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In situ experiments using isotopically labeled mercury species (199Hg(II) and Me201Hg) are used to investigate mercury transformation mechanisms, such as methylation, demethylation and reduction, in coastal and marine surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The aim of this work is to assess the relative contribution of photochemical versus biological processes to Hg transformation mechanisms. For this purpose, potential transformation rates measured under diurnal and dark incubation conditions are compared with major biogeochemical parameters (i.e. hydrological and biological data) in order to obtain the relative contribution of various biotic and abiotic mechanisms in both surface (high light) and bottom (low light) waters of the euphotic zone. The results demonstrate that coastal and marine euphotic zones are significant reactors for all Hg transformations investigated (i.e. methylation, demethylation, reduction). A major outcome demonstrates that Hg methylation is taking place in oxic surface seawater (0.3–6.3% day− 1) and is mainly influenced by pelagic microorganism abundance and activities (phyto- and bacterioplankton). This evidences a new potential MeHg source in the marine water column, especially in oligotrophic deep-sea basins in which biogeochemistry is mostly governed by heterotrophic activity. For coastal and marine surface waters, although MeHg is mainly photochemically degraded (6.4–24.5% day− 1), demethylation yields observed under dark condition may be attributed to microbial or chemical pathways (2.8–10.9% day− 1). Photoreduction and photochemical reactions are the major mechanisms involved in DGM production for surface waters (3.2–16.9% day− 1) but bacterial or phytoplanktonic reduction of Hg(II) cannot be excluded deeper in the euphotic zone (2.2–12.3% day− 1). At the bottom of the euphotic zone, photochemical processes are thus avoided due to the attenuation of UV-visible sunlight radiation allowing biotic processes to be the most significant. These results suggest a new potential route for Hg species cycling in surface seawater and especially at the maximum biomass depth located at the bottom of the euphotic zone (i.e. maximum chlorophyll fluorescence). In this environment, DGM production and demethylation mechanisms are thus probably reduced whereas Hg methylation is enhanced by autotrophic and heterotrophic processes. Experimental results on mercury species uptake during these investigations further evidenced the strong affinity of MeHg for biogenic particles (i.e. microorganisms) that correspond to the first trophic level of the pelagic food web.  相似文献   

Species-specific enriched stable isotopes have been used to study mercury transformations (methylation, demethylation and volatilization) in estuarine sediments under different environmental conditions (both biotic and abiotic and oxic and anoxic). These experiments have demonstrated the potential for the isotopically enriched species in combination with highly sensitive measurement methods (ICP MS) to facilitate the study of mercury speciation and reactivity. Sediments (sterilized and nonsterilized) were spiked with both isotopically enriched inorganic (199Hg) and monomethylmercury (MM201Hg) at environmental levels to avoid perturbing the system and incubated under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The formation of MM199Hg and the degradation of MM201Hg were measured simultaneously during time series experiments by capillary gas chromatography-inductively coupled mass spectrometry. Specific methylation and demethylation rate constants (Km and Kd) were calculated. Results clearly showed that methylmercury levels in sediments are controlled by competing and simultaneous methylation and demethylation reactions. Operating conditions, likely to drastically modify the reactivity of the media, were of primary importance to assess the relative significance of each mechanism. In estuarine sediments, mercury methylation was enhanced under anaerobic nonsterile conditions, whereas other environmental conditions were either less favorable for monomethylmercury production or more effective for its degradation. The production of total gaseous mercury was found to be minimal, although it could be demonstrated that it was related to the fate and transformation of methylmercury.  相似文献   

Mercury evasional fluxes from the sea surface into the atmosphere play an important role in the Hg biogeochemical cycle, especially in the Mediterranean basin, which is characterized by the presence of large cinnabar deposits, intense solar radiation and high temperatures for many months of the year. Since the available experimental methodologies to measure mercury flux can be used only in good weather conditions, at present it is necessary to make use of exchange models that require the knowledge of the dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) concentration in seawater. In this paper, the main factors affecting DGM levels are discussed considering the determination of the DGM daily behaviour in different meteo-marine and weather conditions at coastal and offshore locations of the Mediterranean basin. A fully automatic device for continuous analyses of DGM concentration with a high time resolution was used. Results show that the daily trend of DGM concentration tracks that of the solar radiation intensity, often mapping the movement of the clouds. DGM levels can be decreased by the presence of high winds that increase mercury evasion from the water surface, as well as by the mixing of the surface water layer. The presence of high levels of dissolved organic matter favours the photo-induced reduction of mercury as observed by the measurements performed in a lagoon water.  相似文献   

