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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the correlation of intratumoral blood flow in uterine myoma with cell proliferation, angiogenesis, tumor size, and tumor volume. METHODS: Thirty-nine patients who had been scheduled for surgery because of symptomatic uterine myomas were evaluated by transvaginal sonography and color Doppler ultrasound before surgery. The largest dimension of each tumor and the volumes of myomas were determined ultrasonographically. Pulsatility index (PI) was determined by color Doppler ultrasound according to the maximum systolic, end-diastolic, and the mean flow velocities measured within the uterine nodules. After surgery, the paraffin-embedded slides containing representative leiomyoma tissues were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, proliferating cell nuclear antigen for measurement of cell proliferation, and factor VIII for quantitation of microvessel density. The ultrasonographic findings were correlated postoperatively with pathologic findings, and the data were analyzed by simple linear regression and Fisher r to z transformation. RESULTS: Simple regression analysis of the intratumoral PI values on the sizes of myomas showed a negative correlation (r = -0.47, P = .003; n = 39), whereas a less significant correlation between PI values and tumor volumes was observed (r = -0.42, P = .008). In contrast, no statistically significant correlation was observed between the intratumoral PI values and the values of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen index (r = 0.10, P = .547) or microvessel density counts (r = 0.18, P = .282). CONCLUSION: The intratumoral blood flow by transvaginal color Doppler ultrasound correlated with a reduced tumor size and tumor volume, but did not correlate with cell proliferation or angiogenesis.  相似文献   

The capacity of the newt to metabolize benzo(a)pyrene in vivo was investigated qualitatively and quantitatively: metabolism was found to be rapid. Treatment of bile with beta-glucuronidase and aryl-sulfatase released high proportions of diols and quinones. 3-Methylcholanthrene treatment shortened the elimination half-life of benzo(a)pyrene which was about three times shorter than the half-life found for non-3-methylcholanthrene-pretreated animals. Thus, a greater proportion of benzo(a)pyrene was converted into water-soluble products.  相似文献   

EGF-induced hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4, 5, biphosphate was compared in A431 cells with respect to their growth response to EGF. A431 cells which express 4- to 5-fold more EGF receptors than A431-4 cells were growth inhibited, while A431-4 cells were growth stimulated by EGF within the same dose range. Treatment of A431 cells with EGF resulted in a 2-fold increase in cellular IP3 levels and the effect in A431-4 cells was not as obvious. In the presence of tyrosine kinase inhibitor coumaric acid (0.2 approximately 2 microM), A431 cell growth was stimulated, rather than inhibited, by EGF in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, the stimulation of A431-4 cell growth by EGF was reduced under the same conditions. Furthermore, in the presence of coumaric acid (up to 0.5 microM), EGF-induced production of inositol phosphates in A431 cells was not obviously affected. Taken together, the results suggest that EGF-induced growth inhibition of A431 cells may be due to a quantitative changes of EGF-receptor tyrosine kinase activity in areas other than the recruitment and activation of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C gamma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the health-related behaviors of women physicians compared with those of other women of high and not high socioeconomic status and with national goals. METHODS: We examined the results of a questionnaire-based survey of a stratified random sample, the Women Physicians' Health Study, and a US telephone survey (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Ga). We analyzed 3 samples of women aged 30 to 70 years: (1) respondents from the Women Physicians' Health Study (n = 4501); (2) respondents from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (n = 1316) of the highest socioeconomic status; and (3) all other respondents from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (n = 35,361). RESULTS: Women physicians were more likely than other women of high socioeconomic status and even more likely than other women not to smoke. The few physicians (3.7%) who smoked reported consuming fewer cigarettes per day, and physicians who had stopped smoking reported quitting at a younger age than women in the general population. Women physicians were less likely to report abstaining from alcohol, but those who drank reported consuming less alcohol per episode than other women and were less likely to report binging on alcohol than women in the general population. Unlike women in the general population and even other women of high socioeconomic status, women physicians' reported behaviors exceeded national goals for the year 2000 in all examined behaviors and screening habits. CONCLUSIONS: Women physicians report having generally good health habits even when compared with other socioeconomically advantaged women and report exceeding all examined national goals for personal screening practices and other personal health behaviors. Women physicians' behaviors may provide useful standards for other women in the United States.  相似文献   

