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气体探测器有成本低廉、制备简单、性能可靠和方便使用等特点。研制了一种5层板结构的延迟线平行板雪崩电离室(PPAC),用于兰州放射性束流线(RIBLL)上开展的实验。在57.6 MeV/u的6He束流条件下测试了这种探测器对高能轻粒子的适用性,得到了位置分辨为1.8 mm (FWHM), 时间分辨为2.6 ns, 以及可靠的探测效率。The gas detectors have the characteristics of low cost, easy preparation, reliable capability and convenient for use etc. A delay line parallel plate avalanche counter(PPAC) with five plates has been developed for the experiments at Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou(RIBLL). The applicability of counter for high energy light ion has been tested with 57.6 MeV/u 6He beam. A position resolution of ~1.8 mm(FWHM) and a timing resolution of ~2.6 ns are achieved. The detection efficiency is reasonable.  相似文献   

钱兴  许谨诚 《计算物理》1994,11(3):321-327
在简单的物理模型下建立了描述垒下重离子诱发裂变过程的MonteCarlo模拟程序,用于计算转移裂变和复合核裂变碎片的质量,核电荷数,能量及角度分布和角关联。模拟中考虑了在不同反应道中碎片物理量的坐标系变换,各物理量分在产生的运动关联。模拟中考虑了在同反应道顺的理量的坐标系变换。各物理量分布产生的运动关联。模拟中考虑了发射和裂后碎粒子蒸发对碎片角分布及角关联的影响。模型结果可直接和实验测量进行比较,  相似文献   

主要介绍了利用252Cf标准裂变中子能谱刻度快脉冲LS301型液闪中子探测器的探测效率的实验方法和结果, 简要介绍了实验数据的处理过程, 得到了阈值分别为0.5, 0.7, 1.0和1.6 MeV, 以及中子能量在10 MeV以下的探测器效率, 并对测量结果进行了误差分析。同时为了检验实验结果的准确性, 将实验结果与理论计算结果进行比较, 两者在不确定度范围内符合得很好。Neutron detection efficiency of LS301 fast neutron detector was calibrated by measuring the neutron energy spectrum of 252Cf source, which has a standard fission neutron spectrum. A low mass, fast ionization chamber is used as the fission fragments detector in the time of flight(TOF) spectrometer and afforded the start signal of neutron flight. The stop signal was offered by the anode of LS301. A measured TOF spectrum was turned to the neutron energy spectrum which will be compared with the standard one. Consequently, the fast neutron detection efficiency of LS301 was obtained. Calibration procedures of experimental and data processing was given. Relative detection efficiencies were obtained separately for threshold settings of 0.5, 0.7, 1.0 and 1.6 MeV for neutron energies under 10 MeV. Experimental results accorded with theoretical efficiency curves which were calculated with the Monte Carlo code NEFF50.  相似文献   

快中子照相模拟分析与实验验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鲁昌兵  许鹏  鲍杰  王朝辉  张凯  任杰  刘艳芬 《物理学报》2015,64(19):198702-198702
首次系统地推导出快中子照相像素值形成解析式, 建立图像反差不等式, 并利用该不等式首次对图像对比度与源强、照射时间和散射之间的关系进行说明. 并在像素值解析式基础上编制快中子照相模拟程序, 利用该程序对空间分辨率和图像对比度进行模拟, 并与实验对照, 研究结果表明空间分辨率模拟效果好于实验, 图像对比度模拟效果与实验相当. 最后通过对狭缝、方孔以及多材质组成的复杂样品模拟并与实验对照, 结果显示模拟效果与实验照片在反差灵敏度效果上非常一致, 该模拟计算方法可为实验设计和工程应用提供参考.  相似文献   

反应堆蒙特卡罗临界模拟中均匀裂变源算法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
上官丹骅  李刚  邓力  张宝印  李瑞  付元光 《物理学报》2015,64(5):52801-052801
在反应堆pin-by-pin精细建模及蒙特卡罗模拟计算研究中, 由于不同栅元的功率密度差异较大, 导致蒙特卡罗方法临界计算的样本在不同栅元之间的分配不均衡, 由此引起栅元内的各种计数的统计误差差异较大. 为使大部分栅元内计数的统计误差降至一个合理的水平, 单纯增加总样本已不是一个高效的解决方法. 通过在特定临界计算迭代算法的基础上改进并实现均匀裂变源算法的思想, 对大亚湾压水堆pin-by-pin模型取得了具有较高效率的数值结果. 本工作为具有自主知识产权的蒙特卡罗粒子输运模拟软件JMCT最终达到反应堆pin-by-pin模型(包括一系列国际基准模型)的模拟性能要求提供了一个有效的工具.  相似文献   

