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本文通过对10例单侧完全性唇腭裂术后反患者上颌前牵引前后颅面硬组织的头影测量结果进行研究,发现:上颌骨长度明显增加,上颌相对于颅底位置明显前移,上颌后缘位置在治疗中相对稳定;上下颌骨间矢状关系明显改善;上前牙及上磨牙明显前移,下前牙明显后移,前牙反基本改正;颅底、下颌基骨无明显改变。研究结果显示上颌前牵引是改正唇腭裂患者上下颌骨发育不调的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨前方牵引治疗单侧完全性唇腭裂(UCLP)患者术后前牙反[牙合]畸形的效果。方法进行前瞻性临床研究设计,UCLP术后骨性前牙反[牙合]患者治疗组18例,年龄9.63±1.24岁,观察对照组14例,平均8.71±1.92岁,均处于生长发育高峰前期。使用前方牵引进行治疗,治疗或观察前后拍摄头颅侧位片并测量,进行成组设计和配对设计t检验。结果UCLP治疗组前方牵引后,上颌骨前移;下颌后移合并后下旋转;上下颌间关系和面型改善明显,上颌与下颌改变的比值为1:1.7。对照组上下颌不调、前牙反覆盖、凹面型加重。结论UCLP术后轻中度骨性前牙反[牙合]畸形,前方牵引能够促进上颌骨向前,改善上下颌骨关系和软组织面型,应该早期矫形治疗。  相似文献   

唇腭裂术后防治牙畸形的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究选择20例唇腭裂术后的患者分成两组进行了两年多的观察。一组为对照组,唇腭裂术后未作任何预防治疗,发现在上领骨前后径及左右径均发育不足。采取早期预防治疗组的患者,采用上颌骨口外前牵引及带有分裂簧的上颌矫治器定期扩大牙弓,刺激上颌骨前向生长,防止了后牙的反(牙合),是防止唇腭裂术后畸形的有效方法之一。本文对腭裂手术年龄、颌骨畸形与手术关系以及用外科手术预防腭裂术后畸形等有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

上颌口外前牵引   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用矫形力扩开上颌腭中缝已为动物实验和临床实验所证实并发展为一种常用的治疗手段。但是,上颌宽度发育不足远没有长度发育不足常见。上颌短,位置后缩是构成Ⅲ类错(牙合)的主要骨骼畸形之一,在唇腭裂阳其他一些遗传综合征的患者中也常常可以见到。这种畸形的治疗很困难,往往不得不借助于外科手术。既然矫形力可以扩开腭中缝使上颌向侧方移动,那么向前牵引的矫形力是否也能使上颌的骨缝分开,从而使上颌向前移动呢?  相似文献   

上颌前方牵引常被用于矫治生长发育期上颌骨发育不足引起的骨性Ⅲ类错■畸形,其能够有效地引导上颌向前生长,改善患者上颌骨发育不足的情况。近年来,随着技术的发展,运用微种植体联合上颌前方牵引矫治骨性Ⅲ类错■的治疗方法越来越得到认可。该文将对微种植体联合上颌前方牵引治疗中的植入位点、牵引力值及方向、治疗时机、治疗效果的稳定性等方面进行简要综述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨上颌前牵引对单侧完全性唇腭裂术后反患者腭咽闭合功能的影响。方法:采用头颅定位侧位X线片、头颅侧位咽腔造影X线片及鼻咽纤维镜照相等方法对10例生长期单侧完全性唇腭裂术后反患者上颌前牵引前后结构测量结果及腭咽闭合功能进行对照定量分析。结果:骨性咽腔深度明显增加;腭咽间隙和腭咽闭合不全率无明显变化;咽后壁动度明显增加,软腭长度及软硬腭夹角轻度增加。结论:上颌前牵引对单侧完全性唇腭裂术后反患者的腭咽闭合功能无影响  相似文献   

目的:运用头影测量评估牙支持式牵张器治疗唇腭裂术后面中部凹陷畸形效果。方法:26例无法采用单纯正颌手术治疗的唇腭裂术后颌面部畸形患者,利用牙支持式牵张器进行骨牵张矫治。牵张前(T1),牵张后(T2)及8周固定期后(T3)均行头影测量。结果:术创正常愈合,牵张过程顺利,达到预期牵张目的。头影测量分析显示上颌前部得到有效向前、向下移动;腭平面延长。结论:牙支持式牵张器可有效治疗唇腭裂术后上颌骨发育不足及软组织量不足的患者。  相似文献   