Plactin D, a cyclic pentapeptide [cyclo(-D-Val-L-Leu-D-Leu-L-Phe-D-Arg-)] produced by a fungal strain, enhances fibrinolytic activity (6). The present study deals with the structure-activity relationship of plactins and their effects in U937 cells and mice. The results obtained from 50 plactin D analogues with a single amino acid substitution demonstrated that the following substitutions were detrimental: the enantiomer for each of the five residues; a polar, an acidic or a basic residue for D-Val, L-Leu, D-Leu or L-Phe; a polar, a hydrophobic or an acidic residue for D-Arg. On the other hand, a compound with L-Leu or L-Val in place of L-Phe was seven times as active as plactin D. These results suggest an essential role of a sterically restricted arrangement of four hydrophobic residues and the adjacent basic residue. The enhancement of fibrinolysis was dependent on plasma, ranging from 2- to 3-fold when U937 cells were incubated with 15-30 microM plactin D in the presence of 6-50% plasma, while no elevation was observed when cells were incubated in the absence of plasma. Plasminogen alone could not substitute for plasma. The plactin D effect was totally abolished by anti-urokinase IgG but not by anti-tissue plasminogen activator IgG. Plactin D caused a plasma-dependent, transient increase in the cellular urokinase activity. This urokinase activation may have accounted for the increased fibrinolytic activity of plactin D-treated U937 cells. Homogenates of the lung obtained from mice 0.5 to 2 h after intravenous plactin D (5 mg/kg) showed 2- to 3-fold increased levels of fibrinolytic activity, while activities of the brain, heart, liver, spleen, kidney and aorta were not significantly affected. In conclusion, plactin D enhances fibrinolysis both in cultured mammalian cells and in experimental animals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study compared the nature and magnitude of the relationship between aggression and CSF 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) concentration with that between aggression and the prolactin response to d-fenfluramine challenge in human subjects. METHOD: The Life History of Aggression assessment scores of 24 subjects with personality disorders were compared with their lumbar CSF 5-HIAA concentrations and with their prolactin responses to d-fenfluramine challenge. RESULTS: Aggression was significantly and inversely correlated with prolactin responses to d-fenfluramine challenge but not with lumbar CSF 5-HIAA concentrations in these subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Prolactin response to d-fenfluramine may be more sensitive than lumbar CSF 5-HIAA concentration in detecting a relationship between aggression and central serotonin activity in noncriminally violent human subjects.  相似文献   

Members of the hsp70 family of molecular chaperones interact with and stabilize nascent polypeptides during synthesis and/or translocation into organelles. The bacterial hsp70 homologue DnaK requires the DnaJ cofactor for its reaction cycle with polypeptide substrates. DnaJ stimulates the ATPase activity of the DnaK chaperone and thereby is thought to regulate the affinity of DnaK for its protein target. Herein we have analyzed some of the biochemical properties of two mammalian cytosolic DnaJ homologues, the hdj-1 and hdj-2 proteins. We were particularly interested in examining the proposal that DnaJ homologues are the first molecular chaperones to interact directly with nascent polypeptides. Nascent/newly synthesized proteins, nascent polypeptides released from the ribosome by puromycin, or polypeptides misfolded as a result of incorporation of an amino acid analogue were not found in complexes with either of the two HeLa cell DnaJ homologues. We still were unable to demonstrate any interactions between hdj-1p and nascent/newly synthesized proteins even after chemical cross-linking. We did find that hdj-1p, like bacterial DnaJ, stimulated the ATPase activity of hsp70. Stable complex formation between hsp70 and an unfolded polypeptide substrate in vitro was found to be reduced in the presence of hdj-1p and ATP. Thus, while hdj-1p likely does function as a cofactor for the hsp70 chaperone, having effects on hsp70's ATPase activity and conformation/oligomeric structure and the stability of hsp70-substrate complexes, it was not observed to interact directly with nascent/newly synthesized proteins. Rather, hdj-1p likely serves a regulatory role, governing the reaction cycle of hsp70 with polypeptide substrates.  相似文献   

