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一维微粗糙面与其上方金属平板的复合电磁散射研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了一维导体随机粗糙面与其上方金属平板的复合电磁散射。应用互易性原理使求解复合目标的二次散射场简化为求解包含平板上的极化电流和微粗糙面散射场的积分方程。利用物理光学近似和粗糙面微扰法分别计算了平板上的感应电流和粗糙面的电磁散射场,导出了复合散射模型单、双站散射的计算公式并给出了单站数值计算结果,讨论了后向复合散射截面随入射频率及平板尺寸、位置的变化关系。  相似文献   

An analytical solution is presented for the electromagnetic scattering from a dielectric circular cylinder embedded in a dielectric half-space with a slightly rough interface. The solution utilizes the spectral (plane-wave) representation of the fields and accounts for all the multiple interactions between the rough interface and the. buried cylinder. First-order coefficients from the small perturbation method are used for computation of the scattered fields from the rough surface. The derivation includes both TM and TE polarizations and can be easily extended for other cylindrical buried objects (e.g., cylindrical shell, metallic cylinder). Several scattering scenarios are examined utilizing the new solution for a dielectric cylinder beneath a flat, sinusoidal, and arbitrary rough surface profile. Results indicate that the scattering pattern of a buried object below a slightly rough surface differs from the flat surface case only when the surface roughness spectrum contains a limited range of spatial frequencies. Furthermore, the illuminated area of the incident wave is seen to be a critical factor in the visibility of a buried object below a rough surface.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of soil moisture using microwave sensors require accurate and realistic scattering models for rough soil surfaces. In the past, much effort has been devoted to the development of scattering models for either perfectly conducting or homogeneous rough surfaces. In practice, however, the permittivity of most soil surfaces is nonuniform, particularly in depth, for which analytical solution does not exist. The variations in the permittivity of a soil medium can easily be related to its soil moisture profile and soil type using the existing empirical models. In this paper, analytical expressions for the bistatic scattering coefficients of soil surfaces with slightly rough interface and stratified permittivity profile are derived. The scattering formulation is based on a new approach where the perturbation expansion of the volumetric polarization current instead of the tangential fields is used to obtain the scattered field. Basically, the top rough layer is replaced with an equivalent polarization current and, using the volumetric integral equation in conjunction with the dyadic Green's function of the remaining stratified half-space medium, the scattering problem is formulated. Closed-form analytical expressions for the induced polarization currents to any desired order are derived, which are then used to evaluate the bistatic scattered fields up to and including the third order. The analytical solutions for the scattered fields are used to derive the complete second-order expressions for the backscattering coefficients as well as the statistics of phase difference between the scattering matrix elements. The theoretical results are shown to agree well with the backscatter measurements of rough surfaces with known dielectric profiles and roughness statistics  相似文献   

A Fourier transform approach is used to derive the bistatic radar scattering cross section of a slightly rough perfectly conducting infinite surface. A perturbation expansion is used to apply the boundary conditions, and the scattered fields are asympotically evaluated by means of the method of stationary phase. The resultant expression for the radar cross sectionsigma^{0}is shown to agree with that obtained using the method as outlined by Rice.  相似文献   

粗糙地面上相邻两树干的电磁散射模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用有限长多层介质圆柱模拟实际的树干,建立了基于粗糙地面上相邻两树干电磁散射模型。用迭代方法和等效原理,求解了多层介质圆柱的散射矩阵。用互易原理求解了相邻有限长多层介质圆柱包括其二次散射场在内的解析表达式。  相似文献   