为减小散射中子等较低能量的中子对快中子图像的贡献,提出了在成像板前依次紧贴金属卡阈片和富氢元素薄片的能量卡阈式快中子成像方法.该方法通过改变卡阈片材料、厚度等参数,可有效降低成像结构对某一能段中子的相对灵敏度.以14 MeV中子照相为例设计的能量卡阈式成像结构为TR成像板依次覆盖约150μm Pb膜和500μm聚乙烯膜,计算表明该结构对8 MeV以下快中子灵敏度小于其对14 MeV中子灵敏度的30%.利用K400加速器DT中子源开展了验证实验,结果表明能量卡阈式快中子成像结构能够有效消除样品散射中子引起的边界增强效应.  相似文献   

随机模型被用于分析3He+197Au,3He+208Pb和3He 186W反应测量的裂变激发函数。提取的鞍点前摩擦强度约为4×1021s-1。揭示了能级密度参数的大小在约束核摩擦强度中的作用。计算表明,高激发条件能能显著增强裂变截面对核耗散的敏感性。  相似文献   

在中国原子能科学研究院的高压倍加器上利用中子飞行时间方法测量了2.8 MeV中子引起238U裂变的瞬发中子能谱,通过增大样品量和设计合适的屏蔽体提高了效应/本底比,使得测量数据的不确定度满足预期目标(在5.5~14 MeV能区内,能量间隔为0.5 MeV条件下能谱的不确定度小于10%)。将实验几何、中子源能量分布及角分布、探测效率、束流的时间结构等实验条件输入到MCNP程序里,模拟了出射的中子谱,模拟结果与测量结果在不确定度范围内一致,验证了在入射中子能量较低时238>U的裂变瞬发中子谱评价数据的可靠性。The Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum (PFNS) of 238U induced by 2.8 MeV neutron was measured using the Cockcroft-Walton accelerator in China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). The signal/background ratio was improved by increasing the amount of sample mass and using an appropriate shielding system. The final uncertainty of neutron energy spectrum in 5.5~14 MeV region is less than 10% with a bin size of 0.5 MeV which has reached this project's anticipation. The experimental geometry, the angular distribution and energy distribution of neutron source, the detection efficiency and time structure of deuteron beam were inputted into the MCNP code to simulate the outgoing neutron spectrum. The simulated results agree with the experimental ones within the uncertainty. The result indicates that the evaluated PFNS for 238U at low neutron energy is reliable.  相似文献   

为兰州第二条放射性束流线(RIBLL2)研制了一台用于ΔE测量的纵向场多次取样型电离室。 利用3组分α源(239Pu为3.435 MeV, 241Am为3.913 MeV, 244Cm为4.356 MeV)对取样单元进行了测试, 确定了电离室的最佳工作电压为-500 V, 沉积能量为3.435 MeV时, 取样单元的能量分辨为271.4 keV(FWHM)。 利用Geant4对此电离室的整体性能进行了模拟, 表明可以对Z≥4的离子实现较好的粒子鉴别。 A longitudinal field MUltiple Sampling Ionization Chamber (MUSIC), which makes multiple measurements of energy loss for very high energy heavy ions at RIBLL2, has been constructed and tested with 3 constituent α source (239Pu: 3.435 MeV, 241Am: 3.913 MeV, 244Cm: 4.356 MeV). The voltage plateau curve has been plotted and -500 V is determined as a proper work voltage. The energy resolution is 271.4 keV FWHM for the sampling unit when 3.435 MeV energy deposited. A Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation is made and it indicates the detector can provide unique particle identification for ions Z≥4.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新的直接测量重超核寿命的方法.并对其中用到的一个重要探测设备——裂变碎片靶室——在托马斯·杰斐逊国家实验室用~(252)Cf放射源进行了测试.该靶室的单模块时间分辨率为~163ns.在此分辨率的基础上,计算机模拟表明用此方法测到的超核寿命误差将在9.6ps左右.  相似文献   