The present study used trimethyltin (TMT)-intoxicated rats as a model for the behavioural syndrome seen after neuronal damage to the limbic system. Behavioural assessments indicated increased locomotor activity and reduced number of groomings in an open-arena task in TMT-intoxicated (6.6 mg/kg as a free base) rats, as has been found previously. A novel finding was the severe deficit in swimming to a visible platform in the water maze task, with reduced swimming speed at the beginning of the training period. During the reacquisition phase of a radial arm maze task, TMT-intoxicated rats made more short-term and long-term memory errors, and their behavioural activity was increased in comparison with controls. The administration of atipamezole (300 micrograms/kg), a selective antagonist of alpha 2-adrenoceptors, enhanced locomotor activity compared to saline-treated rats, but these effects did not differ between the TMT group and their controls. Atipamezole did not enhance short-term or long-term memory in either TMT or control groups. Taken together, the present data indicate that TMT intoxication is a model for global dementia rather than for a specific loss of relational memory. Previous studies on the neurochemical effects of TMT and the alleviation or prevention of neurotoxicity of TMT are reviewed.  相似文献   

A variety of external stimuli are accepted as important in modifying the severity of psoriasis. We sought to determine whether there is any difference in the influence of external factors on psoriasis in relation to extent of involvement or clinical type. A total of 870 psoriasis patients seen between 1982 and 1995 were categorized as mild, moderate, or severe on the basis of extent of the disease, and as guttate, nummular/plaque, or exfoliative/generalized pustular according to clinical type. We then performed a questionnaire survey concerning the influence of external factors such as seasonal changes, sunlight, stress, and pregnancy. These data sets were combined and analysed. The majority of patients stated favorable effects of summer, sunlight, and pregnancy and adverse effects of winter and stress. A statistically significant correlation was noted between the extent of psoriasis and the proportion of patients stating that their disease worsened at times of psychological stress (p < 0.01). We confirmed that psoriasis patients with more extensive involvement experience greater fluctuations in their condition, notice these changes, and therefore relate them to psychological stress.  相似文献   

