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Small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) struggle with the paradox of developing new products and technologies on the one hand and minimizing costs on the other. These SMEs must be innovative to survive and grow. However, compared to large firms, SMEs have several problems in their innovation process, which negatively influence their overall innovation performance. This research explores successful patterns of internal SME characteristics that lead to high overall innovation performance. Cluster analyses were conducted to find patterns in the internal characteristics of SMEs with high overall innovation performance. We find that companies that focus on incremental innovation and that achieve high overall innovation performance indeed share a pattern in their internal organization, when controlling for innovation type. The paper adds to the current body of knowledge by comparing high‐ and low‐performing companies based on competence differences. Because real‐life organizations consist of multiple organizational characteristics, we also contribute to management practice by simultaneously addressing multiple organizational characteristics for the successful organization of innovation.  相似文献   

从低成本、高可靠性、便捷性角度出发,设计一种基于硬件的网络隔离系统,对硬盘的分区表结构及分区表链进行分析,给出其具体硬件和软件设计方案,分析方案的可靠性与实用性。  相似文献   

现有网络研究的实验一般在模拟工具或原型系统上完成.然而,这些实验环境与真实网络环境总有较大的差别,主要包括没有真实用户流量、缺乏真实网络中的丰富网络事件、没有运行真正的协议栈软硬件平台等.另一方面,对于运营网络的研究,研究者经常希望分析网络事件发生前后的网络状况,例如更改拓扑或配置,注入网络故障等,显然这些措施难以在真实运营网络中实施.针对上述问题设计了一种为网络研究提供真实实验环境以及对核心网络进行模拟分析的高性能虚拟网络VegaNet(Virtual Gigabit Network).文中详细介绍了VegaNet结构模型及设计实现.目前,已完成VegaNet在CERNET2清华校园网的初步部署.实验表明,VegaNet能提供一个接近于真实网络状况的网络实验环境,并能灵活支持对核心网络的模拟分析.  相似文献   

RHiNET是用于构建高性能分布式并行计算系统的光互联网络 ,它由协议、网络接口、交换机和光链路四部分组成 ,有三代实验产品面世。在全面介绍以上各部分的结构、特点后 ,还与其它一些高性能互联网络和标准进行了比较。  相似文献   

高性能集群计算机的构建与应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
文章分别从软件和硬件两个角度出发介绍了集群系统的体系结构,着重讨论了集群系统构建中的一 些关键技术,如可扩展性、可用性、资源管理、负载平衡和并行程序设计环境等。此外,文中还给出了一个基于消息传递机制的并行程序设计实例,同时也根据集群系统的特点提出了它在不同领域中的实用意义。  相似文献   

文章分别从软件和硬件两个角度出发介绍了集群系统的体系结构,着重讨论了集群系统构建中的一些关键技术,如可扩展性、可用性、资源管理、负载平衡和并行程序设计环境等.此外,文中还给出了一个基于消息传递机制的并行程序设计实例,同时也根据集群系统的特点提出了它在不同领域中的实用意义.  相似文献   

Researchers recently suggested that challenges in the form of adversities and constraints can actually promote individuals, teams and firms. However, it remains unclear how such challenges elicit positive innovation performance. Moreover, we still cannot distinguish between the conditions under which challenges enhance or hinder firm innovation performance. In this paper, we review the literature on coping with a specific and central type of challenge – resource challenge, such as a lack of financial or human resources – and propose an underlying mechanism through which firms can benefit from resource challenges. The paper presents an integrative conceptual framework and looks at the key constructs that explain the effects of resource challenges on firm innovation performance. Further, it proposes two key strategies for coping with resource challenges: simplification‐focus and compensation.  相似文献   

高速互连网络是高性能计算系统的重要组成部分.随着网络规模需求的扩大,如何搭建更大规模的网络是高速互连网络拓扑结构设计的关键.因此,提出一种新型层次化的拓扑结构Paleyfly(PF),其结合了Paley图强正则的特性和Random Regular(RR)图支持任意规模大小的特点.相比其他新型高速互连网络拓扑结构,Paleyfly能够有效解决在路由芯片端口数受限的背景下,Dragonfly(DF)可扩展性受限、Fat tree(Ft)物理成本高、RR结构物理布局难、路由表规模大等问题.同时,根据强正则属性在路由策略上负载均衡的优势,提出了4种路由策略来解决网络的拥塞问题.最后,通过模拟器实验比较分析PF结构与其他拓扑结构及PF结构不同路由策略的性能,验证了PF结构在不同规模以及不同通信模式配置下网络延迟优于RR结构.  相似文献   

