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Determining the probability of fixation of beneficial mutations is critically important for building predictive models of adaptive evolution. Despite considerable theoretical work, models of fixation probability have stood untested for nearly a century. However, recent advances in experimental and theoretical techniques permit the development of models with testable predictions. We developed a new model for the probability of surviving genetic drift, a major component of fixation probability, for novel beneficial mutations in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans, based on the life-history characteristics of its colony growth on a solid surface. We tested the model by measuring the probability of surviving drift in 11 adapted strains introduced into wild-type populations of different densities. We found that the probability of surviving drift increased with mutant invasion fitness, and decreased with wild-type density, as expected. The model accurately predicted the survival probability for the majority of mutants, yielding one of the first direct tests of the extinction probability of beneficial mutations.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity enhances clonal interference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clonal interference (CI) is a phenomenon that may be important in several asexual microbes. It occurs when population sizes are large and mutation rates to new beneficial alleles are of significant magnitude. Here we explore the role of gene flow and spatial heterogeneity in selection strength in the adaptation of asexuals. We consider a subdivided population of individuals that are adapting, through new beneficial mutations, and that migrate between different patches. The fitness effect of each mutation depends on the patch and all mutations considered are assumed to be unconditionally beneficial. We find that spatial variation in selection pressure affects the rate of adaptive evolution and its qualitative effects depend on the level of gene flow. In particular, we find that both low migration and high levels of heterogeneity lead to enhanced CI. In contrast, for high levels of migration the rate of fixation of adaptive mutations is higher when environmental heterogeneity is present. In addition, we observe that the level of fitness variation is higher and simultaneous fixation of multiple mutations tends to occur in the regime of low migration rates and high heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The rate at which a population adapts to its environment is a cornerstone of evolutionary theory, and recent experimental advances in microbial populations have renewed interest in predicting and testing this rate. Efforts to understand the adaptation rate theoretically are complicated by high mutation rates, to both beneficial and deleterious mutations, and by the fact that beneficial mutations compete with each other in asexual populations (clonal interference). Testable predictions must also include the effects of population bottlenecks, repeated reductions in population size imposed by the experimental protocol. In this contribution, we integrate previous work that addresses each of these issues, developing an overall prediction for the adaptation rate that includes: beneficial mutations with probabilistically distributed effects, deleterious mutations of arbitrary effect, population bottlenecks, and clonal interference.  相似文献   

