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采用生物栅技术处理上海市某一呈富营养化状态的河水。处理装置的9个廊道并联运行,连续进出水,平均每池处理水量为4.4 t/d。试验主要对比生物栅填料分别为球形填料、悬浮填料和组合填料时,对水体CODCr、SS、TN和TP等的去除效果,并分析了不同填料生物膜的微生物的数量变化。悬浮填料生物栅对CODCr、SS、TN、TP的去除率分别为33%~84%、42%~82%、6%~25%、15%~40%;组合填料生物栅分别为41%~79%、50%~93%、7%~28%、17%~44%;球形填料生物栅分别为34%~67%、34%~70%、5%~21%、10%~28%。结果表明组合填料生物栅和悬浮填料生物栅的污染去除效果优于球形填料。微生物测试结果表明,生物栅填料可以显著增加异养细菌特别是硝化细菌的数量,增强污染净化效果。  相似文献   

简要介绍了微生物修复技术及其特点,综合评述了国内外微生物技术在景观水体修复上的应用,总结了反硝化细菌、光合细菌、芽孢杆菌等微生物对景观水体的修复效果,并提出了微生物技术在景观水体修复方面的未来展望。  相似文献   

简要介绍了微生物修复技术及其特点,综合评述了国内外微生物技术在景观水体修复上的应用,总结了反硝化细菌、光合细菌、芽孢杆菌等微生物对景观水体的修复效果,并提出了微生物技术在景观水体修复方面的未来展望。  相似文献   

杜鹃  陆柱 《净水技术》2011,30(5):134-137
在消化吸收引进生物修复药剂的基础上以农业废弃物秸秆制成的生化黄腐酸为原料,自主研发生物激活液配方,用于受污染的景观水体的生物生态修复.由两种不同含量生化黄腐酸原料分别形成生物激活液Ⅰ型和生物激活液Ⅱ型考察了两种生物激活液对校园青春河等水体的修复效果,结果表明生物激活液Ⅰ型的效果优于Ⅱ型且较为稳定.与引进药剂BO、NC进...  相似文献   

以植物、微生物为生物处理要素构建生物栅,处理污染的景观水体。选用的水生植物黄花美人蕉(Cannaindica)的二级、三级根系与作为微生物载体的组合填料交织成强大的网状结构,起到固定植物、微生物附着载体及为生态系统提供氧气的作用,同时在生物栅装置运行的前期(约2h)对污染物起到网捕、吸附作用。  相似文献   

石油污染水体的生物修复   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
陈燕  李寅  堵国成  陈坚 《水处理技术》2003,29(5):249-252
生物修复是处理石油污染水体效果最好的一种方法,具有广阔的应用前景。本文简述了石油的组成、生物修复的概念及类型,对石油烃的微生物摄取、降解机制、生物修复的影响因素及强化途径等进行了详细论述,并对石油污染水体生物修复的现状及今后的发展趋势进行了讨论。  相似文献   

黑臭水体污染问题日益严峻,其中水体污染物沉积于底泥中带来的污染不可忽视。主要分析了原位修复方法中的生物修复法对黑臭水体底泥的修复作用,发现光合细菌、反硝化细菌与生物促生剂对黑臭水体底泥有一定的修复作用,光合细菌可有效降低COD、BOD_5、TN、TP浓度,光合细菌与反硝化细菌均可降解上覆水体中的COD_(Cr)、NH_3-N、TN、TP,同时反硝化细菌可提高脱氮速率。生物促生剂可以促进水体中COD_(Cr)、NH_3-N和TP的降解。  相似文献   

微生物絮凝剂对厌氧污泥生物絮凝作用的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了生物絮凝概念并建立了评价其效果的综合指标,即生物絮凝因子BF。研究了自制的微生物絮凝剂对絮状厌氧污泥的生物絮凝效果,并通过正交试验确定了最佳的絮凝反应条件,即pH值为7.2,CaCl2投加量为300mg/L,微生物絮凝剂投加量为20mL/L,搅拌速度为300r/min。在该条件下,厌氧污泥的生物絮凝因子增加到原来的2.16倍。  相似文献   

祝明  赵燕  王守伟  张泉 《河北化工》2008,31(2):13-15,17
研究了生物渗滤床处理生活污水稳定运行时介质表面的生物膜形态和微生物种群分布特征,分析了生物膜及微生物种群的空间变化规律.结果表明,生物渗滤床内的生物膜颜色、形态和微生物种群分布受渗滤介质质地、介质层深度影响,沿水流方向呈现不同变化规律.河沙介质表面生物膜颜色沿水流方向由黑色渐变为土黄色,其表面形态由起伏层叠渐变为平缓;除磷专用介质表面生物膜呈黑色,其表面凹凸交错,与河沙介质表面生物膜形态大相径庭;微生物种群构成多样,共检出包括细菌类、放线菌类、后生动物等三大群类20个种属的微生物;系统营养结构复杂,不同代谢类型的微生物在不同位置渐次形成优势群落.  相似文献   