Multiple tracers of groundwater input (salinity, Si, 223Ra, 224Ra, and 226Ra) were used together to determine the magnitude, character (meteoric versus seawater), and nutrient contribution associated with submarine groundwater discharge across the leeward shores of the Hawai'ian Islands Maui, Moloka'i, and Hawai'i. Tracer abundances were elevated in the unconfined coastal aquifer and the nearshore zone, decreasing to low levels offshore, indicative of groundwater discharge (near-fresh, brackish, or saline) at all locations. At several sites, we detected evidence of fresh and saline SGD occurring simultaneously. Conservative estimates of SGD fluxes ranged widely, from 0.02–0.65 m3 m− 2 d− 1at the various sites. Groundwater nutrient fluxes of 0.04–40 mmol N m− 2 d− 1 and 0.01–1.6 mmol P m− 2 d− 1 represent a major source of new nutrients to coastal ecosystems along these coasts. Nutrient additions were typically greatest at locations with a substantial meteoric component in groundwater, but the recirculation of seawater through the aquifer may provide a means of transferring terrestrially-derived nutrients to the coastal zone at several sites.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of resuspension on the fate and bioaccumulation of mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in shallow estuarine environments, using mesocosms. Two 4-week experiments were conducted in July (Experiment 1) and October (Experiment 2) of 2001 with Baltimore Harbor sediments. Hard clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, were introduced into sediments for Experiment 2. Tidal resuspension (4 h on and 2 h off cycles) was simulated, with 3 replicate tanks for each treatment—resuspension (R) and non-resuspension (NR). Sediment cores were collected during the experiments for THg, MeHg, organic content and AVS analyses, and for the determination of methylation/demethylation using Hg stable isotopes (199Hg(II) and CH3199Hg(II)). Zooplankton samples were collected once a week while clams were taken before and after Experiment 2 for THg and MeHg analyses. Our results suggest that the interplay between Hg methylation and MeHg degradation determines the overall MeHg pool in sediments. Sediment resuspension does not appear to directly impact the Hg transformations but can lead to changes in the association to Hg binding phases, influencing Hg methylation. The bioaccumulation results indicate that sediment resuspension can play an important role in transferring sediment MeHg into organisms.  相似文献   

The diversity of small-scale wetlands, high salinity tidal creeks, salt marshes, estuaries, and a wide and shallow shelf with the Gulf Stream close to the break makes the coastal zone of south-eastern North Carolina (U.S.) a natural laboratory for the study of the cycling of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in coastal and shelf waters. We assessed the summer concentrations, forms, and ratios for each N (total dissolved N, nitrate + nitrite, ammonium and dissolved organic N) and P (total dissolved P, o-phosphate and dissolved organic P) pool as these nutrients travel from tidal creeks, salt marshes and two large estuaries to Long and Onslow Bays. Additionally, we measured ancillary physical (temperature, salinity and turbidity) and chemical (dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a and pH) water properties. Highest concentrations of all individual N and P compounds were found in the upper parts of each tributary and were attributed to loads from agricultural and urban sources to the coastal watersheds, continuing downstream to receiving estuaries. In all areas, dissolved organic N and P species were predominant constituents of the total dissolved N and P pools (64–97% and 56–93%, respectively). The lower parts of estuaries and surface shelf waters were characterized by oceanic surface values, indicating removal of N and P downstream in all tributaries. The different watershed and hydrological characteristics also determined the different speciation of N and P pools in each estuary. Despite a high level of anthropogenic pressure on the uppermost coastal waters, there is self-regulation in this coastal ecosystem with respect to human perturbations; i.e. significant amounts of the N and P load are retained within estuarine and nearshore waters without reaching the shelf.  相似文献   

台湾东北和西北部沿岸海域的浮游多毛类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙瑞平  黄将修 《台湾海峡》1998,17(3):351-354
本文报道东北季风初期台湾东北和西北部沿岸海域的浮游多毛类,计11种。文中对2种新纪录种类作了描述。  相似文献   