Twelve replicate populations of Escherichia coli have been evolving in the laboratory for >25 years and 60,000 generations. We analyzed bacteria from whole-population samples frozen every 500 generations through 20,000 generations for one well-studied population, called Ara−1. By tracking 42 known mutations in these samples, we reconstructed the history of this population’s genotypic evolution over this period. The evolutionary dynamics of Ara−1 show strong evidence of selective sweeps as well as clonal interference between competing lineages bearing different beneficial mutations. In some cases, sets of several mutations approached fixation simultaneously, often conveying no information about their order of origination; we present several possible explanations for the existence of these mutational cohorts. Against a backdrop of rapid selective sweeps both earlier and later, two genetically diverged clades coexisted for >6000 generations before one went extinct. In that time, many additional mutations arose in the clade that eventually prevailed. We show that the clades evolved a frequency-dependent interaction, which prevented the immediate competitive exclusion of either clade, but which collapsed as beneficial mutations accumulated in the clade that prevailed. Clonal interference and frequency dependence can occur even in the simplest microbial populations. Furthermore, frequency dependence may generate dynamics that extend the period of coexistence that would otherwise be sustained by clonal interference alone.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is expected to increase natural selection efficacy by decoupling the fate of beneficial and deleterious mutations and by readily creating new combinations of beneficial alleles. Here, we investigate how the proportion of amino acid substitutions fixed by adaptive evolution (α) depends on the recombination rate in bacteria. We analyze 3,086 core protein-coding sequences from 196 genomes belonging to five closely related species of the genus Rhizobium. These genes are found in all species and do not display any signs of introgression between species. We estimate α using the site frequency spectrum (SFS) and divergence data for all pairs of species. We evaluate the impact of recombination within each species by dividing genes into three equally sized recombination classes based on their average level of intragenic linkage disequilibrium. We find that α varies from 0.07 to 0.39 across species and is positively correlated with the level of recombination. This is both due to a higher estimated rate of adaptive evolution and a lower estimated rate of nonadaptive evolution, suggesting that recombination both increases the fixation probability of advantageous variants and decreases the probability of fixation of deleterious variants. Our results demonstrate that homologous recombination facilitates adaptive evolution measured by α in the core genome of prokaryote species in agreement with studies in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Beneficial mutations fuel adaptation by altering phenotypes that enhance the fit of organisms to their environment. However, the phenotypic effects of mutations often depend on ecological context, making the distribution of effects across multiple environments essential to understanding the true nature of beneficial mutations. Studies that address both the genetic basis and ecological consequences of adaptive mutations remain rare. Here, we characterize the direct and pleiotropic fitness effects of a collection of 21 first‐step beneficial mutants derived from naïve and adapted genotypes used in a long‐term experimental evolution of Escherichia coli. Whole‐genome sequencing was able to identify the majority of beneficial mutations. In contrast to previous studies, we find diverse fitness effects of mutations selected in a simple environment and few cases of genetic parallelism. The pleiotropic effects of these mutations were predominantly positive but some mutants were highly antagonistic in alternative environments. Further, the fitness effects of mutations derived from the adapted genotypes were dramatically reduced in nearly all environments. These findings suggest that many beneficial variants are accessible from a single point on the fitness landscape, and the fixation of alternative beneficial mutations may have dramatic consequences for niche breadth reduction via metabolic erosion.  相似文献   

In large asexual populations, clonal interference, whereby different beneficial mutations compete to fix in the population simultaneously, may be the norm. Results extrapolated from the spread of individual mutations in homogeneous backgrounds are found to be misleading in such situations: clonal interference severely inhibits the spread of beneficial mutations. In contrast with results gained in systems with just one mutation striving for fixation at any one time, the spatial structure of the population is found to be an important factor in determining the fixation probability when there are two beneficial mutations.  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamics of molecular adaptation is a fundamental goal of evolutionary biology. While adaptation to constant environments has been well characterized, the effects of environmental complexity remain seldom studied. One simple but understudied factor is the rate of environmental change. Here we used experimental evolution with RNA viruses to investigate whether evolutionary dynamics varied based on the rate of environmental turnover. We used whole‐genome next‐generation sequencing to characterize evolutionary dynamics in virus populations adapting to a sudden versus gradual shift onto a novel host cell type. In support of theoretical models, we found that when populations evolved in response to a sudden environmental change, mutations of large beneficial effect tended to fix early, followed by mutations of smaller beneficial effect; as predicted, this pattern broke down in response to a gradual environmental change. Early mutational steps were highly parallel across replicate populations in both treatments. The fixation of single mutations was less common than sweeps of associated “cohorts” of mutations, and this pattern intensified when the environment changed gradually. Additionally, clonal interference appeared stronger in response to a gradual change. Our results suggest that the rate of environmental change is an important determinant of evolutionary dynamics in asexual populations.  相似文献   

When a beneficial mutation is fixed in a population that lacks recombination, the genetic background linked to that mutation is fixed. As a result, beneficial mutations on different backgrounds experience competition, or "clonal interference," that can cause asexual populations to evolve more slowly than their sexual counterparts. Factors such as a large population size (N) and high mutation rates (mu) increase the number of competing beneficial mutations, and hence are expected to increase the intensity of clonal interference. However, recent theory suggests that, with very large values of Nmu, the severity of clonal interference may instead decline. The reason is that, with large Nmu, genomes including both beneficial mutations are rapidly created by recurrent mutation, obviating the need for recombination. Here, we analyze data from experimentally evolved asexual populations of a bacteriophage and find that, in these nonrecombining populations with very large Nmu, recurrent mutation does appear to ameliorate this cost of asexuality.  相似文献   