介绍了微生物调剖技术,综述了一些先进的室内研究手段如物理模拟微生物封堵及调剖实验、示踪剂技术和可视化技术,总结了激活本源微生物和注入外源微生物调剖技术及现场应用情况.研究表明,在一定范围内微生物调剖效果明显、经济效益较好,但普遍存在着应用菌种单一、稳定性差和外加碳源成本高等不足,驯化筛选适应不同类型油藏条件并以原油或廉价原材料为碳源的高效复合菌群,是微生物调剖技术今后发展的关键所在.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate COD removal efficiency of the coking-plant wastewater by applying the moving-bed biofilm sequencing batch reactor (MBBSBR). The operation is simple and 30% WD-F10-4 BioM™ were packed as carrier materials. It was found that the coking-plant wastewater could be effectively treated with 92.9% of COD removal efficiency at a low organic loading rate (OLR) of 0.449 kgCOD·m−3·d−1 The removal efficiency decreased gradually down to 70.9% when OLR increased to 2.628 kgCOD·m−3·d−1. The system has strong tolerance to organic shock loading in this experiment. The COD removal results in the blank experiments of biofilm and sludge showed that the attached biofilm has higher activity than suspended sludge and contributes about 60% to the COD removal. This work was presented at the 7 th China-Korea Workshop on Clean Energy Technology held at Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, June 26–28, 2008.  相似文献   

复合聚铝处理秋季长江水脱浊研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
通过混凝烧杯实验,探讨了特征黏度系列化的聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵(PDM)与液体聚合氯化铝(PAC)复合得到的稳定型复合混凝剂用于对秋季微污染长江水强化混凝处理效果。结果表明,对温度为16~18℃,浊度为70 NTU左右的秋季长江水,沉淀池出水在达到6 NTU的南京某水厂现行浊度标准的情况下,PAC需1.66mg/L的投加量,质量配比分别为20∶1、10∶1、5∶1的PAC(以Al2O3计)/PDM复合混凝剂所需投加量随特征黏度变化为1.38~1.26、1.19~1.14、1.16~1.13 mg/L,相对于PAC可减少投加量16.87%~24.10%、28.31%~31.32%、30.12%~31.93%。复合混凝剂还提高了絮体密实度与沉淀性能。由此可见,PDM明显改善了PAC的混凝脱浊效果,PAC/PDM复合比例越低,PDM特征黏度越高,脱浊效果与沉淀性能越好。考虑未来社会对水质的要求,若使沉淀池出水达到2 NTU左右,则PAC需3.35 mg/L左右的投加量,而复合比例分别为20∶1、10∶1、5∶1的复合混凝剂仍能比单独使用PAC减少19.10%~30.45%的投加量。  相似文献   

Studies on the removal of ammonia-, nitrite-, and nitrate nitrogen with ozonation (O3), sand filtration (SF), biological activated carbon (BAC), SF-BAC, and/or O3-BAC processes were carried out in two pilot plants and a full scale plant, respectively. The results showed that all of the tested processes exhibited certain nitrogen removal efficiencies, of which both the O3-SF-BAC and O3-BAC processes were most effective and efficient in removing ammonia nitrogen, with mean removal efficiencies of some 90 and 80 percent, respectively.

Ozonation was found able to oxidize some organic nitrogen into ammonia, and nitrite ion into nitrate ion. It was also found out, with interest, that the O3-BAC process can carry the nitrification process to the end under sufficient DO content, as well as more hydrocarbon substrates through ozonation that are more easily assimilated by some strains of nitrobacter that can multiply heterotrophically in its carbon beds. In the BAC process, both the DO and easily assimilated substrate contents were too low in its carbon beds due to no ozonation to sustain nitrobacter growth; but the nitrite conversion bacteria, like nitrosornas, can survive under such conditions. As a result, nitrite or nitrate ion content increased multiply in the effluents from BAC or O3-BAC processes over their influents. respectively.

The removal mechanisms of various processes for the three forms of nitrogen were studied and discussed, and the optimum design parameters were determined as well.  相似文献   

以某市受污染城市内河河水为原水,对研发的规模60 m3/d组合式生物膜装置进行了中试研究。组合式生物膜装置由进水过滤单元、生物处理单元、回流单元和出水单元组成,采用势能复氧、通过区域分隔和回流,在减少装置运行能耗的基础上强化污染物净化效果。结果表明在中试的试验进水水质下,当多级好氧池水力停留时间(M-HRT)分别为17.5、26.25和35 min时,随着M-HRT的增加,组合式生物膜装置对COD、NH+4-N的去除率也逐渐增加,对TN的去除率先增大后降低。与M-HRT为17.5 min相比,当M-HRT为26.25 min时其值分别增加了5.3%、9.7%和3.0%,而M-HRT为35 min时分别增加了6.7%、14.3%和1.7%。出现该现象一方面在于M-HRT增加,增大了多级好氧池循环流动的次数,促进了势能跌水复氧的效果,提高了好氧池的DO浓度,另一方面在于M-HRT增加,还增强水流的剪切作用,促进生物膜的生长,增加系统的生物量。  相似文献   