We have investigated the chemical forms, reactivities and transformation kinetics of Fe(III) species present in coastal water with ion exchange and filtration methods. To simulate coastal water system, a mixture of ferric iron and fulvic acid was added to filtered seawater and incubated for a minute to a week. At each incubation time, the seawater sample was acidified with hydrochloric acid and then applied to anion exchange resin (AER) to separate negatively charged species (such as fulvic acid, its complexes with iron and iron oxyhydroxide coated with fulvic acid) from positively charged inorganic ferric iron (Fe(III)′). By monitoring the acid-induced Fe(III)′ over an hour, it was found that iron complexed by fulvic acid dissociated rapidly to a large extent (86–92% at pH 2), whereas amorphous ferric oxyhydroxide particles associated with fulvic acid (AFO-L) dissociated very slowly with the first-order dissociation rate constants ranging from 6.1 × 10− 5 for pH 3 to 2.7 × 10− 4 s− 1 for pH 2. Therefore, a brief acidification followed by the AER treatment (acidification/AER method) was likely to be able to determine fulvic acid complexes and thus differentiate the complexes from the AFO-L particles (the dissolution of AFO-L was insignificant during the brief acidification). The acidification/AER method coupled with a simple filtration technique suggested that the iron–fulvic acid complexes exist in both the < 0.02 μm and 0.02–0.45 μm size fractions in our coastal water system. The truly dissolved iron (< 0.02 μm) was relatively long-lived with a life-time of 14 days, probably due to the complexation by strong ligands. Such an acid-labile iron may be an important source of bioavailable iron in coastal environments, as a significant relationship between the chemical lability and bioavailability of iron has been well recognised.  相似文献   

We report measurements of iron, nutrients, dissolved oxygen, humic-type fluorescence intensity and chlorophyll a concentrations in the coastal waters at the inflow (western) and outflow (eastern) ends of Tsugaru Strait (Japan) in June 2003 and 2004. Two different water masses (intensive eastward flow “subtropical Tsugaru Warm Current Water (TWCw)” and weak westward flow “subarctic Oyashio Water (OW)”) were observed at the eastern end of the strait. TWCw at the southern part of the eastern strait was vertically homogeneous with a uniform concentrations of iron (0.7–1.1 nM for labile dissolved Fe and 14–20 nM for total dissolvable Fe in 2003) as well as other chemical, biological and physical components throughout the water column of 200 m due to strong vertical mixing in the strait. The degree of mixing in the Tsugaru Warm Current (TWC) is predominantly affected by diurnal tidal current, which is strong during the period of tropical tides and weak during the period of equinoctial ones. The especially strong vertical water mixing in 2003 is caused by large dissipation energy input due to the bottom friction of passage-flow through the strait and tidal current. At the northern part of the eastern strait, the fresh surface layer overlying the OW and the deep-bottom waters in 2003 contained large concentrations of dissolved iron, resulting from iron supplied from river runoff and shelf sediments, respectively. These results suggest that the most important mechanism for transporting iron in the strait is the strong vertical water mixing due to the tidal current, and that the iron sources in the coastal waters are the organic-associated, iron-rich freshwater input into the surface water.  相似文献   

The Arabian Sea is subject to intense seasonality resulting from biannual monsoons, which lead to associated large particulate fluxes and an abundance of organic carbon, a potential food source at the seafloor for benthic detritivores. We used the stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen alongside lipid analyses to examine potential food sources (particulate and sedimentary organic matter, POM and SOM respectively) in order to determine trophic linkages for the twelve most abundant megafaunal species (Pontocaris sp., Solenocera sp., Munidopsis aff. scobina, Actinoscyphia sp., Actinauge sp., Echinoptilum sp., Pennatula aff. grandis, Astropecten sp. Amphiura sp. Ophiura euryplax, Phormosoma placenta and Hyalinoecia sp.) at the Pakistan Margin between 140 and 1400 m water depth. This transect spans a steep gradient in oxygen concentrations and POM flux. Ranges of δ13C and δ15N values were narrow in POM and SOM (4‰ and 2‰ for δ13C and δ15N, respectively) with little evidence of temporal variability. Labile lipid compounds in SOM originating from phytoplankton did exhibit seasonal change in their concentrations at the shallowest sites, 140 and 300 m. Benthic megafauna had broad ranges in δ13C and δ15N (>10‰ and >8‰ for δ13C and δ15N, respectively) suggesting they occupy several trophic levels and utilize a variety of food sources. There is evidence for feeding niche separation between and within trophic groups. Lipid biomarkers in animal tissues indicate a mixture of food sources originating from both phytoplankton (C20:5(n-3) and C22:6(n-3)) and invertebrate prey (C20:1 and C22:1). Biomarkers originating from phytodetritus are conserved through trophic transfer to the predator/scavengers. Six species (Pontocaris sp., Solenocera sp., Actinoscyphia sp., Echinoptilum sp., Amphiura sp. and Hyalinoecia sp.) showed a significant biochemical response to the seasonal supply of food and probably adapt their trophic strategy to low food availability. Biotransformation of assimilated lipids by megafauna is evident from polyunsaturated fatty acid distributions, for example, Echinoptilum sp. converts C20:5(n-3) to C24:6(n-3).  相似文献   

