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This article deals with a method to compute bounds in algorithms for solving the generalized set packing/partitioning problems. The problems under investigation can be solved by the branch and bound method. Linear bounds computed by the simplex method are usually used. It is well known that this method breaks down on some occasions because the corresponding linear programming problems are degenerate. However, it is possible to use the dual (Lagrange) bounds instead of the linear bounds. A partial realization of this approach is described that uses a network relaxation of the initial problem. The possibilities for using the dual network bounds in the approximation techniques to solve the problems under investigation are described.  相似文献   

We present a complementary column generation feature that produces tight upper bounds, thereby enhancing heuristic and exact column generation approaches for (minimization) set partitioning formulations that possess dense column structures. We also introduce a duality-based lower bound that prompts a useful termination criterion, which can be utilized to mitigate the tailing-off effect induced by column generation approaches. Computations are presented for the one-dimensional bin packing problem and a joint vehicle assembly-routing problem.  相似文献   

The use of the maximum likelihood method for parameter estimation in a probabilistic path choice model used for road traffic networks is described. The method requires observation of mean travel costs in a given network rather than the traffic flows throughout the network, and thus data collection efforts may be reduced. A test network, for which many sets of artificial data were generated, is examined so that the usefulness of the parameter estimation procedure may be assessed. It is shown that the procedure is both convenient and quick, and that accurate estimates of model parameters may be obtained.  相似文献   

Column generation, combined with an appropriate integer programming technique, has shown to be a powerful tool for solving huge integer programmes arising in various applications. In these column generation approaches, the master problem is often of a set partitioning type.  相似文献   

We consider a one-dimensional stochastic control problem that arises from queueing network applications. The state process corresponding to the queue-length process is given by a stochastic differential equation which reflects at the origin. The controller can choose the drift coefficient which represents the service rate and the buffer size b>0. When the queue length reaches b, the new customers are rejected and this incurs a penalty. There are three types of costs involved: A “control cost” related to the dynamically controlled service rate, a “congestion cost” which depends on the queue length and a “rejection penalty” for the rejection of the customers. We consider the problem of minimizing long-term average cost, which is also known as the ergodic cost criterion. We obtain an optimal drift rate (i.e. an optimal service rate) as well as the optimal buffer size b *>0. When the buffer size b>0 is fixed and where there is no congestion cost, this problem is similar to the work in Ata, Harrison and Shepp (Ann. Appl. Probab. 15, 1145–1160, 2005). Our method is quite different from that of (Ata, Harrison and Shepp (Ann. Appl. Probab. 15, 1145–1160, 2005)). To obtain a solution to the corresponding Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) equation, we analyze a family of ordinary differential equations. We make use of some specific characteristics of this family of solutions to obtain the optimal buffer size b *>0. A.P. Weerasinghe’s research supported by US Army Research Office grant W911NF0510032.  相似文献   

The problem (P) addressed here is a special set partitioning problem with two additional non-trivial constraints. A Lagrangean Relaxation (LRu) is proposed to provide a lower bound to the optimal solution to this problem. This Lagrangean relaxation is accomplished by a subgradient optimization procedure which solves at each iteration a special 0–1 knapsack problem (KP-k). We give two procedures to solve (KP-k), namely an implicity enumeration algorithm and a column generation method. The approach is promising for it provides feasible integer solutions to the side constraints that will hopefully be optimal to most of the instances of the problem (P). Properties of the feasible solutions to (KP-k) are highlighted and it is shown that the linear programming relaxation to this problem has a worst case time bound of order O(n3).  相似文献   

We present a new numerical code which solves the Lighthill – Whitham model, the classic macroscopic model for vehicular traffic flow, in a network with multi-destinations. We use a high-resolution shock-capturing scheme with approximate Riemann solver to solve the partial differential equations of the Lighthill – Whitham theory. These schemes are very efficient, robust and moreover well adapted to simulations of traffic flows. We develop a theory of dynamic routing including a procedure for traffic flow assignment at junctions which reproduces the correct propagation of irregularities and ensures at the same time conservation of the number of vehicles.  相似文献   