Thoughts on clonal integration: Facing the evolutionary context   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary In this essay, I have pointed out that the appropriate evolutionary context for plant clonality dictates a focus on the impact of the derived trait of potential independence of subunits on the evolutionarily primitive trait of obligate interdependence of plant subunits, i.e. the advantages of independence. This fact prescribes a major shift in approach from previous lines of investigation which have assumed that clonal plants should fall apart and sought to determine the advantages of interdependence. The delineated reorientation calls for a significant change in the investigation of the ecology of clonality in higher plants, emphasizing factors that select for physical and physiological disintegration of the genet and de-emphasizing the need to derive ecological explanations for properties a plant will possess entirely by reason of its phylogenetic and developmental heritage. I suggest that (1) patterns of ramet independence may result from selective pressures on the cost of interconnections (2) programmed ramet independendence may be a response to the selective pressure of a high possibility of traumatic breakage and (3) programmed ramet independence may allow escape of the genet from mortality due to pathogen infestation.  相似文献   

In asexual populations, the rate of adaptation is basically limited by the frequency and properties of spontaneous beneficial mutations. Hence, knowledge of these mutational properties and how they are affected by particular evolutionary conditions is a precondition for understanding the process of adaptation. Here, we address how the rate of adaptation of asexual populations is limited by its population size and mutation rate, as well as by two factors affecting the fraction of mutations that confer a benefit, i.e. the initial adaptedness of the population and the variability of the environment. These factors both influence which mutations are likely to occur, as well as the probability that they will ultimately contribute to adaptation. We attempt to separate the consequences of these basic population features in terms of their effect on the rate of adaptation by using results from evolution experiments with microorganisms.  相似文献   

Tumour-derived DNA found in the plasma of cancer patients provides the probability to detect somatic mutations from circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in plasma samples. However, clonal hematopoiesis (CH) mutations affect the accuracy of liquid biopsy for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Here, we integrated landscape of CH mutations in 11,725 pan-cancer patients of Chinese and explored effects of CH on liquid biopsies in real-world. We first identified 5933 CHs based on panel sequencing of matched DNA of white blood cell and cfDNA on 301 genes for 5100 patients, in which CH number of patients had positive correlation with their diagnosis age. We observed that canonical genes related to CH, including DNMT3A, TET2, ASXL1, TP53, ATM, CHEK2 and SF3B1, were dominant in the Chinese cohort and 13.29% of CH mutations only appeared in the Chinese cohort compared with the Western cohort. Analysis of CH gene distribution bias indicated that CH tended to appear in genes with functions of tyrosine kinase regulation, PI3K-Akt signalling and TP53 activity, suggesting unfavourable effects of CH mutations in cancer patients. We further confirmed effect of driver genes carried by CH on somatic mutations in liquid biopsy of cancer patients. Forty-eight actionable somatic mutations in 17 driver genes were considered CH genes in 92 patients (1.80%) of the Chinese cohort, implying potential impacts of CH on clinical decision-making. Taken together, this study exhibits strong evidence that gene mutations from CH interfere accuracy of liquid biopsies using cfDNA in cancer diagnosis and treatment in real-world.  相似文献   