Overlay networks are a key vehicle for delivering network and processing resources to high performance applications. For shared networks, however, to consistently deliver such resources at desired levels of performance, overlays must be managed at runtime, based on the continuous assessment and prediction of available distributed resources. Data-intensive applications, for example, must assess, predict, and judiciously use available network paths, and dynamically choose alternate or exploit concurrent paths. Otherwise, they cannot sustain the consistent levels of performance required by tasks like remote data visualization, online program steering, and remote access to high end devices. The multiplicity of data streams occurring in complex scientific workflows or in large-scale distributed collaborations exacerbate this problem, particularly when different streams have different performance requirements. This paper presents IQ-Paths, a set of techniques and their middleware realization that implement self-regulating overlay streams for data-intensive distributed applications. Self-regulation is based on (1) the dynamic and continuous assessment of the quality of each overlay path, (2) the use of online network monitoring and statistical analyses that provide probabilistic guarantees about available path bandwidth, loss rate, and RTT, and (3) self-management, via an efficient packet routing and scheduling algorithm that dynamically schedules data packets to different overlay paths in accordance with their available bandwidths. IQ-Paths offers probabilistic guarantees for application-level specifications of stream utility, based on statistical predictions of available network bandwidth. This affords applications with the ability, for instance, to send control or steering data across overlay paths that offer strong guarantees for future bandwidth vs. across less guaranteed paths. Experimental results presented in this paper use IQ-Paths to better handle the different kinds of data produced by two high performance applications and one multimedia application: (1) a data-driven interactive high performance code with user-defined utility requirements, (2) an adaptive overlay version of the popular Grid-FTP application, and (3) a MPEG-4 Fine-Grained Scalable layered video streaming.  相似文献   

A new technique is presented for searching digital audio at the word/phrase level. Unlike previous methods based upon Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR, with inherent problems of closed vocabulary and high word error rate), phonetic searching combines high speed and accuracy, supports open vocabulary, imposes low penalty for new words, permits phonetic and inexact spelling, enables user-determined depth of search, and is amenable to parallel execution for highly scalable deployment. A detailed comparison of accuracy between phonetic searching and one popular embodiment of LVCSR is presented along with other operating characteristics of the new technique. The current implementation for Digital Media Asset Management (DMAM) is described along with suggested applications in other domains.  相似文献   

While high density MicroWell plates, including 384 well and 1536 well plates, offer advantages of low volume reaction or growth vessels in a standardized footprint allowing robotic manipulation, the greatest benefits lie in the increased well surface area to reaction volume ratios. This surface area to volume benefit can be utilized to optimize assay development by utilizing the molecular surface as a reactant. The well geometry and optical properties are also enhanced in high-density plates, allowing microscopic imaging and increased signal detection for fluorescence and luminescence.The molecular characteristics of high density MicroWell plates were examined in regard to base materials and induced surface modification. Various modification methods including injectionmolding parameters, exposure to high and low energy sources and exposure to specific physical conditions were studied. The surfaces were molecularly characterized and then utilized as reactants in high throughput and low volume in vitro assays. Polystyrene plates exhibited a natural relatively hydrophobic surface due to the hydrocarbon backbone of the polystyrene along with the repeating benzene ring. Exposure to direct electrical discharge, and several forms of irradiation in the presence of air and oxygenated atmosphere resulted in surfaces exhibiting various levels of oxidation. These levels were measured and the molecular species were calculated.These specific surfaces were utilized as reactants in solid phase, cell based and cell culture assays. Specific surfaces demonstrated specific efficacy in regard to particular applications. For example, a highly charged surface exhibiting hydroxyl, carbonyl, and some carboxyl moieties was best for adherent cell culture. Utilizing passive adsorption procedures, a variant surface exhibiting more hydroxyl and carbonyl groups did not bind IgG well but did bind phospholipids, providing a surface “high-binding” for lipids while maintaining low background due to non-specific adsorption. A surface, commonly referred to as “high binding,” having slightly lower surface energy than the other two studied and characterized by aromatic hydrocarbons, hydroxyl and some few carbonyl groups did not bind hydrophobic antigens, but did bind glycoproteins such as IgG very well under slightly basic, passive conditions. The geometries of wells were also examined. Well geometries contributed significantly by eliminating reagent wicking or creeping, enhancing detection of signals, and increasing the active surface area to reagent volume, allowing the utilization of decreased substrate concentrations along with low reagent volumes without loss of sensitivity.  相似文献   

