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This paper models health insurance choice in Chile (public versus private) as a dynamic, stochastic process, where individuals consider premiums, expected out-of pocket costs, personal characteristics and preferences. Insurance amenities and restrictions against pre-existing conditions among private insurers introduce asymmetry to the model. We confirm that the public system services a less healthy and wealthy population (adverse selection for public insurance). Simulation of choices over time predicts a slight crowding out of private insurance only for the most pessimistic scenario in terms of population aging and the evolution of education. Eliminating the restrictions on pre-existing conditions would slightly ameliorate the level (but not the trend) of the disproportionate accumulation of less healthy individuals in the public insurance program over time.  相似文献   

The Taiwanese health insurance industry is just over 30 years old. Originally private and domestic, the industry underwent substantial institutional changes when it opened to foreign competition between 1987 and 1994 and when the Taiwanese government established national health insurance (NHI) coverage in 1995. Congruent with these changes, rapid growth occurred in the Taiwanese demand for private health insurance. In order to better understand the recent performance of the Taiwanese health insurance industry, the structure of the NHI system is described and then household decisions to purchase private health insurance are analyzed using a two-part (hurdle) model on 1998 Survey of Family Income and Expenditure data. Logistic and OLS regressions are used to examine the factors influencing the probability and amount of private health insurance purchased. Generally, factors affecting the probability of having insurance also influence the amount of insurance coverage purchased. Higher income and education levels are associated with increased probabilities and larger quantities of private insurance purchases. Married females, the employed, and household heads working in state-run enterprises are more likely to purchase private insurance than their counterparts. The probability of private insurance purchases varies by region, with northern Taiwanese households having higher odds of owning private insurance than non-northern households. Compared to those in rural villages, households in cities and towns are more likely to have private insurance. The likelihood of private insurance purchase also tends to rise with advancing age and larger family sizes. In addition, one important implication in the private health insurance market is highlighted. There is no complementarity between the public and private systems.  相似文献   

Approximately 3% of employees are absent from work due to illness daily in Europe, while in some countries sickness absence exceeds 20 days per year. Based on a limited body of reliable studies, Greek employees in the private sector seem to be absent far less frequently (<5 days/year) compared to most of the industrialized world. The aim of this study was to estimate the levels of sickness absence in the private sector in Greece, using shipyard and national insurance data. Detailed data on absenteeism of employees in a large shipyard company during the period 1999-2006 were utilized. National data on compensated days due to sickness absence concerning all employees (around 2 million) insured by the Social Insurance Institute (IKA, the largest insurance scheme in Greece) were retrieved from the Institute's annual statistical reports for the period 1987-2006. Sick-leave days per employee and sick-leave rate (%) were calculated, among other indicators. In the shipyard cohort, the employment time loss due to sick leave was 1%. The mean number of sick-leave days per employee in shipyards ranged between 4.6 and 8.7 and sick-leave rate (sickness absenteeism rate) varied among 2% and 3.7%. The corresponding indicators for IKA were estimated between 5 and 6.3 sick-leave days per insured employee (median 5.8), and 2.14-2.72% (median 2.49%), respectively. Short sick-leave spells (<4 days) may account at least for the 25% of the total number of sick-leave days, currently not recorded in national statistics. The level of sickness absence in the private sector in Greece was found to be higher than the suggested by previous reports and international comparative studies, but still remains one of the lowest in the industrialized world. In the 20-years national data, the results also showed a 7-year wave in sickness absence indexes (a decrease during the period 1991-1997 and an increase in 1998-2004) combined with a small yet significant decline as a general trend. These observations deserve detailed monitoring and could only partly be attributed to the compensation and unemployment rates in Greece so other possible reasons should be explored.  相似文献   

This paper aims to describe health insurance coverage among different types of workers in Brazil. Health insurance coverage and labor market insertion are used to define homogeneous groups of workers. The Grade of Membership method is used to build a typology of workers. The database was the Brazilian National Household Survey (PNAD) for 1998 and 2003, including a health survey. Five worker profiles were defined. The key variables were: health insurance coverage, schooling, and work status. The main findings show a positive association between health insurance coverage, income from work, and trade union membership.  相似文献   



Achieving universal health insurance coverage by means of different types of insurance programs may be a pragmatic and feasible approach. However, the fragmentation of the health financing system may imply costs in terms of varying ability of the insurance programs to improve access to and reduce spending on care across different population groups. This study looks at the effect of different types of health insurance programs on the probability of utilizing care, the intensity of utilization, and individual spending on care in Jordan.


Using national household survey data collected in 2000 with a sub-sample of around 8,300 individuals, the study applies econometric techniques to a set of specified models along the two-part model approach to the demand for health care. By means of particular tests and other procedures, the robustness of the results is controlled.


Around 60 percent of the population is covered by some type of insurance. However, the distribution varies across income groups, and importantly, the effect of insurance on the outcome indicators differ substantially across the various programs. Generally, insurance is found to increase the intensity of utilization and reduce out-of-pocket spending, while no general insurance effect on the probability of use is found. More specifically, however, these effects are only found for some programs and not for all. The best performing programs are those to which the somewhat better off groups have access.