Fitness and evolution in clonal plants: the impact of clonal growth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Seeds have often been emphasized in estimates of plant fitness because they are the units that carry genes to the next generation, disperse, and found new populations. We contend that clonal growth also needs to be considered when estimating fitness in clonal plants, regardless of whether fitness is measured from a genet or ramet perspective. Clonal growth affects genet fitness through both genet persistence and seed production. It affects ramet fitness through new ramet production, because both seeds and clonal propagants are considered offspring. The differential production of clonal propagants will contribute to fitness differences among individuals which may result in population-level changes in allele frequencies (i.e. microevolution). We describe a form of selection unique to clonal organisms, genotypic selection, that can result in evolution. Genotypic selection occurs when genotypically based traits are associated with differences in the rate of ramet production. It can lead to evolutionary change in quantitative trait means both directly and indirectly. It leads directly to change in the ramet population by increasing the proportion of ramets with more advantageous trait values. From the genet perspective, it leads indirectly to evolution within and among populations whenever significant portions of the genetic effect on a trait are inherited through seed. We argue that under most conditions, clonal growth will play a major role in the microevolution of clonal plants.  相似文献   

Micromutational models of adaptation have placed considerable weight on antagonistic pleiotropy as a mechanism that prevents mutations of large effect from achieving fixation. However, there are few empirical studies of the distribution of pleiotropic effects, and no studies that have examined this distribution for a large number of adaptive mutations. Here we examine the form and extent of pleiotropy associated with beneficial mutations in Escherichia coli. To do so, we used a collection of independently evolved genotypes, each of which contains a beneficial mutation that confers increased fitness in a glucose-limited environment. To determine the pleiotropic effects of these mutations, we examined the fitnesses of the mutants in five novel resource environments. Our results show that the majority of mutations had significant fitness effects in alternative resources, such that pleiotropy was common. The predominant form of this pleiotropy was positive--that is, most mutations that conferred increased fitness in glucose also conferred increased fitness in novel resources. We did detect some deleterious pleiotropic effects, but they were primarily limited to one of the five resources, and within this resource, to only a subset of mutants. Although pleiotropic effects were generally positive, fitness levels were lower and more variable on resources that differed most in their mechanisms of uptake and catabolism from that of glucose. Positive pleiotropic effects were strongly correlated in magnitude with their direct effects, but no such correlation was found among mutants with deleterious pleiotropic effects. Whereas previous studies of populations evolved on glucose for longer periods of time showed consistent declines on some of the resources used here, our results suggest that deleterious pleiotropic effects were limited to only a subset of the beneficial mutations available.  相似文献   

Adaptation involves the successive substitution of beneficial mutations by selection, a process known as an adaptive walk. Gradualist models of adaptation, which assume that all mutations are small relative to the distance to a fitness optimum, predict that adaptive walks should be longer when the founding genotype is less well adapted. More recent work modeling adaptation as a sequence of moves in phenotype or genotype space predicts, by contrast, much shorter adaptive walks irrespective of the fitness of the founding genotype. Here, we provide what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first direct test of these alternative models, measuring the length of adaptive walks in evolving lineages of fungus that differ initially in fitness. Contrary to the gradualist view, we show that the length of adaptive walks in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans is insensitive to starting fitness and involves just two mutations on average. This arises because poorly adapted populations tend to fix mutations of larger average effect than those of better-adapted populations. Our results suggest that the length of adaptive walks may be independent of the fitness of the founding genotype and, moreover, that poorly adapted populations can quickly adapt to novel environments.  相似文献   

Peischl S  Kirkpatrick M 《Genetics》2012,191(3):895-906
Understanding adaptation in changing environments is an important topic in evolutionary genetics, especially in the light of climatic and environmental change. In this work, we study one of the most fundamental aspects of the genetics of adaptation in changing environments: the establishment of new beneficial mutations. We use the framework of time-dependent branching processes to derive simple approximations for the establishment probability of new mutations assuming that temporal changes in the offspring distribution are small. This approach allows us to generalize Haldane's classic result for the fixation probability in a constant environment to arbitrary patterns of temporal change in selection coefficients. Under weak selection, the only aspect of temporal variation that enters the probability of establishment is a weighted average of selection coefficients. These weights quantify how much earlier generations contribute to determining the establishment probability compared to later generations. We apply our results to several biologically interesting cases such as selection coefficients that change in consistent, periodic, and random ways and to changing population sizes. Comparison with exact results shows that the approximation is very accurate.  相似文献   

