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东昆仑造山带花岗岩中广泛发育暗色微粒包体,含有丰富的壳幔岩浆混合作用的证据,被认为是研究岩浆混合作用的天然场所。适逢近阶段同源花岗岩谱系填图方案在造山带岩浆混合(浆混)花岗岩图区实践时深受质疑,本研究以东昆仑加鲁河地区浆混花岗岩为例,开展浆混花岗岩区专题填图试点工作,旨在探索一套适合浆混花岗岩填图的岩石单位划分方案。从野外地质、岩相学、岩石和矿物化学等不同角度论证了加鲁河花岗闪长岩及其内部包体形成于开放体系下的壳幔岩浆混合作用。在填图工作中,将图区内的岩浆岩划分为浆混花岗岩和非浆混花岗岩2个超单元。以岩浆混合作用为理论依据,将浆混花岗岩超单元划分为基性端元、酸性端元和浆混产物3个二级单位,对于2个端元岩石单位按照其矿物组成、结构构造等方面的差异(岩浆演化导致)再次划分最基本岩石单位——侵入体,对于浆混产物单位,建议可按照岩浆混合程度差异或者内部包体变化规律灵活划分基本岩石单位——浆混体。由此建立了一套可与同源花岗岩谱系单位相兼容的浆混花岗岩谱系单位划分方案,为岩浆混合花岗岩区开展填图工作提供了初步探索方案。  相似文献   

甘肃北山造山带系天山-兴安巨型褶皱带的组成部分,地处塔里木-中朝板块与哈萨克斯坦板块的接壤地带。独特的大地构造环境使岩浆活动异常发育,广泛出露面积巨大的花岗岩体,不同造山阶段、不同构造环境均有不同类型、不同特征的花岗岩出露。笔者在甘肃北山造山带1:25万区调填图中,依据岩浆演化、序次关系、变形变质特征将测区的花岗岩划分为4种类型,采用了不同的工作方法,建立了不同的填图体系。  相似文献   

花岗岩类的分类理论决定其填图方法.现行的单元-超单元填图方法是依据花岗岩类的I型、S型分类理论和同源岩浆演化理论而建立的.由于同源岩浆演化理论的不完善性,造山带地壳结构及地质构造特征的复杂性、地质作用过程的多样性,导致了形成花岗岩类源岩组分的复杂性,使得I型、S型分类在造山带具有不确定性,因而单元-超单元填图方法在造山带实践中存在较多问题和矛盾.造山带花岗岩类填图方法应以基本岩石分类方案为依据,以野外可识别、易掌握的客观岩石学、矿物学、组构学为准则, 客观、真实地反映造山带花岗岩类的特色.  相似文献   

滇西北独龙江花岗岩中浆混包体特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李向东  李俊  严城民 《云南地质》2005,24(4):427-433
班公湖-东巧-怒江结合带(南段)西侧的独龙江花岗岩可划分为2个序列。早期序列(龙岗不若序列)富含混杂包体和混成包体。前者包括(石英)辉长苏长岩、辉长岩及辉长辉绿(玢)岩;后者由闪长岩、石英闪长玢岩、安山岩、安山玄武岩组成。从地球化学特征看,这些岩石由同源岩浆分异,并与生成寄主岩石的酸性岩浆混合而成。地球化学图解判别,浆混包体属钙碱性玄武岩系列,形成于岛弧环境,与寄主岩石———龙岗不若序列的生成环境一致。该类包体的存在,进一步证明了独龙江花岗岩早期序列(龙岗不若序列)由壳幔混源岩浆形成。  相似文献   

龙门山造山带中生代花岗岩带成因及其构造意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了龙门山造山带印支末-燕山期花岗岩带地质地球化学特征及演化规律。在探讨其成因及构造意义的基础上,将龙门山造山带与传统的A型与B型俯冲带的岩浆作用进行了对比,指出龙门山造山带的岩浆作用的不同特点是其区别于传统A型、B型及其他的一些内陆挤压俯冲带的重要证据。  相似文献   

