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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of 2 lots of barley grain cultivars differing in expected ruminal starch degradation on dry matter (DM) intake, ruminal fermentation, ruminal and total tract digestibility, and milk production of dairy cows when provided at 2 concentrations in the diet. Four primiparous ruminally cannulated (123 ± 69 d in milk; mean ± SD) and 4 multiparous ruminally and duodenally cannulated (46 ± 14 d in milk) cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin Square design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments with 16-d periods. Primiparous and multiparous cows were assigned to different squares. Treatments were 2 dietary starch concentrations (30 vs. 23% of dietary DM) and 2 lots of barley grain cultivars (Xena vs. Dillon) differing in expected ruminal starch degradation. Xena had higher starch concentration (58.7 vs. 50.0%) and greater in vitro 6-h starch digestibility (78.0 vs. 73.5%) compared with Dillon. All experimental diets were formulated to supply 18.3% crude protein and 20.0% forage neutral detergent fiber. Dry matter intake and milk yield were not affected by treatment. Milk fat concentration (3.55 vs. 3.29%) was greater for cows fed Dillon compared with Xena, but was not affected by dietary starch concentration. Ruminal starch digestion was greater for cows fed high-starch diets compared with those fed low-starch diets (4.55 vs. 2.49 kg/d), and tended to be greater for cows fed Xena compared with those fed Dillon (3.85 vs. 3.19 kg/d). Ruminal acetate concentration was lower, and propionate concentration was greater, for cows fed Xena or high-starch diets compared with cows fed Dillon or low-starch diets, respectively. Furthermore, cows fed Xena or high-starch diets had longer duration that ruminal pH was below 5.8 (6.6 vs. 4.0 and 6.4 vs. 4.2 h/d) and greater total tract starch digestibility (94.3 vs. 93.0 and 94.3 vs. 93.0%) compared with cows fed Dillon or low-starch diets, respectively. These results demonstrate that selection of barley grain can affect milk fat production and rumen fermentation to an extent at least as great as changes in dietary starch concentration.  相似文献   

The effect of type of grain (corn vs. barley) and amylopectin content of barley grain (normal vs. waxy) on ruminal fermentation, digestibility, and utilization of ruminal ammonia nitrogen for milk protein synthesis was studied in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design trial with 6 lactating dairy cows. The experimental treatments were (proportion of dietary dry matter): CORN, 40% corn grain, NBAR, 30% normal Baronesse barley:10% corn grain, and WBAR, 30% high-amylopectin (waxy) Baronesse barley:10% corn grain. All grains were steam-rolled and fed as part of a total mixed ration. The NBAR and WBAR diets resulted in increased ruminal ammonia concentrations compared with CORN (8.2, 7.4, and 5.6 mM, respectively), but other ruminal fermentation parameters were not affected. Ruminal digestibility of dietary nutrients and microbial protein synthesis in the rumen were also not affected by diet. Corn grain had greater in situ effective ruminal dry matter degradability (62.8%) than the barley grains (58.2 and 50.7%, respectively), and degradability of the normal barley starch was greater than that of the waxy barley (69.3 and 58.9%, respectively). A greater percentage of relative starch crystallinity was observed for the waxy compared with the normal barley grain. Total tract apparent digestibility of dry matter and organic matter were decreased by WBAR compared with CORN and NBAR. Total tract starch digestibility was greater and milk urea nitrogen content was lower for CORN compared with the 2 barley diets. In this study, the extent of processing of the grain component of the diet was most likely the factor that determined the diet responses. Minimal processing of barley grain (processing indexes of 79.2 to 87.9%) reduced its total tract digestibility of starch compared with steam-rolled corn (processing index of 58.8%). As a result of the increased ammonia concentration and reduced degradability of barley dry matter in the rumen, the utilization of ruminal ammonia nitrogen for microbial protein synthesis was decreased with the barley diets compared with the corn-based diet. In this study, waxy Baronesse barley was less degradable in the rumen and the total digestive tract than its normal counterpart. The most likely reasons for these effects were the differences in starch characteristics and chemical composition, and perhaps the different response to processing between the 2 barleys.