DMRTG:网络性能监测的动态扩展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过网络测量获取性能参数并在此基础上进行性能监测,这是常用的网络性能管理方法,典型工具有MRTG.对于性能数据的处理较普遍地是采用平均化和轮循刷新的方式保存,这使得原始的细节数据随时间而湮没.从尽可能展示原始数据的角度出发,一种网络性能动态展示的方法被提出.同时,结合了字节速率和数据包速率的联合展示方法被证明更能准确地反映网络性能,并在网络安全方面有所帮助.在此基础上根据Holt-Winters预测算法对网络性能进行了相关预测.  相似文献   

What criteria afford a machine the status of a social agent? In this investigation, the mere label identifying an oral interviewer as human or computer was sufficient to affect participants’ responses toward the interviewer during an online interview for a competitive mock job. Participants’ impressions of the interviewer and self-reported emotional reactions to the interview were unaffected by the interviewer’s identity. Despite this invariance, however, participants exhibited more interpersonal displays when the interviewer was identified as human. Overall, these results show that participants engaged in heightened impression management strategies (deferral to, or attempts to engage or appease) with the “human” interviewer. The computer interviewer did not merit equivalent social status.  相似文献   

Neural networks have been increasingly applied to many problems in civil engineering. Even though there are currently many different types of neural network models, Backpropagation is the most popular neural network model. It is also known that Fuzzy ARTMAP, which is a combination of fuzzy logic and Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART), is superior to any other neural network models in terms of computing cost and predictive accuracy. In this research, two neural network paradigms, Backpropagation and Fuzzy ARTMAP have been studied to compare their performance in terms of computing cost and predictive accuracy through the experiment with real world image data of traffic scenes, as well as biological and theoretical aspects. In addition, three enhanced Backpropagation models, Backpropagation with Momentum, Quickprop, BPMP (Backpropagation with Momentum and Prime-offset) have been considered to compare the network performance of each model.  相似文献   

Dynamic finite versioning (DFV) schemes are an effective approach to concurrent transaction and query processing, where a finite number of consistent, but maybe slightly out-of-date, logical snapshots of the database can be dynamically derived for query access. In DFV, the storage overhead for keeping additional versions of changed data to support the logical snapshots and the amount of obsolescence faced by queries are two major performance issues. We analyze the performance of DFV, with emphasis on the trade-offs between the storage cost and obsolescence. We develop analytical models based on a renewal process approximation to evaluate the performance of DFV using M⩾2 snapshots. Asymptotic closed form results for high query arrival rates are given for the case of two snapshots. Simulation is used to validate the analytical models and to evaluate the tradeoffs between various strategies for advancing snapshots when M>2. The results show that (1) the analytical models match closely with simulation; (2) storage cost and obsolescence are sensitive to the snapshot advancing strategies, and (3) usually, increasing the number of snapshots demonstrates a trade-off between storage overhead and query obsolescence. For cases with skewed accessor low update rates, a small increase in the number of snapshots beyond two can substantially reduce the obsolescence. Such a reduction in obsolescence is more significant as the coefficient of variation of the query length distribution becomes larger. Moreover, for very low update rates, a large number of snapshots can be used to reduce the obsolescence to almost zero without increasing the storage overhead  相似文献   

ASP.NET是微软公司推出的新一代网络编程开发框架,程序员利用ASP.NET可以方便快速地开发功能强大的Web应用程序。本文首先讨论Asp.net的工作原理与性能衡量标准,然后就如何利用缓存技术提高Web程序性能等问题进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   

ASP.NET是微软公司推出的新一代网络编程开发框架,程序员利用ASP.NET可以方便快速地开发功能强大的Web应用程序.本文首先讨论Asp.net的工作原理与性能衡量标准,然后就如何利用缓存技术提高Web程序性能等问题进行了一些探讨.  相似文献   

一种高性价比的网络容灾与高可用集群的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
妙全兴  武海鹰 《微机发展》2003,13(9):40-42,45
讨论了网络容灾技术和高可用集群技术的概念、原理及研究现状,设计了一种网络容灾与高可用集群系统,并探讨了系统实现的若干关键技术。目的是探索一种利用集群技术和容灾技术,构建一个高性价比的、同时具有高可用性和灾难恢复能力的集群系统的方法。结果表明,系统结构简单、合理,运行稳定,具有较高的应用和推广价值。  相似文献   

讨论了网络容灾技术和高可用集群技术的概念、原理及研究现状,设计了一种网络容灾与高可用集群系统,并探讨了系统实现的若干关键技术.目的是探索一种利用集群技术和容灾技术,构建一个高性价比的、同时具有高可用性和灾难恢复能力的集群系统的方法.结果表明,系统结构简单、合理,运行稳定,具有较高的应用和推广价值.  相似文献   

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