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进入深秋季节,皮肤早早就发出了求救信号:干燥、缺水、起皮屑,连小皱纹都冒出来了!加上连日的工作压力,全身一定绷得紧紧的。那就赶快洗一个舒舒服服的美容澡吧!清幽的香氛加上各种可爱的沐浴品,可帮你赶走疲劳,彻底松驰一下!  相似文献   

繁忙的工作、紧张的会议,还有那些赶来赶去也参加不完的聚餐和party,OL们在高强度地透支着自己的身体,而皮肤也被强迫承受着重重压力。比起每天一瓶瓶、一层层的护肤程序,我们更想说:护肤,只需要简单!如果你是洗脸都嫌麻烦或者没时间的超级懒人,那么请看本期秘笈驭肤术,保证会大有收获。  相似文献   

重庆人爱吃会吃,这地球人都知道,连女孩子也不例外。一般人的常识是,美女为了美而节食,吃基本上是与她们无关的。但是,这样的常识是错误的,吃同样也能吃出窈窕身材,关键是吃什么、怎么吃?香蕉、木瓜、牛奶…这些好吃又好看的东西都是美容上品,所以,一个真正意义上的美人是懂得怎样吃而滋补出来的!  相似文献   

活跃在T台和时尚杂志上的名模永远是美丽标本,身高175cm以上、腿长、腰细、9头身、皮肤吹弹可破……都是模特的标准条件。或许普通的女生们永远无缘晋升名模之列,但追求名模级的美丽,可没有高矮之分!  相似文献   

黄纯  李钰炼 《医学美学美容》2023,32(13):176-182
现代生活环境下,越来越多的人深受各种皮肤问题的困扰,因此,家庭皮肤护理服务对于皮肤 健康和美观具有重要意义。家用LED设备由于其安全、有效、便捷等特点,逐渐成为家庭皮肤护理产品中 的重要组成部分。然而,市场上有很多宣称功效的LED家用仪器,但真正安全有效的产品却很少。为了保 证家用LED设备的安全性和有效性,需要经过人体临床试验评估,并基于循证医学制定科学的评价方法和 标准。本文对家用LED设备在皮肤护理和美容领域的应用现状及展望作一综述。  相似文献   

全球金融风暴来袭,物价飞涨.货币贬值,美人儿们是不是也开始囊中麓涩.望“荷”兴叹?虽然薪水不涨.可是美丽却不能打折扣,今天我们就帮美人们找出抵抗通膨的方法,虽然荷包小小.美丽却不能少一点。  相似文献   

一大早开机上网,迎接你的第一条新闻是“薪资所得对应物价涨幅呈负增长”,你能花在保养品上的预算更少了。  相似文献   

不少女明星为了让肌肤保持在最佳状态,花费许多时间做保养,但拥有白棉晳好肤质的范范却说:“我每天只花15分钟做保养!”那些因为工作忙碌没时间保养的美人们,快来学范范的懒美人保养法!  相似文献   

无皱纹、没斑点、很细致、超白皙,你一直在追求肌肤的无瑕疵状态。于是每天一张面膜,隔天一次护理,可是保养过后的遗留问题你看见了吗?在环保大行其道的今天我们进入美容环保季,省时、省事、毫不浪费、没有遗留问题,拥有自然的“绿色美丽”!  相似文献   

对有些人来说,圣诞节是纵情狂欢的日子,一连几晚总有玩不完的节目、赶不完的派对;而对另一些人来说,圣诞节是难得的假期,让疲惫的身心好好休息一下。其实,在今年圣诞节你还可以有另一个选择,那就是去美容院享受一场极具奢华感的奇石美容之旅。  相似文献   

Diode lasers are now capable of delivering up to 60 W of power down thin optical fibres, and their medical applications have increased considerably over the past 5 years. Most of the recent experimental and clinical work has been performed using the 805 nm diode laser wavelength, which is more heavily absorbed and is less penetrating than the 1064 nm Nd-YAG wavelength in most tissues. In contact and non-contact mode, the overall tissue effects from the diode laser are similar to the Nd-YAG laser, but with interstitial therapy the 805 nm wavelength produces significantly greater necrosis than the 1064 nm wavelength. Experimental work has established the effectiveness of the diode laser and clinical work has confirmed its suitability for a wide variety of procedures. Diode lasers have the major advantages of being small, compact, portable, efficient, easy to use and virtually maintenance free; they are likely to replace more cumbersome lasers for many medical applications.  相似文献   

