   

风啊这么紧水啊这么冰最温暖的是太阳但太阳比不上老乡的心辛苦了,老乡远征近百里安营偏僻村咸菜、淡饭和地铺  相似文献   

阳光,透过清晨的薄雾,洒在凤凰鳞次栉比的乌色屋檐上,映射着青色土瓦的温暖。满目的柔情,排山倒海地扑过来,让久已木然的我手足无措。  相似文献   

阳光,透过清晨的薄雾,洒在凤凰鳞次栉比的乌色屋檐上,映射着青色土瓦的温暖.满目的柔情,排山倒海地扑过来,让久已木然的我手足无措.  相似文献   

初春的天气,乍暖还寒,我们一行三人来杨凌水电站工地采访。刚一下车,工地那红旗招展、机声轰鸣,热火朝天的劳动场面便让我们感受到春天的温暖  相似文献   

无资料流域水文预报(PUB计划)研究进展   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
无资料流域水文预报,简称为PUB(Predictions in Ungaugecl Basins),从2003年7月开始成为国际水文科学学会新的国际水文十年计划主题.文中首先简述了PUB计划的主要研究内容,然后回顾了国际和国内已有的PUB研究进展,最后展望了对水文学发展有重要意义的几个PUB前沿研究,包括不确定性研究、对水循环各个环节因素的预报和对无资料流域水文过程的预报。  相似文献   

徐兵  贺尧基 《给水排水》2007,33(3):7-10
对嘉兴地区主要给水厂近年来应用立体弹性填料、LT型悬浮球填料、YS型悬浮填料、卵石填料等的生物预处理工艺从填料及配套设施、工艺运行参数、运行效果、成本等方面进行了比较.认为弹性填料生物预处理更适用于低浊(50 NTU以下)、低氨氮(1.5 mg/L以下)原水,LT型悬浮球填料生物预处理适用于低中浊(100 NTU以下)、低中氨氮(2.5 mg/L以下)原水,YS型悬浮填料生物预处理及"SAF"滤池对低浊、中高氨氮(2.5 mg/L以上)原水有较好的适应性.最后探讨了弹性填料存在的短流、积泥,悬浮填料存在的部分填料流化不均匀,富氧的生物工艺单元内水生动物泛滥等问题.  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s, the use of commercial fertilisers in most Eastern European countries has decreased at an unprecedented rate. We examined the impact of this dramatic reduction in agricultural inputs on concentrations of nutrients in four rivers in Eastern Europe: the Emajogi and Ohnejogi (Estonia), the Daugava (Latvia), and the Tisza (Hungary). Time series of nitrate (NO3-N) and phosphate (PO4-P) concentrations and data on runoff were selected to represent catchments with substantial areas of agricultural land and available time series of sufficient length and frequency. The study period was 1987-1998. We detected downward trends in nitrate-N and phosphate-P in only two of the four rivers. Our results imply that the response to the extensive decrease in agricultural intensity since the late 1980s has been slow and limited in many rivers. Corresponding results in the literature are inconclusive and comprise several examples of both decreasing and non-decreasing nutrient concentrations. Our findings, along with similar data from other studies, indicate that large cuts in nutrient inputs do not necessarily induce an immediate response, particularly in medium-sized and large catchment areas. Moreover, the difference we noted between nitrogen and phosphorus suggests that factors other than reduced fertiliser application influenced the inertia of the water quality response.  相似文献   

一、中共中央中发[2002]2号文件将农村水电列为国家重点支持的农村中小型基础设施。中共中央中发(2002]2号文件《中共中央、国务院关于做好2002年农业和农村工作的意见》,将农村水电列为“周期短,见效快,覆盖千家万户,促进农民增收的效果更显著”的农村中小型基础设施,要求放在更加重  相似文献   

对长江、珠江等河口及其近海水域缺氧现象与影响因素进行研究,结果表明,主要分布于长江与珠江河口及其邻近海域的缺氧现象,夏季(6—8月)达到最盛,秋冬季消失;长江口的缺氧区域主要位于30.75°N~32°N,122.5°E~123.25°E附近海域,具有南北2个缺氧中心;珠江口缺氧程度相对较轻,缺氧区域主要在广州黄埔区河段至虎门水域和伶仃洋;辽河、钱塘江、海河等河口区域也时而出现零星的缺氧现象;水体缺氧受控于多项环境要素,物理层化作用是缺氧产生的最初诱因之一,陆源污染物的分解则是重要的耗氧负荷;各河口区特征各异,潮汐、洋流、营养盐、叶绿素a等要素对缺氧区的范围、程度和持续时间影响程度不一。  相似文献   

一、党中央、国务院重视农村水电,部署启动小水电代燃料建设。中共中央中发〔2 0 0 3〕3号文件要求对农村水电等农村中小型基础设施扩大投资规模,充实建设内容。同时部署启动小水电代燃料建设。胡锦涛总书记、温家宝总理多次讲话要求加强农村水电建设。国务院国发〔2 0 0 3〕16  相似文献   

深圳河支流新洲河属雨源型河流,因污染而采取全线截排污水整治.在上游河道内利用生物飘带技术处理低浓度污水,处理达标后,作为河流生态水源.在中游将截排污水引入自然循环方式污水处理系统,处理达标后作为河道补水.下游利用射流清淤配合利用天文大潮进行水体交换,达到消除黑臭水体,维持河道水景观的目的.介绍新洲河水环境综合整治采用的几项关键技术的设计原理及应用效果.  相似文献   

洋河水库是我省重点病险库之一,1998年12月实施除险加固工程。工程建设过程中在科研、设计、施工及管理等方面取得了可喜的成果。通过研究分析,因地制宜地选择了天然建筑材料,合理确定了施工方案,有效保证了施工质量,节约了工程投资。  相似文献   

Hyoseop Woo   《Journal of Hydro》2010,4(4):269-278
Ecological river engineering can be defined as the design and implementation of river works and river restoration works for the benefit of human society. It also guarantees the sustainable ecological functions of a river, such as its habitats and self-purification of its water. It is currently in the beginning stages in Korea, utilizing scientific knowledge on the processes of aquatic ecosystem degeneration and a methodology for solving the ecological problems in artificially altered rivers currently under development. The changes in river management and work practices in Korea may be best explained with a chronologically progressing sequence of ‘Natural’, ‘Disaster-prevention’, ‘Occupied’, ‘Park’, and ‘Close-to-nature’ rivers. Since the 1960s, the focus on river management and work has shifted from flood control only, to both flood control and riverine habitat conservation and restoration. Five research topics have been selected for this article, and the progress of each research area is briefly described with a representative picture in each topic. They are as follows: (1) flow resistance due to vegetation, (2) environmental flow, (3) floodplain vegetation modeling, (4) small dam removal, and (5) river restoration. For the future prospects of research on ecological river engineering in Korea, a necessity of further research on floodplain vegetation recruitment and succession, which can explain the so-called ‘white river’ and ‘green river’, is underlined, among others. Finally, two ongoing large research programs on river ecosystem restoration, of which are sponsored by the Government of Korea, are briefly introduced, followed by the introduction of a near-prototype experiment facility recently completed mainly for research on ecological river engineering.  相似文献   

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