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of rumen-protected Capsicum oleoresin (RPC) supplementation on feed intake, milk yield and composition, nutrient utilization, fecal microbial ecology, and responses to a glucose tolerance test in lactating dairy cows. Nine multiparous Holstein cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design balanced for residual effects with three 28-d periods. Each period consisted of 14 d for adaptation and 14 d for data collection and sampling. Treatments were 0 (control), 100, and 200 mg of RPC/cow per day. They were mixed with a small portion of the total mixed ration and top-dressed. Glucose tolerance test was conducted once during each experimental period by intravenous administration of glucose at a rate of 0.3 g/kg of body weight. Dry matter intake was not affected by RPC. Milk yield tended to increase for RPC treatments compared to the control. Feed efficiency was linearly increased by RPC supplementation. Concentrations of fat, true protein, and lactose in milk were not affected by RPC. Apparent total-tract digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, and crude protein was linearly increased, and fecal nitrogen excretion was linearly decreased by RPC supplementation. Rumen-protected Capsicum oleoresin did not affect the composition of fecal bacteria. Glucose concentration in serum was not affected by RPC supplementation post glucose challenge. However, compared to the control, RPC decreased serum insulin concentration at 5, 10, and 40 min post glucose challenge. The area under the insulin concentration curve was also decreased 25% by RPC. Concentration of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate in serum were not affected by RPC following glucose administration. In this study, RPC tended to increase milk production and increased feed efficiency in dairy cows. In addition, RPC decreased serum insulin concentration during the glucose tolerance test, but glucose concentration was not affected by treatment.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare triticale dried distillers grains plus solubles (TDDGS) as a source of dietary N with other high-protein feeds commonly used in North America: corn dried distillers grains plus solubles (CDDGS), canola meal (CM), and soybean meal (SBM). Rumen degradable protein (% of crude protein, CP) after 16 h of incubation in the rumen was higher for CDDGS and TDDGS (69.3% and 64.5%, respectively) than for CM (62.2%) and SBM (53.0%). For the lactation study, experimental diets were formulated to supply 30% of dietary CP from TDDGS, CDDGS, CM, or SBM. These diets contained 22.3% forage neutral detergent fiber and approximately 19.2% CP and were fed to 12 multiparous Holstein cows (130 ± 40 d in milk) in a 4 × 12 Latin rectangle design with 21-d periods. Neither dry matter intake nor milk yield was affected by treatment, averaging 25.5 and 35.5 kg/d, respectively. Plasma concentrations of Arg, Lys, and Thr were greater for cows fed CM or SBM compared with those fed TDDGS or CDDGS, whereas plasma concentrations of Leu and Phe were lower for cows fed CM or SBM compared with those fed TDDGS or CDDGS. Cows fed CDDGS had lower milk CP yield compared with cows fed CM (1.07 vs. 1.16 kg/d). Contrarily, milk CP and milk lactose yields were not different for cows fed TDDGS compared with CM or SBM. These data suggest that TDDGS can replace CM or SBM in the diets of lactating dairy cows without adverse effects on production. Furthermore, although dried distillers grain has been generally accepted as a feed high in ruminal undegradable protein, CDDGS and TDDGS used in the present study had high in situ ruminal degradable crude protein. Further investigation is warranted to determine the extent of variation in ruminal protein degradation among different types of dried distillers grains.  相似文献   

Objectives of the study were to evaluate the effect of planting date on in vitro neutral detergent fiber digestibility (IVFD) of whole-crop barley (Hordeum vulgare) and its effects on productivity of lactating dairy cows. Two cultivars of barley were planted on May 5 (BM) and June 7 (BJ), 2005 at the Edmonton Research Station, University of Alberta. They were harvested at late-dough stage on July 26 and August 25, respectively, for BM and BJ and ensiled. The BJ had greater 30-h IVFD (61.2 vs. 51.9%) and crude protein concentration (12.4 vs. 8.7%) at harvest compared with BM. Thirty lactating cows, including 6 ruminally cannulated cows, in mid to late lactation (183 ± 71.7 d in milk; mean ± standard deviation) were fed diets containing BM or BJ at 58.5% of dietary DM in a crossover design with 19-d periods. The dietary neutral detergent fiber concentration was 30.6 and 28.8% for BM and BJ diets, respectively. Dry matter intake and milk yield were not affected by treatment and averaged 20.2 and 27.2 kg/ d, respectively. The lack of responses could have been attributed to the low-energy demands for cows used in this experiment; ruminal physical fill might not have limited dry matter intake. However, cows fed BJ had greater total tract dry matter digestibility (68.9 vs. 66.1%) and tended to increase body weight gain (864 vs. 504 g/d) compared with those fed BM. Delaying the planting date of barley altered its growing environment and affected nutrient composition and IVFD of whole-crop barley and energy availability to animals. Further research is needed to confirm if the planting date consistently affects nutrient composition and IVFD of barley at harvest.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(1):313-328