The vehicle fleet mix problem is a special case of the vehicle routing problem where customers are served by a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles with various capacities. An efficient heuristic for determining the composition of a vehicle fleet and travelling routes was developed using tabu search and by solving set partitioning problems. Two kinds of problems have appeared in the literature, concerning fixed cost and variable cost, and these were tested for evaluation. Initial solutions were found using the modified sweeping method. Whenever a new solution in an iteration of the tabu search was obtained, optimal vehicle allocation was performed for the set of routes, which are constructed from the current solution by making a giant tour. Experiments were performed for the benchmark problems that appeared in the literature and new best-known solutions were found.  相似文献   

We study a processor-sharing model in which users choose between a high- and a low-priority service, based on their utility functions and prices charged by the service provider. The latter aims at revenue maximization. The model is motivated by file transmissions in data networks with distributed congestion control.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the online ftp problem. The goal is to service a sequence of file transfer requests given bandwidth constraints of the underlying communication network. The main result of the paper is a technique that leads to algorithms that optimize several natural metrics, such as max-stretch, total flow time, max flow time, and total completion time. In particular, we show how to achieve optimum total flow time and optimum max-stretch if we increase the capacity of the underlying network by a logarithmic factor. We show that the resource augmentation is necessary by proving polynomial lower bounds on the max-stretch and total flow time for the case where online and offline algorithms are using same-capacity edges. Moreover, we also give polylogarithmic lower bounds on the resource augmentation factor necessary in order to keep the total flow time and max-stretch within a constant factor of optimum.  相似文献   

We analyze sequencing policies designed to most effectively utilize the resources of a closed queueing network representation of a manufacturing system. A continuous time Markov decision process formulation is used to compare the performance of optimal sequencing policies and a heuristic developed by analyzing a heavy traffic approximation of the system.  相似文献   

Queues of tow/barges form when a river lock is rendered inoperable due to lock malfunction, a tow/barge accident or adverse lock operating conditions. In this paper, we develop model formulations that allow the queue to be cleared using a number of differing objectives. Of particular interest is the presence of different setup times between successive passages of tow/barges through the lock. Dependent on the objective chosen, we are able to show that certain ordering protocols may be used to markedly reduce the sequencing search space for N tow/barges from the order of N! to 2N. We present accompanying linear and nonlinear integer programming formulations and carry out computational experiments on a representative set of problems.  相似文献   

用概率测度弱收敛的理论对高负荷穷尽循环网络系统进行了研究,获得了其系统中的网输入过程,离运过程和队长过程的收敛极限。  相似文献   

The research reported in this paper develops a network-level traffic flow model (NTFM) that is applicable for both motorways and urban roads. It forecasts the traffic flow rates, queue propagation at the junctions and travel delays through the network. NTFM uses sub-models associated with all road and junction types that comprise the highway. The flow at any one part of the network is obviously very dependent on the flows at all other parts of the network. To predict the two-way traffic flow in NTFM, an iterative simulation method is executed to generate the evolution of dependent traffic flows and queues. To demonstrate the capability of the model, it is applied to a small case study network and a local Loughborough–Nottingham highway network. The results indicate that NTFM is capable of identifying the relationship between traffic flows and capturing traffic phenomena such as queue dynamics. By introducing a reduced flow rate on links of the network, the effects of strategies used to carry out roadworks can be mimicked.  相似文献   

Given a finite ground set, a set of subsets, and costs on the subsets, the set partitioning problem is to find a minimum cost partition of the ground set. Many combinatorial optimization problems can be formulated as set partitioning problems. We present an approximation algorithm that produces high-quality solutions in an acceptable amount of computation time. The algorithm is iterative and combines problem size-reduction techniques, such as logical implications derived from feasibility and optimality conditions and reduced cost fixing, with a primal heuristic based on cost perturbations embedded in a Lagrangian dual framework, and cutting planes. Computational experiments illustrate the effectiveness of the approximation algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a dual ascent heuristic for solving the linear relaxation of the generalized set partitioning problem with convexity constraints, which often models the master problem of a column generation approach. The generalized set partitioning problem contains at the same time set covering, set packing and set partitioning constraints. The proposed dual ascent heuristic is based on a reformulation and it uses Lagrangian relaxation and subgradient method. It is inspired by the dual ascent procedure already proposed in literature, but it is able to deal with right hand side greater than one, together with under and over coverage. To prove its validity, it has been applied to the minimum sum coloring problem, the multi-activity tour scheduling problem, and some newly generated instances. The reported computational results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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