目的 :本文报道六例上颌发育不足者 ,并存在于上颌无自行萌出能力的第二双尖牙 ,安氏Ⅲ类患者 ,采用前方牵引矫正器与推上颌磨牙向后联合矫正治疗。方法 :六例安氏Ⅲ类患者均为 11 13岁 ,临床检查面部中三分之一凹陷 ,下颌不能退到对刃。第一恒磨牙均为近中 ,上颌第二双尖牙为双侧或单侧埋伏 ,上颌第一恒磨牙与上颌第一双尖牙之间无间隙 ,上颌第二双尖牙无自行萌出条件。矫正方法上颌前方牵引器与口内第一双尖牙的颊侧作牵引钩进行弹性牵引。约六个月上颌第一恒磨牙做带环 ,上颌第一恒磨牙与上领第一双尖牙之间置钛镍推簧 ,开展间隙。间隙充余后上颌第二双尖牙牵引导萌排入牙列。配合下颌矫正 ,Ⅲ类牵引 ,排除前牙反。结果 :经前方牵引与推磨牙向后联合矫正后 ,上颌硬组织改变明显 ,上颌向前发育 ,上牙弓长度增加 ,下颌后退 ,前牙覆覆盖情况正常。上颌埋伏第二双尖牙牵引导萌调整到位后 ,平均上颌牙弓长度增加 10 16毫米。无根或短根的埋伏阻生牙 ,矫正后根生长与同名牙根相同。矫正结果表明 ,无根或短根的埋伏阻生牙在生长发育期及时矫正 ,创造萌出条件 ,其牙根有再生长再发育的潜力。结论 :经前方牵引与推磨牙向后联合矫正后 ,既牵引上颌骨向前生长又为阻生牙生长开创了间隙 ,使阻生牙调整入列 ,  相似文献   

<正> 骨性前牙反(牙合)多表现上、下颌骨间的关系明显不调。上颌发育不足引起的上颌后缩是其机制之一。对此类错(牙合)正畸医师往往求助于口腔外科配合进行外科正畸矫治。近些年来不少学者通过动物实验和临床研究提出使用上颌“前方牵引器”来改变面中部凹陷使上颌骨包括前颁骨向前移位以矫正骨性前牙反(牙合)。本文主要介绍“前方牵引”矫正器的结构及其临床应用并初步分析探讨这一矫正器的矫治机理。  相似文献   

上颌骨前牵引器与正畸联合治疗单侧唇腭裂的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张桦  房兵  朱敏 《上海口腔医学》2005,14(3):219-222
目的:对单侧完全性唇腭裂伴上颌骨发育不足的患者,进行面罩式上颌骨前牵引加正畸治疗,探讨其对颌骨发育的影响。方法:14例患者在治疗前、上颌前牵引后及正畸治疗后分别摄X线头颅侧位定位片,通过9个测量指标数据进行治疗前后的比较分析。数据资料用SPSS10.0软件作统计学处理,治疗前后比较用t检验,以确定上颌前牵引及正畸联合治疗对上下颌骨的影响。结果:本组患者经上颌骨前牵引器牵引加后期正畸治疗,获得满意的效果。切牙覆盖达2mm,咬合关系较稳定;侧面呈直面型。SNA角增加,有高度显著性差异,P<0.001。SNB及下颌平面角SN-MP无变化,P>0.05;颌凸角的差值有显著改变(P<0.001)。结论:单侧完全性唇腭裂伴上颌骨发育不足的患者进行整形加正畸治疗,能促进上颌骨的发育,下颌骨未见显著的变化;通过上颌前牙轴倾度增大,下颌前牙轴倾度变小以及舌代偿,上颌前牙前移,覆牙合覆盖改善。这些改变反应在侧貌上,表现为上颌突度增加,上唇变丰满,凹面形变直面形,上下颌协调。  相似文献   