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the production effects of N-acetyl-l-methionine (NALM; experiment 1) and to estimate its bioavailability (BA) and rumen escape (RE; experiment 2), respectively, in lactating dairy cows. In experiment 1, 18 multiparous Holstein cows were used in a replicated, 3 × 3 Latin square design experiment with three 28-d periods. Treatments were (1) basal diet estimated to supply 45 g/d digestible Met (dMet) or 1.47% of metabolizable protein (MP; control), (2) basal diet top-dressed with 32 g/d of NALM to achieve dMet supply of 2.2% of MP, and (3) basal diet top-dressed with 56 g/d of NALM to achieve dMet supply of 2.6% of MP. The NALM treatments supplied estimated 17 and 29 g/d dMet from NALM, respectively, based on manufacturer's specifications. In experiment 2, 4 rumen-cannulated lactating Holstein cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment with four 12-d periods. A 12-d period for baseline data collection and 4 d for determination of RE of NALM preceded the Latin square experiment. For determination of RE, 30 g of NALM were dosed into the rumen simultaneously with Cr-EDTA (used as a rumen fluid kinetics marker) and samples of ruminal contents were collected at 0 (before dosing), 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 18, and 24 h after dosing. Rumen escape of NALM was calculated using the estimated passage rate based on the measured Cr rate of disappearance. Bioavailability of abomasally dosed NALM was determined using the area under the curve of plasma Met concentration technique. Two doses of l-Met (providing 7.5 and 15 g of dMet) and 2 doses of NALM (11.2 and 14.4 g of dMet) were separately pulse-dosed into the abomasum of the cows and blood was collected from the jugular vein for Met concentration analysis at 0 (before dosing), 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24 h after dosing. Supplementation of NALM did not affect DMI, milk yield, feed efficiency, or milk protein and lactose concentrations and yields in experiment 1. Milk fat concentration and energy-corrected milk yield decreased linearly with NALM dose. Plasma Met concentration was not affected by NALM dose. The estimated relative BA of abomasally dosed NALM (experiment 2) was 50% when dosed at 14.4 g/cow (11.2 g/d dMet from NALM) and 24% when dosed at 28.8 g/cow (14.4 g/d dMet from NALM). The estimated RE of NALM was 19% based on the measured kp of Cr at 11%/h. The total availability of ingested NALM was estimated at 9.5% for the lower NALM dose when taking into account RE (19%) and bioavailability in the small intestine (50%). Overall, NALM supplementation to mid-lactation dairy cows fed a MP-adequate basal diet below NRC (2001) recommendations (45 g/d or 1.47% Met of MP) decreased milk fat and energy-corrected milk yields but did not affect milk or milk true protein yields. Further evaluation of BA of NALM at different doses is warranted. In addition, intestinal conversion of NALM to Met needs additional investigation to establish a possible saturation of the enzyme aminoacylase I at higher NALM doses.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if feeding roasted corn would improve production and nutrient utilization when supplemented to lactating cows fed 1 of 3 different alfalfa silages (AS). Forty-two lactating Holstein cows (6 fitted with ruminal cannulas) averaging 77 d in milk and 43 kg of milk/d pretrial were assigned to 2 cyclic changeover designs. Treatments were AS ensiled in bag, bunker, or O2-limiting tower silos and supplemented with ground shelled corn (GSC) or roasted GSC (RGSC). Silages were prepared from second-cutting alfalfa, field-wilted an average of 24 h, and ensiled over 2 d. Production and N utilization were evaluated in 36 cows during four 28-d periods, and ruminal fermentation was evaluated with 6 cows during five 21-d periods. Experimental diets contained 40% AS, 15% corn silage, and 35% of either GSC or RGSC on a dry matter basis. No significant interactions between AS and corn sources were detected for any production trait. Although the chemical composition of the 3 AS was similar, feeding AS from the O2-limited tower silo elicited positive production responses. Yields of 3.5% fat-corrected milk and fat were increased 1.7 kg/d and 150 g/d, and milk fat content was increased 0.3% when cows were fed diets based on AS from the O2-limiting silo compared with the other 2 silages. The responses in milk fat were paralleled by an average increase in acid detergent fiber digestibility of 270 g/d for cows fed AS from the O2-limiting tower silo. However, ruminal concentrations of lipogenic volatile fatty acids were unchanged with AS source. Cows fed RGSC consumed 0.6 kg/d more dry matter and yielded 30 g/d more protein and 50 g/d more lactose than cows fed GSC diets. There was no evidence of increased total tract digestibility of organic matter or starch, or reduced ruminal NH3 concentration, when feeding RGSC. Free amino acids increased, and isovalerate decreased in rumen fluid from cows fed RGSC diets. However, responses in production with roasted corn were mainly due to increased dry matter intake, which increased the supply of energy and nutrients available for synthesis of milk and milk components.