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气体绝缘开关设备(GIS)相对于常规敞开式开关设备具有运行可靠性高、环境适应能力强、耐地震能力强、防污闪能力强以及占地面积和占有空间小等众多优点,近年来大量应用于电力系统。但随着电网基础建设的快速发展,GIS用量急增,厂家生产能力接近饱和,产品质量难以保证,导致基建过程中出现了大量问题,尤其是内部绝缘击穿问题,严重影响电网运行的安全。分析一起220kV变电站基建过程中GIS交流耐压试验击穿故障,通过对设备解体检查发现,该次击穿故障是由于元器件处理工艺不完善、有遗留污水所致,表明对合资企业产品均应加强监制。  相似文献   

为了分析冲击电压下GIS腔体内局部放电信号的特征,将一种时频变换理论即二次型短时傅立叶变换应用于局放脉冲序列的分析,得到信号在时频平面的能量分布和变化规律。通过对含噪声局放脉冲序列时频变换的仿真研究,有效地提取了放电脉冲。另外,在实验室对220 kV GIS母线段进行了尖刺缺陷模型的安装和冲击耐压下局放检测,对实测数据进行了时频分析,验证了二次型短时傅里叶变换在局放信号处理中的有效性,得到了信号时频谱图在不同长度窗函数处理下的变化规律。  相似文献   

气体绝缘金属封闭组合电器(GIS)在电力系统中应用广泛,其运行安全可靠对电力系统至关重要。现场雷电冲击耐压试验受制于设备体积和回路电感,难以在GIS变电站,尤其是特高压GIS变电站应用。本文分析了目前GIS设备冲击耐压试验现状,并从波形参数、电压极性和加压间隔时间等方面阐述了GIS设备冲击电压绝缘缺陷检出影响因素。基于研发的特高压GIS变电站现场冲击耐压试验用的可移动式气体绝缘标准雷电冲击试验成套设备,成功在1000 kV南京站和苏州站开展了现场标准雷电冲击耐压试验。  相似文献   

近年来由于绝缘子沿面放电引起的绝缘故障较为多见,冲击耐压及冲击下局部放电检测是绝缘考核和诊断的有效手段。文中采用IEC 60060-3推荐的振荡型雷电及操作冲击和工频交流电压,针对110 k V气体绝缘组合开关设备(GIS)真型绝缘子金属微粒缺陷模型进行了局部放电特性研究。在工频交流(AC)电压下,局部放电起始电压和闪络电压的差值小于2种振荡型冲击电压,其随气压增大而增加;在冲击电压下,局部放电大多发生在振荡周期的上升沿处,在电压波谷处会出现相反极性的局部放电脉冲;金属颗粒位置对放电量、放电重复率等影响较大。结论表明,相比于工频交流电压,GIS绝缘子表面金属颗粒缺陷在外施电压为振荡型冲击电压时易产生局部放电,说明了振荡型冲击电压局部放电检测具有较高缺陷检出能力。  相似文献   

To evaluate an appropriate level of ac test voltage for 1000-kV transformers, it is necessary to make an accurate estimation of ac V-t characteristics. For the level of impulse test voltage, V-N characteristics are important to evaluate effects of impulse stress repetition. Since both of the characteristics are dependent on insulation structures and manufacturing processes of transformers, it is important to make accurate simulations on transformer insulation for reliable insulation data. To obtain some of the basic data for 1000-kV transformer test levels, long-time ac V-t tests and impulse V-N tests of up to 1000 times voltage application were carried out on an insulation model simulating fundamental structure of shell-form transformers. The model is composed of a parallel electrodes system with a compound structure of pressboard barrier and oil gap. The tests showed the following characteristics: ac V-t characteristics of up to several ten days could be described by two lines, each representing short-time and long-time characteristics. V-N characteristics of lightning and switching impulse were expressed by relatively flat lines, which showed a decrease in breakdown voltage by less than 10 percent after 1000 times impulse application.  相似文献   

It is crucial for cast resin transformer to detect void and delamination existing in the cast resin because these defects reduce insulation performance of cast resin equipment. Furthermore, defects are likely to be mixed in cast resin because of several surface boundaries between resin and conductor. It is considered that detecting partial discharge (PD) is effective to diagnose equipment of power equipment. However, it is reported that withstand lightning impulse voltage test may give influence on AC partial discharge test, especially partial discharge inception voltage. This paper deals with accumulated charge in a void under AC voltage to investigate the effect of the impulse voltage prestress on subsequent AC PD characteristics in cast resin transformer. AC PD characteristics were compared before and after impulse application. In addition, recovery of PD characteristics was measured to investigate charge decay. As a result, the mechanism of prestress effect is revealed and surface charge density is estimated quantitatively in cast resin transformer.  相似文献   

