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Abstract.  The restricted likelihood ratio test, RLRT, for the autoregressive coefficient in autoregressive models has recently been shown to be second-order pivotal when the autoregressive coefficient is in the interior of the parameter space and so is very well approximated by the     distribution. In this article, the non-standard asymptotic distribution of the RLRT for the unit root boundary value is obtained and is found to be almost identical to that of the     in the right tail. Together, these two results imply that the     distribution approximates the RLRT distribution very well even for near unit root series and transitions smoothly to the unit root distribution.  相似文献   

In statistical inference it is often desired to test a specified funcrion of unkown parameters form an underlying distribution. Sequential procedures utilize information from the already collected observations and allow for a possible eariy termination of experimentation with a concurrent savings in time and cost. In the present work a suitable maximum-likelihood based sequential testing procedure for functions of unknown parameters is developed for independent and identically distributed observations of an underlying distribution of known form. The theoretical Operating Characteristic (OC) and Average Sample Number (ASN) functions are derived for local alternatives by approximating the distribution of the test statistic with linear combinations of the standard Wiener process, Simlriation studies were utilized to investigate the goodness of the asymptotic results in finite samples.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the autoregressive coefficient of a near‐unit root autoregressive process Yt = ρnYt?1 + ?t with α‐stable noise {?t} is studied in this paper. Herein ρn = 1 ? γ/n, γ ≥ 0 is a constant, Y0 is a fixed random variable and εt is an α‐stable random variable with characteristic function φ(t,θ) for some parameter θ. It is shown that when 0 < α < 1 or α > 1 and E?1 = 0, the limit distribution of the MLE of ρn and θ are mixtures of a stable process and Gaussian processes. On the other hand, when α > 1 and E?1 ≠ 0, the limit distribution of the MLE of ρn and θ are normal. A Monte Carlo simulation reveals that the MLE performs better than the usual least squares procedures, particularly for the case when the tail index α is less than 1.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this article, we extend the earlier work of Freeland and McCabe [Journal of time Series Analysis (2004) Vol. 25, pp. 701–722] and develop a general framework for maximum likelihood (ML) analysis of higher‐order integer‐valued autoregressive processes. Our exposition includes the case where the innovation sequence has a Poisson distribution and the thinning is binomial. A recursive representation of the transition probability of the model is proposed. Based on this transition probability, we derive expressions for the score function and the Fisher information matrix, which form the basis for ML estimation and inference. Similar to the results in Freeland and McCabe (2004) , we show that the score function and the Fisher information matrix can be neatly represented as conditional expectations. Using the INAR(2) specification with binomial thinning and Poisson innovations, we examine both the asymptotic efficiency and finite sample properties of the ML estimator in relation to the widely used conditional least squares (CLS) and Yule–Walker (YW) estimators. We conclude that, if the Poisson assumption can be justified, there are substantial gains to be had from using ML especially when the thinning parameters are large.  相似文献   

Abstract. Quasi‐likelihood ratio tests for autoregressive moving‐average (ARMA) models are examined. The ARMA models are stationary and invertible with white‐noise terms that are not restricted to be normally distributed. The white‐noise terms are instead subject to the weaker assumption that they are independently and identically distributed with an unspecified distribution. Bootstrap methods are used to improve control of the finite sample significance levels. The bootstrap is used in two ways: first, to approximate a Bartlett‐type correction; and second, to estimate the p‐value of the observed test statistic. Some simulation evidence is provided. The bootstrap p‐value test emerges as the best performer in terms of controlling significance levels.  相似文献   

Abstract. The maximum likelihood estimation of an autocovariance matrix based on replicated observations of stationary times series is considered. A sufficient condition for the existence of the estimate, when the sample covariance matrix is singular, is given. An iterative method for its computation is proposed: it is based on some spectral decompositions of Toeplitz matrices. Simulation results show the superiority of the estimate over the usual empirical sample autocovariance matrix.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The likelihood function of a seasonal model, Y t  =  ρ Y t − d  +  e t as implemented in computer algorithms under the assumption of stationary initial conditions is a function of ρ which is zero at the point ρ  = 1. It is a smooth function for ρ in the above seasonal model with a well-defined maximum regardless of the data-generating mechanism. Gonzalez-Farias (PhD Thesis, North Carolina State University, 1992) proposed tests for unit roots based on maximizing the stationary likelihood function in nonseasonal time series. We extend it to seasonal time series. The limiting distribution of seasonal unit root test statistics based on the unconditional maximum likelihood estimators are shown. Models having a single mean, seasonal means, and a single-trend variable across the seasons are considered.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the joint limiting distribution of the residual autocorrelation functions and the absolute residual autocorrelation functions of ARMA‐GARCH models. This leads a mixed portmanteau test for diagnostic checking of the ARMA‐GARCH model fitted by using the quasi‐maximum exponential likelihood estimation approach in Zhu and Ling (2011) . Simulation studies are carried out to examine our asymptotic theory, and assess the performance of this mixed test and other two portmanteau tests in Li and Li (2008) . A real example is given.  相似文献   