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure cow response to feeding of two dietary concentrations of P, one of which was close to recent National Research Council requirements, and the other of which was well in excess of the requirement. Diets containing 0.37 or 0.57% P (dry basis) were fed to Holstein cows for the first 165 d of lactation, and occasionally longer until cows were confirmed pregnant approximately 60 d after insemination. At calving, cows were randomly assigned to experimental diets. The number of cows completing a minimum of 165 d of lactation was 123 for the 0.37 and 124 for the 0.57% P groups. Cows were housed in a stanchion barn and fed one of two transition diets, each formulated to contain one of the P treatments for the first 3 wk of lactation, and then cows were moved to a free-stall barn where the experimental diets were group fed. Milk production, milk fat, and milk protein averaged 35.1 kg/d, 3.92%, and 2.90% for the 0.37% P diet, and 34.9 kg/d, 3.98%, and 2.91% for the 0.57% P diet. None of these measures were different between treatments. Blood serum P concentrations on d 50 and 100 of lactation averaged 6.1 and 6.2 mg/dL for the 0.37% P diet, and 6.8 and 6.9 mg/dL for the 0.57% P diet. No treatment differences were detected in milk production, cow health, or body condition score.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to quantify the effects of incremental levels of heat-moisture-treated canola meal (TCM) fed to dairy cows on the relationship between ruminal nutrient digestion and milk production. Experimental diets were fed to 4 multiparous rumen-cannulated Nordic Red cows, averaging (mean ± standard deviation) 681 ± 54.8 kg of body weight, 111 ± 16 d in milk, and 29.1 ± 9.1 kg of milk/d at the start of the study, in a Latin square design with four 21-d periods. The 4 experimental dietary treatments consisted of a basal diet of grass silage and crimped barley, and 3 diets in which the crimped barley was replaced with TCM, giving 3 incremental levels of protein supplementation. Nutrient flow was quantified by the omasal sampling technique using 3 markers (Cr, Yb, and indigestible neutral detergent fiber). Continuous infusion of 15N was used to label bacterial crude protein. Additionally, ruminal sampling and evacuations and measurements of total-tract digestibility were conducted. The experimental diets provided 132, 148, 164, and 180 g of crude protein/kg of dry matter. The increased level of TCM linearly increased dry matter intake from 15.1 to 16.6 kg/d and energy-corrected milk yield from 21.0 to 25.6 kg/d. The increased proportion of TCM when substituting barley with TCM was associated with greater total-tract digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and potentially digestible neutral detergent fiber, which could be explained by increased digestion rate of potentially digestible neutral detergent fiber. Omasal flow of nonammonia N naturally increased with greater dietary TCM inclusion, but the increased intestinal supply of rumen-undegradable protein was partly offset by diminished microbial protein synthesis when feeding more TCM. This was also reflected in a decreased proportion of milk protein from ruminal bacterial protein when TCM supplementation increased.  相似文献   

Three experiments (Exp.) were conducted to study the effects of dietary addition of an essential oil product (EO) based on eugenol and cinnamaldehyde (0, control, or 525 mg/d of Xtract 6965; Pancosma SA, Geneva, Switzerland) on ruminal fermentation, total-tract digestibility, manure gas emissions, N losses, and dairy cow performance. In Exp. 1 and 3, the EO supplement was added to the vitamin-mineral premix. In Exp. 2, EO was top-dressed. Experiments 1 and 2 were crossover designs with 20 multiparous Holstein cows each (including 4 and 8 ruminally cannulated cows, respectively) and consisted of two 28-d periods. Intake of dry matter did not differ between treatments. Most ruminal fermentation parameters were unaffected by EO. Concentrations of ammonia (Exp. 1), isobutyrate (Exp. 1 and 2), and isovalerate (Exp. 1) were increased by EO compared with the control. Apparent total-tract digestibility of nutrients was similar between treatments, except total-tract digestibility of neutral-detergent fiber, which was increased or tended to be increased by EO in Exp. 1 and 2. Manure emissions of ammonia and methane were unaffected by EO. Blood plasma and milk urea-N concentrations and urinary N losses were increased by EO compared with the control in Exp. 1, but not in Exp. 2. Average milk yield, 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield, and milk fat, protein, and lactose concentrations were unaffected by treatment. Urinary excretion of purine derivatives, a marker for