目的观察2型糖尿病对小鼠下颌骨骨再生以及辅助性T细胞17(Th17)、调节性T细胞(Treg)相关因子表达的影响。  相似文献   

目的:探讨上颌前牵引对UCLP术后患者软组织侧貌的影响。方法:选用10例生长期UCLP术后患者进行上颌前牵引。采用X线头影测量分析法,对前牵引前后的软组织侧貌变化进行定量分析。结果:前牵引后鼻尖点、鼻底点及上唇最突点明显前移,软组织面型凸度明显增加,治疗前的凹面型侧貌明显改善。结论:上颌前牵引是改正唇腭裂患者颜面畸形的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

Effective maxillary advance treatment is difficult to achieve without impairing velopharyngeal function in patients with severe maxillary deficiency. We describe successful orthodontic treatment using maxillary anterior segmental distraction osteogenesis (MASDO) in a patient with cleft lip and palate. A 20-year-old woman with bilateral cleft lip and palate, multiple congenitally missing teeth, reduced maxilla, concave soft-tissue profile, and skeletal Class III jaw relationship was treated with a combination of orthodontic treatment and MASDO. After treatment, the anterior maxilla was displaced forward with new bone formation induced in the distraction gap for insertion of dental implants. Maxillary hypoplasia was successfully treated while preserving the velopharyngeal function with MASDO. We suggest that MASDO is useful for patients with severe maxillary hypoplasia.  相似文献   

目的:探讨上颌前牵引联合快速扩弓对儿童骨性Ⅲ类错的矫治效果。方法:对28例儿童骨性Ⅲ类错病人(7~10岁)进行上颌前牵引治疗,在前牵引前快速扩弓1周。分别在治疗开始(T0)和结束(T1)时拍摄头颅定位侧位片,进行定点测量分析。结果:①硬组织变化:ANB角增加5.37°(P<0.05),Wit’s值增加5.74 mm(P<0.05),Ptm-A增加2.49 mm(P<0.05),Yaxis增加1.82°(P<0.05);SNB角减小0.75°(P>0.05),Go-Me、Co-Gn分别增加0.64 mm、2.21 mm,但P>0.05,SN-PP减小0.61°(P>0.05),PP-MP增加5.54°(P<0.05),下面高、下面高/全面高分别增加3.98(P<0.05)、1.61(P>0.05);U1-NA角增加3.10°(P<0.05),L1-NB角减小1.23°(P<0.05),Ms6-PP距增加1.13 mm(P<0.05);②软组织测量项目变化:面型角增大5.98°,颏唇角减小2.45°、H角增大5.2°,上唇-E线距增大1.42 mm,下唇-E线距减小1.18 mm(P<0.05)。结论:前牵引联合快速扩弓矫治儿童骨性Ⅲ类错,可产生显著治疗效果,能促进上颌骨的生长,使面型改善,但下颌出现顺时针旋转,高角病人慎用。  相似文献   

