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研究二阶多智能体系统在固定有向拓扑下的领导跟随一致性问题.为了节省网络和计算资源,给出一种基于事件触发控制的一致性算法.针对每个跟随者智能体,设计基于状态误差形式的触发函数,只有当状态误差满足一定条件,即触发函数取值为零时智能体才触发事件,同时更新并传递自身的采样信息,在两个相邻事件触发时刻之间,控制输入只受领导者控制信号的影响.利用模型变换、矩阵理论和Lyapunov稳定性理论给出多智能体系统达到领导跟随一致性的充分条件.仿真结果验证了理论方案的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

周托  刘全利  王东  王伟 《控制与决策》2022,37(5):1258-1266
研究有向切换拓扑下线性多智能体系统的事件触发一致跟踪问题.大多数已有的工作研究了固定拓扑下的事件触发控制,然而,当智能体间联系随时间发生改变或通信拓扑随时间发生变化时,该控制策略失效.鉴于此,在考虑切换拓扑的基础上提出一种基于积分型事件触发的控制策略.首先,当拓扑图包含一棵生成树且领导者是根节点时,利用Lyapunov稳定性理论、代数图论和矩阵变换,基于积分型事件触发控制协议,在切换拓扑下多智能体系统达到领导跟随一致性;然后,当存在多个领导者时,基于设计的触发机制在切换拓扑下多智能体系统实现包含控制,上述两种情况下闭环系统均不存在Zeno现象;最后,通过仿真结果验证控制策略的有效性.  相似文献   

本文针对带有外部干扰影响的多智能体系统,研究了基于事件触发机制下的多智能体系统Leader-Following一致性的控制问题.采用干扰观测器来估计系统中存在的干扰,并设计了基于事件触发机制的干扰主动控制方案.运用现代控制理论和矩阵论等工具分析了多智能体协同运动算法得到了多智能体系统在分布式事件触发机制下的一致性收敛条件,并且分析了本文设计的分布式事件触发机制的时间间隔存在正的下界.最后通过计算机仿真,验证了本文所提控制算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为符合实际情形,针对不确定与随机发生非线性的多智能体系统,研究了有时延且网络拓扑切换时系统的领导跟随一致性。传统协议通常保守的假设邻接个体间通信时延与个体和领导者间通信时延大小相同,新协议中上述时延可以大小不同。相比于传统方法,新颖的将复杂网络同步问题研究领域对时延的处理方法引入到多智能体系统一致性问题的研究中,利用一类推广的Halanay不等式,给出系统实现领导跟随一致性需满足的两个与时延无关的充分条件,即时延在相关参数满足定理条件的前提下不影响系统最终实现一致性。相比其他方法得到的含有时延的判定条件,本研究结果保守性更低,实例仿真验证了新协议的可行性。  相似文献   

黄红伟  黄天民  吴胜 《控制与决策》2017,32(12):2261-2267
研究二阶多智能体系统的一致性问题.为了减少智能体之间的信息通信量,给出一种改进的事件触发控制方法, 在该方法下,每个智能体仅在自身事件触发时刻执行控制任务.利用模型转化、线性矩阵不等式方法和Lyapunov稳定性理论给出系统达到一致性的充分条件,同时,理论计算结果表明,系统在所提出的方法下不存在Zeno现象.仿真实例验证了理论分析的有效性.  相似文献   

研究了拓扑结构为有向强连通图的多智能体系统的一致性问题。提出一种新的自适应事件触发控制方案,根据采样数据动态调整触发时间间隔,提高了系统的控制性能。基于Lyapunov稳定性理论和线性矩阵不等式方法,得到多智能系统渐进趋于一致的充分条件。同时,得到一致性条件与触发参数和通信拓扑有关的结论,数值仿真结果进一步验证了理论分析的有效性。  相似文献   