Background: The reconstruction of clonal haplotypes and their evolutionary history in evolving populations is a common problem in both microbial evolutionary biology and cancer biology. The clonal theory of evolution provides a theoretical framework for modeling the evolution of clones.Results: In this paper, we review the theoretical framework and assumptions over which the clonal reconstruction problem is formulated. We formally define the problem and then discuss the complexity and solution space of the problem. Various methods have been proposed to find the phylogeny that best explains the observed data. We categorize these methods based on the type of input data that they use (space-resolved or time-resolved), and also based on their computational formulation as either combinatorial or probabilistic. It is crucial to understand the different types of input data because each provides essential but distinct information for drastically reducing the solution space of the clonal reconstruction problem. Complementary information provided by single cell sequencing or from whole genome sequencing of randomly isolated clones can also improve the accuracy of clonal reconstruction. We briefly review the existing algorithms and their relationships. Finally we summarize the tools that are developed for either directly solving the clonal reconstruction problem or a related computational problem.Conclusions: In this review, we discuss the various formulations of the problem of inferring the clonal evolutionary history from allele frequeny data, review existing algorithms and catergorize them according to their problem formulation and solution approaches. We note that most of the available clonal inference algorithms were developed for elucidating tumor evolution whereas clonal reconstruction for unicellular genomes are less addressed. We conclude the review by discussing more open problems such as the lack of benchmark datasets and comparison of performance between available tools.  相似文献   

For clonal lineages of finite size that differ in their deleterious mutational effects, the probability of fixation is investigated by mathematical theory and Monte Carlo simulations. If these fitness effects are sufficiently small in one or both lineages, then the lineage with the less deleterious effects will become fixed with high probability. If, however, in both lineages the deleterious effects are larger than a threshold s(c), then the probability of fixation is independent of the fitness effects and depends only on the initial frequencies of the lineages. This threshold decreases with decreasing genomic mutation rate U and increases with population size N. (For N = 10(5), we have s(c) approximately = 0.1 if U = 1, and s(c) approximately = 0.015 if U = 0.1). Above the threshold, the competition is not driven by the ratio of mean fitnesses of the lineages, but by the relative sizes of the zero-mutation classes, which are independent of the fitness effects of the mutations. After the loss of the zero-mutation class of a lineage, the other lineage will spread to fixation with high probability and within a short time span. If the mutation rates of the lineages differ substantially, the lineage with the lower mutation rate is fixed with very high probability unless the lineage with the larger mutation rate has very slightly deleterious mutational effects. If the mutation rates differ by not more than a few percent, then the lineage with the higher mutation rate and the more deleterious effects can become fixed with appreciable probability for a certain range of parameters. The independence of the fixation probability on the fitness effects in a single population leads to dramatic effects in metapopulations: lineages with more deleterious effects have a much higher fixation probability. The critical value s(c), above which this phenomenon occurs, decreases as the migration rate between the subpopulations decreases.  相似文献   

RNA viruses are the main source of emerging infectious diseases because of the evolutionary potential bestowed by their fast replication, large population sizes and high mutation and recombination rates. However, an equally important property, which is usually neglected, is the topography of the fitness landscape. How many fitness maxima exist and how well they are connected is especially interesting, as this determines the number of accessible evolutionary pathways. To address this question, we have reconstructed a region of the fitness landscape of tobacco etch potyvirus constituted by mutations observed during the experimental adaptation of the virus to the novel host Arabidopsis thaliana. Fitness was measured for many genotypes and showed the existence of multiple peaks and holes in the landscape. We found prevailing epistatic effects between mutations, with cases of reciprocal sign epistasis being common among pairs of mutations. We also found that high‐order epistasis was as important as pairwise epistasis in their contribution to fitness. Therefore, results suggest that the landscape was rugged due to the existence of holes caused by lethal genotypes, that a very limited number of potential neutral paths exist and that it contained a single adaptive peak.  相似文献   

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