上颌前方牵引技术和牵张成骨技术前移上颌骨,是目前常用的治疗青春期早期唇腭裂继发上颌发育不足患者的2种方法.上颌前方牵引技术的疗效主要与其牵引时机、牵引装置相关,而关于其治疗后的长期稳定性尚存在争议.牵张成骨技术的疗效主要与其不同的牵张方式有关,包括面罩式牵引、坚固外固定牵引和内置式牵引3种,而有关该治疗技术的长期稳定性...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the treatment effects of maxillary protraction combined with chin-cap therapy in complete unilateral cleft lip and palate patients at the deciduous and early mixed dentition stages. METHOD: Twenty-six Japanese children (10 boys and 16 girls) with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate were examined. All had undergone pushback operations for palatal repair at approximately 18 months of age. Maxillary protraction began between 5 and 7 years of age and continued for 10 to 38 months. Lateral cephalograms were used to analyze skeletal changes during the first and second years of treatment, and the relationship between pretreatment midfacial morphology and forward displacement of the maxilla during the first year was investigated. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: During the first year of treatment, the mean increase in the ANB angle for all cases was 2.37 degrees. The forward displacement of the maxilla varied considerably, from 0.23 mm to 3.03 mm. The treatment response was significantly smaller in the second year, and no benefit from treatment longer than 1 year was established. The amount of maxillary forward displacement was significantly correlated with the pretreatment posterior upper facial height. Patients with smaller posterior upper facial height showed a poorer treatment response, whereas patients with a greater posterior upper facial height responded better to treatment. Individual differences in maxillary growth acceleration may be related to growth inhibition associated with postsurgical scar tissue on the palates.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: It was hypothesized that, through a repetitive weekly protocol of Alternate Rapid Maxillary Expansions and Constrictions (Alt-RAMEC), the maxilla in cleft patients could be protracted more effectively than with a single course of rapid maxillary expansion (RME). METHODS: Twenty-six consecutive unilateral cleft lip and palate patients at the age of mixed dentition were included in this prospective clinical study. The rapid maxillary expansion group included the first 16 consecutive patients undergoing 1 week of rapid maxillary expansion (1 mm/day) followed by 5 months, 3 weeks of maxillary protraction. The Alternate Rapid Maxillary Expansions and Constrictions group included the next 10 consecutive patients undergoing 9 weeks of Alternate Rapid Maxillary Expansions and Constrictions followed by 3 months, 3 weeks of maxillary protraction. Daily activation of the weekly expansion or constriction was 1.0 mm. Two-hinged expanders and intraoral maxillary protraction springs were used in both groups. Treatment results were evaluated cephalometrically. RESULTS: The amount of maxillary anterior displacement by the 2-hinged expander in the Alternate Rapid Maxillary Expansions and Constrictions group was 3.0 +/- 0.9 mm at A point, significantly greater than the 1.6 +/- 1.0 mm in the rapid maxillary expansion group. The amount of maxillary advancement with intraoral protraction springs in the Alternate Rapid Maxillary Expansions and Constrictions group was 2.9 +/- 1.9 mm at A point, significantly greater than the 0.9 +/- 1.1 mm in the rapid maxillary expansion group. The overall amount of maxillary advancement in the Alternate Rapid Maxillary Expansions and Constrictions group was 5.8 +/- 2.3 mm at A point. This result remained stable, without significant relapse after 2 years. CONCLUSIONS: Maxillary protraction using the 2-hinged expander, a repetitive weekly protocol of Alternate Rapid Maxillary Expansions and Constrictions, and intraoral protraction springs is most effective, with stable results at 2-year follow-up.  相似文献   

Maxillary hypoplasia is a common outcome in patients with cleft lip and palate after surgical and orthodontic interventions, and maxillary distraction osteogenesis has become a useful procedure for patients with extensive maxillary deformities. The aim of this study was to evaluate long term (two years) stability after maxillary advancement of more than 10 mm by distraction osteogenesis in cleft patients using internal devices. We organised a retrospective study on 42 patients with cleft lip and palate using cephalometric analysis before and after maxillary distraction osteogenesis and evaluated them for 24 months. Postoperative measurements showed a marked advancement with an increase of 13.3 mm and 10.8° in the length of the maxilla (Co-A) and SNA, respectively, including a shift from Angle class III to class I in dental relations. Follow-up observations showed preservation of maxillary length with a relapse of only 6.0 % (mean (SD) 0.8 (0.7) mm) and 10% relapse in SNA angle (mean (SD)1.1 (1.4) °) one year postoperatively and a negligible regression at the two years’ follow up. This large-scale study shows stable results of skeletal advancement using distraction osteogenesis, indicating safe and reliable outcomes among patients with cleft lip and palate.  相似文献   

目的 比较唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨发育不足患者颅外支架式牵引成骨术 (RigidExternalDistraction ,RED)前后上下颌骨前后向和垂直向位置及牙颌关系变化 ,评价RED治疗上颌发育不足效果。方法 唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨发育不足患者 2 2名 ,其中男性 1 4名 ,女性 8名 ,平均年龄为 1 5 3岁。所有患者在改良高位LeFortⅠ型截骨术基础上行颅外支架式上颌骨牵引成骨术。测量RED前后头颅定位侧位片上下颌骨位置及牙颌关系各项指标 ,用配对t检验比较RED术前术后变化。 结果 RED前后SNA角、NA与FH夹角、Ptm至S距离、Ptm至A距离、上中切牙至腭平面距离、上颌第一磨牙至腭平面距离、SNB角、面角、颌凸角、下颌平面角、ANB角、Y轴角、NA与AMe比、覆牙合和覆盖变化具高度显著性差异。 结论 RED用于唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨发育不足患者 ,可有效地延长上颌骨长度和高度并使之前移 ;下颌骨则顺时针旋转 ,上下颌骨间位置和比例更为协调 ,下颌骨的生长发育方向更趋于正常  相似文献   

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