Endogenous opioids, including methionine enkephalin, have been implicated in the control of adrenocorticotrophic hormone release by acting through mu-opiate receptors in the hypothalamus. Recently, alterations in the central opioid system have been postulated to occur in cholestasis. In addition, alterations in hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone content and messenger RNA levels, as well as basal release, have been described in bile duct-resected rats, and hypothalamic methionine enkephalin is colocalized with corticotropin-releasing hormone in hypothalamic neurons. Therefore hypothalamic and pituitary methionine enkephalin content and hypothalamic proenkephalin messenger RNA levels, as well as hypothalamic mu-opiate receptor-mediated responses in vitro and in vivo, were studied in rats with acute cholestasis caused by bile duct resection and in respective controls. Hypothalamic and pituitary methionine enkephalin levels were similar in bile duct-resected, sham-resected and unoperated control rats. In addition, hypothalamic proenkephalin steady state messenger RNA levels were similar in the three groups of animals. mu-Opiate receptor stimulation of hypothalamic explants in vitro with the specific mu-opiate receptor agonist ligand [D-Ala2,N-Me-Phe4,Gly-ol]-Enkephalin resulted in 8.2% and 16.9% inhibition of corticotropin-releasing hormone release in sham-resected and unoperated control rats, respectively. In contrast, treatment of hypothalamic explants from bile duct-resected rats with [D-Ala2,N-Me-Phe4,Gly-ol]-Enkephalin resulted in a significant 22.5% increase in corticotropin-releasing hormone release. Systemic administration of the mu-opiate receptor agonist morphine to rats in vivo resulted in significantly higher incremental rises in plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone levels in sham-resected and unoperated control animals than in bile duct-resected rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the most appropriate duration for the measurement of the maximal accumulated O2 deficit (MAOD), which is analogous to the anaerobic capacity, to ascertain the effects of mass, fat free mass (FFM), leg volume (Vleg) and lower body volume (V1b) on anaerobic test performance, to examine the reproducibility for peak power output (Wpeak) or maximal anaerobic power using an air-braked cycle ergometer and to produce approximations for the percentages of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism during exercise of short duration but high intensity. A group of 12 endurance trained cyclists [mean age 25.1 (SD 4.6) years; mean body mass 73.43 (SD 7.12) kg; mean maximal oxygen consumption 5.12 (SD 0.35) l.min-1; mean body fat 12.5 (SD 4.1) %] accordingly performed four counterbalanced treatments of 45, 60, 75 and 90 s of maximal cycling on an air-braked ergometer. The mean O2 deficit of 3.52 l for the 45-s treatment was significantly less (P < 0.01) than those for the 60 (3.75 l), 75 (3.80 l) and 90-s (3.75 l) treatments. These data therefore indicate that in predominantly aerobically trained subjects the O2 deficit attains a plateau after 60 s of maximal cycling on an air-braked ergometer. Statistically significant interclass correlation coefficients (P < 0.05) between the anthropometric variables (mass, FFM, Vleg and Vlb) and Wpeak or maximal anaerobic power (0.624-0.748) and MAOD (ml) or anaerobic capacity (0.666-0.772) furthermore would suggest the relevance of taking into account muscle mass during anaerobic tests.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Long-term intake of ethanol decreases food intake and inhibits growth in experimental rats. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of 4-week oral ethanol ingestion on plasma leptin and adrenal function. Male 45-day-old Wistar rats were divided into three groups: absolute control (AC), ethanol (E) administered 10% (wt/vol) ethanol instead of tap water, and pair-fed (PF) given an amount of food corresponding to the food intake of E animals. E rats consumed less pelleted diet (74% cumulative total intake); however, this caloric deficit was compensated by ethanol ingestion. Net water intake in E animals was 76% of that in the control groups. The body growth of both E and PF rats was stunted compared with AC animals, but E rats were heavier than PF rats. The plasma leptin level was similar in E and AC and decreased in PF animals. There were no differences in plasma osmolality or glycemia among the three groups. Plasma insulin was decreased in PF compared with both AC and E rats. Plasma corticosterone was not affected by ethanol, but was increased in the food-restricted (PF) group. Although there were no differences in basal adrenal corticosterone production in vitro, there was a slightly higher response to corticotropin (ACTH) in E rats. We conclude that drinking 10% ethanol decreased the dietary intake and body growth. These changes were not mediated by plasma leptin changes. Although alcohol ingestion and its energy content theoretically normalized the total energy intake and prevented the decrease of plasma leptin, the growth of young rats was inhibited. Drinking 10% ethanol instead of tap water for 4 weeks did not stimulate basal adrenal activity.  相似文献   

Recurrent infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is almost universal following orthotopic liver transplantation although clinical severity varies. Data on 135 patients who underwent transplantation for hepatitis C cirrhosis were reviewed. We describe a progressive, severe cholestatic form of hepatitis occurring in a subgroup of patients with recurrent hepatitis C. Ten patients with severe recurrent hepatitis C were identified; 1 has died, 1 awaits retransplantation, and 8 have undergone retransplantation. All 10 developed severe progressive cholestatic hepatitis, with a mean rise in bilirubin to 24.7 mg/dL at the time of retransplantation. Histology at initial recurrence was of mild hepatitis without evidence of rejection. The failed grafts showed either cirrhosis or confluent hepatic necrosis. The onset of cholestasis preceded retransplantation by less than 5 months. Our study suggests that a minority of patients with recurrent hepatitis C after undergoing liver transplantation develop a severe progressive cholestatic hepatitis and liver failure.  相似文献   