microbial protein production in the rumen, was greater in cows receiving the EO diet in Exp. 1, but not in Exp. 2. In Exp. 3, 120 Holstein cows were grouped in pens of 20 cows/pen in a 12-wk experiment to study production effects of EO. Dry matter intake, milk yield (a trend for a slight decrease with EO), milk components, milk urea N, and feed efficiency were similar between treatments. Results from these studies indicate that supplementing dairy cows with 525 mg/d of Xtract 6965 had moderate effects on ruminal fermentation, but consistently increased ruminal isobutyrate concentration and tended to increase total-tract digestibility of neutral-detergent fiber. Under the conditions of these experiments, Xtract 6965 fed at 525 mg/d did not affect milk production or composition.  相似文献   

The effects of monensin premix supplementation on ruminal pH characteristics and forage degradability, and total tract diet digestibility during grain-induced subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in lactating dairy cows receiving a total mixed ration were investigated. Six multiparous, rumen-fistulated Holstein cows were used in a 2-treatment, 2-period (5 wk per period) crossover design. During wk 5 (d 29 to 35) of each period, SARA was induced using a grain challenge model, and ruminal pH was measured continuously using indwelling pH probes. Ruminal degradation of corn silage and alfalfa haylage was determined using the in situ (nylon bag) technique, and total tract diet digestibility was determined by total fecal collection during wk 5. Monensin supplementation did not affect dry matter intake, milk yield, and composition, and ruminal pH characteristics under these experimentally induced SARA conditions. Rates of ruminal forage fiber degradability were similar between control and monensin-treated cows; however, monensin supplementation increased total tract fiber digestion. This study indicates that monensin altered total tract nutrient digestion by increasing fiber digestion at postruminal sites.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(12):11051-11056
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of butyrate supplementation on the dry matter intake (DMI), milk production, and blood metabolites of lactating dairy cows fed diets differing in starch content. Eight Holstein cows after peak lactation (58.6 ± 9.96 d in milk; mean ± SD) were blocked by parity and assigned to 1 of 2 Latin squares (4 × 4) balanced for carryover effects with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Treatments differed by dietary starch content (20.6 vs. 27.5%) and butyrate supplementation (butyrate vs. control) with 21-d periods. Experimental diets contained 36 and 30% corn silage, 18 and 15% grass silage, and 46 and 55% concentrates, respectively, for low starch and high starch diets, on a dry matter (DM) basis. Butyrate was provided as Gustor BP70 WS (Norel S.A., Madrid, Spain), containing 70% sodium butyrate and 30% fatty acid mixture, at 2% of dietary DM (providing butyrate at 1.1% of dietary DM), and control premix contained 70% wheat bran and 30% fatty acid mixture. Interaction effects between dietary starch content and butyrate supplementation were not observed for primary response variables, and milk yield was not affected by treatment. Butyrate supplementation increased serum β-hydroxybutyrate concentration compared with control (0.706 vs. 0.930 mM), but did not exceed 1.2 mM, a commonly accepted value for subclinical ketosis, and DMI was not affected. Cows fed butyrate had increased milk fat content (4.58 vs. 4.37%) and milk fat yield (1.51 vs. 1.42 kg/d), tended to have increased 4% fat-corrected milk yield (35.9 vs. 34.3 kg/d) and feed efficiency (1.56 vs. 1.50; 4% fat-corrected milk yield/DMI), and had decreased milk urea nitrogen (MUN) concentration (10.8 vs. 11.7 mg/dL) compared with control. Cows fed high starch diets tended to have increased DMI (23.3 vs. 22.5 kg/d), increased milk protein yield (1.13 vs. 1.05 kg/d), and decreased MUN concentration (10.3 vs. 12.2 mg/dL). Inclusion of butyrate at 1.1% of dietary DM increased milk fat production and decreased MUN concentration without affecting DMI or increasing the risk of subclinical ketosis, regardless of dietary starch content.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of milking frequency on the behavioral patterns and productivity of lactating dairy cows. Twelve freestall-housed, lactating Holstein dairy cows (7 primiparous and 5 multiparous) were exposed to each of 2 treatments (over 21-d periods) in a replicated crossover design. Treatments were milking frequency of 2×/d (at 0600 and 1800 h) or 3×/d (at 0600, 1400, and 2200 h). Milk production, feeding, lying, and rumination behavior were monitored for each animal for the last 7 d of each treatment period. Milk samples were collected for the last 3 d of each period for milk component analysis. The results indicated that cows milked 3×/d produced 2.9 kg/d more milk than those milked 2×/d. Primiparous cows consumed 3.9 kg/d less dry matter (DM) than did multiparous cows. The