电压波形对GIS自由金属颗粒放电特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索较高灵敏度检测GIS设备内部自由金属颗粒的方法,研究了电压波形对自由金属颗粒的影响。在实验室中搭建了自由金属颗粒局部放电试验平台,测量了标准雷电波、标准操作波和工频电压下自由金属颗粒局部放电现象,分析比较了不同电压波形下缺陷的局部放电的特征,获得了冲击电压下不同试验阶段的散点图、柱状图等统计谱图。研究结果表明,在3种电压波形下标准雷电波的局部放电起始电压最低,对自由金属颗粒的检测较灵敏。随着标准雷电电压的升高,在雷电波尾处的放电脉冲个数明显增多,但波头处的脉冲仍仅有一个。随着标准操作电压的升高,在波头和波尾处的放电幅值变大,放电个数增多,且波头处的放电个数增加更明显。不同试验阶段的q-t散点图、q-Δt/Δu散点图及N-Δt/Δu柱状图的形貌特征较有规律,可作为表征GIS自由金属颗粒放电严重程度的特征谱图。  相似文献   

GIS现场绝缘试验技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
阐述了对GIS进行现场交流耐压试验的基本方法,并讨论了传统的局部放电测量方法,综合分析GIS现场绝缘试验的有效性和存在的问题,指出交流耐压试验配合灵敏的局放测量是有效的现场试验方法。选择现场可行的局部放电在线监测系统,还可以实时掌握绝缘运行状态。  相似文献   

国内外一些研究和实际运行经验发现,已通过工频局部放电检测的不少GIS试品在投入运行后不久依然出现绝缘类故障,因此针对GIS设备提出进行冲击耐受试验及其局部放电检测,以及时发现内部隐患,确保设备安全稳定运行。在充分调研现场GIS冲击耐压试验及其局部放电检测必要性的基础上,结合GIS设备冲击耐受试验条件,设计了一套便于现场试验时的局部放电检测装置,利用该装置对800kV断路器和750kV变电站GIS组进行了冲击耐压试验下局放检测,并对现场检测的抗干扰措施进行了探讨。试验结果证明了GIS冲击电压下局部放电检测的可行性,及局部放电检测装置的有效性。  相似文献   

Evaluation of insulation strength for lightning surge that actually enters into substations is important in estimating insulation reliability of gas‐insulated equipment. The standard lightning impulse voltage (1.2/50 µs) is used for factory tests. However, the actual lightning surge waveforms in substations are complex and are usually superimposed with various oscillations. Insulation characteristics of SF6 gas as a function of such complex voltages have not been sufficiently clarified. This paper deals with gap breakdown characteristics in SF6 gas under submicrosecond pulses. Breakdown voltages are lower under a polarity reversal condition than under a monopolarity condition. The cause of this difference is discussed while observing discharge propagation using an image converter camera. The electrode size effect is also discussed. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 146(4): 18–25, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10246  相似文献   

时域有限差分法在GIS局部放电检测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
时域有限差分法是一种十分有效的电磁场数值计算方法,本文借助时域有限差分法对GIS同轴波导结构内部发生局部放电时所激发的电磁波的传播特性进行仿真,分析了影响电磁波传播的因素,利用超高频局部放电检测方法对GIS实验段局部放电进行实测,仿真结果和实验结果基本一致,为超高频局部放电检测结果提供了理论支持,进一步论证了超高频局部放电检测方法的正确性和可行性,可以应用于现场实际测量.  相似文献   

L型及T型气体绝缘开关模型中电磁波传播特性的仿真研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用有限时域差分方法对L型及T型气体绝缘开关(gas-insulated switchgear,GIS)模型中电磁波的传播特性进行仿真计算,分析L型及T型结构GIS中电磁波的分布及其对自身传播特性的影响。研究表明,受速率色散特性的影响,在GIS腔体的直线部分,随着接收点远离激励源,接收电磁波信号的峰-峰值呈衰减分布,但总体能量变化不大。对于L型及T型结构的GIS,在经过L型及T型结构后,信号能量衰减很大。信号频域分析表明,在0°方向存在横电磁波和横电波的11型模波TE11、21型模波TE21和31型模波TE31等高次模波,而在90°方向只存在横电磁波和T21型模波,且信号频率分量的不同导致在不同接收方向上信号能量的分布也会有差异。  相似文献   

表面金属异物是造成气体绝缘全封闭组合电器(gas-insulated switchgear,GIS)绝缘子故障失效的重要原因。运行中的绝缘子不仅承受强电场作用,还承受温度场的作用,研究电–热耦合下绝缘子表面金属异物的局部放电和闪络特性,具有重要的实际意义。鉴于此,该文建立GIS绝缘子电场和温度场耦合试验平台,开展不同温度作用下绝缘子表面金属异物缺陷的局部放电和闪络特性研究。结果发现,绝缘子表面最高温度从25℃升高至75℃时,绝缘子表面2.5cm长金属异物缺陷的局部放电起始电压降低约16%;平均放电量从0.55pC增加至1.45pC;最大放电量从9.1pC增加至11.5pC;放电频次也从不足200次/s增加至近400次/s。不同电压下,不同尺寸金属异物局部放电特性随温度变化的规律基本一致;而温度对绝缘子表面金属异物缺陷的工频闪络电压的影响不显著。研究结果有助于进一步认识实际运行中在电–热耦合作用下,温度变化对绝缘子表面金属异物缺陷的局部放电和闪络特性的影响规律。  相似文献   