为了在弱中子场和有限小空间内测量绝对裂变率, 制作了俘获探测器, 研究了俘获探测器的性能。 介绍了用于中子测量的俘获探测器和铅屏蔽室, 以及该探测器系统在特定条件下测量裂变反应率的结果, 并与裂变室测量结果进行了比较。 探讨了铅屏蔽室大小对测量结果的影响。 To detect the absolute neutron flux in a weak neutron field and restricted space, the fission fragment trapping detector was fabricated and the properties of the detector were studied. In this paper, the detector and shielding chamber used in neutron detection were described and the experimental measurements of the fission rate in specific condition were performed with the detection system and the result has been compared with that obtained by fission chamber. The influence of the shielding chamber on the measured results was analyzed.  相似文献   

中子照相是一种重要的无损检测技术,它能用于火工产品、毒品和核燃料元件等的检测。基于紧凑型D-T中子发生器,完成了一个用于快中子照相的准直屏蔽体系统(BSA)的物理设计。根据D-T中子源的能谱和角分布建立了中子源模型,采用MCNP4C蒙特卡罗程序,模拟了准直屏蔽体系统中中子和γ射线的输运,准直中子束相对于单位源中子的中子注量可以达到9.30×10-6 cm-2,准直中子束中主要是能量大于10 MeV的快中子;在设置的样品平面直径14 cm的照射视野范围,准直束中子注量的不均匀度为4.30%,准直束中中子注量与γ注量的比值为17.20,中子通量和中子注量比值J/Φ为0.992,说明准直中子束有好的平行性;准直屏蔽体外的泄露中子注量率与准直束中子注量率相比降低了2个量级。所设计的准直屏蔽体能满足快中子照相的要求。Neutron radiography is an important nondestructive testing technique. It can be used to detect the explosive devices, drug and the nuclear fuel element, etc. A beam-shaping-assembly (BSA) based on a compact D-T neutron generator is designed for fast neutron radiography in this paper. D-T neutron source model is constructed based on the neutron energy spectrum and angular distribution data. The transportation of neutron and γ-ray in the BSA is simulated using MCNP4C code. The neutron fluence of the collimated neutron beam with respect to the neutron source of the unit source is 9.30×10-6 cm-2. The collimated neutron beams is mainly fast neutrons with energies greater than 10 MeV. In the irradiation field range with a diameter of 14 cm, the neutron fluence uniformity of the collimated beam is 4.3%, the ratio of the neutron fluence to the gamma fluence in the collimated beam is 17.20, and the neutron flux and the neutron fluence ratio (J/Φ) is 0.992 which indicates that the collimated neutron beam has good parallelism. The leakage neutron fluence in outside of BSA is two orders of magnitude lower than that of the collimated neutron beam. The designed BSA can meet the need of fast neutron radiography.  相似文献   

采用蒙特卡罗方法对中子针孔成像系统进行了点扩展函数(PSF)的模拟研究, 利用高斯拟合的数学方法分析比较了几种不同条件下该系统的PSF。 研究结果表明, 在偏离量较小时, 利用高斯拟合得到的中子针孔成像系统的PSF是可行的, 而采用挡板可以很显著地减少拟合误差和提高其空间分辨率。 The point spread function (PSF) of a pinhole imaging system for fast neutron has been studied through Monte Carlo method. The PSFs under different conditions have been obtained and analyzed by fitting the simulating data with Gauss function. As the results show, when the excursion is little, the PSF obtained by Gauss function fitting is feasible. A baffle will reduce the error and improve the spatial resolution remarkably.  相似文献   

The transient behavior in approaching to quasi-stationary state for fissioning systems is studied by diffusion model.It is shown that there are two regions:Kramers region for Tf and overshooting region for T>Ef according to the transient behavior of probability current.A particular attention is paid to the overshooting region because it tends to decrease the enhancement effect of neutron multiplicity and even leads to its disappearance.However it has been proved that the enhancement of neutron multiplicity results from the transient behavior in fission process.  相似文献   

Physics of Atomic Nuclei - The nuclear physical properties of austenitic chromium-nickel steel EK-164 (Fe–16Cr–19Ni–2Mo–2Mn–Nb–Ti–B) and its...  相似文献   