[3H]Paroxetine binding to particulate membrane from tissue, obtained at autopsy, from the hippocampus, frontal cortex, and caudate nucleus from subjects who had or had not had schizophrenia was measured. The density of [3H]paroxetine binding to membranes from subjects who had or had not had schizophrenia did not differ. Similarly, the affinity of [3H]paroxetine binding in the frontal cortex and caudate nucleus was not different. By contrast, the affinity of [3H]paroxetine binding to hippocampal membrane from subjects who had schizophrenia was significantly lower than the affinity of binding for the nonschizophrenic subjects (0.40 +/- 0.06 vs. 0.26 +/- 0.02; p < 0.05). As [3H]paroxetine binds to the serotonin transporter, these data suggest that the serotonin transporter is altered in the hippocampus in subjects with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The immunostimulatory effect of intragastrically or parenterally administered beta-(1-->3; 1-->4) glucan, extracted from oats (ObetaG), on disease resistance to Eimeria vermiformis was studied in C57BL/6 mice. Multiple administrations of ObetaG by intragastric or subcutaneous routes reduced fecal oocyst shedding compared to the non-treated control group. The administration of ObetaG by subcutaneous route resulted in higher levels of total serum immunoglobulins and antigen (sporozoite and merozoite)-specific immunoglobulins as compared with the non-treated group. To evaluate the effect of a single subcutaneous dose, groups of mice were treated with ObetaG 2 days before E. vermiformis infection, at the time of infection and at 2 or 6 days after infection. From day 11 post-infection the oocyst discharge was significantly diminished (P<0.05-0.01) in the ObetaG-treated groups, except in those treated 6 days after infection, as compared to the non-treated control group. The proliferative responses to E. vermiformis sporozoite antigen of lymphocytes isolated from the spleen were significantly increased (P<0.05) when ObetaG was administered 2 days before or at the time of E. vermiformis infection. Lymphocyte proliferative responses to merozoite antigen were not influenced by treatment. In conclusion, ObetaG appeared to up-regulate immune mechanisms and provide enhanced resistance against eimerian coccidiosis in mice.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA) receptor antagonist 2,3-dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulfamoyl-benzo[f]quinoxaline (NBQX) in the expression of amphetamine-induced behavioural sensitisation and amphetamine-induced conditioned activity in mice. Repeated weekly administration of amphetamine (0.375 mg/kg) for 7 weeks led to an increased locomotor response when challenged with amphetamine 1 week later. NBQX attenuated this increased response at doses (3 and 30 mg/kg) which had no effect on the acute locomotor response to amphetamine. In a separate experiment, mice given amphetamine (1 mg/kg) in a distinctive environment, showed an increased locomotor response within this environment following a subsequent saline administration. NBQX (5-20 mg/kg) had no effect on the expression of this conditioned response. These results suggest that AMPA receptors are involved in the expression of amphetamine-induced behavioural sensitisation in mice, and that this involvement is limited to either the neurobiological effects of amphetamine or the effects of amphetamine on conditioned associations, rather than drug environment conditioned associations.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses to viruses are generally assumed to be T-cell dependent (TD). Recently, however, polyomavirus (PyV) infection of T-cell-deficient (T-cell receptor beta chain [TCR-beta] -/- or TCR-betaxdelta -/-) mice was shown to elicit a protective, T-cell-independent (TI) antiviral IgM and IgG response. A repetitive, highly organized antigenic structure common to many TI antigens is postulated to be important in the induction of antibody responses in the absence of helper T cells. To test whether the repetitive structure of viral antigens is essential and/or sufficient for the induction of TI antibodies, we compared the abilities of three forms of PyV antigens to induce IgM and IgG responses in T-cell-deficient mice: soluble capsid antigens (VP1), repetitive virus-like particles (VLPs), and live PyV. Immunization with each of the viral antigens resulted in IgM production. VLPs and PyV elicited 10-fold-higher IgM titers than VP1, indicating that the highly organized, repetitive antigens are more efficient in IgM induction. Antigen-specific TI IgG responses, however, were detected only in mice infected with live PyV, not in VP1- or VLP-immunized mice. These results suggest that the highly organized, repetitive nature of the viral antigens is insufficient to account for their ability to elicit TI IgG response and that signals generated by live-virus infection may be essential for the switch to IgG production in the absence of T cells. Germinal centers were not observed in T-cell-deficient PyV-infected mice, indicating that the germinal center pathway of B-cell differentiation is TD even in the context of a virus infection.  相似文献   