阐述了开展冲击电压下SF6气体绝缘中局部放电及其检测技术研究的意义,以及冲击电压下局部放电的研究手段和设备现状,包括振荡冲击电压发生器、典型绝缘缺陷模型和冲击电压下局部放电的检测方法等方面。介绍了现阶段冲击电压下SF6气体绝缘中局部放电的研究仍处于实验室阶段,重点仍在于冲击电压下典型绝缘缺陷模型(针板电极和绝缘气泡)局部放电的发展机理和特征,在实际生产中应用仍需要进一步研究;最后提出了该项研究目前存在的问题及以后的研究方向。  相似文献   

The extinction of the partial discharge (PD) pulse has frequently been observed in an epoxy specimen with a closed void during voltage endurance tests using a CIGRE Method-II electrode. The individual discharge pulse becomes so small that the discharges cannot be detected by conventional pulse detection methods. Such discharges are known as “swarming pulsive microdischarges” (SPMD). In this paper, the SPMD characteristics are investigated by varying the frequency of the applied voltage from 0.1 to 240 Hz. As a result, the SPMD are found to occur less frequently as the frequency is lowered. To seek this cause, one-shot voltages were applied repeatedly at constant intervals. By varying the interval from 0.02 to 100 s, the PD off an electrically aged specimen was measured. It was revealed that the discharge magnitude increases as the interval becomes longer. The onset of SPMD was found to depend on the preceding discharge. The results explain the reason why swarming is harder to occur at lower frequency with a longer discharge interval. Hence, in the conventional pulse detection, it is useful to employ the very low frequency for diagnosis of machine insulation containing enclosed voids.  相似文献   

The frequency dependency of PD signal propagation in GIS was investigated at an underground substation. Injecting dummy pulses into a GIS through its internal electrode, frequency spectra were measured by a spectrum analyzer at various points of the GIS. It is shown that this measurement is very reproducible and the signal propagation phenomena are independent of its direction. It is also clarified that the PD signal reduction phenomena are closely related with mode transfer from TEM to TE or TM. The major higher mode seems to be TE11. Pulse waveforms were also measured with 65‐MHz bandpass filter. Their magnitudes are compared with the gain of the 65‐MHz component of the frequency spectra and good agreement is obtained. This implies the possibility of PD location by observing a frequency pattern with several bandpass filters. © 2000 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn 133(3): 9–17, 2000  相似文献   

模拟了GIS中3种固定金属微粒导致的局部放电。用笔者设计的超高频局部放电检测系统分别对其进行了测量,并提取了局部放电信号高频窄带的谱图特征,建立了3种故障的指纹库。  相似文献   

A new test method for internal PD resistance of insulating materials has been studied intensively by a task force at CIGRE for over ten years. Recently, Method II, which was developed by the authors, is now being studied as the international round robin test proposed by a domestic task force. This paper describes the new test method concretely and shows some typical test results. The test electrode system is characterized by adhesion of test specimen to the embedded sphere electrode, and it may be applicable to all sorts of insulating material for the internal PD resistance test under uniform partial discharges. The most important point of this method is to realize the complete adhesion by skillful techniques. It was ascertained that the spread of test data may depend only on the uniformity of materials by this method, and excellent life data can be obtained for some specific materials.  相似文献   

In response to growing environmental concerns, we attempted to develop switchgear without using SF6 gas. In our research, we used compressed air and pure N2 as an electrical insulation gas, because of their low global warming potential. In this paper, we examined the impulse breakdown and impulse partial discharge characteristics under various conditions related to nonuniformity of the electric field. The experimental results show that the breakdown voltage (BDV) of air is higher than that of pure N2 gas under highly nonuniform field conditions in the rod–plane gap. On the other hand, the discharge inception voltage of air and N2 were almost the same. Furthermore, first partial discharge (PD), leader discharge, and its transition to the breakdown were successfully observed through the measurement of discharge current and light emissions under impulse voltage application. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 148(3): 36–43, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10277  相似文献   

介绍了高压开关柜局部放电特高频法测试的原理及特点,列举了电晕放电、悬浮放电、绝缘沿面放电共3种缺陷放电类型的特高频法的局部放电的幅值-相位图及幅值-放电次数统计图,并分析了上述3种放电类型的图谱特征。通过一起特高频法检测高压开关柜局部放电的案例,验证特高频法检测高压开关柜局部放电的实用性。  相似文献   

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