在全面收集中国及邻区花岗岩年代学资料的基础上,在包括俄罗斯、蒙古、吉尔吉斯坦、韩国、日本、越南等境外地区开展了野外调研, 获得大量高精度锆石U-Pb年龄,发现一些重大岩浆事件;结合系统收集的公开发表的高质量数据,建立了一些关键地区的花岗岩年代学格架;初步总结了中亚、中央、特提斯和环太平洋构造域花岗岩的时空分布及构造-岩浆演化,提供相关成矿背景,编制了四个构造域的花岗岩时空分布图。在此基础上,初步编制了亚洲花岗岩时空分布图,总结了花岗岩浆作用与构造演化的关系,为探讨亚洲大地构造演化,特别是陆块聚合过程的研究提供了依据。这是一次尝试性的较系统地论述亚洲花岗岩及构造-岩浆演化的研究。  相似文献   

花岗岩类的分类理论决定其填图方法,现行的单元-超单元填图方法是依据花岗岩类的I型、S型分类理论和同源岩浆演化理论而建立的,由于同源岩浆演化理论的不完善性、地质作用过程的多样性,导致了形成花岗岩类源岩组分的复杂性,使得I型、S型分类的不确定性,因而单元-超单元填图方法在实践中存在较多问题和矛盾,笔建议的花岗岩类填图办法是,以基本岩石分类方案为依据,以野外可识别、易掌握的客观岩石学、矿物学、组构学为准则,客观、真实的反映花岗岩类的地质特征。  相似文献   

Li-F granites all over the world can be represented by three end members, i. e., the Na-rich ongonite (O), the K-rich xianghualingite (X) and the Si-rich topazite (T). Characters and criteria are presented for these end-member rocks. Vertical zoning in Li-F granites, as reflected by increasing normative Q and C (corundum) and decreasing ALK (K2O+ Na2O) with increasing content of fluorine, can be explained using the three-end-member scheme in terms of petrochemistry and norms. Considering the difference in melt structure, viscosity and density between the end members, in couple with the regularities that govern the Na-K and SiALK segregation known from field evidence and experiments, it is suggested that the three end members may have resulted from liquid segregation (immiscibility) rather than from crystal fractionation as commonly believed.  相似文献   

近年来的区域地质调查在闽东南长乐-南澳断裂带中,多处新发现白垩纪(辉长)闪长质和二长花岗质岩浆经机械的、化学的混合形成各种浆混岩类,与两混合端元岩石共同构成浆混杂岩,成岩后还受到应力作用。它们因特殊的结构构造而长期被归入混合花岗岩或片麻状花岗岩类。描述了泉州市肖厝、福清市高山等地浆混杂岩的野外地质特征,并与莆田市和福清市的典型变质变形花岗岩类进行了对比,指出这3类岩石之间有明显的区别,浆混杂岩可能形成于主变质变形期之前早白垩世早期的伸展环境中。  相似文献   

Geochemical, isotopic and age constraints support a comagmatic origin for Ghuweir Mafics and the Feinan A-type granites. The two rocks types, named collectively in this paper as the Feinan Ghuweir Magmatic Suite (FGMS), formed between 556 and 572 Ma ago according to Rb-Sr whole-rock dating. FGMS has low Sr initial ratios, which preclude a significant contribution of much older crust in the magma genesis.The FGMS has a wide range of silica contents, with a gap at 55-65 wt% SiO2. It has a transalkaline to alkaline character; belongs to the medium to high K calc-alkaline series; it ranges from metaluminous to mildly peraluminous character and belongs to the alkali and alkali-calcic series. The Feinan granites and the Ghuweir rhyolites and rhyodacites are classified as A-type granites and belong to group A2 of Eby [Eby, N.G., 1992. Chemical subdivision of the A-type granitoids: petrogenetic and tectonic iplications. Geology 20, 641-644].According to geochemical modeling the Ghuweir Mafics were derived from a subduction modified lithospheric mantle by 10% batch modal partial melting of a phlogopite-bearing spinel lherzolite. The intra-suite geochemical variations can be ascribed to fractional crystallization of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase. The accumulation of apatite in the most evolved samples is responsible for the high concentrations of REE.The Feinan granites and the Ghuweir rhyolites and rhyodacites were derived from the mafic magma by the fractional crystallization of ≈78% of the original magma to the mineral assemblage olivine+pyroxene+plagioclase+magnetite. The intra-suite geochemical variations in the Feinan A-type granites are due to the fractional crystallization of the mineral phases: amphibole +Na and K-feldspar+apatite +magnetite+zircon+allanite.The FGMS correlates with time-equivalent rocks in many parts of the Arabian-Nubian Shield and the surrounding areas.  相似文献   