The secretion of GH changes during the menstrual cycle, exhibiting high levels during the periovulatory phase (PO). Previous studies have not investigated whether this difference in GH status is due to increased secretion or reduced clearance of pituitary GH and amplified pulsatile vs. basal GH secretion. It is also unclear whether the PO phase is accompanied by changes in circulating insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). In this study we investigated the 24-h GH release patterns in the early follicular (EF) vs. the periovulatory menstrual phase in the same individuals. Ten young (aged 24-34 yr) healthy women with regular menses were studied with deconvolution analysis of GH profiles obtained by blood sampling every 20 min for 24 h, followed by an arginine stimulation test. A high sensitivity immunofluorometric GH assay was used. All women were studied in both the EF and PO phases in random order. There were no differences in the basal GH secretion rate or GH half-life during the two phases. The number of GH secretory bursts identified during the 24-h sampling period was significantly increased during the PO (13.3 +/- 0.5) compared to the EF (10.3 +/- 0.6) phase (P = 0.002); conversely, the mean interburst interval was shorter in the PO (107 +/- 5 min) than in the EF (134 +/- 8 min) phase (P = 0.004). There was no difference in GH pulse mass (P = 0.13) or amplitude (P = 0.21) between the two phases. The pulsatile GH production rate (milligrams per L/24 h) was significantly elevated during the PO (61 +/- 6) compared to that during the EF (37 +/- 8; P = 0.004). Increased total GH pulse area was confirmed by Cluster analysis (P = 0.027). Furthermore, the 24-h mean serum GH concentration was significantly increased in the PO (1.4 +/- 0.1 mg/L) vs. that in the EF (0.9 +/- 0.1 mg/L; P = 0.002). There was a positive correlation between estradiol (E2) and GH secretory pulse amplitude, frequency, and mean 24-h serum GH concentration in the PO cycle phase, indicating E2 to be a major statistical determinant of GH secretion. Serum GH increased significantly after arginine infusion in both phases (P < 0.001), whereas there was no difference between the two cycle phases (P = 0.20). Serum IGF-I levels were increased during the PO phase (253 +/- 20 mg/L) compared to those during the EF phase (210 +/- 16 mg/L; P = 0.03), whereas serum IGF-binding protein-3, IGF-II, and GH-binding protein were similar during the two phases. This study unequivocally documents elevated GH levels during the PO phase of the menstrual cycle, mediated by increased GH production rate and burst frequency. The concomitant increase in serum IGF-I suggests a central stimulation of the GH-IGF-I axis, which may be mediated by endogenous E2 levels.  相似文献   

Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) has been recognized as a therapeutic drug for primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and chronic viral hepatitis. As one of the mechanisms by which UDCA improves liver function tests in those patients, its immunomodulatory effect is currently considered important. Although the suppressive effects of UDCA on some cytokine productions, T-cell mediated cytotoxicity and immunoglobulin production were observed from in vitro studies, the immunomodulation in vivo by UDCA remains unclear. In the present study, we investigated the effect of UDCA administration on the number of immunoglobulin secreting cells in liver, peripheral blood, spleen and Peyer's patches in mice using the enzyme linked immunospot assay and assessed whether the UDCA-mediated immunomodulation is liver-specific. It was demonstrated that intragastric administration of UDCA reduced immunoglobulin secretion by lymphocytes from liver, but not from peripheral blood, spleen, or Peyer's patches. However, immunoglobulin production of those lymphocytes cultured in the presence of UDCA was suppressed, irrespective of their distribution sites, in a UDCA dose-dependent manner. When the concentrations of UDCA in portal and peripheral blood were measured using high performance liquid chromatography, UDCA was detectable in the portal blood in UDCA-treated mice, but not in peripheral blood, suggesting that the concentrations of UDCA in the environment surrounding lymphocytes may be an important factor for the modulation of lymphocyte functions.  相似文献   

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