Notwithstanding the empirical nature of the issues, the results point at the need to assess the effect of insurance coverage more profoundly than what is commonly done. Applying rigorous analysis to survey data in other settings will contribute to bringing out better evidence on what types of programs perform most effectively and equitably in different contexts.  相似文献   

Some proposals to expand health insurance coverage for people with low incomes are based on expansions of public programs, such as Medicaid or the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), while others rely on the use of tax subsidies for individuals to purchase private insurance. Analyses of data from the 2005 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey indicate that total medical spending is much lower when coverage is provided by Medicaid or SCHIP than it is when coverage is provided by private insurance. Public insurance is particularly advantageous from the consumer's perspective because associated out-of-pocket spending is far lower.  相似文献   

商业健康保险作为社会医疗保险的有益补充,是推动健康中国战略的重要抓手。本文基于中国综合社会调查(CGSS)数据,采用截面倍差法(DID)与倾向得分匹配法(PSM)估计了商业健康保险对参保居民健康的影响。研究发现:商业健康保险具有正向健康效应,即参加商业健康保险能够显著促进居民健康,提升居民健康水平。通过使用截面倍差法克服因果效应与倾向得分匹配法进行反事实估计发现,商业健康保险对居民健康的正向影响仍然成立。扩展性分析显示,商业健康保险对高收入群体的健康促进效应显著高于低收入群体,同时在40岁以上、中西部地区更显著。本文结论有助于认清商业健康保险对提升居民健康水平的价值与深层影响。  相似文献   

The Iranian government has considered using DALYs as an indicator to prioritize health service expenditures to reduce the burden of disease for the public. A cross-sectional study was designed to compare several measures of the burden of disease with the actual amounts of national health insurance (NHI) expenditures, in one province of Iran (Semnan) for a period of 2 months (September 2000 and February 2001). Furthermore, on the basis of the research findings, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to stakeholders at local and national levels to explore their ideas about the gap between the expenditures of the diseases group and their burden. A semi-structured interview was conducted to elicit participants' views on the research findings. The results of this study have revealed that, currently, there is no strong relation between the NHI expenditures and DALY (r = 0.41, p = 0.09), but that there are stronger relationships between the amounts of NHI reimbursements with YLL (r = 0.52, p < 0.05), mortality (r = 0.67, p < 0.01) and hospital days (r = 0.90, p < 0.01). Comparing each group of disorders' DALY with the resources allocated to them (cost per DALY) it was shown that diabetes mellitus, musculoskeletal diseases, maternal conditions, sense organ disorders received considerably generous funding; and, perinatal conditions, congenital abnormalities, nutritional deficiencies were relatively under-funded. The qualitative research results showed that the majority of respondents agreed that the differences presently existing between disorders' burden and NHI expenditures cannot be justified; and, further, that reducing the overall burden of disease must be one of the most important objectives for the NHI.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the switching behaviour of enrolees in the Swiss basic health insurance system. Even though the new Federal Law on Social Health Insurance (LAMal) was implemented in 1996 to promote competition among health insurers in basic insurance, there is limited evidence of premium convergence within cantons. This indicates that competition has not been effective so far, and reveals some inertia among consumers who seem reluctant to switch to less expensive funds. We investigate one possible barrier to switching behaviour, namely the influence of supplementary insurance. We use survey data on health plan choice (a sample of 1943 individuals whose switching behaviours were observed between 1997 and 2000) as well as administrative data relative to all insurance companies that operated in the 26 Swiss cantons between 1996 and 2005. The decision to switch and the decision to subscribe to a supplementary contract are jointly estimated. Our findings show that holding a supplementary insurance contract substantially decreases the propensity to switch. However, there is no negative impact of supplementary insurance on switching when the individual assesses his/her health as ‘very good’. Our results give empirical support to one possible mechanism through which supplementary insurance might influence switching decisions: given that subscribing to basic and supplementary contracts with two different insurers may induce some administrative costs for the subscriber, holding supplementary insurance acts as a barrier to switch if customers who consider themselves ‘bad risks’ also believe that insurers reject applications for supplementary insurance on these grounds. In comparison with previous research, our main contribution is to offer a possible explanation for consumer inertia. Our analysis illustrates how consumer choice for one's basic health plan interacts with the decision to subscribe to supplementary insurance. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Although unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are considerable problems in the United States, private health insurance plans are inconsistent in their coverage of reproductive and sexual health services needed to address these problems. METHODS: A survey administered to a market-representative sample of 12 health insurance carriers in Washington State assessed benefit coverage for gynecologic services, maternity services, contraceptive services, pregnancy termination, infertility services, reproductive cancer screening, STD services, HIV and AIDS services, and sterilization, as well as for the existence of confidentiality policies. "Core" services in each category were defined based on U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and other recommendations. RESULTS: Of the 91 top-selling plans on which data were collected, 8% were indemnity plans, 14% were point-of-service plans, 21% were preferred-provider organization plans and 57% were health maintenance organization (HMO)-type products; they had a combined enrollment of 1.4 million individuals. Coverage of core services varied widely by type of plan. While a high proportion of plans covered core gynecologic, maternity, reproductive cancer screening, STD and HIV and AIDS services, nearly half of plans did not cover any kind of contraceptive method. Approximately 13% of female enrollees did not have core coverage for gyneco!ogic services, 19% for matemity services, 75% for contraception, 37% for sterilization and 53% for pregnancy termination; 98% of women and men were not covered for infertility treatment. Most carriers did not have specific policies for maintaining privacy of sensitive health information. Overall, benefit coverage was lower for indemnity, preferred-provider organization and HMO plans in Washington State than has previously been seen nationally. CONCLUSIONS: A sizable proportion of women and men in Washington State who rely on private-sector health insurance lack comprehensive coverage for key reproductive and sexual health services.  相似文献   