extra time (14.6 min/d) required for milking 3×/d altered the distribution of cow behavioral activity throughout the day. Although this did not affect total daily lying or rumination time, we observed a tendency for cows milked 2×/d to spend less time (224.6 vs. 237.5 min/d) feeding and, thus, those cows tended to consume their feed at a faster rate (0.13 vs. 0.12 kg of DM/min) than cows milked 3×/d. For multiparous cows, the increase in feeding activity was facilitated through having longer (40.1 vs. 36.8 min/meal) and numerically larger meals (4.8 vs. 4.6 kg of DM/meal) when milked 3×/d. Alternatively, primiparous cows consumed smaller (2.9 vs. 3.2 kg of DM/meal) and more frequent meals (9.1 vs. 7.7 meals/d) throughout the day when milked 3×/d, resulting in a tendency for greater DM intake (24.7 vs. 23.6 kg/d) compared with primiparous cows milked 2×/d. These results indicate that under 3×/d milking schedules, primiparous cows will positively adjust their feeding behavior to achieve similar production increases as multiparous cows. In summary, milking 3×/d can be used to improve production; however, greater milking frequency elicits varying effects on the behavior of primiparous and multiparous cows, suggesting that grouping and management of cows based on parity may be beneficial.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of phytonutrients, compared with monensin as a positive control, on productivity, milk fatty acids, fat mobilization, and blood cells in lactating dairy cows. Thirty-six Holstein cows were used in a 9-wk randomized complete block design study. Following a 2-wk covariate period, cows were blocked by days in milk, parity, and milk yield and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments (12 cows/treatment): 450 mg/cow per day of monensin (MO), 250 mg/cow per day of capsicum plus 450 mg/cow per day of MO (MOCAP), and 1,000 mg/cow per day of a mixture of cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, and capsicum (CEC). Dry matter intake and milk yield were not affected by treatment. Supplementation of CEC increased feed efficiency compared with MO, but did not affect feed efficiency on an energy-corrected milk basis. Milk composition (fat, protein, and lactose), milk fatty acid profile, and blood concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate were also not affected by treatment. The expression of hormone-sensitive lipase in adipose tissues tended to increase for MOCAP compared with MO. Counts of total white blood cell, neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, and basophils were not affected by treatment, although monocytes count tended to be decreased by CEC. Treatments had no effect on red blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelets. Results indicate that dietary supplementation of CEC and capsicum had no production or other effects in dairy cows, compared with MO, except CEC increased feed efficiency and tended to decrease blood monocytes count.  相似文献   

Mechanical processing of whole crop barley before ensiling may be useful for improving nutrient use by dairy cattle. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of feeding mechanically processed barley silage as the main forage source on lactational performance. Twenty-four Holstein cows, 16 primiparous (187 +/- 52 days in milk) and 8 multiparous (87 +/- 69 days in milk) cows, were used in a completely randomized design with a 2-wk covariate period and a 6-wk treatment period. The 2 treatments were: 1) total mixed ration (TMR) containing regular barley silage (RBS-TMR), and 2) TMR containing mechanically processed barley silage (MPBS-TMR). Barley silage and alfalfa hay supplied 41 and 5% of the dietary dry matter (DM), respectively. Intake, body weight, and milk production were measured during the covariate and treatment periods. In addition, 2 multiparous cows were used for in situ measurements of the ruminal DM and fiber degradation kinetics of the barley silages and TMR. Data were analyzed with repeated measurements using a mixed model that included the covariate adjustment. Feeding MPBS-TMR had no significant effects on DM intake (DMI; 21.7 kg/d), milk yield (33.9 kg/d), or milk composition, with only 4% FCM (fat-corrected milk) yield (29.7 vs. 31.7 kg/d) and milk fat concentration (3.30 vs. 3.57%) showing a numerical improvement. Apparent digestibilities of DM and nutrients were not affected by feeding MPBS-TMR, with the exception of starch digestibility, which tended to increase. Dairy efficiencies calculated as milk yield/DMI or FCM/DMI were not different between treatments. Body weight and body condition score were not affected by treatments. Effective ruminal degradability of DM was similar for both barley silages, indicating that when the silages were ground to remove the effects of mechanical processing, the potential digestion was similar. Mechanical processing of barley silage harvested at a mid-dough stage of maturity resulted in small improvements in its nutritive value for lactating dairy cows and had minor impact on digestibility and milk production.