During an almost three months long expedition in the Arctic Ocean, the Beringia 2005, dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) was measured continuously in the surface water. The DGM concentration was measured using an equilibrium system, i.e. the DGM in the water phase equilibrated with a stream of gas and the gas was thereafter analysed with respect to its mercury content. The DGM concentrations were calculated using the following equation, DGM = Hgeq / kH' where Hgeq is the equilibrated concentration of elemental mercury in the gas phase and kH' is the dimensionless Henry's law constant at desired temperature and salinity. During the expedition several features were observed. For example, enhanced DGM concentration was measured underneath the ice which may indicate that the sea ice acted as a barrier for evasion of mercury from the Arctic Ocean to the atmosphere. Furthermore, elevated DGM concentrations were observed in water that might have originated from river discharge. The gas-exchange of mercury between the ocean and the atmosphere was calculated in the open water and both deposition and evasion were observed. The measurements showed significantly enhanced DGM concentrations, compared to more southern latitudes.  相似文献   

The Mussel Watch program conducted along the French coasts for the last 20 years indicates that the highest mercury concentrations in the soft tissue of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) occur in animals from the eastern part of Seine Bay on the south coast of the English Channel, the “Pays de Caux”. This region is characterized by the presence of intertidal and submarine groundwater discharges, and no particular mercury effluent has been reported in its vicinity. Two groundwater emergence systems in the karstic coastal zone of the Pays de Caux (Etretat and Yport with slow and fast water percolation pathways respectively) were seasonally sampled to study mercury distribution, partitioning and speciation in water. Samples were also collected in the freshwater–seawater mixing zones in order to compare mercury concentrations and speciation between these “subterranean” or “groundwater” estuaries and the adjacent macrotidal Seine estuary, characterized by a high turbidity zone (HTZ). The mercury concentrations in the soft tissue of mussels from the same areas were monitored at the same time.The means of the “dissolved” (< 0.45 μm) mercury concentrations (HgTD) in the groundwater springs were 0.99 ± 0.15 ng l− 1 (n = 18) and 0.44 ± 0.17 ng l− 1 (n = 17) at Etretat and Yport respectively. High HgTD concentrations were associated with strong runoff over short water pathways during storm periods, while low concentrations were associated with long groundwater pathways. Mean particulate mercury concentrations were 0.22 ± 0.05 ng mg− 1 (n = 16) and 0.16 ± 0.10 ng mg− 1 (n = 17) at Etretat and Yport respectively, and decreased with increasing particle concentration probably as a result of dilution by particles from soil erosion. Groundwater mercury speciation was characterized by high reactive-to-total mercury ratios in the dissolved phase (HgRD/HgTD: 44–95%), and very low total monomethylmercury concentrations (MMHg < 8 pg l− 1). The HgTD distributions in the Yport and Etretat mixing zones were similar (overall mean concentration of 0.73 ± 0.21 ng l− 1, n = 43), but higher than those measured in the adjacent industrialized Seine estuary (mean: 0.31 ± 0.11 ng l− 1, n = 67). In the coastal waters along the Pays de Caux dissolved monomethylmercury (MMHgD) concentrations varied from 9.5 to 13.5 pg l− 1 (2 to 8% of the HgTD). Comparable levels were measured in the Seine estuary (range: 12.2– 21.1 pg l−1; 6–12% of the HgTD). These groundwater karstic estuaries seem to be mostly characterized by the higher HgTD and HgRD concentrations than in the adjacent HTZ Seine estuary. While the HTZ of the Seine estuary acts as a dissolved mercury removal system, the low turbid mixing zone of the Pays de Caux receives the dissolved mercury inputs from the groundwater seepage with an apparent Hg transfer from the particulate phase to the “dissolved” phase (< 0.45 μm). In parallel, the soft tissue of mussels collected near the groundwater discharges, at Etretat and Yport, exhibited significantly higher values than those found in the mussel from the mouth of the Seine estuary. We observe that this difference mimics the differences found in the mercury distribution in the water, and argue that the dissolved phase of the groundwater estuaries and coastal particles are significant sources of bioavailable mercury for mussels.  相似文献   