Hair Growth Induced by Diode Laser Treatment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Although hair reduction by long-pulsed red and infrared lasers and light sources is generally quite effective, paradoxical hair growth has rarely been observed following treatment. OBJECTIVE: To report a case of thick hair growth following 810 nm diode laser treatment and its subsequent treatment. METHODS. A 24-year-old man who had previously had laser hair reduction on his posterior neck was treated to a test area on his upper back. RESULTS: Thick terminal hair developed in the treated area subsequent to laser treatment. Further treatment of this area removed the terminal hair but resulted in terminal hair growth in an annular distribution surrounding the treatment site. CONCLUSIONS: Diode laser treatment rarely stimulates terminal hair growth. This phenomenon should be studied to better understand hair growth cycles and to help develop more effective treatments for hair loss and hair growth.  相似文献   

Diode laser hair removal of the black patient   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The 810-nm wavelength diode laser can safely and successfully treat all skin types, including dark pigmented skin. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS: Eight Fitzpatrick level V-VI skin type patients, four of which presented with the diagnosis of pseudofolliculitis barbae, were treated with the diode laser for hair removal using low-energy settings and long pulse duration. RESULTS: All eight patients had excellent results with unwanted hair greatly reduced, and pseudofolliculitis barbae resolved. CONCLUSIONS: Diode lasers can be used on dark pigmented skin with positive outcomes. Complications such as hypopigmentation, or hyperpigmentation occurred, but all were transient and resolved within a few months.  相似文献   

 The aim of this paper is to describe various diode laser modifications and their use in treating choroidal neovascularisation in age-related macular degeneration. Diode lasers are used to treat selected choroidal neovascular membranes. Alterations in microprocessor connectivity, and parameters such as maximum spot size, light delivery time and coupled Joule meter, were made so that ophthalmic surgeons could specify treatment possibilities. A trimodal (photocoagulation, transpupillary thermotherapy and photodynamic therapy) application laser device coupled to a single light source has been developed. The new diode laser modifications were technically successful. Microprocessor connectivity was obtained, larger spot sizes were achieved, light delivery time could be extended and energy parameters were available at the display. Received: 28 May 2002 / Accepted: 11 September 2002  相似文献   

Background and Objective Different laser types have been used for the treatment of hyperplastic inferior nasal turbinates. The clinical experiences of its treatment by means of a diode laser are presented. Study Design/Materials and Methods A total of 76 patients suffering from nasal obstruction due to hyperplastic inferior nasal turbinates were treated with a continuous diode laser (wavelength of lambda = 940 nm, laser parameter 10 W/energy/turbinate 5 kJ) in "noncontact" mode and under local anesthesia. All patients were refractory to conservative medical treatment. Fifty patients (26 of 50 [52%] with allergic rhinitis and 24 of 50 [48%] with vasomotor rhinitis) were included into this clinical trial with a follow-up of 1 year. The study was conducted by a questionnaire, photo documentation, allergy test, mucociliary clearance test, rhinomanometry, acoustic rhinometry, conventional radiology of the paranasal sinuses, and histology. RESULTS: The mean operation time took 6 min/turbinate, no nasal packing was necessary and no immediate complications (e.g., major bleeding) were observed. During the first 2-4 weeks, nasal obstruction was correlated to the extent of postoperative edema and nasal crusting. Statistical analysis revealed significant improvement of the nasal airflow (rhinomanometry) and nasal cavity volume (acoustic rhinometry) 6 months and 1 year after laser surgery, respectively. A total of 86% of the patients described a subjective improvement of nasal airflow 6 months and 76% of the patients 1 year after laser treatment. The mucociliary function test showed no significant variation in comparison to the preoperative measurements 1 year after laser treatment. CONCLUSION: Diode laser treatment of hyperplastic inferior nasal turbinates is a useful procedure, which can be performed as an outpatient surgery under local anesthesia, resulting in a controlled coagulation and ablation of the soft tissue. The short operation time and the good results provide an excellent patient acceptance.  相似文献   

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