S. Jung   《Lithos》2005,84(3-4):168-184
The overwhelming part of the continental crust in the high-grade part of the Damara orogen of Namibia consists of S-type granites, metasedimentary rocks and migmatites. At Oetmoed (central Damara orogen) two different S-type granites occur. Their negative εNd values (− 3.3 to − 5.9), moderately high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.714–0.731), moderately high 206Pb/204Pb (18.21–18.70) and 208Pb/204Pb (37.74–37.89) isotope ratios suggest that they originated by melting of mainly mid-Proterozoic metasedimentary material. Metasedimentary country rocks have initial εNd of − 4.2 to − 5.6, initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.718–0.725, 206Pb/204Pb ratios of 18.32–18.69 and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 37.91–38.45 compatible with their variation in Rb/Sr, U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios. Some migmatites and residual metasedimentary xenoliths tend to have more variable εNd values (initial εNd: − 4.2 to − 7.1), initial Sr isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr: 0.708–0.735) and less radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb (18.22–18.53) and 208Pb/204Pb (37.78–38.10) isotope compositions than the metasedimentary rocks. On a Rb–Sr isochron plot the metasedimentary rocks and various migmatites plot on a straight line that corresponds to an age of c. 550 Ma which is interpreted to indicate major fractionation of the Rb–Sr system at that time. However, initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the melanosomes of the stromatic migmatites (calculated for their U–Pb monazite and Sm–Nd garnet ages of c. 510 Ma) are more radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr: 0.725) than those obtained on their corresponding leucosomes (87Sr/86Sr: 0.718) implying disequilibrium conditions during migmatization that have not lead to complete homogenization of the Rb–Sr system. However, the leucosomes have similar Nd isotope characteristics than the inferred residues (melanosomes) indicating the robustness of the Sm–Nd isotope system during high-grade metamorphism and melting. On a Rb–Sr isochron plot residual metasedimentary xenoliths show residual slopes of c. 66 Ma (calculated for an U–Pb monazite age of 470 Ma) again indicating major fractionation of Rb/Sr at c. 540 Ma. However, at 540 Ma, these xenoliths have unradiogenic Sr isotope compositions of c. 0.7052, indicating depleted metasedimentary sources at depth. Based on the distinct Pb isotope composition of the metasedimentary rocks and S-type granites, metasedimentary rocks similar to the country rocks are unlikely sources for the S-type granites. Moreover, a combination of Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotopes favours a three-component mixing model (metasedimentary rocks, altered volcanogenic material, meta-igneous crust) that may explain the isotopic variabilty of the granites. The mid-crustal origin of the different types of granite emphasises the importance of recycling and reprocessing of pre-existing differentiated material and precludes a direct mantle contribution during the petrogenesis of the orogenic granites in the central Damara orogen of Namibia.  相似文献   

刘晓佳  许志琴 《地质学报》2021,95(6):1754-1773
新火山和乌拉溪花岗岩体侵位于松潘-甘孜造山带南部的江浪穹隆中,是理解松潘-甘孜造山带的构造演化的重要窗口.锆石U-Pb定年结果表明新火山和乌拉溪花岗岩体的结晶年龄为162±1~170±0.5 Ma.岩体主要由石英、斜长石、钾长石和少量黑云母组成,具有低A/CNK(1.10~0.99)、TFeO/MgO(8.55~2.83)和K2O/Na2O(1.34~0.51),较低的Zr+Nb+Ce+Y浓度(平均258×10-6),Al2O3、P2O5与SiO2呈负相关,相当于I型花岗岩的特征.一些主微量元素具有明显的关联性,说明在岩浆演化过程中发生了分离结晶(例如:角闪石和钛铁矿).富集轻稀土和大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素,并具有较低的Mg#值(38.7~17.3)和Y/Nb值(0.45~0.16)以及多数为负的εHf(t)值(-24.8~-7.6),证明岩浆可能起源于古老地壳的部分熔融并受到幔源或者新生地壳熔融混染.松潘-甘孜地块的中侏罗世岩浆活动是在造山运动向陆内伸展这一构造体制转化背景下,由于地壳伸展造成了古老中基性地壳的部分熔融.  相似文献   