The chemical speciation of dissolved mercury in surface waters of Galveston Bay was determined using the concentrations of mercury-complexing ligands and conditional stability constants of mercury-ligand complexes. Two classes of natural ligands associated with dissolved organic matter were determined by a competitive ligand exchange-solvent solvent extraction (CLE-SSE) method: a strong class (Ls), ranging from 19 to 93 pM with an average conditional stability constant (KHgLs) of 1028, and a weak class (Lw) ranging from 1.4 to 9.8 nM with an average KHgLs of 1023. The range of conditional stability constants between mercury and natural ligands suggested that sulfides and thiolates are important binding sites for dissolved mercury in estuarine waters. A positive correlation between the estuarine distribution of dissolved glutathione and that of mercury-complexing ligands supported this suggestion. Thermodynamic equilibrium modeling using stability constants for HgL, HgClx, Hg(OH)x, and HgCl(OH) and concentrations of each ligand demonstrated that almost all of the dissolved mercury (> 99%) in Galveston Bay was complexed by natural ligands associated with dissolved organic matter. The importance of low concentrations of high-affinity ligands that may originate in the biological system (i.e., glutathione and phytochelatin) suggests that the greater portion of bulk dissolved organic matter may not be important for mercury complexation in estuarine surface waters.  相似文献   

2013年我国近海赤潮引发种种类和分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2013年全国海洋环境监测1626个站位生物数据进行分析, 以近2001年~2013年在我国近海海域明确发生赤潮的生物作为赤潮引发种, 开展其种类组成和数量分布研究。结果显示: (1)我国近海赤潮引发种隶属于8门60种, 其中产毒种12种, 甲藻27种, 硅藻20种。(2)2013年共监测到上述赤潮引发种50种, 各监测站位种类数在0~25种之间, 平均密度在84~1.16×1011个/m3之间, 赤潮引发种种类数、密度分布大致都呈现近岸至远海递减的趋势, 但在长江口及其邻近海域, 呈现先增大后减小趋势。(3)2013年各海区赤潮引发种种类数在36~42之间, 平均密度渤海>东海>南海>黄海, 多样性指数渤海>黄海>南海>东海, 都以中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)为优势种。(4)作为高频赤潮引发种,2013年中肋骨条藻(S. costatum)主要分布在我国近岸及近海海域; 夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillans)在我国近岸、近远海海域都有分布; 东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)主要分布在黄海和东海的近岸和近海海域; 米氏凯伦藻(Karenia mikimotoi)分布较为广泛, 但出现的站位较少; 红色中缢虫(Mesodinium rubrum)、赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)、红色赤潮藻(Akashiwo sanguinea)只在很少区域有分布。该研究结果有助于摸清我国近海海域赤潮生物种类和分布状况, 可为赤潮的预警及其防灾减灾提供基础科学依据。  相似文献   

海岸带是中国乃至全球经济快速发展的引擎带,全球超过1 000万人口的大城市有70%位于海岸带河口区域。海岸带城市具有陆海交汇的典型特征,因其融合城市与海洋的特性成为生态文明教育的典型。以海城耦合为创新切入点,推动海岸带城市生态文明课程教育方法论与教学实践的发展。通过融合习近平生态文明思想、复杂性理论和系统学理论实现方法论体系创新,结合海岸带城市生态文明建设的现实问题与需求,以“学科耦合—陆海耦合—人海耦合”,打通海岸带城市生态文明专业、通识和科普三大教育之间的壁垒;以海城耦合课程实践培育生态文明专业学生的海洋意识,实现教育与科研相长,科研与科普互融,协同推动海城耦合的海岸带城市生态文明教育。研究构建海城耦合的教学新范式,以课程推动生态学科、海洋学科和规划管理学科交叉创新,培养高质量海岸带城市生态文明人才,服务于我国生态文明建设和海洋强国战略。  相似文献   