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate factors associated with spontaneous multiple ovulations in lactating dairy cows. Ovaries of cows [n = 267; >50 days in milk (DIM)] were evaluated weekly using ultrasound to determine spontaneous (i.e., no hormonal treatment) ovulation rate starting at 50 DIM and continuing until pregnancy diagnosis. Cows were fitted with a transmitter to record standing activity during estrus, and serum progesterone concentration was assessed weekly starting at wk 1 postpartum for all cows. Overall, 76 (28.5%) cows were anovular and 191 (71.5%) were ovular by 71 DIM. Incidence of anovulation was not associated with level of milk production but was associated with lower body condition. For anovular cows (n = 41) that spontaneously recovered, the multiple ovulation rate at first ovulation was 46.3%. For second and subsequent ovulations (n = 463), the level of milk production for 14 d preceding estrus was associated with increased ovulation rate. To illustrate, incidence of multiple ovulations was 1.6% (2/128), 16.9% (32/189), and 47.9% (70/146) for ovulations when cows were producing <35, 35 to <45, and ≥45 kg/d, respectively. Among cows for which estrous behavior was recorded, those with multiple ovulations (n = 48) had shorter duration of estrus (4.3 ± 0.7 vs. 9.9 ± 0.5 h) and higher production (47.2 ± 0.9 vs. 38.1 ± 0.5 kg/d) than cows with single ovulations (n = 237). Circulating concentrations of estradiol were lower (5.5 ± 0.3; n = 15 vs. 7.8 ± 0.4 pg/mL; n = 71) during periods of estrus with multiple ovulations despite a greater preovulatory follicular volume (4136 ± 123 vs. 3085 ± 110 mm3). Similarly, serum progesterone concentration 7 d after estrus was lower for cows with multiple than single ovulations (2.5 ± 0.3 vs. 3.2 ± 0.1 ng/mL) despite a greater luteal volume (8291 ± 516 vs. 6405 ± 158 mm3). In summary, the first spontaneous ovulation in anovular cows and a higher level of milk production for 14 d preceding estrus were associated with increased multiple ovulation rate. Additionally, cows with multiple ovulations had lower estradiol at estrus, a shorter duration of estrus, and lower progesterone at 7 d after estrus than cows with single ovulations.  相似文献   

The effects of monensin, administered either as a controlled release capsule (CRC) or a premix, on attenuating grain-induced subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) and on ruminal fermentation characteristics in Holstein cows receiving a total mixed ration were investigated in two experiments. In both experiments, six multiparous, rumen-fistulated Holstein cows were used in a two-treatment, two-period crossover design with 6-wk periods. In Experiment 1, treatments were either a monensin CRC or a placebo CRC. In Experiment 2, treatments were either a monensin premix or a placebo premix. In both experiments, at the beginning of wk 4 SARA was induced in experimental cows for a 10-d period with a grain challenge model, and ruminal pH was measured continuously using indwelling pH probes. The administration of monensin either as a CRC or a premix had no effect on ruminal pH characteristics. Neither monensin CRC nor premix had an effect on ruminal volatile fatty acid concentrations, but reduced the acetate:propionate ratio. Monensin premix-treated cows were observed to have increased milk yield, largely as a result of a higher dry matter intake in monensin-treated cows compared to control cows. Milk fat content and yield were lower in monensin-treated cows compared to placebo-treated cows during SARA. In conclusion, there is no evidence that monensin was efficacious in raising ruminal pH during SARA under the conditions employed in this study.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to measure ruminal and lactational responses of Holstein dairy cows fed diets containing 3 different starch levels: 17.7 (low; LS), 21.0 (medium; MS), or 24.6% (high; HS). Twelve multiparous cows (118 ± 5 d in milk) were assigned randomly to dietary treatment sequence in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 3-wk periods. All diets were fed as total mixed rations and contained approximately 30.2% corn silage, 18.5% grass silage, and 5.0% chopped alfalfa hay. Dietary starch content was manipulated by increasing dry ground corn inclusion (% of dry matter) from 3.4 (LS) to 10.1 (MS) and 16.9 (HS) and decreasing inclusion of beet pulp and wheat middlings from 6.7 and 13.4 (LS) to 3.4 and 10.1 (MS) or 0 and 6.8 (HS). In vitro 6-h starch digestibility of the diet increased as nonforage sources of fiber replaced corn grain (% of dry matter; 73.6, HS; 77.3, MS; 82.5, LS) resulting in rumen-fermentable starch content by 14.6, 16.2, and 18.1% for the LS, MS, and HS diets, respectively. Diets had similar neutral detergent fiber from forage and particle size distributions. Dry matter intake, solids-corrected milk yield, and efficiency of solids-corrected milk production were unaffected by diet, averaging 26.5 ± 0.8, 40.8 ± 1.6, and 1.54 ± 0.05 kg/d, respectively. Reducing dietary