基于点源扰动方法建立了舰船的Kelvin尾迹模型, 模拟了不同船速下的Kelvin尾迹.实际中, 舰船尾迹除了受到舰船自身参数影响外, 还会受到风驱海浪的调制.为了建立更为符合实际的Kelvin尾迹模型, 借助PM(Pierson-Moscowitz)海谱生成粗糙海面, 将其与Kelvin尾迹模型进行线性叠加后, 得到了粗糙海面上舰船尾迹.在该复合模型基础上, 利用物理光学法获得了不同入射情况下的单站、双站的雷达散射截面, 实现了海面舰船尾迹电磁散射的模拟仿真.这一过程的实现, 有利于更好地模拟舰船尾迹在合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)中的成像仿真, 同时为SAR成像中舰船尾迹以及舰船自身的识别奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The scattering of plane electromagnetic (EM) waves from a perfectly conducting, slightly rough surface moving in vacuum with uniform and constant velocity is examined by combining the boundary perturbation method and the special, homogeneous Lorentz transform. The direction of motion is assumed to be parallel to both the incidence plane and the mean plane of the moving rough surface. The analysis is confined to first-order scatter. The end result is the determination of the velocity-dependent expressions for the bistatic and backscatter incoherent cross sections per unit area of the scattering surface. The expressions for bistatic geometry are only valid for scattering inside the plane of incidence. A numerical example demonstrates the effect of the motion on the scattering behavior of the rough surface.  相似文献   

基于小斜率近似方法推导了极坐标系下介质粗糙面的双站散射系数和后向散射系数计算公式.为验证小斜率近似方法的准确性,针对二维高斯介质粗糙面,计算了双站散射系数并将得到的数值结果与实验测量数据和基尔霍夫近似方法计算结果进行了对比分析,结果表明:小斜率近似方法的结果和实验数据吻合较好.同时对不同入射角下散射系数的角分布及粗糙度和均方根斜率对散射系数的影响进行了讨论分析.  相似文献   

采用有限元-边界积分(finite element boundary integral,FE-BI)方法研究了介质粗糙面上方涂覆目标的复合电磁散射特性,推导了一维介质粗糙面上方二维涂覆目标电磁散射的FE-BI公式.在仿真中,采用功能强大的有限元方法模拟涂覆目标内部场,对于涂覆目标与粗糙面之间的多重耦合作用则通过边界积分方程方法进行考虑.结合Monte-Carlo方法,数值计算了介质高斯粗糙面上方涂覆圆柱目标的电磁散射,分析了涂层材料介电常数、粗糙面粗糙度以及介质粗糙面介电常数变化对复合模型双站散射系数的影响.数值结果表明,相比于传统矩量法(method of moment,MoM),本文方法虽然在处理理想导体模型时效率略低,但可以处理MoM难以处理的复杂媒质电磁散射问题,且计算精度较高.  相似文献   

A model of stratified medium with slightly rough interfaces is presented for analysis of scattering from oil film on sea surface. Because the thickness of oil film is considered, the model is more realistic than that raised in other paper in which only single rough surface is assumed. In this paper the coupled differential equations are derived and solved by full wave approach, and the simple expressions of back scattering cross section for oil film on sea surface have been obtained. According to these expressions some curves are given for different thickness of oil film. It is shown that the results obtained by the present model are in better agreement with the experimental data than those obtained by the single surface model.  相似文献   

搭建了以0.2 THz返波管振荡器源、热释电探测器、小型自动旋转光学平台等组成的太赫兹波目标散射特性实验测试系统,对两种不同粗糙度铜盘表面的散射特性进行了测试,表明:太赫兹金属粗糙目标散射中导体表面的感应电流产生电磁散射和粗糙导体表面引起的朗伯散射是同时存在的;在斜入射时这种近似于朗伯体的金属粗糙表面几乎可以被看成镜体,但随着目标表面的粗糙度变大,反射变弱,散射增强,主峰向小于反射角的方向偏移;在垂直入射的情况下,散射角小于40度时散射曲线下降较快,超过40度散射曲线变化变得很缓慢,但在50度附近很多材料都会出现一个小的散射峰.  相似文献   