Stable isotopes, tritium, radium isotopes, radon, trace elements and nutrients data were collected during two sampling campaigns in the Ubatuba coastal area (south-eastern Brazil) with the aim of investigating submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the region. The isotopic composition (δD, δ18O, 3H) of submarine waters was characterised by significant variability and heavy isotope enrichment. The stable isotopes and tritium data showed good separation of groundwater and seawater groups. The contribution of groundwater in submarine waters varied from a few % to 17%. Spatial distribution of 222Rn activity concentration in surface seawater revealed changes between 50 and 200 Bq m−3 which were in opposite relationship with observed salinities. Time series measurements of 222Rn activity concentration in Flamengo Bay (from 1 to 5 kBq m−3), obtained by in situ underwater gamma-spectrometry showed a negative correlation between the 222Rn activity concentration and tide/salinity. This may be caused by sea level changes as tide effects induce variations of hydraulic gradients, which increase 222Rn concentration during lower sea level, and opposite, during high tides where the 222Rn activity concentration is smaller. The estimated SGD fluxes varied during 22–26 November between 8 and 40 cm d−1, with an average value of 21 cm d−1 (the unit is cm3/cm2 per day). The radium isotopes and nutrient data showed scattered distributions with offshore distance and salinity, which implies that in a complex coast with many small bays and islands, the area has been influenced by local currents and groundwater–seawater mixing. SGD in the Ubatuba area is fed by coastal contaminated groundwater and re-circulated seawater (with small admixtures of groundwater), which claims for potential environmental concern with implications on the management of freshwater resources in the region.  相似文献   

根据天津海域49个底质样品的粒度分析、重金属分析及对测试结果进行的聚类分析和相关分析,综合研究了天津海域表层沉积物类型分布特征和重金属元素的分布特征,使用多元潜在生态风险指数法对天津海域的底质环境进行了评价,探讨了天津海域的现代沉积环境和重金属元素的环境地球化学特征.研究发现:(1)粘土质粉砂是天津海域分布最广的沉积物类型,Hg 是天津海域的主要污染元素;(2)重金属元素富集区分别位于大沽排污河口地区和永定新河口至东疆港外侧的地区,这两个地区水动力较缓,沉积物粒度较细;(3)除 Hg 外,其他几种重金属元素与沉积物中砂、粉砂和粘土含量之间存在极强的相关性.  相似文献   

青岛近海大型底栖动物生物多样性现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2007年1月、4月和10月对青岛近海15个站位3个航次的调查资料,初步分析了青岛近海大型底栖动物的物种多样性现状,以种类组成、生物量和栖息密度为基础,应用香农-威纳指数、物种丰富度指数以及物种均匀度指数对青岛近海大型底栖生物的群落结构、种类组成、优势种以及数量动态趋势进行了分析。结果表明:本次调查共采到底栖动物226种,其中多毛类119种,甲壳动物58种,软体动物23种,棘皮动物12种。各站种类数在2~52种之间,种类最少的出现在海域东北部的S2站,最多的出现在西南部的S15站。各站物种多样性指数差别较大,最大的为10月的S12站,最小的为1月S2站。物种丰富度的季节变化较显著,物种多样性和物种均匀度季节变化不显著。  相似文献   

Causes of variation in mobilization of mercury into Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus chicks were studied through analysis of stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen. Blood and breast feathers were collected from chicks in coastal saltpans during successive breeding seasons. Detritus samples and potential prey (macroinvertebrates) were also collected. Total mercury concentrations and stable isotope signatures were measured using atomic absorption spectroscopy and isotope ratio mass spectrometry respectively. Mercury levels in Chironomidae, Corixidae and Hydrophilidae correlated with mercury levels in chick feathers. Differences of δ15N signatures between macroinvertebrate groups indicated that they belong to different trophic levels. δ15N signatures of invertebrates correlated with mercury levels in invertebrates and chicks, but not with δ15N signatures in chicks. Between-group and between-site differences of δ15N signatures and mercury levels in invertebrates suggested that they contribute differently to mercury mobilization into chicks, and their relative contribution depends on prey availability in each site. Inter-site differences in the biomagnification factor reinforced that idea. δ13C signatures in invertebrates marked a larger range of carbon sources than just detritus. Variation of water inflow regime and prey availability may cause between-group and between-site differences of δ13C signatures in prey. Discrepancies between feather and blood for δ13C signatures in Praias-Sado and Vaia suggested that temporal variation of prey availability may be the main factor affecting mercury mobilization into chicks in both those cases, since their water inflow regimes are the same. The lowest levels of δ13C signatures in Vau suggested that water inflow regime may be the main factor in this case, since no discrepancy existed in δ13C signatures between blood and feather.  相似文献   

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