针对一阶离散多智能体系统,研究了事件触发控制下的二分一致性问题.首先考虑智能体间通信拓扑结构为无向连通结构平衡图的情形,针对各智能体设计事件触发控制,包括仅依赖于自身及邻居智能体采样状态的控制输入,以及仅依赖自身状态的事件触发条件,实现了对通信资源的节约利用.基于图论、离散系统稳定性理论,证明系统能够实现二分一致性.同时,合理设置控制输入及事件触发条件中参数,保证系统不存在Zeno现象.之后,进一步分析设计了包含有向生成树的结构平衡图下,多智能体系统的事件触发控制.最后利用仿真实例验证了理论结果的有效性.  相似文献   

周建萍  张健  茅大钧 《计算机仿真》2022,(2):399-405,440
针对多智能体间信息通信量大的问题,提出一种事件触发控制策略来研究了三阶多智能体系统在有向固定拓扑下的一致性问题.首先,基于定义的位置、速度和加速度的测量误差,设计了一种新颖的事件触发控制机制.然后,采用矩阵理论和模型变换思想对系统进行了分析和转换,利用Lyapunov理论给出了系统达到一致性的充分条件,且确保了Zeno...  相似文献   

王柳  胡爱花  江正仙 《控制与决策》2023,38(5):1295-1302
研究网络攻击下一般线性多智能体系统的动态事件触发一致性问题.考虑多智能体系统在受到网络攻击后,被攻击节点的状态会改变,导致与其相应的连接无法工作,设计修复策略恢复被攻击节点及其相应的连接,给出网络攻击下分布式事件触发控制协议.在静态事件触发机制基础上,通过引入动态阈值参数,提出动态事件触发机制.进一步,利用图论、线性矩阵不等式和李雅普诺夫函数方法,给出网络攻击下实现多智能体系统一致性的充分条件,并证明在所提出的动态事件触发条件下,能够有效避免芝诺行为.最后,通过仿真例子来验证理论结果的有效性.  相似文献   

本文研究了带扰动混杂多智能体系统领导–跟随一致性问题.给出了带扰动且含有非线性项的混杂多智能体系统模型.为了解决扰动和非线性项问题对系统带来的影响,本文基于等效趋近律设计了混杂多智能体系统的滑模控制协议,该控制协议包含连续时间智能体与离散时间智能体的运动状态信息.对混杂多智能体系统设计了Lyapunov函数,给出该系统实现领导–跟随一致性的充分条件,并证明了滑模控制协议下混杂多智能体系统可以实现领导–跟随一致性.最后,通过MATLAB仿真验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the consensus problem of leader-following multi-agent systems with fractional-order nonlinear dynamics. A typical event is defined as some error signals exceeding a given threshold. By applying Lyapunov functional approach and skills of computing function limit, consensus of the controlled multi-agent systems can be reached asymptotically. Meanwhile, the event-triggered algorithm can exclude Zeno behaviours. Finally, a numerical simulation is exploited to verify the effectiveness of the theoretical result.  相似文献   

In this paper, the leader-following consensus problem of fractional-order multi-agent systems is considered via adaptive pinning control. The dynamics of leader and all followers with linear and nonlinear functions are investigated, respectively. We assume that the node should be pinned if its in-degree is less than its out-degree in the paper. Under this assumption and based on the stability theory of fractional-order differential systems, some leader-following consensus criteria are derived, which are easily obtained by matrix inequalities. The control of each agent using local information is designed and detailed analysis of the leader-following consensus is presented. The design technique is based on algebraic graph theory and the Riccati inequality. Several simulation examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This article studies the bipartite resilient event-triggered consensus control for a class of the heterogeneous multi-agent systems. Due to the external cyberattacks, some agents may become the Byzantine agents and will affect the behavior of the other agents. To improve the security of the multi-agent systems against the Byzantine agents, a novel bipartite event-triggered heterogeneous mean-subsequence-reduced algorithm is designed. First, to handle the heterogeneous multi-agent systems, a state transformation is carefully designed, to facilitate the design and analysis of the bipartite resilient consensus algorithm. Based upon the designed state transformation, the bipartite resilient control inputs are constructed, where the structural balance analysis shows that the resulting effective signed graph and the equivalent signed graph are both structurally balanced, if the signed graph of the multi-agent systems is structurally balanced. In addition, a dynamic event-triggered mechanism is proposed, where a set of dynamic factors are introduced into the event-triggered functions to prevent the usage of the global topology information. By virtue of the designed algorithm, it is guaranteed that the heterogeneous multi-agent systems can achieve the bipartite consensus in the presence of the Byzantine agents, and the communication burden among the agents can be reduced. The numerical simulations are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