应用FLUKA 软件包对NE213 液体闪烁体中子探测器的探测效率进行了蒙特卡罗模拟,通过Birks 公式将中子产生的次级粒子的能量沉积转化为相应的光输出。根据不同探测阈值对模拟得到的光输出进行积分处理,计算出给定能量下探测器的中子探测效率。将模拟得到的闪烁体光输出、中心探测效率和平均探测效率随中子入射到探测器前表面位置的变化与实验数据进行比较,结果显示,FLUKA 模拟结果与实验值符合得很好,这为中子探测器的设计提供了可靠保证。A NE213 liquid scintillation neutron detector was simulated by using the FLUKA code. The light output of the detector was obtained by transforming the secondary particles energy deposition using Birks formula. According to the measurement threshold, detection efficiencies can be calculated by integrating the light output. The light output, central efficiency and the average efficiency as a function of the front surface radius of the detector, were simulated and the results agreed well with experimental results.  相似文献   

HIRFL-CSR系统中RIBLLⅡ外靶实验终端上的中子探测装置是用来开展放射性束物理以及利用放射性束开展非对称核物质性质等研究的一个重要的探测装置. 介绍了在RIBLLⅡ上计划建造的中子墙的探测原理以及基于Geant4对其所进行的蒙特卡罗模拟, 给出了中子墙的设计方案、优化的设计参数以及中子探测的性能指标.  相似文献   

Computational studies aimed at improving the accuracy of measurements performed using neutron generators with a tritium target were performed. A measurement design yielding an extremely narrow peak in the energy spectrum of DT neutrons was found. The presence of such a peak establishes the conditions for precise energy calibration of fast-neutron spectrometers.  相似文献   

赵维娟  刘建峰  霍裕昆 《中国物理 C》2000,24(12):1137-1141
主要研究中子辐射俘获反应中的共振现象,利用DSD模型计算激发能量在5—25MeV能区的12C(n,γ0)反应截面与En=9MeV时的角分布.所考虑的反应机制包括复合核俘获、直接和半直接俘获、复弹性和非弹性散射道的辐射俘获.计算表明,矮共振的峰值在激发能量为13MeV处;巨共振的峰值位置在激发能量21MeV处.计算结果与实验符合较好.  相似文献   

与传统的地雷探测技术相比,热中子分析(Thermal Neutron Analysis,简称TNA) 探雷技术具有准确率高、虚警率低和对环境适应性强的特点,但探测速度较慢,制约了其广泛应用。为了提高地雷位置处的慢热中子通量,缩短探测时间,提出了一种基于252Cf 的中子源慢化装置设计构型,主要包含中子慢化层、中子反射层、本底 屏蔽层和侧向中子吸收层4 个部分。采用数值模拟的方法比较了4种常用中子慢化(反射) 材料的性能,优选高密度聚乙烯作为慢化材料,石墨作为反射材料。同时,为了满足辐射安全要求,对屏蔽材料的结构进行了优化计算。按照设计构型搭建了TNA 探雷实验平台。在104 n/s 中子源强下优化了慢化层和反射层的厚度,测试了装置慢化效能,在107 n/s 中子源强下评估了装置辐射安全性能。结果表明,采用该装置可使地雷位置处的慢热中子通量提升11 倍以上,并能有效保障辐射安全。Compared with the traditional landmine detection methods, Thermal Neutron Analysis (TNA) landmine detection has the advantages of high accuracy, low false alarm rate and strong adaptability to the environmental change.But the long detection time restrict the wide application of this technology. In order to shorten the detection time, one possible design of neutron moderation device based on 252Cf neutron source is proposed to enhance the moderated neutronflux in mine position. The device consists of four parts, the neutron moderator, the neutron reflector, the background shield and the useless neutron absorbing layer. Then, the performance of four widely used materials in neutronics was compared with MCNP5 code, and HDPE was chosen as the neutron moderator material, graphite as the neutron reflector material. The thickness of the useless neutron absorbing layer was optimized at the same time. Finally, an experimental platform of 252Cf neutron moderation device was assembled on the basis of simulation results, and a series of experiments were carried out to optimize the geometric dimensions and evaluate the dose equivalent with two different strengths neutron source, 104 and 107 n/s. The results indicate that this device can effectively enhance the thermal neutron flux at mine position by more than 11 times and ensure the radiation safety.  相似文献   

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