In considering the rounding impact of an autoregressive (AR) process, there are two different models available to be considered. The first assumes that the dynamic system follows an underlying AR model and only the observations are rounded up to a certain precision. The second assumes that the updated observation is a rounded version of an autoregression on previous rounded observations. This article considers the second model and examines behaviour of rounding impacts to the statistical inferences. The conditional maximum‐likelihood estimates for the model are proposed and their asymptotic properties are established, including strong consistency and asymptotic normality. Furthermore, both the classical AR model and the ordinary rounded AR model are no longer reliable when dealing with accumulated rounding errors. The three models are also applied to fit the Ocean Wave data. It turns out that the estimates under distinct models are significantly different. Based on our findings, we strongly recommend that models for dealing with rounded data should be in accordance with the actions of rounding errors.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analyze, by simulation, the finite‐sample properties of goodness‐of‐fit tests based on residual autocorrelation coefficients (simple and partial) obtained using different estimators frequently used in the analysis of autoregressive moving‐average time‐series models. The estimators considered are unconditional least squares, maximum likelihood and conditional least squares. The results suggest that although the tests based on these estimators are asymptotically equivalent for particular models and parameter values, their sampling properties for samples of the size commonly found in economic applications can differ substantially, because of differences in both finite‐sample estimation efficiencies and residual regeneration methods.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In this paper, we consider the problem of testing for a parameter change in a first-order random coefficient integer-valued autoregressive [RCINAR(1)] model. We employ the cumulative sum (CUSUM) test based on the conditional least-squares and modified quasi-likelihood estimators. It is shown that under regularity conditions, the CUSUM test has the same limiting distribution as the supremum of the squares of independent Brownian bridges. The CUSUM test is then applied to the analysis of the monthly polio counts data set.  相似文献   

Abstract. A pth‐order random coefficient integer‐valued autoregressive [RCINAR(p)] model is proposed for count data. Stationarity and ergodicity properties are established. Maximum likelihood, conditional least squares, modified quasi‐likelihood and generalized method of moments are used to estimate the model parameters. Asymptotic properties of the estimators are derived. Simulation results on the comparison of the estimators are reported. The models are applied to two real data sets.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We consider the maximum entropy extension of a partially specified autocovariance sequence of a periodically correlated process. The sequence may be specified on a non-contiguous set. We give a method which solves the problem completely – it gives the positive definite solution when it exists and reports that it does not exist otherwise. The method is numerically reliable even when the solution is 'almost' semidefinite. It also works when only positive semidefinite extension(s) exist.  相似文献   

The so-called innovations form of the likelihood function implied by a stationary vector autoregressive-moving average model is considered without directly using a state–space representation. Specifically, it is shown in detail how to compute the exact likelihood by an adaptation to the multivariate case of the innovations algorithm of Ansley (1979 ) for univariate models. Comparisons with other existing methods are also provided, showing that the algorithm described here is computationally more efficient than the fastest methods currently available in many cases of practical interest.  相似文献   

Unconditional maximum likelihood estimation is considered for an autoregressive moving average that may contain an autoregressive unit root. The limiting distribution of the normalized maximum likelihood estimator of the unit root is shown to be the same as that of the estimator for the first-order autoregressive process. A likelihood ratio test based on unconditional maximum likelihood estimation is proposed. In a Monte Carlo study for the autoregressive moving-average model of order (1, 1), the new test is shown to have better size and power than those of several other tests.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the finite sample performances of five estimation methods for a continuous-time stochastic process from discrete observations. Applying these methods to two examples of stochastic differential equations, one with linear drift and state-dependent diffusion coefficients and the other with nonlinear drift and constant diffusion coefficients, Monte Carlo experiments are carried out to evaluate the finite sample performance of each method. The Monte Carlo results indicate that the differences between the methods are large when the discrete- time interval is large. In addition, these differences are noticeable in estimations of the diffusion coefficients.  相似文献   

The detection of gross errors in the reconciliation of process measurement data is an important step in removing their distorting effects on the corrected data. Tests of maximum power (MP), based on the normal distribution, are known for the detection of gross errors in the measurements and for the constraints, but only for those remaining after the removal of unmeasured flows. Here, the MP tests are derived for the original constraints, which allows the direct detection of gross errors in species balances around individual process units. It is shown that the square of the MP test statistic is precisely equal to the reduction in the weighted sum of squares of the adjustments which results from the deletion of that constraint. The test is illustrated with two examples.  相似文献   

在工业生产条件下,对NB207 型变换催化剂进行了低汽气比低变侧流试验。结果表明,催化剂低温活性好,活性稳定,CO转化率维持在95 % 左右;低变出口冷凝液中甲醇生成量在500 ×10 -6 左右,远低于工厂设计指标。  相似文献   

The phase ratio has been found to affect the packing efficiency in packed columns.To ac-count for the effect,a model is set up to correlate the height of a mass transfer unit with the phaseratio with reasonable accuracy.Proposed also is a correlation that allows to predict the efficiency inquestion at any given liquid-gas ratio using the knowledge of other efficiency values at other liquid-gas ratios.  相似文献   

This article considers the likelihood ratio (LR) test for the structural change of an AR model to a threshold AR model. Under the null hypothesis, it is shown that the LR test converges weakly to the maxima of a two‐parameter vector Gaussian process. Using the approach in Chan and Tong (1990)and Chan (1991), we obtain a parameter‐free limiting distribution when the errors are normal. This distribution is novel and its percentage points are tabulated via a Monte Carlo method. Simulation studies are carried out to assess the performance of the LR test in the finite sample and a real example is given.  相似文献   

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