The capability of biological nutrient removal from wastewater of a novel laboratory‐scale twin fluidized‐bed bioreactor (TFBBR) was studied. The work showed approximately 96 % organic matter, 84 % nitrogen, and 12 % phosphorus removal efficiencies in the first three phases of the study at influent synthetic municipal wastewater (SMW) flow rates of 150, 190, and 240 L/d, with corresponding organic loading rates of 1.3, 1.7, and 2.3 kg COD m–3 d–1 and nitrogen loading rates of 0.14, 0.18 and 0.25 kg N m–3 d–1. The TFBBR effluent was characterized by <1.0 mg NH4‐N/L, <4.3 mg NO3‐N/L, <6 mg TN/L, <6 mg SBOD/L, and 6–10 mg VSS/L. For the three phases, biomass yields of 0.06, 0.066, and 0.071 g VSS/g COD were observed, respectively, which was a significant further reduction in yield compared to the liquid‐solid circulating fluidized‐bed bioreactor technology developed and patented by this research group, of 0.12–0.16 g VSS/g COD. The very low yield was due to a longer solid retention time of 72–108 d.  相似文献   

杨威 《化学与粘合》2008,30(4):17-19
为了探讨水合二氧化锰对于实际水源水中有机污染物的去除效果,通过实验室烧杯混凝试验,以松花江水源水为研究对象,以高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、DOC、UV254为指标,研究了高锰酸钾还原法制备的水合二氧化锰对实际水源水中有机污染物的去除效果,并对水合二氧化锰去除有机物的机理进行了初步探讨。结果表明:当水合二氧化锰投加量很低时(1~3mg/L),其对松花江水源水中有机污染物的去除已很显著,并且CODMn、DOC、UV254三种指标具有良好的相关性。由此得出结论:与传统混凝剂相比,该种水合二氧化锰表现了良好的去除实际水源水中有机污染物的效能。实验结论对于水处理工程实际具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This research investigated the fate of organic pollutants in each unit of a full-scale O3-BAC (biological activated carbon) drinking water treatment plant with micro-polluted raw water under different temperatures. Total organic matters were largely removed with low DBPs (disinfection by-products) formed. Large molecules were broken into smaller ones by O3 and middle-sized ones totally removed. Concentration of polysaccharide decreased except under high temperature. Small molecule contaminant species of refractory industrial additives, hydrocarbons, aromatics, herbicides, possible DBPs, etc., were detected. Some species passed through treatment process, some were removed and also new species formed.  相似文献   

在混凝处理中采用5%的清水回流与PAC+HPAM联合投加相结合的方法,形成高浊度微污染黄河水的处理工艺。应用该技术对高浊度水进行生产性试验,除浊效果与传统工艺相比约提高40%~50%,对有机物和NH3-N的去除率也有所提高,同时可使出水的致突变活性呈阴性。  相似文献   

从活性炭对低浓度有机污染物的吸附着手,选择活性炭作为吸附剂,以亚甲基蓝和腐殖酸作为目标污染物,分别研究活性炭对两种目标有机污染物的吸附热力学,并重点探讨了腐殖酸在活性炭上的吸附动力学以及环境条件p H、共存物对腐殖酸吸附的影响。结果表明:用Langmuir方程的拟合活性炭对亚甲基蓝吸附效果更好,其相关系数达到0.9947,亚甲基蓝在活性炭上的饱和吸附量达到100 mg/L;腐殖酸在活性炭上的吸附平衡时间为2 h,p H越高,腐殖酸的吸附容量越低,活性炭对腐殖酸的等温吸附曲线用Langmuir方程的拟合效果要略好于Freundlich方程,其相关系数达到0.9936。  相似文献   


Removal of chromate from water was investigated using the surfactant enhanced crossflow filtration technique in which the cationic surfactant, cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), was the carrier for the metal ions. The variation of chromate and surfactant rejections, and permeate flux with time were measured as a function of CTAB/chromate concentration ratio, while maintaining a constant transmembrane pressure drop, membrane pore size, and pH of the feed solution. The method was found to be effective in removing chromate from water. It was observed that the efficiency of chromate removal increased with increasing CTAB/ chromate ratio. It was also found that the chromate concentration had a significant effect on the CTAB concentration in the permeate and on the time taken to establish the secondary membrane which consists of a highly viscous surfactant phase in the hexagonal state in the absence of chromate. In the presence of chromate, permeate flux increased at the same CTAB concentration although the surfactant and chromate rejections decreased, indicating lowering of the secondary membrane resistance to permeate flow. These conclusions were confirmed by deadend filtration experiments which showed that the fouling index decreased by the addition of chromate while the opposite was valid when sodium chloride was present in the surfactant/water/electrolyte ternary system.  相似文献   

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