A matrix approach has been developed to compute bistatic scattering coefficients which include shadowing and multiple scattering effects for a randomly rough Kirchhoff surface. The method permits the computation of these coefficients in terms of the existing single-scatter bistatic scattering coefficients. Thus the effects of multiple scattering are readily recognized from the expressions obtained. The bistatic scattering coefficients are shown to satisfy energy conservation to at least two significant figures. It is observed that while polarized backscattering is dominated by the single-scattering process, the depolarized backscattering is due to multiple scattering. Unlike depolarization by slightly rough surfaces or volume scattering, the angular behavior of the depolarized backscattering is similar to that of the polarized backscattering. The transitional behavior of the relative dominance between single and multiple scattering for the polarized and depolarized scattering coefficient as a function of the azimuth angle is illustrated.  相似文献   

Wave scattering from a large sphere with rough surface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wave scattering from a rough perfectly conducting sphere is considered. Use is made of the reformulated current method in which the object is replaced by a current distribution radiating into an unbounded media. The scattered field components are obtained in terms of the joint characteristic function defining the roughness.  相似文献   

The problem of plane wave scattering by a slightly rough boundary of an arbitrarily layered medium with general anisotropy of electric and magnetic properties is considered using boundary conditions transference method and a small perturbation approximation combined with the Green's functions technique. It is shown that in the Born approximation, the second statistical moments of the fluctuation field scattered from an inhomogeneous anisotropic halfspace can be expressed exclusively in terms of the external parameters referring to a flat boundary and the spectral density of roughness. In the present circumstance, the set of the external parameters includes the four plane-wave reflection coefficients from a flat boundary and the (limiting) values of constitutive parameters of the adjacent media at said boundary, Within the framework of the outlined approach, the covariance dyads, Poynting's vector, scattering coefficients and Stokes parameters of the fluctuation field, and the Mueller matrix for a rough boundary are calculated  相似文献   

Expressions for the effective reflection coefficients are derived using Rice's theory for forward scattering of electromagnetic waves from a dielectric slightly rough surface. In the limiting case of a perfect conductor (ε = -i∞), the coefficients agree with the classical expressions derived by Rice.  相似文献   

A solution is obtained for the high frequency backscattered far field from appendages such as an inlet mounted on arbitrary smooth surfaces. The goal here is twofold; first, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) in computing the scattered fields from such complex targets, and second, to develop iterative techniques to find multiply diffracted ray paths to be used in the application of UTD. These techniques are applicable to numerically as well as analytically defined surfaces.  相似文献   

A rigorous electromagnetic model has been used to analyze the scattering from two dielectric shallow objects buried under the two-dimensional (2-D) random rough ground (3-D scattering problem) as a means of predicting false alarms. The method of moments (MoM) accelerated by the steepest descent fast multipole method (SDFMM) is used to compute the equivalent electric and magnetic surface currents on all scatterers (i.e., the rough ground and the two buried objects). The roughness parameters influence the scattering interference mechanism of the two objects, however, a large separation distance (e.g., several correlation lengths) showed stronger effect for small ground roughness.  相似文献   

A solution to scattering from a cylinder buried arbitrarily in layered media with rough interfaces based on extended boundary condition method (EBCM) and scattering matrix technique is developed. The reflection and transmission matrices of arbitrary rough interfaces as well as an isolated single cylinder are constructed using EBCM and recursive T-matrix algorithm, respectively. The cylinder/rough surface interactions are taken into account by applying the generalized scattering matrix technique. The scattering matrix technique is used to cascade reflection and transmission matrices from individual systems (i.e., rough surfaces or cylinders) in order to obtain the scattering pattern from the overall system. Bistatic scattering coefficients are then obtained by incoherently averaging the power computed from the resulting Floquet modes of the overall system. In numerical simulations, the bistatic scattering coefficients are first validated by comparing the simulation results with the existing solutions which are the limiting cases including scattering from two-interface rough surfaces without any buried object and from a buried cylinder beneath a single rough surface. Subsequently, the numerical simulations of scattering from a buried cylinder in layered rough surfaces are performed to investigate the relative importance and sensitivity of various physical parameters of layered rough surfaces to incoherent scattering coefficients. Results show layered rough interfaces can significantly alter the scattering behaviors of a buried cylinder.  相似文献   

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