In 2017, the Estonian government addressed the longstanding challenge of financial sustainability of the health system by expanding its revenue base. As a relatively low-spending country on health, Estonia relies predominantly on payroll contributions from the working population, which exposes the system to economic shocks and population ageing. In an effort to reduce these vulnerabilities, Estonia will gradually introduce a government transfer on behalf of pensioners, although long-term sustainability of the health system could still prove challenging as the overall health spending as a percentage of GDP is not expected to substantially increase. Estonia has rolled out the reform according to plan, but it has led to debate about the need to achieve universal population coverage (currently at about 95%). Moreover, the Estonian experience also holds important lessons for other countries looking to reform their health system. For example, policymakers should recognize that reforms require extensive preparation using consistent messaging over a long period of time, also to prevent prioritising short term and popular fixes over structural reforms. Additionally, collaboration between the health and financial ministries throughout the reform increases the buy-in for the reform and likelihood of adoption. Furthermore, health professionals play a significant role in advocacy, and seeking support from this group can smooth the path towards health system reform.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of national health registries in three European countries in order to improve patient care. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The methodology used was a literature review of databases in Sweden, the UK and Portugal, and a search on Medline and Pubmed as well. In addition case studies from the three countries are included. FINDINGS: In Sweden registries encompassing cardiac intensive care, hip-fractures and stroke are the most developed. In the UK, the collection of information on healthcare performance, both specific to particular specialties and general hospital performance, is widespread. There are some national and regional registries in Portugal, but the most developed areas are the Cardiovascular and the Oncology areas. The collection of information on health quality/performance indicators, based on administrative and clinical data is an important tool for quality improvement. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This paper showed differences and similarities between the three countries with a common aim; to improve quality of care, delivered on equal terms for the whole populations, and in an effective and efficient way and will be useful to those in the field of patient care.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate catastrophic healthcare expenditure in Brazil, using different definitions, and to identify vulnerability indicators. Data from the 2002-2003 Brazilian Household Budget Survey were used to derive total household consumption, health expenditure and household income. Socioeconomic position was defined by quintiles of the National Economic Indicator using reference cut-off points for the country. Analysis was restricted to urban households. Catastrophic health expenditure was defined as expenditure in excess of 10% and 20% of total household consumption, and in excess of 40% of household capacity to pay. Catastrophic health expenditure varied from 2% to 16%, depending on the definition. For most definitions, it was highest among the poorer. The highest proportions of catastrophic health expenditure were found to be in the Central region of Brazil, while the South and the Southeast had the lowest. Presence of an elderly person, health insurance and socioeconomic position were associated with the outcome, and coverage by health insurance did not protect from catastrophic health expenditure.  相似文献   


The continued preponderance of large health budget deficits in low-income countries has led to increasing international debate over the role that private health insurance could play in providing additional financing for health. However, the market failures inherent to insurance constitute a major concern and proponents are now advocating that states employ calculated regulations to offset these tendencies. This article uses an examination of the policy evolution of the Government of Uganda to demonstrate how one low-income country has heeded the call for regulation yet, so far, has remained unable to implement the resulting policies. In doing so, the case study exposes the contradiction underlying the impetus for the state to regulate private health insurance in low-income settings, namely, that while private health insurance is advanced as one response to the failure of the nation state and its inability to provide adequate health services for its population, the same ‘failing’ state is now being called upon to govern against the market failures inherent to the product.  相似文献   

Private health insurance can play a significant role in the financing and delivery of health services in relatively undeveloped health systems which suffer from limited public expenditures, resource shortages, and quality of care problems. Research results, however, indicate that private health insurance in Greece has not yet assumed that role. The rapid increase of private health insurance was the result of underfinancing by the public sector and restrictive policies for the private sector. The private sector, however, largely financed by private health insurance, found alternative investment and profit opportunities, which, unfortunately, did not improve health system microeconomic efficiency. In this paper we propose that a way of cooperation could exist between the public sector and private health insurance, which would improve public health services provision and the overall technical, allocative and dynamic efficiency of the health system.  相似文献   

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