松潘—甘孜造山带广泛分布着三叠纪花岗岩体,其成因对正确认识研究区花岗岩浆的动力学背景具有重要意义。地球化学分析表明,万里城岩体寄主花岗岩具有高的SiO2含量(69.43%~73.10%)和较高的全碱含量,具弱过铝质(A/CNK=1.01~1.12)特征,属于高钾钙碱性—钾玄岩系列I型花岗岩类。暗色微粒包体具较低的SiO2含量(52.85%~59.50%)和较高的Mg#值(45~63),为准铝质高钾钙碱性二长(闪长)岩。包体为典型的岩浆细粒结构,发育针状磷灰石、环带结构斜长石、瞳状石英、反鲍文序列的不平衡岩浆结构等。微量与稀土元素分析表明,包体起源于壳幔混合作用,是底侵的幔源玄武质岩浆与上覆壳源长英质岩浆混合的产物,混合的熔体经历了钛铁矿、黑云母等矿物的分离结晶,最终形成万里城暗色微粒包体。而寄主花岗岩则起源于纯的长英质陆壳,岩石具有较低的Mg#值(21~39)、中等的CaO/(MgO+TFeO)值、较高的K2O/Na2O和(Na2O+K2O)/(TFeO+MgO+TiO2)值等,指示源区主要为变杂砂岩类。综合区域地质资料,提出松潘—甘孜造山带内大规模花岗质岩体的形成主要受控于碰撞后伸展背景下的玄武质岩浆底侵加热。  相似文献   

Palaeozoic rapakivi granites occur in the western segment of the China Central Orogenic System. Exhibiting typical rapakivi texture, these granites contain magmatic microgranular enclaves of intermediate compositions. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages for the granites and enclaves are 433 ± 5 Ma and 433 ± 3 Ma, respectively. The rapakivi granites are magnesian to ferroan, calc-alkalic to alkalic, and are characterized by high FeOt/(FeOt + MgO) (0.74–0.91) and Ga/Al ratios, and SiO2, Na2O + K2O and rare earth element (apart from Eu) contents, but low CaO, Ba, and Sr contents. These are typical A-type granite geochemical features. The granites and enclaves exhibit a uniform decrease in TiO2, CaO, Na2O, K2O, FeO, and MgO with increasing SiO2, and both lithologies have similar trace element patterns. Whole-rock ?Nd(t) values vary from??9.2 to??8.7 for the granites and from??9.0 to??8.4 for the enclaves, but zircon ?Hf(t) values vary more widely from??5.8 to??0.2 and??4.6 to +5.1, respectively. Our data suggest that the granites and enclaves have crystallized from different magmas. The granites appear to have been derived from old continental crust, whereas the enclaves required a source having a juvenile component. The spherical shape and undeformed nature of the granites and their geochemical characteristics, coupled with the (ultra)-high pressure metamorphism and evolution of Palaeozoic granitoid magmatism in the North Qaidam orogen, indicate that the rapakivi granites were generated in a post-collisional setting. These rocks are therefore an example of Palaeozoic rapakivi granites emplaced in a post-collisional, extensional orogenic setting.  相似文献   

阿巴拉契亚造山带加拿大纽芬兰岛东南部发育一晚泥盆纪阿克利巨型花岗岩基(~2500 km2).该岩基侵位于甘德和阿瓦隆地块的多佛-赫米蒂奇湾巨型断层带之间,内部发育钨-锡-钼矿床及相关的矿化.本文锆石年代学研究显示,岩基中Tolt单元侵位于378±2 Ma,各单元年龄基本一致,为同期岩浆多次侵位的产物.岩基中主要岩石类型...  相似文献   

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