starch did not affect chewing time (815 ± 23 min/d), mean ruminal pH over 24 h (6.06 ± 0.12), acetate-to-propionate ratio (2.4 ± 0.3), or microbial N synthesized in the rumen (585 ± 24 g/d). Total tract organic matter digestibility was higher for HS compared with MS and LS diets (69.2, 67.3, and 67.0%, respectively), but crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and starch digestibilities were unaffected. As dietary starch content decreased, in vitro ruminal starch fermentability increased and, consequently, the range between HS and LS in rumen-fermentable starch (3.5 percentage units) was less than the range in starch content (6.9 percentage units). Under these conditions, dietary starch content had no measurable effect on ruminal fermentation or short-term lactational performance of high-producing Holstein dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of feed delivery frequency on the behavioral patterns and productivity of lactating dairy cows. Twelve freestall-housed, lactating Holstein dairy cows, including 6 primiparous (PP) and 6 multiparous (MP), milked 3×/d (at 1400, 2200, and 0600h), were exposed to each of 3 treatments (over 21-d periods) in a replicated Latin square design. Treatments included feed delivery frequency of (1) 1×/d (at 1400 h), (2) 2×/d (at 1400 and 2200 h), and (3) 3×/d (at 1400, 2200, and 0600 h). Milk production as well as feeding, lying, and rumination behaviors were electronically monitored for each animal for the last 7 d of each treatment period. Milk samples were collected for the last 3 d of each period for milk component analysis. Dry matter intake (DMI) varied with feed delivery frequency, with greatest DMI observed in cows fed 3×/d (27.8 kg/d) compared with those fed 2×/d (27.0 kg/d) or 1×/d (27.4 kg/d). Treatment had no effect on milk yield (41.3 kg/d) or efficiency of production (1.54 kg of milk/kg of DMI). Cows that did not receive delivery of feed following the 2200 h milking (treatment 1) and 0600 h milking (treatments 1 and 2) had lower DMI during the first hour after milking than those that received feed at all milkings (treatment 3). Total feeding time and meal frequency, size, and duration did not vary by treatment, but PP cows consumed smaller meals at a slower rate, resulting in lower DMI compared with MP cows. Primiparous cows consumed 50.1% and 26.1% less dry matter than MP cows during the first meal following the first and second milkings, respectively. Lying time did not vary by treatment, but PP cows spent more time lying (10.3 vs. 8.3 h/d) than MP cows. Under 3×/d milking schedules, greater feed delivery frequency resulted in greater DMI as a function of increased DMI following the return from milking and the delivery of feed.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of type of corn endosperm on nutrient digestibility in lactating dairy cows. Near-isogenic variants of an Oh43 × W64A normal dent endosperm hybrid carrying floury-2 or opaque-2 alleles were grown in spatial isolation in field plots and harvested as dry shelled corn. Six ruminally cannulated, multiparous Holstein cows (67 ± 9 d in milk at trial initiation) were randomly assigned to a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 14-d periods; the first 11 d of each period were for diet adaptation followed by 3 d of sampling and data collection. Treatment diets that contained dry rolled vitreous-, floury-, or opaque-endosperm corn [33% of dry matter (DM)], alfalfa silage (55% of DM) and protein-mineral-vitamin supplement (12% of DM) were fed as a total mixed ration. The percentage vitreous endosperm was zero for floury and opaque endosperm corns and 64 ± 7% for the vitreous corn. Prolamin protein content of floury and opaque endosperm corns was 30% of the content found in vitreous corn. Degree of starch access and in vitro ruminal starch digestibility measurements were 32 and 42% greater on average, respectively, for floury and opaque endosperm corns than for vitreous corn. Dry matter and starch disappearances after 8-h ruminal in situ incubations were, on average, 24 and 32 percentage units greater, respectively, for floury and opaque endosperm corns than for vitreous corn. Ruminal pH and acetate molar percentage were lower, propionate molar percentage was greater, and acetate:propionate ratio was lower for cows fed diets containing floury and opaque endosperm corns than for cows fed vitreous corn. In agreement with laboratory and in situ measurements, total-tract starch digestibility was 6.3 percentage units greater, on average, for cows fed diets containing floury and opaque endosperm corns than vitreous corn. Conversely, apparent total-tract neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility was lower for cows fed diets containing floury and opaque endosperm corns compared with vitreous corn. The type of endosperm in corn fed to dairy cows can have a marked effect on digestion of starch and NDF. Feeding less vitreous corn increased starch digestion but decreased NDF digestion.  相似文献   

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