针对多智能体系统网络通信过程中信息需要量化的情况,研究了二阶多智能体系统在事件触发控制下的量化一致性。基于事件触发控制策略,提出一致性协议,并采用对数量化器对控制输入进行量化处理。利用Lyapunov稳定性理论,对系统进行一致性分析,得到了多智能体系统渐近趋于一致的充分条件。仿真结果说明了理论分析的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, the consensus problem of first-order multi-agent systems under linear asynchronous decentralised event-triggered control is investigated. Both undirected and directed topologies are considered. In the analysis, the closed-loop multi-agent systems with the event-triggered control are modelled as switched systems. After proposing the decentralised event-triggered consensus protocols, decentralised state-dependent event conditions are derived, which act as switching signals. The consensus analyses are performed based on graph theory and stability results of switched systems. Under the event-triggered control schemes presented, consensus is reached with enlarged sampling periods and no Zeno behaviour. Simulation examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper studies the consensus problem for multi-agent systems with quantised information communication via event-triggered control. First, the asynchronous event-triggered control for multi-agent systems is considered based on distributed uniform-quantised protocols. It is shown that practical consensus among agents is guaranteed and occurrence of Zeno behaviour is prevented under the designed event-triggering mechanisms. Second, under the proposed protocols using logarithmic quantised information, both synchronous and asynchronous event-triggered control algorithms are given to solve the practical consensus problem. Meanwhile, Zeno behaviour of the closed-loop systems can be excluded under the proposed event-triggered algorithms. Finally, numerical simulations are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the derived results.  相似文献   

In this paper, the leader-following consensus problem of the fractional-order nonlinear multi-agent systems via event-triggered control is considered. An effective event-triggered controller is designed and then generalised exponential consensus of the controlled multi-agent systems is studied in the sense of Mittag-Leffler stability of fractional-order systems. The event-triggering function design is dependent on the parameter of the system structure and the minimum inter-event interval can be flexibly adjusted with different fractional-order α. With the event-triggered control scheme, the consensus condition is obtained and the convergence rate of the system is estimated. Numerical simulation indicates the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

为了提高系统的通信效率和能源利用率,减少多自主体系统硬件资源的浪费,提出了只需要自主体自身及其最近邻居节点信息的分布式事件触发控制算法。研究了带有动态领导者的二阶多自主体系统领导跟随一致性问题。应用矩阵论和现代控制理论研究了在分布式事件触发机制下的二阶系统,得到了基于事件触发机制的多自主体系统协同运动的收敛条件。通过理论分析与计算表明,在此控制协议下不会存在芝诺行为,并且多自主体系统可以实现领导跟随一致性。最后,应用计算机仿真验证了本文所提控制协议的可靠性。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with sampled-data consensus for multi-agent systems with singular dynamics. It is assumed that the sampling period of each agent is independent of the other's. Based on event-triggered sampled-data transmission strategy, a distributed consensus protocol is presented. The consensus of singular multi-agent system is transformed into the stability of singular systems with multiple time-varying delays. By employing the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional method, a sufficient condition on the consensus of multi-agent singular system is derived. Based on the obtained condition, an algorithm to design consensus controller gains is presented in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Two numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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